• Published 4th May 2014
  • 4,366 Views, 106 Comments

Stranger In A Familiar Place - Arreis Of Avalon

Spike returns to Ponyville on royal duty, reliving the past and dreading the near future.

  • ...

Catching Up

I landed outside the farm, my eyes wide. Something was happening, that much was certain. Ponies ran around, laughing and bustling about. I couldn’t recognize any of them, but I could tell they were all Apple family members. Yes, this had to be the Apple family reunion. I couldn’t help but smile a bit, despite the grim duty ahead of me. This was sure to quite the event.

I began to walk into the crowd, only to be jostled around quite a bit. Ponies, at first, were so enamored with what they were doing, they had no idea what beast was in their midst - Perhaps, I hoped, they simply were unfazed by a dragon, who obviously intended no harm, walking around in their midst.

Sadly, no such luck. I snorted out a bit of smoke as the crowd suddenly shifted like water around me. Ponies watched me with fear, as always - Yet, a few grinned and came close. I recognized a spare few. Some of the younger ones greeted me, and even laughed and joked around. I smiled and shook their hooves. Gradually, ponies began to warm up to me.

Activities resumed, now with murmurings of a dragon in the fray. My claw grew tired from all the hoof shaking. Just as I thought I would get a break, more ponies came to greet me. While it was tiring to see so many ponies, I grew more and more amazed as more came to me. So this is how far the Apple Family has grown…

True to their name, they grew as apple trees did. They laid their seeds and grew their roots in one place, most likely 2 or 3 trees at a time. The trees bore fruit, and those fruit laid their seeds - Until, suddenly, you had 20 trees, then 30, then 50. It all happened so fast, yet so slow. I sighed as I got another reminder of just how long I had been away.

As I began to seriously contemplate letting loose a torrent of flames to thin the crowd, a red maned mare trotted up to those gathered around me. “Alrigh’, Apples! What’s this ‘bout…” The mare smiled at me brightly. “Spike.”

I glanced her over. As soon as I saw the pink bows in her mane that held together her braids, I knew who she was. Those orange eyes that had always reminded me more of pumpkins than apples now shone with the wisdom that only grows with age. Again, I had to hazard a guess. I would mark her as around 50 now, probably 55. She was certainly up in years a bit, but she still looked strong as an ox. I couldn’t help but smile at her as that gentle stream of memories kicked in. “Nice t’see you, Applebloom.”

Applebloom didn’t hesitate to gallop up to me and tackle me. I gasped as I felt the wind knocked out of me. She had gotten QUITE a bit stronger. She hugged me tightly, laughing. “Spike, Ah thought you’d be away fer forever!” She beamed at me until she saw my pained expression. It didn’t take her long to realize what had happened. “Er… Oops.” Gently, she stood and offered her hoof.

I grabbed it and got back up, dusting myself off. I felt the air slowly return to my lungs. Chuckling as I breathed, I smirked at her. “You’ve gotten stronger.”

“An’ you got a bit taller.”

“Yeah, maybe. Haven’t really been paying much attention to it, myself.”

Applebloom turned to everypony who was gathered around. “Why don’t y’all go an’ enjoy the fun? Ah’m gonna catch up with my old friend, here.” The ponies nodded and galloped off for more memory making adventures. I couldn’t help but watch them a tad enviously. So simple, yet so happy. They did what they loved to do for their short life spans, and none of them were too angry about the fact that it had to end. They just lived and died and thrived on their family.


I jumped slightly as she said my name. I had zoned out for a minute there. “Y-Yeah, sorry Bloom. I got a bit distracted.”

“Don’ worry ‘bout it. Happens all the time t’ Ol’ Caramel.” I couldn’t help but chuckle as I remembered that absent minded stallion from my youth. “He’s happier than a pig in a mud pen lately, though. His second daughter just had another son.”

“Good for her. I noticed the family keeps getting bigger…” I sighed softly. She glanced at me questioningly. “Just wondering what all I’ve missed…”

“Nothin’ much, really.” I realized slowly that we were walking away from the reunion, and towards the back of the barn. We chatted absentmindedly about what had changed. We didn’t really touch on anything important that had happened. As we sat behind the barn in piles of hay, we grew silent. Memories from older days seemed to tumble in on the soft breeze that spun the hay around us.

I didn’t know what she thought of, but my mind wandered to the years before I left Ponyville for the first time. I recalled being one of her closest friends. Applejack had suddenly gotten quite busier, and after my growth spurt, I realized I could probably work on the farm for some spare money. I saw Applebloom every day. I watched as she went through life, hitting puberty and those… more awkward years of life. She got her cutie mark, a sliced apple with a single zap apple slice. She had celebrated with some cider, and a sleep over with the CMC and me. Of course, they were now just friends. All of them had their cutie marks by then.

I remembered that night well. After her friends had fallen asleep, and she had drunk a bit more than she should have…

“Spike? Y’all alright? Yer blushin’.”

“I-I’m fine, A.B. Just… Thinking about that night, with the cider… You remember that one, right?”

Her yellow cheeks turned a tad bit orange with blush. “Oh… Ah remember it, yeah.” She sighed, looking up at the sky. I didn’t know when it had happened, but the sun was beginning to set. “Ah’m glad yer a gentle-drake, Spike. Yer better than most stallions. Made sure t’do the proper thing an’ all, not lettin me… y’know. Do anythin’.”

I nodded absentmindedly. Back then, after Twilight got her castle, I knew Rarity would never love me. Of course I looked around for other mares, mares closer to my age… I found Applebloom quite attractive, strong enough for me, but humble… I had been sorely tempted. But I waited.

Perhaps longer than I should’ve.

“How was the wedding?” I asked softly.

She took awhile to respond. Birds chirped happily as they flew around, but I only heard her soft breathing. Finally, she spoke. “Me an’ Pip are real happy. The weddin’ went great an’ all. It’s a shame y’had t’miss it…”

“It really is…”

More silence followed. We were both thinking about the past, and all the opportunities we missed. I knew that, with the life I led now, I would never be able to have been with her. And, as I gazed at her, I could see the age shining through; the silver strands of hair that stubbornly showed themselves and the slowly forming wrinkles under her eyes attested that fact.

She cleared her throat. “Ah have a daughter, now.” I looked at her, and I realized she was smiling through tears. “Her name’s Li’l Stem. Li’l Apple Stem… We… thought it’d be a nice li’l name fer our li’l...” Her voice trailed off as she silently cried. I knew they were tears of happiness, and while it upset me to see a dear, dear friend cry... I knew she had to.

I rested my head against the wood of the barn. Shut my eyes. I thought about what I wanted to say, all the things that could’ve been said. “I don’t regret my life, Applebloom.”

“... Me neither.”

“Good. You shouldn’t.” I sat up and rested my claw on her hoof. She glanced at me, and in her eyes I could still see the teenager I had once admired, even just as a fling. I could see that filly who knew so little about the world. “You’re married, and you have a kid. That’s already more than me. We’re not meant for each other, Bloom. There was a time I considered it, yeah, but everypony needs to experiment in their times. I… I’m sorry I didn’t get the chance to do that with you. But I’m glad you turned out to be a beautiful mare, and a friend for life.”

Applebloom smiled and hugged me tightly. I gently hugged her back, shutting my eyes. I knew I had made the right choice, bring this all up, making the past part of her life again. She would be happier, now that she knew there were no feelings of regret, no what ifs to hide behind anymore. She sniffed. “Ah’m… Ah’m sorry ah didn’t give y’the chance either. Y’seem like a real gentledrake… an’ yer an amazin’ friend.”

“Thanks, A.B.”

“Anytime, Spike.”

I smiled and sat up. She dried her tears. “Now… I did come here for a reason.”

“An’ what’s that?”

“I need to talk to Applejack.”

Applebloom gasped. “Oh gosh! The speech is about to start!”


“Applejack’s about to give her speech! Come on!” Applebloom stood quickly, galloping ahead. Smiling after her, I rose, flapping my wings to catch up.

The past was behind us. Now, it was time to catch up… With Applejack, and everypony else.

Author's Note:

Took me awhile, hope I didn't mess up the point of view too much this time. 6.9 Third person VS First person is HARD.
Edited by DrakeFang and Myself