• Published 7th Jul 2014
  • 570 Views, 47 Comments

World War Fandom - SolongStarbird

All of the fandoms have come to us. The end of an era begins.

  • ...

Entry 3

Okay... What is the obvious step forward from here, in this new world? What does one do? Well, I would at least like to return home, if only briefly. I understand that these people who established the New Order wish for such a thing not to happen, but there are things I wish to obtain, and I also want to see if anypony from the family remains there. I don't plan to stay there, for I worry that there will be consequences in doing so. If they can put Guide into my head, then I am sure that they can easily punish me for breaking the only established rule. I hope they have some tolerance, whoever they are...

As far as transportation comes, Waycross is in southern Georgia, and I doubt that flying through two states is an option... well, yet. I seem to have the basics down. A day of practice allows me to greatly soften falls and even glide a little, from roof to roof. Gaining altitude still presents problems, though. I will pass that barrier eventually.

You know, it feels interesting, having wings. You would think that extra limbs would feel alien and be hard to get used to, but no, they feel natural, and I can control them as easily as I can control my arms. What stops me from flying, it seems, is a lack of knowledge involving flight. Watching birds can only inform you so much... and you would think that being a pegasus brony would genetically provide the knowledge needed to understand how to slice through the sky with ease... Perhaps it is dormant knowledge? Oh well, I am sure I will get it soon, like riding a bike...

Bingo! A bike! That is perfect! And the map says that there is a motorcycle shop.... Well, nowhere nearby, anyway. A few places with ATVs... Can ATVs cover ground as quickly as a motorbike? I guess it is worth a shot, and besides, maybe what the ATV lacks in speed it makes up for in durability and offroading....

Okay... There is the sports shop that the map shows, and within it, no doubt, are at least a few ATVs.

It turns out that upon entering the store, I found that the group who had kicked me and that girl out were in the shop, and they seemed to have picked up a few new members as well... I discovered this as I walked into blatant sight of them. They all turned and looked at me with subtle signs of both ire and surprise. The Homestuck was first to speak.

"Damn, I hoped we wouldn't bump into your gayness again..."

"Not gay," I grunted.

"Shut up, horse fag!" The Homestuck pulled out a Beretta pistol.

Wait, a gun?!?! A MOTHERBUCKING GUN!!?!?!?!??! I turned to run, and the Homestuck shot at me twice, the first shot hitting my lower right arm, and the second grazing my shoulder. The kevlar in my new jacket reduced the severity of my injury, but didn't stop the bullet from going through the rather tough cloth, even if barely, and getting stuck about half a centimeter into my arm. This sounds pathetic, but I don't think any of us were used to bullet wounds, and there was a small piece of metal stuck in my arm, and sweet Celestia did it hurt! I stumbled back around the corner and ran out of the store, the hostile crew in pursuit, no doubt with tools to inflict harm now drawn.

It is amazing what desperation can get you to do. As soon as I ran out the front door, another shot broke the glass on the door and missed my leg by a few inches. I looked at the roof, and felt that the only way to escape was to get up there. Well, it turns out that jumping and forcing one's wings down at the same time makes for a rather epic jump. As I flew upward, I realized that it wouldn't be enough, and a few more flaps brought me to about 10 feet in the air, enough to grab the roof's edge and use my wings to push up onto the top of the building. While doing so, two more shots were heard throughout the area, the first chipping the concrete between my legs, and the second flying right through the edge of one of my flapping wings, slightly disrupting the feathers.

They knew I was on the roof, so I just ran, jumping and gliding from rooftop to rooftop to rooftop, until I was practically sure they were gone, forgetting the scuffle and returning to claiming what they wanted in that store.

My adrenaline surge was gone, and the pain in my arm was ever present. I had stopped on the roof of somepony's house, in some suburb. I must have roof-hopped for at least half of a mile. The house was two stories tall, and I was still hesitant to be on the ground again, so I walked around the roof until I found a second story window. I was past wanting to exert myself by unlocking the window from the outside, so I just kicked it, and the shards flew away from my hoofed foot.

Medical cabinet.... medical cabinet... During my search, I opened the door to the garage, and there, parked and pristine, was a motorcycle. It was one of those... Bagger bikes... Touring bikes... the ones with the large windshields, two seats, and numerous storage compartments on the back, and it was a resplendent forest green. Absolutely perfect!

I sent a thankful prayer to God... There still was a God, right? Was I supposed to send prayers to Celestia now? No, there was still a God....

After finding the box this family had kept medical supplies in, I finally removed the bullet, there being just enough metal sticking out for me to grasp it with my fingers and pull. A new wave of pain shot up through my arm, and blood immediately began to well up out of the now unobstructed wound and drip to the floor. I applied an antibacterial, wrapped the wound tightly with a little bit of bandage and medical tape, and found some thread to sew up the small hole in the sleeve of my light gray protective jacket, which had saved me from having a bullet lodged deep in the middle of my arm. The feathers that had been shot through only showed the slightest signs of damage, so I only had to smooth them out. I then went to check on the motorcycle.

The keys were on the counter in the kitchen. The keyring had multiple additional keys on it, as well as as a few of those small store discounting cards and a fob that said "God bless America" on it. I removed all but the keys pertaining to the motorcycle.

It took a little bit to get used to the motorcycle, but as soon as I did, I lifted up the garage door and took off into the dusk.

I traveled about 15 miles north before stopping at a gas station. I filled up the tank, which had been two-thirds empty prior to the fueling.

>What method of payment will be used?<

None. This was the New Order. Screw gas prices. The pump would just sit there and ask that question forever.

I parked the motorcycle in one of the parking spots, trying to make it look as natural as possible. Hopefully, anypony that came by would think that the owner, and therefore the keys, were gone, and just continue on their way. I just hoped that nopony nearby would both want the bike and have knowledge of hotwiring.

The convenience store had a back room for storage, so I just found the cleanest corner in there and let weariness cause my eyes to close....

-End of Entry 3-