• Published 6th May 2014
  • 973 Views, 22 Comments

Evil Wittle Ponies - PassionQuill

A scientist has figured out a way to sorta create his very own ponies. Though, as adorable and sweet as they may look, underneath the surface lurks a terrible evil.

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She's Scheming!

Chapter 3: She's Scheming!

“Weeks have I been trapped in these lands of illogical textures, strange odors, and weird creatures,” snorted Twilight to herself. “I cannot be safe out in the open. I need a place to keep me safe, to plan out my dominance of the giants.”

Stone after stone clashed together with thunderous applause, matching the harsh winds in her mane and lightning in the background. Twilight raised another block into the air with merely the strength of her face, placing it into the rows making up her majestic castle. Plenty more blocks awaited her guidance, all equally sized, all within her reach. She had a vision, and she was going to obtain her dream, no matter what.

“I think it’s soon going to storm outside. It’s only drizzling now, but those clouds in the distance look rather menacing,” said Richard while turning off the fan which seemed to bother Twilight.

“Erhm, what is she doing, Richard?” asked Kevin as he observed Twilight feebly push around wooden toy blocks to get them up on each other.

“I think she’s building a house or something?” replied Richard, standing now a foot away from his friend as both of them were slightly leaned in over the table Twilight wobbled around on.

“Maybe she’s making Canterlot! Would make sense that she’d build something from her memory,” chirped Kevin.

“It could be that… but I hardly think we can call five stacked toy blocks for Canterlot.” Richard groaned a bit. “I’m glad I got out all my old toys from my childhood and all, but… it doesn’t really seem like Twilight is getting any smarter. It was like she improved for the first week, but now she just seems stuck with where she’s at, intelligence wise that is.”

“But she’s gotten really smart! She definitely understands when we talk to her, she is building stuff, she is learning our world very quickly if you ask me,” replied Kevin as he helped Twilight place blocks into an actual wall.

“Magic… my magic is returning!” gasped Twilight as blocks flew around her. “They won’t be able to do a single thing against me once all my powers return Muahaha!”

“Yeah, I know she’s gotten smarter, but I just expected her to get to you know… our level of intelligence.” He sat down and sighed a bit while watching Twilight being amazed over the castle being constructed. “She hasn’t even learned to talk. All she does is squeak. It’s really cute, but I wish she could talk. Maybe I need to rethink how I made her, maybe I can make a better version.”

“Make a better version? What would you do with your first version, hm?” Kevin stared daggers at him for such an idea.

“I said maybe! Geez, calm yourself will you?” grumbled Richard. “It didn’t mean I was going to kill her or anything like that… Maybe I would sell her on ebay or something. I could get a fortune you know.”

“How could I possibly calm myself when you’re talking about replacing a sweet and adorable pony, and now you talk about selling her on ebay?!” snarled Kevin. “All kinds of sick things could happen to her if some weirdo bought her.”

“My humble keep is soon done, and not a moment too soon. I see the giants scheming in the distance. Their howls will always haunt me, but I can’t let them distract me from my task,” thought Twilight from within the small opening of her keep as she glared at them with her vacant-looking eyes.

“It was just a passing thought. Would you please relax, sheesh.” A hint of shame and anger crept into Richard’s face when realizing how bad his idea actually was. “Whatever…”

Richard rolled his eyes and leaned back in the chair with crossed arms, having been severely soured by Kevin’s insinuations. Kevin on the other hand sat down on the table with one hand on top of Twilight, as there was no roof on her castle, so he could gently stroke her back.

“Though, for as strange and horrific as they are… they really give the most fantastic rubs!” purred Twilight while leaning into the strokes.

“Look at her, she’s so happy. She’s like a way cuter cat. Have you ever thought about letting her outside?”

“You really think that would be a good idea? She could be spotted by someone who could cause problems. Or maybe she’ll die from the cold. I know there isn’t snow out there, but we are really still on the edge of the temperature dipping below 32 again.” He slowly shook his head at Kevin’s idea. “I have to keep her safe here, and things are going fine for now. She’s happy, I’m happy, and I’m totally going to make more ponies to help keep her company.”

“It’s not a bad idea… you got a forest less than a quarter of a mile away from here you know. Take her into the forest and let her explore it and stuff like that.” Although he wasn’t sure that Twilight had the home she deserved, he couldn’t help but smile at the idea of more ponies being made. “Well… which ones would you make? Perhaps the other mane five?”

“Maybe,” said Richard with a large grin plastered on his face. “I really got the unicorn base set already, so I could remove the horn part to make earth ponies. I still need to figure out how to make a pegasus… But I thought I would make another unicorn as my next one.”

“So, you’re making Rarity?” asked Kevin. “Wait, you still haven’t given me a reason for why you can’t take her out into the forest.”

“Because it’s not spring yet! We’re almost there, but till we get some green leaves on the trees, and some bushes on the ground, I’m not taking any pony outside to be seen in the naked woods. It’s way too easy to spot that little purple bundle of joy when there is no green around.” With an unimpressed stare focus on Kevin, he somehow leaned further into his chair. “Satisfied now?”

“Well, maybe!” pouted Kevin while getting up from the table, subsequently leaving Twilight alone as he went over to sit next to Richard. “So, were you making Rarity next?”

“I think I am, unless I can get my lazy ass to work on this stuff so I can make earth ponies and pegasi.”Richard took a sip of his bottle of cider.

“Wait, you haven’t been working on that for all this time? What the heck have you been doing for these last two weeks with her?” asked Kevin while stealing Richard’s cider as he was about to take another sip.

“I’ve been busy studying Twilight. You know, compiling all kinds of notes about her behavior and what she can do, and how she reacts to different things. I gotta make sure she’s all healthy and stuff. Now, gimme back my drink!”

“What about making Alicorns?” asked Kevin after having drunk the last bit of Richard’s cider, grinning proudly of his dickish move.

“You jerk! My poor cider… And pft, don’t be that guy.” He rolled his eyes in annoyance.

“What guy?”

“You know, that guy who makes an Alicorn OC and expects everyone to just love him and his incredible originality. I bet you’d want me to make a red and black one, wouldn’t you?” Richard chuckled loudly while getting up from his chair. “I’m just messing with you. I might consider making Alicorns later on. I think it would be super cool to have my very own Celestia and Luna.”

“Dude, my OC was incredible!..” grumbled Kevin. “I have to say I think that would be pretty awesome as well. Though, I still think you should wait a bit before making more ponies. I mean, look at Twilight, she still acts a bit… weird.”

When not being petted by Kevin, Twilight lurked like a little monster in her castle-cave, scheming, planning, waiting for the right opportunity to strike. Her vacant stare could even be a bit unnerving when looking directly into her eyes, and even when she did react a lot with her facial expressions the eyes rarely shrunk away from that strange gaze.

“Yeah, she is an oddball for sure… Then again, wasn’t Twilight in the show rather odd? She went nuts over the tiniest things if you ask me.”

“Eh, not this odd if you ask me. Though, maybe I remember it wrong. Either way, I really think you should wait with making more for at least one more week.”

“Or maybe I’ll make another one when I freaking want to,” snarled Richard while opening up another cider he had stashed away under the reclining chair.

“Whatever, just be careful,” sighed Kevin, watching Twilight stare at them. “You know… she is really cute at times, but right now she gives me the creeps.”

“It’s the eyes isn’t it?”


Their titanic forms sat proudly in the far distance to Twilight. They were watching her, and she knew it. But, they were never going to get an ounce of knowledge for what she was planning. They were never going to breach her keep of darkness, not unless she wanted them to.

“You have been benevolent captures. But the time dawns upon you when freedom will be mine! I must find a way to return home… My dreams, I cannot stop dreaming about this home of mine, Ponyville… My friends await my return. And I shan’t disappoint them! My magic is fleeting for now, but it will return to me, some day. For now, I shall plot and scheme a method to end your warding oversight of me. You hear me giants! I WILL BE YOUR END!”

Her muffled squeaks steadily built up in sound till they reached the point where she had stood up and walked halfway out the open arch in her block-castle, squeaking loudly in defiance at the two humans.

“What in the world is she doing?” snickered Kevin.

“I don’t know… but she sure is… talkative,” chuckled Richard in return.

“Maybe she is complaining about something?” said Kevin as he got up from his chair, approaching Twilight to calm her down with some petting.

“Complain about what? She gets plenty of food, water, toys, and even petting from the both of us. I mean, I even got cool project ideas to give her some really neat stuff to play around with.”

“Like what?”

“You know. Things you’d find in Equestria. Stuff like that. You’ll just have to wait and see till I’ve made it for her,” mumbled Richard before taking a large sip of his cider.

“What do you want, monster? Don’t you know you cannot stop my quest, my resolve is… oh gosh that’s nice… right there...” squeaked Twilight as Kevin gently scratched the area behind her ears.

“There we go little Twilight, all is better now,” chuckled Kevin.

“Yup, that seemed to fix things. She’s easy to please. Still, I’m going to give her some really cool stuff in the next couple of days.”

“Don’t you think all your old toys are good enough?” asked Kevin while turning halfway around to look at Richard.

“Yeah, maybe it’s good enough. But what I have in mind is way better than all of this. Plus, I’m doing it for science. I need to research her some more, figure out things, you know?”

“So you can make better ponies?” Kevin raised an eyebrow suspiciously while his stroking of Twilight came to a halt.

“No! Well, maybe it’ll help improve the next couple of ponies. But, it’s more of a social studying thing. I wanna figure out how she thinks about the world, and if I give her the right conditions, maybe I can study her in her ‘natural environment’ instead of my place.”

“Are you saying you are actually going to try to build Equestria in our world?..” Kevin looked absolutely floored by that thought.

“No… Not all of it. Maybe just a little chunk she can live in, you know, for science.”