• Published 10th May 2014
  • 690 Views, 2 Comments

Princess Celestia's quest for the glorious cake. - xxXFluttershyXx

When there is no cake left in equestria, Princess Celestia goes into the Everfree forest to find the 'cake tree' where it has every kind of cake you want.

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The whole story begins, now.

Princess Celestia's quest for cake.

'Now this is not fair. I had made a deal with them which was agreed. then they brake it, I had said if I were to raise the sun each day for equestria and their needs, in return they shall give me as much cake as I pleased. But I wanted cake 5 minutes ago and they are just refusing to give it to me! How disrespectful are they? No, they are much worse...' Celestia thought.

"I am terribly sorry your majesty, but as I said before the cooks are very busy because of the grand galloping gala feast soon, so they don't have any spare time." Silver caster responded with a straight face.

"Why don't you hire some other cook to make me cake then?" The sun princess asked her personal guard.

"Everypony else is setting up the gala for tomorrow night princess, so they can't either. I am terribly sorry princess Celestia. Please forgive me and please don't send me to the moon!"' Silver pleaded.

'Just because I banished my own sister to the moon USING THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY, does not mean I can send ponies to the moon with my MAGIC!' Celestia had thought.

"It's alright silver, I'll find some other way to get my cake." Celestia replied and then walked off towards the library.

Celestia looked though the shelves of books hoping to find some spell to someone cake like discord can or something. She found nothing. But what she did find was a book about myths.

"Maybe there might be a myth about cake I wonder?" Celestia had thought out loud again, she does that a lot. Trust me.

"JACKPOT!!" The white Princess was delighted. She had found what she was looking for..."A cake tree?" She read.

And by now every pony in that library was staring at her, even some were 'shhh' ing her. How boring. "Shhhhhhhh yourself! Don't you see I'm doing some important business here?" I shouted. And now they were glaring. Great.

'Now, where is it based...the Everfree forest? Not bad. Alright what does it look like?. Oh. Now I just a checklist.' Princess Celestia then shut the book and put it back where it belongs and teleported to her bedroom.

'Now, where are my quills?' She remembered, 'oh yes, in the 295th drawer. So she started to write...

My checklist for the cake tree quest.

1. A saddlebag
2. Some water
3. A cup of tea
4. Sunglasses
5. A companion.

'Wait a minute, where am I going to find a companion?' Celestia thought about that, then she knew the right pony for the job. Derpy hooves.

"So, you promise to give me as many muffins as I want?" Derpy had said with wide eyes.

'Derpy and her adorableness...'

"That's right, as many as you please. Now there is no time to waste, time to find some cake!" And together they flew off to the depth of the Everfree forest.

'Over there!'
A moment later.
"What in equestria was that?" Celestia had wondered. Once again she had talked out loud, and so, derpy heard.
"I think it was a muffin."
"But muffins don't fly!"
"This one does!"
"Derpy that's a bird!"
"Ohh, it looks like a blueberry muffin."
"Okay, it's a muffin bird then."
"YAY! Muffin birds!"
"How about a cake bird too?" Celestia responded.
"Na, I don't like cake. I came for the muffin tree."
"But there is only a cake tree."
"Muffin tree too!"
"We'll see when we get there."

Celestia then looked down to see how far until they get there, not long I don't think. But when a princess navigates, it's not that pretty. Trust me, I've had experience.

Derpy looks at her map that Celestia had given her a moment ago, it says that it's in the Everfree forest, right in the middle of it. But, this forest is biggest and longest in equestria, Celestia and her are going to be there all day looking for this tree, by the looks of it, the sun princess is not going to give up that easily. That's for sure.

"Look! I think I have found it!" Celestia shouted. Looks like derpy was mistaken, as always.

"Oh never mind, it was just zecora and her Miami hut. Wait. No it isn't, it has a cake on it!" Celestia was happy, she had now found it, luckily it didn't take very long as she had hoped. That's a GOOD thing.

"Prepare to fall of my back, because I'm heading straight for this cake. So in a minute, jump."
"Jump? Okay."
Derpy did not realise until she was 120 feet from the ground and falling quite fast that she needed to flap her wings. So when she did, it was just in time before she would of broken all her bones and died.
Celestia was right, there was a tree with a cake on it, maybe that's why it's called a cake tree.
"OMGOSH!! IT LOOKS SO LIKE...LIKE A CAKE!!" Derpy said in astonishment. Now this, is a good day indeed.
"Yes, yes it does." Celestia replied. Now all she needed to do was bring it back to the castle. Na, too long. She needs cake now.

Celestia and derpy look at this beautiful, massive cake and then look at each other and nodd. Then they scoff there faces and go back to Canterlot.

Then, she summons discord.

"Discord. Cake. Now." The princess pleaded.

"Of course your majesty."

Author's Note:

A little short story about Celestia and derpy. The best mix ever!!