• Published 11th May 2014
  • 9,063 Views, 234 Comments

Sweetie Belle's Big Sister - The Infinity Doctor

Rarity's been getting busier and busier, leaving Sweetie bored and alone while at the boutique- that is, until she meets a creature...one that won't stop following her around...

  • ...

Chapter 11

Needles stared at herself in the mirror hanging from the wall, peering into her own yellow orbs as Rarity stood beside her, brushing her purple mane. Rarity watched with a hint of a smirk on her face, finding some sort of amusement in Needles' fascination with the reflective surface. Her alien face then turned, looking down at her.

"When- Sweetie...back?" she asked, her clipped voice taking on one of concern- and the barest trace of nervousness.

"She won't be back until next weekend," Rarity replied, exchanging the hairbrush for a much smaller one, and running it through her lashes "Sweetie only visits, I have that room set up for her when she comes over"
"Where, live?"
"With our parents, down the street"
"Why~ not to-get-ther?
"We see each other darling," the mare defended "...maybe not as often as I'd like, but we do"
"Does~nt answer"
"Well...I have to keep the boutique up and running, and it takes up a bit of my time, you understand"

She didn't, if the look she was giving the unicorn was any indication.

"Oh, don't look at me like that," she said good-naturedly, leaving the room, with Needles following close behind "mother and father care for both of us, but I can't go visiting them on a whim, my schedule doesn't allow it"
Needles cocked a brow as she picked up one of the dresses, as if to say 'This is why you don't spend time with your family?'.

She never really cared much for clothes, she saw them hanging in shop windows of the sunken streets of Rapture, and saw them as pointless- what did it matter what you wore, so long as it served its purpose? 'Rarity's' home was filled with them, and evidently, she made clothing. And now, after having served as a model for the elder pony on more than one occasion, sort of understood the fascination with them, yet still saw no point to the fancy or over-the-top designs...

Still, she had to admit, the clothing given to her by 'Rarity' was a tad more comfortable than her armor. It came as quite a surprise to herself, as her suit was like a second skin, and had found the few dresses to fit just as snugly.

They parted ways, herself heading upstairs, and Rarity, down to the shop, in order to open for the day. She entered 'Sweetie's room, and sat upon the rather small bed, reclining as her feet remained stationed on the floor. Out the corner of her eye, she noticed the slight movement the door made, and tensed, her eyes flicking down to her harpoon to make sure it was ready.

In a flash, it was upon her, a blur of white as it landed on her lap. She jumped, flinging the thing across the room as she found herself standing, her gun trained on it. It landed on its four white paws, the collar around its neck jingling as it did so.

She eyed it, and leapt, forcing to yowl as it scrambled out of the room, herself chasing after it.

Author's Note:

Next one'll be longer, I promise.

As always, be sure to leave your thoughts, critiques, reviews, comments, and whatever else.

'Til next time :twilightsmile: