• Published 11th May 2014
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Friends, Forgiveness, and Magic - Invinsible

A mirror universe, where Nightmare Moon and her friends fight to protect the Everfree Kingdom. A powerful foe plots her revenge. Will Nightmare and her friends be able to defend their home?

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Keep Partying and Rock On

Friends, Forgiveness, and Magic

Keep Partying and Rock On

Pinkie Pie smiled at the Element bearers, completely ignoring their suspicious glares. “Hey guys! You were in that room with Twilight and Sombra and Luna and a whole bunch of people for a really long time! You guys weren’t having a party without me, were ya?”

Nightmare Moon cleared her throat. “Pinkamania Disaster Pie-”

“I like Pinkie Pie better, if that’s alright with you,” Pinkie giggled. “It sounds cuter!”

“…For your crimes against the Crystal Empire-”

“‘Crimes’ sound kinda harsh. I didn’t mean to hurt anybody, pony or otherwise. It was all in good fun!” Pinkie said.

Nightmare paused in her speech. “Didn’t mean to hurt anybody?! But what…how was…”

As Nightmare’s face twisted with rage, Pinkie whispered to Smog, “Ooh, she looks mad. Ya think her mane will catch fire?”

As Smog backed away from Pinkie, Nightmare took a deep breath and swallowed her anger. “Disregarding your past misdeeds and regardless of your attempt to separate us from our Elements and each other, we are still the Elements of Redemption and Forgiveness. And so, for the safety of Everfree, the seven of us have chosen to take on the difficult task of reforming you.”

Pinkie smiled. “Aw, that’s nice of you to offer! But I can reform myself just fine. Here, watch! Betcha can’t make a face crazier than…THIS!” The Elements jumped back at the sight of Pinkie’s transformed face. How it stretched out, how it appeared to be made from both rubber and steel at the same time, how she grew extra eyes and tongues along her muzzle, how her mane turned orange, then blue, then yellow, then pink…

“Oops. That didn’t work out right,” Pinkie said as she stretched her face back to normal. “Sorry, those magic necklaces you guys used really did a doozy on me. Oh, not that I’m angry at you or planning my revenge on you or anything!”

Sunset Shimmer raised a hoof. “See, it’s stuff like that makes people uncomfortable around you. Now from those visions you showed us before, you’ve always wanted to be friends with ponies so that you can throw them parties, right?”

“Yeppers Peppers!” Pinkie sang.

“So if we reform you, more people will want to be your friend,” Discord said.

“Ah, I get it now! Well then, I guess I know whom I’ll be staying with while I’m being ‘reformed’!” Pinkie said, giggling at the idea. “So Nightie, got any good joke books in that library of yours?”

Nightmare frowned. “You’re not staying with me and Smog tonight.”

“...Okie Dokie Lokie! Discord! You ready to party ‘til we’re both purple?”

Discord smirked. “As much as I enjoy the idea of partying with such a chaotic pony whilst she is no longer attacking my friends and I, you’re not staying with me tonight either. If you’ll please turn your attention to this chart we came up with.” Discord snapped his finger and a pie chart appeared.

“Thank you Discord,” Nightmare said as she pointed at the chart. “Pinkie, it has been decided that you will stay with each Element bearer for one day and night for each day of the week. This way, each bearer can teach you the true meaning of Love, Nobility, Zeal, Freedom, and so on.

“Question!” Pinkie shouted with a raised hoof. “There’s seven days of the week and only six Elements…at least I think there’s only seven days in a week.” Pinkie tilted her head in thought. “You ever get the feeling that you can’t really tell how much time has passed here? I mean, ya think years have gone by after a few seasons and then you look at the calendar and it’s only been a year, which reminds me of this one-”

“Hey! You think you could shut your pie hole for like, a minute while we’re talking?!” Gilda snapped at her.

“Why would I do that? Pies are awesome!” Pinkie said as she grabbed the pie chart and turned it into an apple pie, which she then swallowed whole.

Anyway!” Nightmare said, trying to steer the conversation back under her control. “Even though Smog doesn’t have his own Element, he’s still an honorary Element bearer to us. So you will stay at our library for two days of the week.”

Trixie spoke next. “Now according to the Nightmare’s chart – that you so rudely ate – you will be staying with Chrysalis in her hive today, if Trixie’s memory is correct, which of course it is!”

“Really? I’m staying with the bug queen?” Pinkie asked.

Chrysalis frowned. “I’m not a bug queen. I know that changelings look a little insect-like, but we’re not actually bugs.”

“Oops! My bad!” Pinkie giggled.

“Speaking of those ‘magic necklaces’ of ours,” Sunset said, indicating her Element of Knowledge and the other Elements that her friends wore. “You should know that King Sombra, Princess Twilight, and Discord all placed a few spells on these things. You’re not stealing them anytime soon.”

Pinkie smiled calmly. “Duly noted. Well, let’s get this ‘reformation’ started. Ooh! And then I can throw myself a ‘Congratulations On Being Reformed Party!’”

Chrysalis smiled gently at the changelings in her hive while the other Elements stood nearby. “I know that she’s caused all of you a lot of trouble in my absence, but think of this as the first step to Pinkie doing community service and making up for all the suffering she has brought onto you.”

“Hey Chrissie! I’m calling the top bunk in Angle’s room! That cool with you?” Pinkie shouted from elsewhere in the hive.

Angle gave Chrysalis a weak smile before he buzzed his wings and flew towards his room. He came back with Pinkie, caught in his green magic. Pinkie giggled. “Hey, that tickles!” Angle growled at the Trickster. But the dreaded Pink Demon didn’t seem that concerned with his terrible rage. “So…you can turn into any pony you think of? Ooh! Ooh, ooh, do Princess Twilight!” Pinkie waved her hoof and Angle suddenly found his own magic was being used against his will. The green fire faded away from the changeling, revealing Princess Twilight.

“Ooh! Do Rainbow!” The Trickster waved her hoof again and Angle turned into Rainbow Dash. “Now Rarity! No, wait! Do me! Do me!” Angle changed himself before Pinkie could wave her hoof again. Her turned into a pink earth pony with large red horns, a forked tail, and a really ugly face.

“Hey! I don’t look like that,” Pinkie huffed and crossed her forelegs. “There’s no need to be rude mister.”

Chrysalis sighed. “Angle, please go to your room. I’ll find someplace else for Pinkie to stay.”

Gilda frowned at Pinkie, then glanced at Chrysalis. “You sure you’re going to be okay with her staying here tonight?”

Chrysalis gave her a confident smirk. “Don’t worry about me. I’ve got magic and a whole changeling army in here if she causes any trouble.”

Gilda huffed. “I still think Pinkie deserves a good thrashing. Might make her a little…what are you doing?!” Gilda and Chrysalis both looked down at Pinkie as she ran a large chunk of cheese back and forth over Chrysalis’ holey right foreleg.

“Grating cheese,” Pinkie answered. “Want some? It’s cheddar-licious!”

“…My leg is not a cheese grater,” Chrysalis said.

Pinkie blushed. “Oops. Sorry, I can’t summon a cheese grater right now. Powers depleted and all that.”

“I recall seeing you use your powers just a moment ago on poor Angle,” Discord said.

“I did?” Pinkie asked cheerfully.

Sunset covered her face with a hoof. “…Yeah, um…if anyone needs me I’ll be at home. Where I don’t have to put up with this stupidity,” she muttered.

“Sunset is right. You guys go on home, we’ll be fine,” Chrysalis reassured them.

The other Elements gathered outside of the hive. “Do you really think this will work?” Smog asked.

“It’s worth a try. If it doesn’t work we can always just keep blasting her with the Elements until something sticks,” Nightmare said, smiling at the idea of the Elements doing something like sending Pinkie to the moon.

“Trixie believes that it would be advantageous to have a backup plan,” Trixie said. “Nightmare, the library still contains books on reforming spells, yes?”

“Well…yes,” Nightmare answered reluctantly. “But King Sombra always taught me that those spells are a last resort only. They’re spells that target the mind after all. And there have been cases where the reformed criminal acted…odd.”

“Odd? I have heard of one such case myself,” Discord said. “My dear, I am odd. The reform spell of which you speak can make a pony act…creepy.” He shuddered at the memory.

“Um, guys?” Smog said, pointing at something above them. They looked up to see a giant pink ear hovering over them. Discord frowned at it before removing his own left ear and sending it spinning towards Chrysalis’ hive. He then removed his right ear and held it out for his friends.

From the ear they could hear Chrysalis speaking. “Um, Pinkie? What are you doing?”

“Eavesdropping,” Pinkie’s voice answered.


“Ear-flopping,” Pinkie quickly corrected. “My ears are flopping. Hey, did I ever tell you about my Pinkie Sense? See, the way it works is…”

The giant pink ear disappeared. Discord huffed as he summoned his left ear back and reattached his ears. “I agree with Trixie that a backup plan would be best, but we should take into account that Pinkie will most likely find a way to overhear us.”

“You’re right,” Nightmare sighed. “Well...since Pinkie is being agreeable so far, let’s just hope our current plan works out.”

“This is too easy. Way, way too easy,” Nightmare said.

The gathered ponies reflected on her words carefully. Along with the Elements of Forgiveness and Smog, several others had arrived for this meeting. King Sombra and Princess Twilight sat at one side of the table, with Captain Luna, Corporal Blueblood, and Garble standing guard near them. Mayor Derpy and Mary Mare sat on another side of the table, with Mary making notes for the meeting.

Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Big Macintosh, and Lyra were also in attendance. Zecora, Cheerilee, Diamond Tiara’s Cutie Mark Destroyers, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were all present in the Town Hall too. The king and princess believed that it was important to have as many Peaceville civilians as possible present at the meeting so that an answer could finally be reached. An answer to the question: Was Pinkie Pie truly reformed or not?

“She’s right,” Smog said. “Pinkie has been polite and cheerful the entire time we’ve been watching her. Then again, she was cheerful when we first fought against her. I mean, I know she’s helped with cleaning up the Crystal Empire and she hasn’t tried to attack anybody. She just…looks at us with that creepy smile. All the time.”

“Agreed. That mare is hiding something,” Sunset said.

“Ah dunno,” Apple Bloom mumbled. “It’s been, what? A week since y’all blasted her with them Elements?”

“Week an’ a bit, more like,” Big Macintosh said. “Ah reckon that if she was planning something, she’d have done it by now.”

Snails nodded too. “Yeah! She’s been really nice to everyone lately. And she makes some really good cakes!”

Gilda shrugged. “Eh, I dunno. They were okay, I guess. What I want to know is how she set up a bakery so fast.”

Discord raised an eyebrow at her. “Magic, perhaps?” He snapped his fingers and made an orange appear behind her.

“I guess you got a point there.” Gilda grabbed the fruit with her tail and began snacking on it.

“I don’t know. It really seems like Pinkie is going to try something big, but she hasn’t really done anything lately.” Mayor Derpy sighed. “I just don’t know what to do.”

“Please everyone, this is important,” Princess Twilight said. “I would love it if Pinkie could officially be declared fully reformed, but at the same time she hasn't shown any genuine guilt or remorse for her crimes. And with no obvious change in her behaviour, we need to be sure.”

“We understand your concerns, but I assure you dear princess, you have nothing to worry about,” Discord said with a confident smile. “Oh, and speaking of Miss Pie, perhaps we could wrap this meeting up a little faster? Tomorrow is my day to house Pinkie and I for one am going to make sure that nothing spoils our day together.” He paused and cupped a claw to his ear. “Does anyone else hear that?”

“Look out below!”

Discord’s eyes widened. “Well meeting’s over lovely to see you all BYE!” He snapped his fingers and everyone at the meeting except for the Elements were teleported away by his magic. “Incoming!” he yelled at his friends. The Elements cringed as something heavy smashed right through the roof and crashed onto the table before them.

“What the heck?!” Gilda exclaimed.

Pinkie raised her heavy head and weakly smiled at them. Her normally pink body had turned a whitish-gray “Hey guys.” Her nose twitched and she sneezed. “Sorry. I’m not feeling so hot right now.” Pinkie laid her head on the table, instantly covering it in a sheet of ice.

Sunset raised an eyebrow at her as Pinkie conjured up a handkerchief and blew into it. “Are you okay? You’re acting like you have a cold or something.”

Pinkie sighed. “A cold would be better. No, I’m afraid I’ve got something much worse. I’ve got…Rock Pox!”

Smog stared at her. “Rock…Pox?”

“Uh huh. I’m sure you’ve heard about ponies that have been attacked by cockatrices but then escaped, but then they caught Rock Pox later?”

“I can’t say that I have,” Gilda said, glaring at Pinkie with suspicion.

“Well it did,” Pinkie insisted. “And now I’ve caught it from those magic necklaces of yours when you tried to turn me to stone.” Her eyes widened with fear. “Oh no! What if this is a new strain? I’ve doomed us all!” she cried dramatically.

“No you haven’t!” Nightmare said. “And really the only thing this ‘Rock Pox’ as you call it has done is turn your coat a different colour.”

“I don’t know Nightie,” Discord said. “This sounds serious. Pardon me.” He created a stethoscope and used it to listen to Pinkie’s heartbeat, before moving it to her head. “Oh my. This IS serious. Why, she might become half-turned-to-stone. Half of her body paralyzed while the other half of her remains free. Absolutely dreadful!” Discord gasped dramatically.

Nightmare rubbed her chin in thought. “Hmm. We could always use the Elements again. Maybe that could cure you. Or turn you to stone completely and permanently,” she mumbled.

Discord shook his head. “Oh, we couldn’t possibly do that to a friend! Who knows what sort of trouble that might cause?”

“Well whatever we do, we better do it fast! It’d be awful if anyone else caught this!” Pinkie said as her nose twitched again. “I mean this could be super duper…” Pinkie stopped as her nose twitched violently.

“Hey!” Diamond Tiara shouted as she and Apple Bloom barged into the room. “Discord, why’d you teleport us away like – EWW!” Diamond and Apple Bloom cringed as Pinkie sneezed all over them.

“Contagious. Sorry!”

“Uh, gesundheit,” Apple Bloom said. She tried to wipe some of the mucus off, only to discover something. “What in tarnation! Diamond, yer mark!”

Diamond looked back at her own blank flank. “My mark! It’s gone! I’m not cutie-cursed any longer! I’m a blank flank!” Diamond cheered.

Apple Bloom chuckled. “Good for you Diamond. I’m glad yer-”

“Oh my gosh! Apple Bloom, I gave you my cutie curse!” Diamond cried as she pointed at Apple Bloom’s flank, which now had an image of a red, pink, and purple shield with a purple apple inside it and a pink heart inside of the apple.

“My cutie mark!” Apple said in awe, as she grinned widely.

“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to…why in Everfree are you smiling?!” Diamond exclaimed.

Apple Bloom dropped her smile, a hint of fear flashing in her eyes. “Smiling? Uh…I weren’t smiling. No sir, not me,” she said nervously as her eyes darted around the room.

Pinkie stared at Apple Bloom for several seconds before she gasped again. “Look!” Cutie marks shaped like pears, watches, hammers, jewelry, and so on appeared on both Apple Bloom and Diamond. An image of tap-dancing shoes appeared on their muzzles and they immediately started dancing.

“Ah! I can’t stop!” Diamond screamed.

“Me neither! Aw, not again!,” Apple cried.

“Again?” Pinkie asked.

“This is a disaster! Rock Pox in Pinkie turns into Cutie Pox in other ponies! What are we going to do?!” Smog cried.

“Stop panicking,” Sunset said firmly. “Peaceville has dealt with Cutie Pox before. Zecora has a cure for it, so I’ll just take these two to get them cured.”

“An excellent idea Sunny! The sooner we get this disease cured the better,” Discord said. “You take dear Diamond and Apple to get cured, whilst I shall protect Peaceville from this plague!”

“Good idea Discord! Meanwhile, Nightie and the others can help me feel better!” Pinkie cheered.

“Wait, what?” Nightmare asked, confusion and concern growing within her.

“It’s quite simple,” Discord said as he snapped his fingers. Shimmering force fields appeared around himself and the other people in the room before turning invisible. “Magic health bubbles, to prevent the Rock Pox from spreading. I must go now and create similar health bubbles for all of Peaceville’s residents. Perhaps the rest of Everfree too, just to be on the safe side. While I’m doing that, you can nurse Pinkie back to health. Good luck!” With another snap of his fingers, Discord was gone.

“Wait, what?!” Smog asked.

“Yay! I’ll finally get to have ponies give me ‘Get-Well-Soon’ cards!” Pinkie cheered. “This’ll be so much fun! Trixie will give me cuddles, Nightmare will read me stories, Gilda can make me soup, and I can tell you all about growing up on my dad’s farm! I was born on a Tuesday...”

“Aw! I don’t get story time?” Pinkie gave Nightmare a puppy-eyed look of sadness as Nightmare levitated Pinkie into the guest bed in her library.

“We’re in a library. Just grab a book off one of the shelves,” Smog said, still eyeing Pinkie with a bit of unease.

“But this Rock Pox has made my limbs all rocky and heavy! I can barely lift anything!” Pinkie cried.

“Look, Pinkie, I’m sure you’ll be fine,” Nightmare sighed. “Just go to sleep, and maybe this illness will just go away. It’s similar enough to the common cold, so maybe it will work itself out. Now please go to sleep,” she ordered.

“Aw, alright,” Pinkie sighed. She fidgeted under the covers as Nightmare and Smog began to walk away from her. “Oh, wait! Before you go, can I just ask for one teeny, tiny favor?”

Nightmare groaned. “Fine. What do you need?”

Pinkie waved a hoof and a rainbow colour ball of light appeared. “Oh no,” Nightmare said as Pinkie began to sing:

“A glass of melted chocolate please!
A scented hanky if I sneeze
Some juice and honey, from the bees
Whenever you can brew it.

And while I get a little rest
A teeny, tiny small request…

Discord sipped a glass of chocolate milk as he sat in the mayor’s office. “Thank you again for letting little Dinky play with my Polaris. My little Windigo hardly ever gets the time to socialize with others.” He glanced out the window at the little filly playing with the young spirit outside.

Mayor Derpy leaned out the window and waved at them. She leaned back in and said, “It’s no trouble. I mean, it would have been trouble if he tried to freeze Dinky, but your pet is very well behaved for a spirit of cold and hatred.

“Oh, you’re too kind!” Discord smiled as he conjured up a book into his paw.

Derpy smiled. “And thanks again for helping me with my paperwork. Mary really deserves a day off; she’s been working so hard. Are you sure you want to do this though? Paperwork can be a little boring sometimes.”

“Oh, I’ll find some way to entertain myself while I work,” Discord assured her.

Before Derpy could ask him what he meant she glanced out the window and saw a huge wave of hot chocolate, floating through the air. The flying river passed over Dinky and Polaris and zoomed towards the Equestria forest. “What was that?!”

Discord watched the chocolate fly away. “Hmm. Nope, not a clue. Who wants pizza?” he said as he snapped his fingers.

“I’m going to turn her to stone and then banish her to the moon,” Nightmare growled as she levitated a towel over her soaking wet mane.

“Calm down Nightie,” Smog said as he dried himself with a towel too.

“You’re right, the moon is too good for her. We’ll turn her to stone and banish her to the sun.”

“You’re being ridiculous.”

“No! Pinkie is being ridiculous!”

“Well, yeah. She’s Pinkie.”

Nightmare groaned. “Well if banishment isn’t an option, there must be some way to just cure her and be done with it!”

“How would we do that though?”

“You know, there IS one pony who could help,” Pinkie called out from the bed.

Nightmare ran back to the guest bedroom. “What? Who? Why didn’t you tell us earlier?!”

“Sorry, I would’ve told ya, but she’s really hard to reach.” Pinkie smiled as she waved a hoof. An image of a gray earth mare appeared before them. “This is my older sister, Maud Pie. You might remember her from that vision I showed you. She has a rocktorate in rock science!”

“You mean a doctorate in geology?” Smog asked.

“…Sure! Anyway, Maud is amazing! If anyone knows how to cure Rock Pox, it’ll be her.” Pinkie waved her hoof and two items appeared before them. “Here’s a map to help you find her and…here’s a tiny hammer.”

“…What’s the hammer for?” Nightmare couldn’t help asking.

Pinkie giggled. “You’ll see.”

Smog raised a claw. “But Pinkie, you and your sister were born over a hundred years ago. Unless she got turned to stone herself, she might not even be alive.”

Before Smog could finish, Pinkie interrupted him. “Oh, don’t worry about that! Now there’s one more thing I need to tell y-OOH! SHINY!”

“And then she got distracted by a balloon and ran after it,” Smog said as he finished telling their friends why they were so far away from Peaceville. “Or, crawled after it. She moves pretty fast for a pony who’s fifty percent stone.”

Trixie nodded before her gaze drifted back to the map held within her telekinesis. “Cut through the Equestria forest, through the Badlands, over the Dragon Mountains, through the Valleys of Unbearable Cold, yikes. Could you have imagined what it would have been like if we had actually walked through all that?”

Sunset laughed. “Don’t be silly.”

“Ahem!” Discord crossed his arms. “And who do you have to thank for that?”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Thanks for teleporting us here Discord. Really, that should go without saying.”

“Oh I know, but it still feels nice hearing it.” Discord stopped talking as the Elements reached the heart of the cave they had been exploring.

The center of the cave was very homey. Lots of comfortable furniture, dozens of book lined along a bookshelf, everything you would expect to find in a cave that someone had been camping out in for several years. In the middle of the room was a statue of an earth pony mare. Smog brought out the hammer that Pinkie had given them. He reached up and gave the statue’s head a tiny tap with the hammer. Cracks instantly formed all around the statue. The Elements jumped back and mentally prepared themselves. After meeting her insane younger sister, who knew what kind of horrors lurked inside the mind of Maud Pie?

The stone finally crumbled away from the earth pony. At least, they thought it did. She didn’t actually look that different from when she had been a statue. Her coat, mane and tail were still the same gray colour. Maud slowly blinked her eyes several times before she turned around to stare at them.

“Um…hi there! You must be Maud,” Sunset said.

Maud blinked slowly at her. “Please come closer,” she said quietly. “I need to ask you something.”

“Um, okay. What is it?” Sunset asked as she took a step closer.

“Do I have something in my teeth?” Maud opened her mouth to show that dozens of pebbles were somehow stuck in between her teeth.

Sunset’s eyes widened. “Um, yeah. I’d say you do.”

“Oh. Okay.” Maud ran her tongue over her teeth, licking at the pebbles and picking them out one by one. As soon as she was finished, she picked up one of the larger pebbles that had fallen out. “Sedimentary.”

“…Pardon?” Trixie asked.

“These are sedimentary rocks,” Maud said with a dull monotone.

“…Fascinating. It’s as if my ears are listening to the equivalent of paint drying,” Discord muttered to himself.

Maud glanced at Chrysalis. “Are you here about that thing with the Badlands? Sorry.”

Chrysalis blinked. “What about the Badlands?”

Maud shrugged. “My sister gave me the power to move rocks with my mind. It’s pretty extreme,” she said as a few small rocks rose up from the ground and floated around her.

Sunset’s eyes widened. “Geokinesis? That’s an interesting power to have.”

Nightmare smiled. “Yeah. If we have a bit of time later, maybe we could study how strong your ability is, if that’s okay with you Miss Pie.”

“...Sure,” Maud said in that same dull tone.

“Excuse me, but what does this have to do with the Badlands?” Chrysalis asked.

Maud shrugged. “My sister asked me to move a few boulders around there. Some of the rocks got loose. And they fell. Onto stuff. Sorry.”

Chrysalis blinked. “Wait, are you saying you’re behind that? Oh dear.”

“What is it?” Gilda asked.

Chrysalis glanced at Gilda, then at Maud. “It…it’s nothing. I’ll tell you about it later.”

“Um…listen, it’s very…nice to meet you, but I’m afraid this isn’t a social visit,” Nightmare said.

Maud blinked slowly. “I figured that part out. I haven’t had any visitors in a really long time. It’s just been me and Boulder up here.”

“Who’s Boulder?” Trixie asked.

“He’s my pet rock.” Maud pointed at a rock that looked exactly the same as every other rock in the cave.

“…Anyway, I’m sorry to tell you this but your sister has fallen ill and she needs your help,” Nightmare said.

Maud’s eyes widened. “Pinkie is in trouble?”

“My goodness, actual emotion! And yes! She is in trouble! Large amounts of it! We’d better not keep her waiting!” Discord said as he snapped his fingers, teleporting all of them back to the Peaceville library.

As soon as the flash of light faded away, Pinkie sat up from her bed. “Maud? Maud! You’re here! You’re here!”

Maud rushed to her younger sister’s side. “Pinkie. Are you okay? These ponies said you were sick,” she said with concern.

Pinkie nodded. “Oh, it’s horrible Maud! I have Rock Pox!”

Maud blinked slowly at Pinkie. “…Rock Pox?” she asked, her voice shifting back to a dull monotone.

“You bet! If I don’t get cured soon, I could be half-stone for the rest of my life! But that’s okay, because you’re here now! You remember how to cure Rock Pox, right?”

Maud slowly turned to look at the Elements, then back to her sister. “…Sure.” Maud slowly circled Pinkie, poking at her whitish-gray body. She tapped Pinkie on the head and the layer of white rock cracked and broke apart. Pinkie shook off the dust to reveal her coat and hair were once again pink.

“It worked! I’m cured Maud! Guys, I’m cured, I’m cured! Whee!” she sang as she flew into the air, zipping and zooming all around the library.

Nightmare sighed. “Yes Pinkie, we’re all very happy for you. Now if we can focus back on your reformation then-”

“Um, Nightie?” Pinkie had stopped flying around the room and had settled down on the floor. She fiddled around with her hooves, trying to find the right words. “T-thanks. Thank you, for brining my sister back here,” she said with a smile. Pinkie then flew to her sister and gave her a huge bear hug.

Pinkie floated through the air towards King Sombra and Princess Twilight. The Elements, the king and queen, Rainbow, and Rarity were all gathered just outside of Peaceville.

“Hi King Sombra. Hi Princess Twilight!” Pinkie said cheerfully. “Look at me, I’m forgiven!”

“So you’re ready to use your powers for good instead of evil?” King Sombra asked.

“Yeppers Peppers! And to prove it all to you, I Pinkie Promise that I won’t use my magic to hurt my home or my friends!” Pinkie twisted her body into a pretzel shape. “Cross my heart…” She untwisted her body and did a loop-de-loop in the air. “Hope to fly…” And lastly, she created a cupcake in her hoof and smashed it into her right eye. “Stick a cupcake in my eye!” Her eye then turned into a mouth, swallowed the cupcake whole, and turned back into an eye.

“…What the heck was that?!” Rainbow exclaimed.

The Trickster grinned. “A Pinkie Promise, silly!”

Rainbow shook her head. “Whatever. I’m outta here. Hey G, you coming?”

Gilda perked up. “Aw yeah! The young fliers competition is coming up soon. We gotta get in all the practice we can if we’re gonna bring our A game!”

King Sombra smiled at his student as Gilda and Rainbow chatted. “I’m very proud of you, Nightmare Moon. I’m proud of all of you. Congratulations on a job well done.”

Princess Twilight turned to face Pinkie and smiled. “Pinkie, we’ve set up a room for you in the Crystal Castle. As long as you abide by our laws and rules, you’ll always have a home with us.”

Nightmare stepped up to King Sombra and whispered, “Are you completely certain this is a good idea?”

King Sombra gave Pinkie a wary look before whispering back, “Perhaps the Elements of Redemption should be kept with you, instead of in the vault. Just in case.”

Pinkie grinned. “I get my own room? Hooray! Ooh! Ooh, ooh, what’s it look like? I gotta see this!”

Pinkie stretched out her hooves as her fingers regrew themselves. With a quick snap, she teleported herself, King Sombra, and Princess Twilight to the Crystal Castle.

Princess Twilight recovered from the sudden teleport in record time. “It’s just down that hall and to the left. We marked it with your name so you should have no trouble finding it.”

“Yay! We get to be roomies!” Pinkie cheered as she attempted to hug Princess Twilight.

The princess gave her a nervous smile. “Um, sure. You go ahead and get settled in. King Sombra and I need to get ready for Everfree’s royal summit. We’ll check in on you later.”

Pinkie grinned and zoomed into her new room. She snapped her fingers and the room was instantly flooded with all sorts of cakes, balloons, streamers, and other party supplies.

“Planning yourself another party already? Well, I suppose congratulations are in order to you too.”

Pinkie smiled as Discord appeared with a bright flash of light. “Oh, hey there Dissy! What brings you here?”

Discord smirked. “Be honest with me. You were faking that whole Rock Pox illness, weren’t you?”

Pinkie let out an overly dramatic gasp. “Why Discord! Are you accusing me of something?”

Please, my dear. I was using the Blue Flu to get out of school before it was cool.”

Pinkie giggled. “Try saying that three times fast!”

“Oh, I have. I’m not mad at you for fooling my friends like that. A rather harmless prank, especially when compared to your past crimes. I am curious though…why?”

Pinkie smiled. “Aw, come on Discord. You should be able to figure out why I do the things I do.”

Discord tapped his chin in thought. “I can piece together a guess. You failed to make any friends in the past, so in your anger you lashed out at and turned evil. When we defeated you and discussions about possibly reforming you opened up, you were eager for the opportunity to make real friends. But you knew that we were still distrustful of you, so you created the Rock Pox both as a friendship test and a chance to see your dear sister again.”

Pinkie grinned. “Wow, you’re really good at guessing!”

“Well of course I am! And I just want to say that I am glad we have this opportunity to be friends.” Discord gave her a wink. “Friendship is magic, don’t you know? Pardon the short visit, but I have an appointment with my own sister to keep.”

Discord removed his deer antler, dialed a number, and spoke into it. “Eris? Ah there you are, lovely to hear from you again. Eris, are you…other end Eris. No, the other…” Pinkie watched as Discord turned away and vanished with a snap of his fingers.

Pinkie smiled and conjured up a group photo of the Elements of Redemption. “Oh, Discord. Friendship is so much more than magic. Friendship is everything to me. But I guess you’ll see that soon enough.”

“Of course…when did I ever say you were my friends?”

Pinkie snapped her fingers and the photo burned away in a flash of fire. She floated over to the window and admired the view. Everything had all worked out exactly the way she thought it would. It didn’t matter that she had lost the battle. She was free, her sister was free, and her true goal was still out there.

Pinkie smiled to herself. “Better get ready Nightie. Because now I get to plan for the greatest party that Everfree has ever seen! And it’s gonna be a DOOZY!”

Author's Note:

Credit to Moonlight_Champion for giving me an idea on what to do with Maud.

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