• Published 14th May 2014
  • 3,672 Views, 28 Comments

Perspective - Dreamscape

Twilight has thought of Rainbow Dash as more than a friend for quite some time, and, in the midst of the Equestria Games, has finally worked up enough courage to tell her. This presents her with plenty of obstacles, and a rather big problem.

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Chapter 1

Twilight’s eyes darted back and forth across the vivid green plains, great distant forests, and the jagged rock peaks ahead as the train first began its ascent to Canterlot. As her eyes turned up towards the sky, she saw the faint reflection of her friend’s messy rainbow mane, bright pink eyes, and the outlines of her coat which was nearly lost in the perfectly blue sky.

“Getting excited for the games, Rainbow?” she asked with a soft smile as she turned to face the pony whose head rested haphazardly against the cushion behind it.

“Eh, I’ll start getting excited when I can actually see the Crystal Castle from the window,” Rainbow Dash replied with a halfhearted shrug.

Twilight expelled a soft sigh as she too leaned her head back against the bench’s cushion. “I wish I was as good at keeping such a calm demeanor as you…and I wish I could be there with you when you do get to see the Crystal Castle.”

“Huh? Oh yeah, you get to ride from Canterlot to the Crystal Empire in a fancy chariot, huh, Princess Twilight?” Rainbow questioned teasingly, leaning forward in her seat as if to bow which caused the alicorn to roll her violet eyes.

“It’s not as great as you think, Dash. It may be quicker, but honestly, I’d prefer riding on this train with my friends.”

“Oh come on, Princess Celestia and Luna aren’t all that bad of company, are they?” Rainbow questioned, raising a curious eyebrow. “Besides, it’s for the better. I know I’m entertaining and awesome and all, but if you were still riding with us after Canterlot, you wouldn’t be seeing much of me. I’m gonna train with the team. The more training we can get in before the games the better…that, and I don’t think we’ll be training as much as we’d planned once we get there. New place, everypony’s excited and wants to explore; yeah, that normally means no training.”

“Well, darn,” Twilight said with a teasing pout. “It certainly would be a pretty boring ride without you to talk to. I guess the chariot’s the better option after all; but I agree completely. That’s a pretty smart plan you’ve got there.”

“Thanks, Twi…and hey, just think of it this way; we still have a ways to go to get all the way up to Canterlot,” Rainbow said with a grin. “And your most awesome friend is right here to keep you entertained.”

“You’re right, this is really great. It’s nice actually spending some time with you,” Twilight said with an almost nervous giggle, her stomach unsettled by a new sense of anxiety growing within her. Whenever the mare spent one on one time with the pegasus, this happened; and it annoyed her greatly. It was as if it was a not so friendly reminder of how badly she wished to be with Rainbow, but no matter how hard she pushed herself; she was unable to explain, or better yet, show her true feelings for her.

Expelling a deep breath and letting her eyes fall shut a moment, her ears seemed to amplify the sound of the machine’s wheels grinding against the metal beneath; and the wooden tracks giving way then returning to their place with a clunk each time they were passed over.

“Ya know, we always end up together in these sorts of situations,” Rainbow said with a lazy blink of her eyes.

The alicorn’s eyes burst open as she turned her head curiously to her friend. “What situations?”

“Boring ones where we have nothing better to do than just sit around and chat. We need to change that. You’re pretty cool, Twi. I want to hang more, just me and you when we can actually do something fun for once.”

Twilight’s heart jumped excitedly and almost painfully against her chest as the statement filled her ears, and then continued to pound at a much quicker pace than it had been previously. Rainbow wanted to spend personal time with her, and thought she was ‘cool.’ Of course, personal time didn’t mean that the mare felt the same way as she did, but at least it meant their friendship was growing and she would be able to spend more time with her. Along with that, the pegasus rarely called her anything else other than ‘egghead’, so ‘cool’ was certainly an improvement.

“Sounds like a plan…I’ve actually been meaning to spend more time with you. It’s definitely going to be busy, but maybe we could, um, hang, during the downtime at the games?” Twilight nearly had to force out, feeling her cheeks growing warmer by the second.

“Sweet! Sounds fun…and do me a favor; please don’t say ‘hang’ like I do. I know it sounds cool when I say it, but you, well, it just doesn’t really fit,” Dash said with a laugh and shake of her head.

Twilight expelled a single nervous laugh in response. “Sorry, haha…I won’t say it again. Anyways, then maybe once we return to Ponyville we could go for a fly, something longer than what we normally do?”

“Yeah, a relaxing fly sounds pretty nice,” the pegasus replied with a halfhearted nod.

“Well, maybe we can include a race or two for you,” Twilight said with a pleasing smirk.

“Really? Awesome!” Rainbow replied, actually using enough energy to sit up perfectly straight upon the bench. The alicorn couldn’t help but grin giddily, proud that her actions had caused the mare to become so excited and lively.

“So, Rainbow, are you nervous for your relay competition at all?” she then asked, the grin still lingering upon her face.

“Nah, we got this one in the bag…” she started out saying in a smug tone, but then trailed off into a mumble, “and that’s a total lie…I’m nervous all right. We’re up against The Wonderbolts! Even an awesome team like ours could never beat the professionals,” she said with a frown.

“I’m sure you’ll do great. You’ve been practicing for months. Not saying that Fluttershy and Bulk are bad; they’ve certainly improved with your help, but you’re on the team. You’re a great flyer, Rainbow, as I’m sure you already know. With you, Ponyville can win,” Twilight responded with comforting and confident smile.

“Thanks, Twilight, but I don’t think even I’m as good as the Wonderbolts yet,” Rainbow let out in the form of a sigh.

“Wow…I don’t think I’ve ever heard you be so modest about yourself. Even if you don’t win, I’m sure you’ll get second; and if the Wonderbolts are as amazing as you believe them to be, that’s a pretty great achievement.”

“Thanks, and you’re right. This is why I like talking to you,” Rainbow said, giving off the slightest of smiles. The princess wasn’t sure if it was just the new hopefulness which had instilled within her, but it seemed as though she and her friend were growing closer and closer by the minute. Perhaps that hope was real though.

“Whoa!” Rainbow exclaimed, her hoof traveling in front of Twilight’s face as it pointed out of the window.

“Huh, what?” the alicorn mumbled, the sudden statement followed by the equally sudden movement shaking her from her thoughts. She squinted her eyes at the glare of the sun as she gazed down onto the green fields far below, fields where she could see the definition of each passing stem of grass seemingly just a few moments ago. “I don’t see anything, Rainbow,” she said with a slight shake of her head.

The pegasus quickly explained with a laughing, “Gotcha!” as she gently pressed the mare’s head forward with her hoof, causing her muzzle to wrinkle against the smooth glass pane. Her warm breath produced a small circle of fog upon its surface, even though the day was warm and sunny.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight grumbled, turning to glare ferociously at her friend once her head was released.

“I can’t help it, Twilight. You’re just so gullible,” Rainbow said as she continued laughing. “Just because I said you’re cool and that we can hang out more doesn’t mean I don’t still think you’re an egghead.”

Truthfully, Twilight couldn’t help but enjoy Dash’s teasing. She of course never let it show, but for the oddest of reasons, it pleased her more than anything, and even made her rather happy. “You’re just as gullible,” she then growled playfully and smirked.

“Oh, baloney!” Rainbow defended teasingly.

“Speaking of bologna, are you hungry? The snack cart is coming.”

At the thought of food, Rainbow’s stomach growled instantly as she traced her tongue around her lips in anticipation. “You know I am!” she exclaimed, ideas of what delicious treats the cart might contain filling her mind as she gazed up and down the aisle. “What the hay?” she mumbled confusedly as she realized the isles were empty save a few ponies wandering to or from their seats. “I think you’re seeing things.”

“Says the most gullible pony around,” Twilight responded with a laugh, raising her head proudly into the air. The defeated pegasus huffed and crossed her hooves, realizing she had been fooled. “Gotcha!” the alicorn then sang, gently patting a hoof against her friend’s back. She felt rather guilty about providing the comforting hoof, due to the fact that its true intention wasn’t comfort at all. Instead, it was an excuse to move her body closer to that of the strong pegasus and feel her soft fur against the sole of her hoof.

“Nice one, Twi,” Rainbow said with a grin and then sighed contently, resting her head against the mare’s shoulder. She then let out a rather loud yawn. “You mind? All of this training’s sorta gotten to me.”

“…Uh-of course not,” Twilight muttered, glad that Rainbow’s eyes were now closed, her cheeks surely glowing red from the sudden contact. “You need all the rest you can get.” She couldn’t believe it, but once again, it was just something that good friends did. Rainbow Dash knew she had a shoulder to lean on, both figuratively and literally.

“Just make sure to wake me up when the food cart actually does come.” As soon as the last of the sentence expelled from her mouth, she grew completely still, all except the deep, steady breaths which escaped her half-open maw in the form of rasping snores.

Even though she knew Rainbow Dash so well, Twilight was still rather surprised at how quickly the pegasus could go from lively and laughing to dead asleep. Her mind now racing with thoughts and her heart pounding with loving excitement; she wished she too was such an expert in the art of sleep. She was absolutely sure now that she had never been this close to her friend, or any of her friends for that matter, before. She wanted so badly to tell the mare her feelings, and now, perhaps she’d feel the same; but what if she didn’t? Why hadn’t Rainbow Dash, who was normally so blunt when it came to things like this, admit the feelings she may possibly have?

As she nuzzled her cheek against Rainbow’s and wrapped a caring hoof around her shoulders, she wished that the pegasus was not lost in her sleep so that she could actually appreciate those loving actions. Yet, at the same time, she was glad the pony slept because she could never accomplish such tasks while she was awake without becoming utterly embarrassed.

With the warmth of her friend’s body embracing her, the alicorn realized that she too was rather exhausted for indefinite reasons. Perhaps it was just the continuous quick and heavy motions of her beating heart. Trying as hard as she possibly could to push away the thoughts which filled her mind, Twilight’s eyes grew heavy and eventually shut as she too somehow lost herself in sleep. The continuous motion and sound of the train traveling across the tracks, along with the constant snores of her companion, worked as a rocking cradle and lulled her even deeper into her slumber which soon became filled with images of the pony whose head she rested against.

Author's Note:

If you're wondering, yes, the bologna is completely meatless. Now please don't start a debate in the comments about whether or not ponies eat meat. If you want to argue about that, do it elsewhere please.