• Published 11th May 2014
  • 685 Views, 8 Comments

The Loss of Magic - Sobriquet

A pony recounts his feelings of the magical extraction he experienced.

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The Loss and Gain of Magic

It was terrible. Unbelievably terrible. The weird sensation that coursed through my body when it happened. The feeling of being hollowed out from within myself, and all my magic exiting out through my horn.

It was a totally foreign feeling to me; an unprecedented experience I never want to have ever again.

The magical extraction was horrifying. It felt like the very core of my being was siphoned off of me when he opened wide his maw, my blue magic swirling into his mouth in a steady stream. It was as if my life essence was being sapped out, like an orange with its juice sucked dry. It felt like I was left with a hollowed shell of what used to be my complete and former self.

The ordeal left me immobilized from my shock and horror. I couldn't even support my own weight because I was suddenly weak and powerless. I fell to the hard ground, pitifully weary. But I determinedly opened my eyes to clearly see the monster that did this to me. He had a white beard and a ring on his nose, his reddish face shaped unlike a pony's. He had a claw-like hands and I caught a glimpse of a hoof when I was on the ground. I was about to ask why he had done this, but when he glowed with an eerie, orange light I was too stunned to speak. He grew before my eyes, his whole body enlarging and stubs of a horn appearing on top of his head. He chuckled malevolently as he stared into me. The last thing I saw from him before I blacked out was his flashing yellow eyes.

I don't know how long I was out cold. When I became conscious again, I vainly hoped it was just a frightening nightmare. But feeling the cobblestone beneath my hooves and seeing the walls of the alley and the scattered oranges, I despaired at the reality I was about to face. I stood up shakily, just to fall back down when I saw something I've never seen for ages.

It came as an absolute shock when I noticed that my cutie mark was missing. I thought I lost my talent and became a blank flank before realizing the effects of the event that just transpired. It didn't matter. It was just further confirmation that I was doomed. Doomed to be unfeeling and useless, without magic and purpose.

I felt empty, like I wasn't myself anymore. Well, not wholly because I could still think and use my five senses. But my magic was gone and it just felt so wrong and horrible. It was like I lost my will, dream, hope, desire, and destiny. I felt like nothing. No, I was nothing. Just a body without a soul.

I also felt vulnerable, hopelessly helpless without magic. I grew up with it and was used to its convenience and comfort. It was natural to me as breathing in and out, and I'm sure other fellow magic-users can relate to this.

It was as if I were dead. I felt no motivation. No drive to live on and pursue whatever so-called destiny I was meant for. I was to lie here all alone in a cold and gloomy place.

This was on my mind for who knows how long. I had lost the passage of time in that dark moment. But then a miracle materialized from seemingly nowhere. Actually it came from the sky, and it was spectacular.

A rainbow of light shot out in a wide arc towards me. I felt the familiar pulse of magic in the multicolored light and when the shining rainbow rushed past me, a torrential surge of magic flowed into me in a deluge of stimulating energy. My horn lit up with a blue sparkle and my cutie mark reappeared with a flash. A warm, comforting feeling washed over me, my magic restored, and I felt alive and capable again. When the traces of my sullen gloom completely dissipated, my mouth lifted into a beaming smile. Uncontrolled ecstasy filled my heart and I couldn't help but laugh out loud in pure bliss. I have never felt happiness like this before and it was threatening to burst out of me. Being reunited to my magic, I felt whole again, like I was back to being me.

I've always took for granted magic, a novelty that unicorns, alicorns, and other magical entities are endowed with. Basic spells like light-glow and levitation are very helpful in daily tasks. It makes lifting objects and other work easier and faster. I've realized how important and precious magic is to me. I've learned to fully appreciate and be grateful for it.

That incident didn't leave me without unwanted repercussions though. I'd forever be wary and paranoid about strangers and I doubt I'll ever run errands at night ever again, particularly near a shady curio shop in a dark alley.

In retrospect, I really should have listened to my mother when she talked to me about strangers when I was a colt. Not everyone's a friend. I should have known that sinister creatures most likely lurk around those places. It actually does help a lot when you heed insightful advice and follow them.

All in all, it was an indelible experience I'll never forget. From now on, the rainbow holds a special place in my heart. The sight of one will remind of the memory, giving me a cold shudder from the dark encounter and a shiver of joy from the restoration of my magic. I've also gained a deeper respect of magic and the value and importance of it. So that's what I've learned from this whole episode. Oh and also to flee from cloaked strangers in a deserted alley, especially if he outright states he's no friend, introduces himself as Lord Tirek, and tells you that he'll take what should have been his long ago. That's definitely an imperative life lesson to keep in mind.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading! This is my first MLP fanfic! Please point out any mistakes you see. Comments and critiques are much appreciated.

Comments ( 8 )

Nice. :twilightsmile:

What did he mean by "episode"? Did he 4th wall break?

4372728 Episode can also be used as a synonym for 'occurrence' or 'event'.

4372743 Yeah that was my thought to, but you can never know for sure. :raritywink:

This was your first fic? I would say it was a very solid debut. The grammar is good, the story has a unique angle, and it's a great, timely tie in to new episode.

Its great to see Rare Find get a fic and I love that he gets a happy ending after his troubles.

This is pretty good for a first fic, and congrats to you!

Tiny thing, and it's up to you either way: I noticed that you have two sentences beginning with "but" in a row. Usually grade school teachers say not to start sentences with conjuctions, but that doesn't matter in fiction. I would think over whether I wanted to use the same word to start sentences right next to each other. I might decide that yes, that was the effect I was going for, or I might decide to change it. But that is a nitpick. Good work!

4373246 I removed the first "but." I don't think it was necessary there. Thanks for the tip!

4372728 It can be interpreted either way. It's up to the reader :pinkiehappy:

It's a decent story, but nothing spectacular.

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