• Published 11th May 2014
  • 1,162 Views, 16 Comments

Comforting the Moon - Wodahseht

Sometimes it takes a stranger's words for one to reassess their assumptions...as Princess Luna should already know.

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Comforting the Moon

"Princess?" she heard a soft voice say before her.

Startled out of her thoughts, Princess Luna noticed a black pegasi hovering a short ways in front of her. Though his dark color made him appear mostly as a dark shadow against the backdrop of the night sky, the moonlight allowed her to see his lips forming a slight frown while his near-silver, blue eyes looked at her with concern.

"Hello there," she said. "Sorry I didn't notice you approach. Might I help you with something?"

"Oh.. No.." he replied slowly, as if trying to decide what he should say or do. "It's just.. I mean.."

She couldn't help smiling a little to herself, even as it seemed to her that here was another that was scared of her. With an inaudible sigh she used her magic to snag a small cloud from nearby and brought it closer.

"No need to tire yourself out hovering there. Please, have a seat."

He skipped half a wing-beat before making his way to the cloud, kneeling briefly, and sitting. "Thank you Princess. I'm sorry if I disturbed you, but you looked.. sad."

She looked up at her moon trying to decide what to say. This young stallion had no need to hear her thoughts and wouldn't understand anyway. From the corner of her eyes she noticed him looking up to watch the moon as well.

"I've always loved the night, the moon, and the stars. Ever since I learned the story of Snowdrop in weather class."

Her head jerked to look at him of its own accord, but he kept his eyes on the moon and continued, "The teacher didn't give many details, but I went to the library after school and found a book about it. The story seemed like magic and I almost felt like I could feel what she did listening for the stars and trying to give it form in the snow."

Now he dropped his eyes and looked at her again. "I can't hear the stars like she did, even when I listen with all my might. But I feel emotion when I look at them. I mean.. I feel emotion that isn't mine. They were always so sad, but they've been happier this past year."

She looked away, scanning across the sky and trying to hold back any tears. "I am glad you enjoy my night. Nopony else seems to, even after a thousand years."

"You're wrong, Princess. They enjoy it, but for different reasons than the day."

She brought her gaze back upon him and could feel tears forming in spite of her will. "Look around. None are out enjoying my night. They still welcome the day and bask in my sister's glory, hiding away when the night falls."

He shifted his gaze to the starry sky and, after a brief period of silence, began to speak again. "Ponies do work, run errands, and play in the day. However, when they need comfort they seek it at night. Friends gather around campfires together, lovers go on moonlit walks or have a picnic under the stars, and ponies with troubled minds wander night-cloaked fields seeking answers in the sky.. much as you seemed to be doing when I saw you."

Memories were triggered by his words of just such cases, but so few by comparison. "Yes. Some ponies do enjoy the night, but not many."

"No. Very many. Nearly everypony seeks some sort of comfort in the night from time to time. It may not be very often for most, but when the need does arrive they are very happy that the night is there for them."

She couldn't stop a small smile from taking over. "Do you truly think so?"

"I'm sure of it. I've thought about it a lot." There was an almost unnoticeable pause before he continued, "This isn't the first time I've seen you watching the sky and looking sad, but I didn't know what to say.. and I didn't know how to act around a princess. Then I was looking at the stars tonight, and it felt like they wanted me to just come over and say hi."

He gave a slightly nervous looking grin.

"I'm glad you did."

There was a silence again as they both watched the stars, though Luna's thoughts were busy going over what the young pegasus had said. It was true that ponies did go out in her night. She had always compared the number who did so to those that went out in the day, and the few who would be out at a time had her focusing on the idea that it must be only a few. Thinking back she could see many hundreds or even thousands of difference faces - it wasn't just a few enjoying her night, it was only a few at a time!

Her heart warmed and her smile grew as the thought rang clear in her mind, 'Ponies do love my night!' She didn't need crowds and noise in her night. Now that she had been shown the truth, she could focus on those few at a time to ensure they got what they needed from her night.

"I think they missed you."

Caught by surprise at this sudden breaking of the silence, she reflexively asked, "Who?"

"The stars. I said they felt sad before, but feel happier now. They started feeling happier only after your return. I think they were sad because they missed you."

Again he had triggered a storm of new thoughts. She had always loved her stars, but hadn't considered that they might have feelings as well. True they had aided her escape from the moon, but that had been Nightmare Moon they aided. Or had it? Why didn't they help her escape sooner then? They didn't help her escape until after Twilight had met all of the ponies who would become the Bearers of Harmony. Perhaps the stars had just been waiting until the time was right that they could get her back, not Nightmare Moon.

She smiled again at the thought that a pegasus she'd never met before could help her see things around herself so differently.

"Thank you. You've given me a lot to think about. You know, I still don't know your name."

His cheeks seemed to grow a shade darker as he replied, "Oh sorry! I'm Star Shadow, Princess."

She smiled warmly at him. "Please, call me Luna."

"Thank you. I need to go now. I have weather duties in the morning. It was a pleasure to speak to you."

"No, thank you. And please, feel free to watch the stars with me again in the future."

"I will! Good night, Luna." He launched himself with a grin and waved as he flew off.

She watched him go, feeling a new warmth holding away the old sadness. Finally she looked up at the stars and whispered, "Thank you friends. That was exactly what I needed."

Author's Note:

That's it, just a simple interaction that's been begging to be written down for well over a year - ever since watching "Luna Eclipsed." And yes, unless the show specifically counters it, I'm treating Snowdrop's story as part of valid Equestrian history. Please let me know what you think.

** To those who may be annoyed at Luna not using her royal we's and old English: I'm not familiar enough with those to avoid butchering an attempt at them right now, so it was better to just steer clear. It's also been at about a year since her return in this story, so let's just say she's been learning more about modern speech habits.

I finally drew up what Star Shadow looks like: On to Deviantart!