• Published 12th May 2014
  • 9,470 Views, 744 Comments

Let the Sun Shine - LightningBass94

Sunset Shimmer is back, and she's had a lot of time to think about her actions the last 30 moons.

  • ...

In Which a Meal is Shared

This was chaos. Discord himself would surely shed a tear at the sight before her, but all Sunset could do was stare, jaw to the floor. She was utterly speechless, her mind having difficulty making any sense of the wreckage. There wasn't an inch of floor space visible. Stretched across the cold, marble floor were the partygoers, still sleeping away the drunken antics from the night before. Between them lay the scattered remnants of the party favors, primarily discarded cups, bottles of alcohol, disposable kitchenware and the food they had once carried.

Several ponies were stirring finally, others already sneaking out the door to resume their day-to-day lives. Pinkie had evidently been crowned Princess of Parties by popular demand. She sat snoring obnoxiously upon her own throne, a gaudy plastic crown adorned upon her head and a cardboard horn and wings taped to her body. Sunset shook her head with an amused grin and continued to survey the area. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had constructed a bed of confetti and streamers. Fluttershy was still sleeping, but Rainbow Dash was already up. Looking up from her Daring Do book, she waved eagerly to Sunset, a gesture that was readily returned.

She found Applejack passed out on a table, bottles of cider scattered all around her. Momentarily, Sunset wondered if the farm pony might have drowned herself in booze, but the steady rise and fall of her chest eased the unicorn's mind. Rarity was in a rather compromising position, spooning between a stallion and another mare. Sunset snorted in mild amusement, causing Rainbow to chuckle a bit as well. Apparently the chromatic pegasus had found her friend earlier, her mirth revived by Sunset's.

Spike was in the most interesting situation and was inadvertently the hardest to find. The young drake was nearly buried under the pile of mares clinging to his scaly body, an expression of pure bliss stretched across his face. Sunset rolled her eyes. "No wonder he turned into a dog in the human world," she joked.

The drunken masses had caused a pungent musk to replace much of the oxygen throughout the castle, and Sunset decided quickly that she was in dire need of fresh air. Taking a breath to steel her resolve, she took the first step toward the front door, a journey that proved to be especially arduous.

Though she took great care not to, several ponies groaned their complaints as Sunset stumbled over them. The trash between the ponies made it nigh impossible not to trip over her own hooves. It didn't help that she still wasn't quite used to them. Years of living as a bipedal ape creature had caused her to be incredibly unprepared for unfortunate situations such as the one she found herself in.

Despite the obstacles writhing beneath her, she did manage to make it to the door, unfortunate enough to trip into it and plant her face against the marble with a solid thunk. With a groan, she ignored Rainbow's muffled chortle and swung open the door, stumbling into the brisk, morning air. With a huff, she slammed shut the heavy door behind her and made her way onto the dirt path toward town.

Relieved to get a moment of peace, she breathed in the pleasant Autumn air and exhaled it in a sigh. The sun was still low in the sky, just beginning its ascent. The morning sky was a pale blue, hues of bright yellow and faint orange encroaching upon it over the horizon. Even the clouds that had blotted the sky overnight had dispersed, most likely the reason Rainbow Dash was already awake. Sunset grinned as she began to understand that she had returned for Fluttershy's sake. True to her element, she refused to let her timid friend wake up alone in such a situation.

The running of the leaves had yet to occur, and they livened up the town in brilliant colors. Ponyville was beautiful this time of year, shades of yellow and orange, a splash of red here and there. In fact, Sunset was so caught up in taking in the scenery, she was shocked back to reality when she ran straight into the fountain in town square and painfully stubbed her hoof on the hard stone.

"Oww oww oww!" she shouted, "Stupid statue! Stupid water! Stupid hooves!" She bounced around on three hooves, waving the other in the air as if she could shake off the pain for nearly an entire minute before she felt comfortable gingerly setting her hoof down once more. She sucked in a breath through clenched teeth and cringed as a sharp pain shot up her leg.

"Are you alright?" Twilight asked. Startled, Sunset whipped her head up to see the alicorn laying on the outer edge of the fountain with a book in front of her and an adorably concerned frown.

"I-I'm fine," she replied, hobbling over to sit across from her friend. Once nestled onto her perch, she asked, "Were you sitting there the whole time?"

Twilight nodded bashfully. "Unfortunately, yes. You startled me from my book. I didn't even see you coming."

"Ugh," Sunset planted her nose between her hooves, hiding her face from the world. "That's so embarrassing!" came her muffled cry.

Twilight giggled. "Oh quit being so dramatic. It's only me."

Sunset looked up from her hooves to argue, "But you-"

Want to know a secret?" Twilight interrupted.

Sunset blinked. "I... Ugh, sure. I'll bite."

"I've made that same mistake, myself, twice! I never told a soul until now." Twilight winked and giggled a bit more. "Your secret is safe with me."

Sunset blushed and made a point to keep her eyes trained on her reflection in the water. "Th-thanks..." Minutes passed between them in silence, slowly turning into an hour. More and more ponies began to shuffle home from the castle. Most stayed quiet, still fighting hangovers. Sunset was content to watch them, happy to feel invisible to the zombies as they passed her by.

Twilight returned to her book, and the world faded from existence for her. It was some time before Sunset pulled her back to reality, curiosity taking over. "What are you reading?" Sunset asked.

"Hm?" was Twilight's initial response as she looked up at her companion. It took only a second more before her brain registered the question. "Oh! Nothing spectacular, really. I wanted to get out for some air, so I grabbed a book from my shelf at random before ducking out my window."

Sunset raised a brow and smirked. "Fascinating, but that doesn't really answer my question."

Twilight blushed and pouted, knowing she couldn't argue. "Like I said, it's not particularly interesting. It's just a slightly outdated book about archeological findings in Saddle Arabia. I read it for the third time just last week."

"Ah, is that the one written by Dr. Digger Down? I'm particularly interested in the mummified remains of Czar Knight they found in that underground temple east of Khobar."

Twilight gawked in surprise. "You've read it?"

"Well, yeah. I mean, I was Celestia's personal student before you came along. I read all the time. That's how I learned about the mirror in the first place."

"I just... I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable," Twilight responded, barely capable of holding in her excitement. "I guess I should have. I mean, of course Celestia would have chosen all her students carefully. I just... I've never met anyone quite like... well, me."

Sunset shrugged. "I guess we've got more in common than we thought." She smiled casually and Twilight smiled back, a light blush coloring her fur a darker lavender. "Would you like to go out for lunch with me?" Sunset asked.

Twilight's smile became a grin. She hopped off her perch on the fountain and levitated her book behind her back. "That sounds lovely. I know just the place."

"And then Celestia said, 'Parent-teacher conference? What does that even mean???'"

Twilight busted up laughing, Sunset along with her. They were sitting at a table outside one of Twilight's favorite restaurants. Most of the town had returned to normal functionality, and the regular bustle of the nonresidential districts had resumed. The particular restaurant they currently occupied was fairly small, a quaint "mom and pop" place with only a few places to actually sit inside. The main draw of the establishment seemed to be enjoying ones food in the sunshine. There were far more tables outside, each adorned with a red and white striped parasol.

They had both ordered a sweet tea and a dandelion sandwich, but their food had already gone untouched for over half an hour. The mares were far too engrossed in conversation to be bothered with eating. It was amazing just how much the two had in common with each other, and it seemed to Twilight they had even shared many of the same experiences while growing up on the castle grounds, the main difference being that Sunset seemed completely incapable of recalling any of the staff members or their names.

It had all started with Twilight asking Sunset what it had been like having Celestia as an actual parent, and that had somehow blown into the most engaging conversation either mare had held in years. They certainly had enough combined knowledge of their mentor to tease her relentlessly, something both of them were considering doing in the near future.

Twilight's stomach gurgled, and she blushed brightly. "Erm, sorry. Maybe we should start eating now," she said, smiling sheepishly.

Sunset giggled quietly and nodded. "Yeah, we've put off lunch long enough," she agreed. It was only then she realized just how hungry she was. The pair ate in silence for several minutes. They hummed their delight as they finished their food. Sunset had missed Equestrian food. It had taken quite some time before she became comfortable eating meat, and she still doubted she could look a cow in the eye again. Lucky for her, the cows of Ponyville kept to themselves for the most part. She had, however, become very fond of fish. She knew there were vendors in Canterlot who catered to griffons, avid fish eaters themselves, and she wondered if she could get away with that being her guilty pleasure.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Rarity approached, leaning on the table between the two of them, turning her head back and forth to look each of them straight in the eye. She had the biggest smirk on her face either had ever seen. Uncomfortable with being watched like some sort of zoo exhibit, Sunset swallowed her bite of food to ask, "Yes, Rarity? Can we help you with something?" She seemed incapable of completely masking the irritation in her voice.

"Oh, no. That's quite alright, Dear. Seeing you two on a date has provided me enough gossip for a lifetime!" Rarity replied, absolutely giddy with mischievous excitement.

Twilight blushed so hard her face turned a deep violet. "W-w-what!?" she stammered, incredulous and highly embarrassed. Sunset, however, was able to keep her cool.

She raised a brow and deadpanned, "Rares, this isn't a date. We're just having lunch, as friends."

Rarity completely ignored the statement and tapped a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, I wonder who I should tell first. Oh, the press in Canterlot would be ecstatic to know anything about their newest princess's love life."

Twilight just kept blushing. Though she opened and closed her mouth several times, she was completely incapable of forming a single word.

"This is not a date, Rarity," Sunset repeated, "and if you tell anyone otherwise, I will not hesitate to gut you like a fish."

Rarity rolled her eyes and stopped leaning on the table. She turned around to walk away, but she turned back to look at Sunset once more. "It's a shame, really. You're a very sexy mare, in a fiery sort of way. You certainly had my attention, but it seems I was beat to the punch."

"That wouldn't end well for either of us, Rares, trust me... and we are not on a date!" Sunset practically yelled the words as she repeated them once more. By now a vein had begun to protrude from her forehead as her irritation progressed into anger. Once rarity had her mind set, there was little that could change it, a fact Sunset was all too aware of.

"I suppose we'll never know, will we?" Rarity answered with a wink.

This seemed to be Sunset's turn to blush, and she turned her eyes away. "A-actually, I dated the Rarity in the human world for a time. It... didn't work," she admitted in a mutter.

Rarity let loose a low chuckle to match her mischievous grin. "Well, perhaps you've found something that will. Don't let the opportunity slip away. That goes for both of you." With that, Rarity continued on her way, walking in the direction of her boutique. "Au revoir!" she called.

Sunset stared blankly at Rarity for several seconds as she left. When she turned back to Twilight, the princess was staring wide-eyed back at her, still blushing like a madmare. "Are... you alright, Twilight? Do you need me to get you some water or something?" Sunset asked, genuinely concerned at this point.

Twilight eventually broke from her catatonic state and shook her head violently. "N-no! I just... I need to go!" Before Sunset could so much as get a word out in reply, a bright flash of white light blinded her, as well as many of the other patrons, voicing their own discontent at the light and loud POP that accompanied it.

By the time Sunset's vision returned to her, Twilight was gone. Only a small black scorch mark on the wooden chair she vacated indicated she'd ever been there at all. "...Great," Sunset sighed.

Author's Note:

Here it is, folks. Hey look! Not only is the story progressing, but so is the budding romance between our two main characters! Finally, right? Please let me know what you think of the chapter below, you lovely people, and thanks for being so patient with me through these trying times.

Comments ( 51 )

I'm usually not one for blackmail and such, but if Sunset really wants to shut Rares up it should be easy right? Or have I forgotten something about Rarity in this fic?
Anyways, glad to see this fic alive and kicking. It was fun :twilightsmile:

Wow, did not expect an update so suddenly :rainbowderp:

Spike was in the most interesting situation and was inadvertently the hardest to find. The young drake was nearly buried under the pile of mares clinging to his scaly body, an expression of pure bliss stretched across his face. Sunset rolled her eyes. "No wonder he turned into a dog in the human world," she joked.

First immortality, then the bitches...

"And then Celestia said, 'Parent-teacher conference? What does that even mean???'"

At least she doesn't think that wearing protection means wearing armor.:duck:

I'm glad you finally updated. I can't wait to see how this continues.

6600754 Lol. I think Sunset's a bit past that stage of her life. :twilightsheepish:

6600763 What do you mean suddenly? The last time I updated this was last Christmas! :rainbowhuh:

6600783 Spike gets all the bitches. :moustache:

At least she doesn't think that wearing protection means wearing armor.

What if Celestia does? You don't know her life! :trollestia:

Wow, Rarity! Way to ruin the dat--day! :twilightblush:
I really enjoyed this chapter!:twilightsmile: And I think Twi has to rethink her love-gender :rainbowlaugh:

6601068 I was referencing DBZA. You can figure out the rest.

6601082 Ah, now I recall them both! :rainbowlaugh:

6601079 Well, actually, Twilight is going to- *magic sounds then muffled noises*

:facehoof: Bassie, you don't want to ruin the story for your readers, do you?

:trixieshiftleft: ...No.

Yeah, I was leaning more towards teasing back :raritywink:

6601468 Ah, I catch your drift. :trollestia:

her mire revived by Sunset's.

I don't believe "mire" is the word you want to use here.

6601901 You're correct. Lol. The word I was looking for was "mirth". I do that sometimes, even when I'm speaking out loud. I call it dyslexia of the mouth. :twilightblush: Thanks for catching that.

The drunken masses had caused a pungent must to replace much of the oxygen throughout the castle

I think the word you are looking for there is musk, Bassie.


Word of advice: Don't use scene break images with black clipart on a white background. A lot of users don't use the default black-on-white display settings, and it sticks out in a bad way on display settings such as Ultra Dark.

6603140 Shit, I didn't even think about that. D= I'll have to go back and change that on each of the chapters. Besides that, what did you think of the chapter? :duck:

6602669 She's the littlest of shits. :rainbowlaugh::raritywink:

6602626 Yes it was. Curse my dyslexia of the mouth! ...and Perry the Platypus! :raritydespair:

6602591 Honestly, I might have to just leave that be. The throne room's location was mentioned several times before in the story, and I'm not sure how I'd fix some of those scenes. :facehoof: I started writing this right after the castle appeared, so we didn't have a great concept of the layout of the castle.

6603320 Well, it was pretty standard shipping fare, maybe just the slighest bit awkward, maybe just a tad forced...not much else to say about it, really.

... Spike is secretly the most desired bachelor in Ponyville because he had to deal with the nobles of Canterlot so they didn't eat Twilight alive, and the staff of the castle. Which makes him the single most dangerous being in Equestria from a political stand point. He is also scarily smart thanks to Twilight, but he doesn't really flaunt it often. It's also why they are called the mane six and Spike when traveling as a group.

6603560 Right??? I think of him as the wisest being in Equestrian, second only to Celestia. Sure, he can be childish, but he knows when to be dangerous... or when to party. :moustache:

6603624 Most people forget he was the social of the two in Canterlot. It's why I accepted the head canon on Spike from Cultural Artifacts. He knew every one worth knowing, and he also knows secrets about the city Celestia forgot.

6603672 I don't think I've read that. Can I get a link? I mean, Celestia practically raised him, and Twilight is like his older sister. For all intents and purposes, he's more a prince than Blueblood is.

Cultural Artifacts by Dan_s Comments6604788 At least in comparison to canon Blueblood. Cultural Artifacts also has my favorite Blueblood for one line in particular. He is talking with Celestia and unicorn Twilight comes up, and her education. Then they shift to why she is even in Ponyville and his response "She didn't learn it from you?" And then he just leaves her sitting in a room alone with that revelation.

6605093 Ah shit! That's a good line! I wrote a story about Blue blood once. It was written for my late mother.

6605117 I might check it out. At least, if it's on here.

6605211 It is. It's called, "How Soon is Now."

Well, that comment was 77 weeks ago, so it is kind of an old (it was published 14th of May 2014) and at that time, I hadn't seen many stories where she was Celestia's daughter.

You're right, it's pretty much old-hat right now, but back then I hadn't seen many, if any.

6618951 I started writing this story almost immediately after Equestrian Girls. It was one of the original SunLight fics on this site, but I've had some personal issues keep me from completing it.

6619288 That was one of the main reasons it was so damn popular when I started writing it. Lol.

If I were Rarity, I'd be watching my back for the next week or so. I've got a feeling that Sunset's vengeance is pretty certain to be coming her way.

6945055 Something to consider is that I started writing this almost immediately after the first EQG aired. Sunset was still in the process of rehabilitation, and nothing after that is canon to this story whatsoever.

Okay, I really need something cleared up.
Please tell me that Celestia wasn't implying that Twilight and Sunset are related.
I don't think my heart can take it! :fluttercry:

Yes, I know that, but Twilight still isn't rude enough to do something like re-enact what Sunset did to her. I mean, at the end of EQG1 she fully forgives Sunset.
It just isn't... well... Twilight to do something like that.

I feel bad for arguing to you about your own story, and I most certainly am hyped for more and I'm glad rude-twi didn't go on, but that little mockery scene just seemed off.

6948419 No, but if I go into any more detail, it would spoil things. They grew up side by side, both prized pupils, best friends even.

Okay, I'm glad they aren't related.

Also, did you see my edit? I added a reply to an earlier thing I started.

6948419 I suppose I see your point. It was really more of a light jab than an actual reenactment. She didn't know what to expect from Sunset. She certainly hadn't expected to see her in Equestria again. In stressful situations in which Twilight's unsure of herself, she's never been above a really bad joke, right? Lol.

Haha, I guess not.

so is this story still alive?

7037377 It is. I'm sorry it's been so long. My latest blog post explains what's going on.

Can't wait for the next chapter.

7472809 I'm so,sorry. My life's been hellishly busy the past... damn it's been over a year now. I've had very little time to myself to write.

Think Barry Allen and Iris West-Allen.

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