• Published 12th May 2014
  • 1,994 Views, 4 Comments

Equestrian Mothers - DouglasTrotter

Two stories about mothers in Equestria

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She's "your" mother?! (Discord Story)

An eerie calm graced the rustic cottage Fluttershy called home as the sun rose in the distant horizon to greet a peaceful day. Inside the pegasus pony’s home, nothing. The squirrel chitters, mouse squeaks, and bird chirps were gone.

“Mother’s Day,” Fluttershy said to herself in a bubbly tone. She stopped. Her ears lowered, and her voice trailed. “The one day I get to myself….”

Fluttershy’s hoofsteps, though quiet in normal circumstances, sounded like boulders crashing to the ground. Her thoughts wandered with each step she took towards the kitchen. The mare remembered her quiet morning in Ponyville the day before today as Pinkie Pie waved to her before the party pony headed out on the Ponyville express to the rock farm. On her casual stroll through the streets, Fluttershy watched Rarity and Sweetie Belle exit the local tea shop. The two ponies gave a polite hello to their friend before they headed towards Sugar Cube Corner.

At the local merchant stands, Applejack tossed a small sack of apples to Fluttershy. The earth pony’s plans were to spend time with Granny Smith on the farm. Rainbow Dash was quick to butt in and nab an apple. Before she departed, the athletic mare said she would take Scootaloo to see her parents in Cloudsdale.

Twilight stopped by the cottage for her four o’clock tea time visit. She and Spike would depart for Canterlot to see her mother, Twilight Velvet; Shining Armor and Princess Cadence would be there as well.

“I forgot how quiet this place can be,” Fluttershy said to herself before she entered her kitchen. As she pulled out the tea kettle and placed it on the stove, the burner refused to come on. “O my!”

“Oww, you don’t have to twist my nose that hard.” Discord said while he pulled the stove’s leaver off and placed it on his face. “So, are we on for tea?”

Fluttershy turned away from her friend and rubbed her face. She turned back towards him with a smile, closing her eyes and saying, “If you like, but, if you don’t mind me asking, don’t you have a mother to visit as well?”

Discord’s body became a dark blue color before he froze into a giant block of ice. The misshapen creature’s tail protruded from the back, and it propelled him away from Fluttershy.

“Now Discord, don’t tell me you’re avoiding your mother today.” Fluttershy said with a firm voice. “That's not nice. You should go see her today.”

Steam rose from the ice block, and it block cracked down the center to reveal a dummy inside. Discord’s voice filled the cottage’s small space. “No. I don’t want to go. You can’t make me.”

Fluttershy checked under the kitchen sink and pulled out a doll, much to Discord’s chagrin. He returned to normal size and sat down on the couch in the living room.

“Why don’t you want to go? Mother’s are special, and I bet yours is special as well.” Fluttershy said, her voice carrying through the doorway to the kitchen. She trotted towards the couch and patted her frined on the head. “I’ll come with you.”

“Fluttershy, my mother isn’t like normal mothers. She’s a bit, unusual in a sense. Not to mention she punished me for quite a long time.” Discord said.

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow at her friend. “What did you do exactly? Also, who is your mother?”

Discord’s neck spun around. His eyes lit up, turning them into lightbulbs and switching them on. “I have a little idea. How about we play a game? If you can guess the answer to my question within three—“

“It’s not Angel Bunny Demon Rabbit again, is it?” Fluttershy said with a quick smirk, and then placed her hoof to her mouth, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you.”

After his eyes rolled onto the floor, Discord gave a sigh. “All too predictable, am I? I’m really not in the mood to visit her. We aren’t on the best of speaking terms.”

“All mothers love their children, no matter how much they misbehave.” Fluttershy said. She flew in front of Discord and pointed her hoof, “Now look mister, we are going to see your mother and that is that. I will prepare some tea and goodies. You make her a nice card. No manifesting claws and putting them behind your back either.”

Discord blushed and rubbed his claw against paw. After a polite nod, and a few moments passing after Fluttershy re-entered the kitchen, the draconequus materialized a piece of paper with a heart on it.

“What does it say on the inside?” Fluttershy said, witnessing the bright flash of light. With a raised eyebrow, she peaked around the kitchen room’s corner. “It better be nice.”

“Poo, you’re no fun.” Discord said while he changed the card at a snap of his claws. “For you, my friend, I’ll take you to her. Just remember to be cautious. She has quite the temper about her. We never see ‘eye’ to ‘eye’ on things.”

“Put your eyes back into their sockets, mister.” Fluttershy said. She received a sarcastic “yes mom” reply from Discord that caused her to stop for a second.

“Are you ok, Fluttershy?” Discord said. “I hope I didn’t upset you with that comment.”

“Y-yes, I’m fine.” Fluttershy said in a squeaky voice. “Anyways, the snacks are made. Where are we going?”

Discord shrunk down to Fluttershy’s size and placed his paw on her back. He turned to his friend and said, “Close your eyes. I don’t want you to hurt them, friend.”

“No Tricks?” Fluttershy said.

“No Tricks, I promise.” Discord said with a kind nod, watching his friend close her eyes. “First time I’ve had this kind of a visit with her in a millennia’s time.”

*** *** ***

“Can I open my eyes? I don’t like the darkness.” Fluttershy said, receiving a quiet “yes” in reply. “Wow, this place is beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like it. Where are we?”

“This is a world my,” Discord said and then let out a sigh,” ‘mother’ controls. It’s a special place that very few have seen. I believe you know of a certain pony that visited it.”

Before Fluttershy could ask her question, a lone figure stepped towards the two. Fluttershy rubbed her eyes, and then gave a polite bow. “I’m sorry Princess Celestia. I think Discord is playing a trick on me again. Did you make this place up, Discord?”

“No, he didn’t my little pony. This is where Twilight was brought by the Elements of Harmony. I watch over this place.” Princess Celestia said. She gave a kind smile to Fluttershy before it turned into a stern look at Discord. “You know this place is off limits to the likes of you, son.”

“Fluttershy?” Discord said as he waved his claw in front of her face. Several claws materials and snapped at once, no effect. “Great mom, you froze Fluttershy? I don’t want my friend to be frozen. She’s the one friend I managed to make in this world.”

Princess Celestia looked at the pegasus below her. She closed one eye and examined Fluttershy. As she assumed her regal posture and gave a polite smile, Princess Celestia said, “She will be fine. Take her back to the cottage, and I will have my sister make this appear to be a dream.”

“Y-y-you’re Discord’s mother, how could you lock up your own son in stone?!” Fluttershy pointed her hoof at Princess Celestia. “That is unforgiveable.”

Discord recoiled back, hiding beneath the illuminated road. “Fluttershy, I mostly joke with her. Please don’t ‘really’ anger her. She’ll pull out the spoon if you don’t behave.”

“You beat him?!” Fluttershy said with fire in her eyes, supplied by Discord before he put them out.

“Fluttershy, I am surprised you think so cruelly of me.” Princess Celestia stared at Fluttershy before her stern expression turned into a sly grin. “The so-called ‘spoon’ I used to punish him with was loaded with nutrients. It’s not my fault he refused to eat his vegetables. A child cannot subsist on chocolate milk making, cotton candy clouds nor coffee cups. Besides, if I wanted to get back at him I could show you his baby pictures.”

“MOOOM!” Discord said with a shout that filled the empty void.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened as her mind began to absorb the fact it refused to contemplate. The mare felt her wings graced by the gentle touch of Princess Celestia’s hoof.

Around the three, the world remained quiet yet beautiful. The illuminated road led them to a small sitting area. Lights culminated, and a gold table with crystal clear glass top was produced. Discord materialized his ornate, chaotic looking thrown on one side. Princess Celestia horn glowed. Several spheres of light turned into pieces that assembled into an ethereal chair with a pillow.

“Sorry Fluttershy, how rude of me.” Discord said. “Do you have any requests for your arrangements?”

Fluttershy watched as the light around her coalesced into a small chair. She grinned. “This is perfect, thank you Discord.”

“Mom?” Discord said with a puzzled expression.

“It wasn’t me. This world is a powerful place that can manifest thoughts, feelings, and heart’s desires into physical being. Fluttershy desired a chair, and the world provided one for her.” Princess Celestia said.

Discord placed his appendages into his lap. With the tea poured and treats in place, he received a wink from Fluttershy. “I ha—I mean, here’s a little something for you.”

An ethereal card manifested near Princess Celestia. She glanced at it before she opened the sleeve. The regal mare’s voice remained calm as she read it aloud. “Though I misbehave at times, I’m glad you are there for me. Thanks, Mom.”

“You’re such a sweetie,” Fluttershy said. She watched Princess Celestia sip on her tea after giving a kind thank you to Discord.
Time moved on for the three as they enjoyed their snacks. With the triple layered Carrot Cake finished, the dishes vanished into the basket.

“Will Fluttershy have to forget this world?” Discord said to Princess Celestia. “I know this is a rather special realm you want kept secret and all. Twilight and Cadence know about it. Does it really harm anything to have a non-alicorn know about it?”

Princess Celestia closed her eyes and smiled at Discord as he shrunk down to Fluttershy’s size. She patted the draconequus on the head with her soft wing. “This place is special, but I guess an ‘honorary alicorn’ can know about it. Do you promise not to tell any other Equestrian about it, Fluttershy?”

“O yes, I promise. Wait, what if Princess Twilight, Princess Cadence, or Princess Luna asks about it? Must I keep it a secret from them as well?” Fluttershy said.

“Don’t worry. I assure you it won’t come up all that often. If it does, just be kind and say this is a world you visited in your dreams.” Princess Celestia said. In front of her, a glass sphere materialized from the light and floated towards Fluttershy. “Thank you for giving Discord what he really needed. It’s not easy to put up with an unruly child, but I do love him. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to get back.”

Discord turned away, but he felt Princess Celestia nuzzle against his neck. “Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.”

“Thank you, my child.” Princess Celestia said. “Next time, for Mother’s Day, please just bring your friend to the castle. It will be easier on both of us.”

Fluttershy wiped a tear away from her check and closed her eyes, smiling at the two sharing a hug.

*** *** ***

“Fluttershy?” a voice said.

A firm push came to her side. Fluttershy awoke to see her friends inside her cottage. Through a yawn she said, “O my, pardon me. I must have dozed off. Shouldn’t all of you be off visiting your mother’s today?”

“Are you alright Shy? We got worried about ya since Angel came into town all flustered.” Applejack said. “Also, what are you talkin’ about? Mother’s day was yesterday.”

The rug beneath the ponies’ hooves curled up and hugged them before letting go. Discord let out a yawn. “That was a rather odd dream. Thanks for letting me spend the night with you, Fluttershy.”

Before Fluttershy could speak, Discord gave her a sly wink. The pegasus mare looked towards her bookshelf to see a near crystal clear glass sphere on the shelf.

“Must have been a dream,” Fluttershy said in a quiet voice to herself, giving a final rub to her eyes. She made her way into the kitchen and put the tea kettle on the stove. To her delight, it turned on without a problem. “Who wants some tea and goodies?”

Author's Note:

Simple "what if" scenario if it turned out Princess Celestia was Discord's mother.