• Published 12th May 2014
  • 9,263 Views, 314 Comments

Human Relations - HR - LucidTech

Human Relations, Human Resources, Monster working for all powerful dictator, not much difference really.

  • ...

Chapter Eight

Black mist curled around Ledger’s ankles, brushing past as it moved on into the infinities on either side of him. He watched it move, it was far more intriguing than the utter blackness that surrounded him. It was a nice reprieve from what usually filled his sleep, even if the pony he would be meeting here was the origin of his night terrors. Ledger wondered if she knew she was doing it on purpose or if it was an unfortunate side effect from his suit or from repeated exposure to the Queen’s presence.

The hair on Ledger’s arm came to a stand and he felt a tickle sliding down his spine. Ledger looked up, looking for who was watching him from the darkness of this dream. No ponies would be here, but he’d heard a fair number of rumors about what lurked in the corners of the dream realm. As he spun around he found what he was looking for, it was hard to miss.

A splotch of light blue against the world. A small filly. He knew her. He’d known her for a long time. He hadn’t seen her yet though. He stood still, unable to move from surprise. She realized she’d been spotted and began to run away, he followed as fast as he could. He didn’t know why, but she looked like she needed help, he wanted to tell her he was there to do just that.

He tripped after several minutes, his foot hitting against the almost glass-like floor in his hurry. He fell onto his face and slid for a second before coming to a stop, it didn’t hurt. He glanced up and saw the speck of light blue against the black. She stood there like a star in the night, turning around to look at him. “I just… wanted to help…” Ledger managed, not sure what to say. Then, she turned away and ran, leaving him by himself on the ground.

Ledger didn’t mind. He was used to it by now.

He laid there until he heard a sound like opening wings. A soft explosion. He forced himself to his feet and then he forced himself to the impossible doorway that had been conjured into existence a short distance away. He’d been waiting for it, it was late by his count. But he doubted the queen would say as much, she probably had a lot on her plate recently. Assuming Cadence hadn’t gone totally insane and knew what she was talking about. He suspected she did, everyone seemed to be about the right age.

He heard a knock come from the door, the one he’d been expecting, and he opened it. Stars and Malevolence met his eyes, both together, inexplicable tied together in some wicked dance, tethered to a single form that stood against the roiling blackness and gazed into his soul like only the Queen could. Celestia had oft been described of a being of inexplicable beauty, a trait that Nightmare Moon shared in an off putting fashion. She was gorgeous like a snake, and much more deadly.

She stepped forward. Ledger moved aside to allow her entry. Stunned far too much to do much else. He was just as much under her spell as anyone else. There was a story passed around that an assassin had come to kill her but was too off kilter by how she looked to kill her. Ledger knew he would have died before the blade ever reached her skin, but he still suspected the story was real. Evil and beauty are not the traits that are told together in stories.

She spoke and the spell was broken. Ledger reflected that it was probably for his benefit that he was stunned by her still, maybe it gave him another layer of disguise against her discerning eyes. Or maybe she already knew and was going to kill him here and now. It was up in the air half the time.

“How has your trip to the dragon kingdom been as of yet Ledger? Anything of note?”

“Nothing, your highness. I saw fit to go see the prisoner, I hope you don’t mind.”

“Did she say anything?”

“Just more empty words about prophecies your highness. She seems set in the idea that it’ll happen soon.”

“Do you believe her?”

Ledger was careful not to blink, to show no sign of his response to that. It was a thin line between brown nosing someone and expressing faith in them. In all her time, Nightmare Moon had become adept at telling one from the other. However, one did not stay in the queen’s employ long without learning to walk a few tightropes. “It is beyond me to answer that, my queen. Only that I’ve yet to see any opponent present any kind of challenge to her majesty, and that you’ve never had to use more than a fraction of your full power in doing so.”

Nightmare Moon eyed him. Then finished the discussion simply and resolutely. “Good.” The word was harder than any rock or gem and made it clear that this meeting, of sorts, was coming to an end.. “I must go, there is other business with which I must attend. I bid you good favor with the dragons.”

“Thank you, your majesty.”

The trick was not to answer the question. To instead set up a ‘straw man’ situation of similar likeness and answer it instead. He knew things that the queen knew he knew and he knew things that the queen had no idea he knew. It was pretending the former was the latter and answering to her favor that was the trick. She was having doubts about her confrontation with Celestia. Rightfully so given that the elements were still beyond her grasp. But all she wanted was to see if Ledger was for her or against her. She was far too preoccupied with the threats reviving around her to care about anything else.

Luna, Ledger knew, still had some strings she was pulling behind the scenes. Fogging certain memories and hiding certain thoughts. She was doing as much as she could. It was up to everyone else to prepare the show. Everyone else was getting their make-up done, and Ledger had put himself in charge of props. There was more in the dragon empire than diplomacy missions and bars, after all.

A thought which reminded him that he needed to get up. And he did.

The moon was high overhead, night time at it’s latest. It was a shame the sun never got the same pleasure of altitude, instead it was bound to whatever height the queen saw fit to give it. Often times not leaving the horizon. It was a rather brute force method of reminding the world who was in charge, and it worked very well.

Ledger forced himself from his bed, rubbing his eyes to try and stimulate them, hoping to easily get rid of the fatigue that plagued him, but easy was not something he hoped for anymore. Any thing that was in his favor to do would not be easy. He reflected that up to this point he could probably have made judgements based on which was the hardest course and he would have wound up in the same place.

But for all the troubles, Ledger wouldn’t have it any other way. Or, rather, couldn’t. Ledger had a moral compass that seemed to put him in handcuffs half the time. He always felt coerced into doing what was right. It didn’t help when it backfired and he was left to deal with the situation. He didn’t like being the good guy, he liked having done good things, no mistake, but he despised what he had to go through to accomplish even the smallest thing.

Right now, he could’ve been asleep in bed. Instead he was up in the middle of the night planning a grand theft against the dragon king. Ledger was not the kind to steal, not because of his moral compass though as thievery can be extremely beneficial under certain circumstances, he simply didn’t have the physique for it. Which meant, of course, he needed help. More help. He’d already used a few favors on this gambit, he just needed one more.

A bag was slung over his shoulder and he trudged through the darkness with no particular destination. He hardly remembered bringing the bag with him, despite it’s importance with the upcoming exchange. This last individual would find him before he found them. He just needed to make himself known to the darkness. Luckily, being a tall bipedal dressed in a suit is rather unique on a set of empty streets in the middle of the night.

He stopped as he felt eyes on him. He held perfectly still, waiting, until he heard the voice from the darkness. “I ssssssee you’ve come to collect.” It hissed at him. “Well, that’sssss thrilling, but I hope you don’t intend what I ssssussspect you do.” He dared a glance to his left where he saw a set of slitted eyes staring at him from the darkness.

“I do, actually.” He turned slowly to face to form fully hidden in the shadows. “And I’ve got something. I’m sure you know the look of what you’re taking?” He lifted the bag off his shoulder and placed it onto the ground. The eyes glanced at it before looking at him.

“I do, but you shouldn’t.” The voice replied. “Ssssso, what’sssss in the bag then?”

“You know I have knowledge of things I shouldn’t. I just needed a refresher on some of them. Inside the bag is a copy of what you’re going to be stealing. Replace it and don’t get caught.”

“A refresher?”

“It’s a simple mind spell.”

“One that you can’t casssst.”

“That’s…. correct.”

“Ssssso, who did you let look inside your sssskull. Hmmm? Missssster Ledger? I didn’t think you had enough trussssst for anyone to do that.”

Ledger only looked on in silence. They were getting on a tangent now, answering questions, even in vague manners, would only serve to lengthen the distance to the actual topic. The owner of the voice seemed to recognize his tactic and changed the subject.

“Ssssstill, it ssseemsss like a hard bargain you drive Mr. Ledger.”

“It’s a large favor.” Ledger said simply. The unknown being remained silent for a moment at that, thinking it over.

“Tell you hwhat.” It said breathily. “After I return the item to you, you tell me who you trusssssted sssso much. I’ve been looking for ssssomeone with ssssimilair qualifications, you sssssee.”

Ledger smiled. “She would appreciate the business, I assure you that it’s a deal.”

“A deal indeed. I shall sssssee you on the morrow Ledger. I hope that’sssss not too late?”

“Thank you.” Ledger said, turning his back on the eyes and the bag, knowing they would both be gone if he turned around. “That’s right on time.”