• Published 3rd Apr 2012
  • 1,857 Views, 13 Comments

Brilliance - Ponysopher

After the defeat of Discord, the Equestrian ponies gaze upon the sun, and meet Celestia

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The Sun's Zenith

The sun was crossing the sky for the first time since the reign of Discord, son of Khaos. It had begun its circuit in the east. Twilight came and the ponies who were just hearing the news of the Draconequus’ defeat looked and saw the shimmer edging over the horizon. Each of them looked in that direction with tired and weary eyes, their bodies scarred and marred from years of oppression under the god. Their fathers and their fathers’ fathers had lived and died under the tyranny of the terrible king. They had never seen the sun. Without even Luna having yet come to place the stars in the sky, their only source of light was the ever-flickering fires that Discord had lit all over the world to keep the crops growing. So they had lived and died without witnessing the star’s radiance.

The ponies of this day too had never had witnessed the light of day. They had shared in their ancestors’ tribulation. And when they heard news of the war that the two alicorns were waging against him, they were less than pleased. On the one hand, some were fearful that the perilous warfare would come their way and end their lives prematurely. Though others simply scoffed. It would be over before anything significant happened. All of Equestria and its people had been under the rule of the dragon-god for as far back as history could tell them. It always was, and it always would be. He was destined to rule forever. He would crush his adversaries and grind them into dust that would be blown away in the wind and forgotten.

Yet they were wrong. Reports continued to come from the fields. The two alicorns, creatures that were part unicorn, part pegasus were still alive even after a few years. Yet the tide of war supposedly kept swinging back and forth. Most of the ponies just put the idea out of their minds and tried to go about their miserable lives. Yet among some of them, a faint glimmer of hope could be seen. Some asked if perhaps these alicorns had a chance in usurping the despot. Maybe they could free them. Yet others made efforts to shut them up out of bitterness. After all, even if they were successful, who was to say that these conquerors would be any better rulers than the present one? It was best not to raise their spirits only to have them shot down.

Though despite their lack of faith, after nine years of war, they heard a message that the alicorns, Celestia and Luna, had triumphed over the tormenter and imprisoned him in stone. Thus vanquishing Khaos' son, they asked for Equestria's approval to declare themselves as the new rulers of the world. Having no other choice but to opt for anarchy, all of the ponies in Equestria accepted the leadership of the triumphant ones. Furthermore, most of them feared they would be executed if they denied the victors their prize. So all of the citizens of each of the towns of the world sent their collective consent to the alicorns who had begun to build a palace in a place in the mountains. Luna built a great city by cutting rings into a mountain. It was shaped like a cone and had seven levels. This city was later named Canterlot. Celestia, meanwhile, built a palace near the top of the mountain. It was made of several towers and was very large as well. This was all done during the evening and night of the day of Discord’s defeat in near-absolute darkness by the greatest magics that the sisters could perform.

The ponies had awoken early on the following morning as they always did to scrape together a meager dinner and fend off wild animals. Yet when twilight came, they looked curiously to the east. Everypony stopped what they were doing and gazed at the sky which was changing before their eyes. What could be happening? While it was usually black, there was now a clear and glowing light; though it was faint. As they continued to look at the wonder, they noticed that the sky began also to change color. First, it went from black to shades of purple. Then gradually they began to see deep shades of orange and red. This beauty intensified until they saw it: There was a huge yellow circle in the sky that was slowly rising from a hiding place. As the circle continued its ascent, it appeared that the eastern sky was aflame.

The ponies saw this and were very afraid. Had some new evil oppressor come to torment them; lighting the sky on fire as he approached? Was some demon rising in in the heavens to launch an attack on Cloudsdale? What was this? In haste, a group of delegates from neighboring cities were sent to the palace that Celestia had built. They arrived at the gates of the city at about the fourth hour and reached the throne room of the palace after being admitted into a heavily guarded stairway midway into the fifth hour. Being admitted by the guard after a moment, they walked into the majestic hall.

As the doors were opened for them, a blast of the light from the midday sun greeted them; flooding though the large windows. When they were finally able to open their eyes, their jaws fell upon wide as they gazed upon the splendor that Celestia had accrued for herself. The walls were covered with golden wallpaper and majestic purple tapestry hanging from them. There were also many tall white columns which reached up to the ceiling two hundred feet above. The room was fifty feet on either side.

Then, there was the throne itself. A great red carpet ran down the length of the room for three hundred feet, and up to the seat, which was made of magnificent gold and decorated with engraved patterns of vines. On its sides were two fountains which constantly poured a steady trickle of water. Beautiful flowers matching the color of the walls adorned both sides as well. The actual chair was colossal; being raised up seven feet. The back extended twenty feet high and a red cushion extended to seven feet. Many stairs led up to it, but were covered by the carpet; giving one a dual sense that the princess was approachable, but still raised higher than any of her subjects.

Upon the great throne she sat, Princess Celestia, their redeemer and monarch. Upon her head was a golden crown with an amethyst gem beset in its center, and around her neck was a necklace of the same style. Her back legs were tucked under her and she leaned on her forehooves. Her pristine, white coat matched finely with the sun emblazoned upon her flank. Her mane was graced with four colors: cerulean, turquoise, blue, purple; each peaceful and comforting. It flowed gracefully through the air though there was no draft in the hall. Her horn was long and gave her the image of piercing strength with which she could protect her subjects. Her large wings were spread wide open and were inviting. Her eyes were tinted with magenta and gazed at them softly. Her face was serene and peaceful and her visage was calm and welcoming.

As the ambassadors approached, they were trembling because of all the unfamiliar stimuli. The sun was bright and they were accustomed to darkness so that it hurt their eyes and caused them to squint and move slowly forward. But also bathed in the light of day was the smiling princess; elegant and gracefully awaiting for them to come nearer. As they looked upon her and saw her large stature, they became very afraid and began to shake. Her other features were completely invisible to them.

And she saw that they were terrified. So she spoke to them in a soothing voice as when a mother comforts her foal. If they were not so afraid, they would have also noticed the music within her voice. It lingered in the air for a moment, and they would have played the sound over and over again in their heads to hear once more its magnificence. “My little ponies, how good it is to see each of you! I’ve seen you from far away but never could meet any of my subjects in person.”

Yet her words, though wonderful and gentle, did little to ease their fear. And the youngest among them, a stallion by the name of Onyx Glint, from the town of Manehatten spoke firmly to her in youthful audacity and anger. His voice trembled, but he managed to convey his words. “Princess Celestia, you have been the regent of this country for no more than twelve hours. Are you already going to forsake us? There is a giant, flaming demon in the sky that threatens all of us and here you are doing nothing about it!” These last words he shouted and then looked down; ready for any punishment that she might inflict upon him.

The others gritted their teeth and gazed nervously at the monarch. Yet she did not raise her voice or even change her tone for that matter. She continued to speak; honey flowing from her lips. “Are you referring to the sun, Onyx?” She gave a small, light laugh. “That is no demon. That is the bringer of light.”

The stallion, having not been smitten, looked up and went further. “But why should we need this light? Neither our fathers nor our fathers’ fathers had it. Why should we? Moreover, there is too much of it. It pains our eyes just to walk in the open.”

Celestia looked at them all and smiled. “There is a large window on your right. Look outside and you will find your answer.” Hearing a direct order from their ruler, they went quickly to the window and looked outside. For a moment they could see nothing but the blinding light of the sun, but as they continued to stare, the scene changed. Without warning, they began to see the world as they had never seen it before. The palace was high above the ground and as they looked out the window they saw the immensity of the world below them, clothed in the vivacity of the newfound sunlight. They all gasped as they looked upon the fields which were full of such color; the green grass gleaming with the light. Then they looked above and gasped as they saw the vast blue expanse of the vault of the heavens. They gazed at the sky for as long as they could. Each felt like he could never tear his eyes from the beauty of what he was seeing. It was then that they realized that the light of the sun had made all this possible.

Then Celestia spoke to them. This time, they listened not with fear, but with awe. “Look my little ponies and glimpse the sun in the sky. It has traversed from beyond its hiding place and has risen to the highest point in the heavens. For a second move your eyes and look at it. For a thousand years Discord, the Draconequus oppressed you. He covered the world in darkness and stole the sun away from your ancestors. And my sister and I saw your pain from afar. We moved with compassion and waged war against him. For nine years we fought unceasingly against him on your behalf. And on the dawn of the tenth year, we defeated him and set up our kingdom here at Canterlot.

“The darkness is gone. It has been completely swept away. The sun is at its zenith and shines over all the land with its brilliance. Its beaming rays fall upon the cold earth and warm it until it radiates with never before seen color. It illuminates everything for you to see. It will complete its circuit and set in the west just as it has risen in the east. But fear not, it will return again to bring its light once again. This is to be a lasting gift for you all. When you have daughters and sons who ask why the sun is there, tell them this: The sun is my gift to all of you. It is my promise that I will always be your faithful princess. And unlike the one before me, I will not be unkind. Unlike him, I will not torment you or harm you. I will give all of you a hope and a future. And all of your days under the sun will be filled with joy and prosperity. Nor will there be any other long suffering under my reign; for I promise that as long as you call me your princess, I will bring you out of your poverty. To those of you who toil all day long for a small ration I will give a feast. For those of you who have been denied your heart's desire, I will give it to you. Whatever your cutie mark says, you will do.

“I have taken a seat on the throne of the highest mountain. I have set up my kingdom; seeing everything from the clouds above. I have established my rule over all of the world and built it up like a citadel with which I will defend you from your enemies. I will cover you with my feathers and under my wings you will find refuge. They will try to ensnare you, but I will crush them beneath my hooves. My reign will last forever and the rising and setting of the sun will be the reminder of that promise. Rejoice; for today my everlasting reign begins.”

Hearing this, all of them fell and knelt and proclaimed her as their Princess.


Author's note: Those who are familiar with the exploits of the six modern bearers of the Elements of Harmony may realize that events in this chapter contradict what is written in The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide. That book asserts that the ruined palace located in the Everfree Forest was the original "palace of the royal pony sisters." In fact, that palace only served as a temporary base of operations for Princess Luna during the Nightmare Moon incident. After the banishment of the princess of the moon, the Elements were left there to ward off the remnants of Nightmare Moon's dark energy which were thought to have implanted themselves in the very foundation of the edifice. This will be explained in a later chapter.