• Published 12th May 2014
  • 590 Views, 10 Comments

Twilight's ordinary day - Bronydragon

Twilight's days are just like the day of every other pony. Right? Enope!

  • ...

Chapter 3

A few weeks passed and things settled down again in the small town of Ponyville.
The Apple family harvested their apple trees as usual for this time of the year; Pinkie Pie threw a bunch of parties for whatever reason the pink party pony planned them; Rarity got a fresh order of dresses to make for a few royals in Canterlot and was overloaded with work as always; Rainbow Dash had her work with the weather team of Ponyville and her Wonderbolt training when she wasn’t lazing about; Fluttershy was taking care of an increased number of animals due to a nasty virus spreading around her non sapient friends and Twilight kept on her schedule to avoid the annoyingly nerving comments of her clock, also trying to be careful with the fridge because she didn’t want any more nighttime encounters with him reminding her to not open his door without a plan in mind of what she wanted to grab.

They were peaceful days. Days of tranquility and, for Twilight, learning.

The purple unicorn mare was sitting in the library proper, when she heard a knocking at the front door. She wondered why somepony would knock at the door. It was library hours and the sign clearly said that it was open. Tough nopony walked in. Then there was knocking at the door yet again.

“It’s open!” the studious mare called out to the pony at the door outside, not looking up from her tome.

And yet again somepony knocked at the door.

Feeling rather disturbed by the knocking coming from the door, Twilight got up from her seat and gently put the tome aside. “I’m coming!” she informed whoever was standing on the other side.
“It better be important.” She added grumbling under her breath.

As soon as she was close enough to the door to speak rather than yell, Twilight lit her horn and opened the door with her magic. Standing outside was … nopony. Not a single soul was near the library building.
After a moment of looking around the mare walked back in, closing the door behind her. She just turned to get back to her studies, as there was another knocking sound coming from the door.
She spun around immediately and reopened the wooden way blocker to find nopony standing in front of her again.

“What? How? Nopony can pull a prank like this. Not even Rainbow Dash.” The unicorn mare mused. “And I can’t find any magical signature that’d imply somepony teleporting away. So how?”

Done wondering why there was a knock on the door and she couldn’t explain it, she learned from the Pinkie incident, Twilight went back to her studies and picked up her tome again.

Later, in the evening hours, the purple unicorn was once again completely exhausted from her schedule of the day and decided on giving herself a little treatment in the form of a long and relaxing hot bubble bath. Not a three hour bubble bath like her number one assistant tended to take, but a relaxing one nonetheless.

As the steaming water nearly filled the tub to three quarters, she stopped the flow of water, remembering the law of Archimaredes wherein each and every mass takes a certain amount of space, which water will flow around of.
She grabbed the bottle of bubble bath essence in her magic grip and poured a good amount of it in the tub, stirring the mix with one of her front hooves.
After enough bubbles had formed, the sore mare slowly lowered herself in the warm water and sighed in satisfaction the hot liquid dancing around her body, already loosening some tension.

A few minutes passed and the door opened. Upon hearing that, Twilight didn’t even bother looking to it and just called out in the general direction of the door, eyes blissfully closed.

“Spike. Not now. I’m taking a bath right now, so can you please leave. I’ll talk to you when I’m getting out.”

The studious mare heard no reply, just the door slowly creaking and being shut again.
Once the slightly audible click of the door was heard, the stressed mare sunk deeper in the tub and relaxed even further. But roughly a minute or two later the door was opened again and this time her young dragon assistant stood in the door frame.

“What is it Twi? I heard you call my name.” the drake asked curiously.

“No Spike. I just said that I’ll talk to you later when I’m out of the tub and the bathroom.” Twilight mumbled halfheartedly, a tad bit annoyed to say what she just said again. Normally the purple drake was so good at memorizing what she said, but just now he couldn’t remember a sentence she spoke roughly two minutes ago.

“Uhm, ok. I just heard you calling my name and came here from the other end of the library to see what you wanted from me. Are you sure that it wasn’t just a gust of wind that creaked the door open and then pushed it closed again after you said my name?” he replied a bit puzzled.

“Hmmm… Maybe I just didn’t notice it since I was under water with my body and forgot to completely close the door.” The studious purple mare mused. “I’m pretty sure I closed the door though. Well could be the stress. Anyhow Spike. There was nothing I wanted from you. Just thought you were at the door and wanted something.”

“Alright then. I’ll get back to work.” He stated walking back out and closing the door behind him.

That evening when Twilight was finished with her daily tasks and was lying in bed with Spike in his basket nearby, she heard a knock on the door again.
Puzzled as to who it could be and more importantly how in the name of Tartarus the one knocking at the door got through the closed library door and get up to her, she slowly moved to the door, yawning several times on the way.
Being in a sleep deprived state of mind Twilight walked up to the door and laid an ear on the wooden object.

“Who are you? What do you want?” she asked a bit irritated.

“Knock, knock.” Came a voice she never heard from the other side of the door, but sounding as if the one on the other side was directly speaking in her ear.

Being a bit confused and tired Twilight automatically replied to the strange voice without thinking. “Who’s there?”

Suddenly the voice yelled in her ear all too clear and loud. “The door!”
And with that small sentence the wooden way blocker swung open with an immense force, catching the unicorn mare off guard and slamming her into the wall.

Several seconds later the door swung back again and Twilight fell to the floor now wide awake with her body aching slightly and not being crushed thanks to her physical nature.

She groaned deeply and stood back up. Turning to the door she took it in her magic and opened it fully.

“Who is there? Show yourself.” She called out in the moonlit library.

“I told you it was me.” Came the voice again right next to her.

The purple mare jumped in surprise. “Wh…Where are you?”

“I’m here. I am the door. I didn’t lie to you when I said it.” It answered truthfully.

“But why would you do this?” she asked being more open about such phenomenon’s since she had already spoken with her clock and the fridge.

“Think about it Twilight. Every time you are upset or can’t win an argument by logic because there is no logic to apply or the one you are talking to won’t see any reason, you go out of the room and slam me shut. That hurts Twilight. Not always physically but mentally every time. So I thought I should teach you a lesson.” The door said a tad bit of annoyance swinging in its voice.

“I’m sorry.” The purple unicorn mare replied.

The discussion of the two lasted about an hour longer and Spike eventually woke up too and they decided to be more careful with the doors in her home from now on.
After that little discussion the door thanked them and closed itself again.
Twilight and Spike went back to bed and were in the land of dreams shortly after.

Author's Note:

That's the story for now.
Marked it complete for reasons.
If any of you can come up with any objects acting out because of our unintended actions with them which we just do but won't get rid of, PM me and I might add it within a chapter and continue for a bit.

Comments ( 6 )

Yep. She's in dire need of one. It's like normal need just dire.



4378168 If she did he would last, like, 10 minutes.
If her bed was on good behavior.
(That was not meant to sound dirty...)

Well that failed. But with the PM I think there might be three new. Not the gold one that I'll leave out. But the others... :pinkiecrazy:
You know it.
Will take some time though. And thank's for the ideas. :twilightsmile:


Hey. I had things to be and places to do.
And you know that this is not even scratching the surface. Don't get me started on when I get dark.


Oh believe me, as an admin I can do just that. :twilightsmile:


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