• Published 15th May 2014
  • 5,693 Views, 99 Comments

Well, What Now? - Spirit Shift

Rainbow Dash wants to see what it's like to be a Dragon, Spike wants to be a pony to impress Rarity. Twilight just wants some peace and quiet, so she grants their wish.

  • ...

The Fourth Day

Author's Note:

I've finally climbed myself back in the saddle for this story. Thanks to those who commented some ideas in my recent blog post, they really helped me get my head together, breaking down the wall blocking some better ideas.Thanks to them, I should be able get some more chapters out very soon.

Criticism, likes, faves, and opinions are welcome.

The Fourth Day



It's so quiet at night, but I guess that's to be expected when everypony's asleep right now. I wonder why I'm not asleep, what am I even doing with my life. I help Twilight, I read some books or comics, and then I go to sleep. I wake up the next day, and Twilight's gone off to fight an ancient evil while I do the exact same thing as the day before. I love it, it's what I've always done....... so why do I feel so-

"Emerald, is that you?"

Knocking Spike out of his thoughts entered the voice of the gorgeous white coated mare named Rarity. Turning, Spike watched her come up to her with a bright smile on her face.

"Darling, I didn't know that you enjoy early morning walks as well."

"Uh, ehhh, yeahh."

"Emerald, you look down, what's wrong?"

“It’s nothing,”

“It’s not nothing, here come with me. I know of a nice eatery that’s open this early.”

“Reluctantly, Spike followed Rarity into a nearby restaurant with a few outside tables. Looking up she read the name of the place. “The Straight and Narrow, well that’s just great. I don’t know why, but I suddenly have the urge to kill Rainbow……. with a spoon.”

“What was that?”


“Well alright, here come sit over here with me.”

Spike obliged and sat at the same table as his crush. Normally she would feel extremely excited to be here with her. But for some reason that she just couldn't quite understand, the feeling wasn't there.

“So, tell me, what’s on your mind.”

“I-It’s nothing.”

“It doesn't look like nothing.”

“Seriously, I’m fine.”

Rarity could easily tell that something was bothering the poor dear, obviously something serious. But she was a good friend, and she wouldn't force it out of her, maybe she could lure it out through conversation. “Well alright then. How about this, where are are you from.”

“Cloudsdale,” said Spike without a second thought.

Rarity noticeably frowned for a split second at a recent memory before quickly recovering. “Yes, Cloudsdale. Nice place, love the…. manes, and the…. white.”

“Is something wrong?”

“It’s nothing just some……. unsavory memories.”

Feeling a little daring, Spike decided tackle the subject head on. “Um...do you want to talk about what happened.”

Rarity mentally smirked. “Well, I sort of………. fell from the sky. Like the mighty pegasus Icarus, I flew too close to the sun, and fell from the heavens!” she said dramatically raising a hoof to her forehead.

“You WHAT!?”

Please, darling, no need to yell. As you can see,” she said as she expertly flipped her mane, “I am alright. My pegasus friend Rainbow Dash caught me just in time. She broke through sound itself to rescue me!”

Spike breathed a small sigh of relief. Ok maybe not with a spoon then, wait, hold on.’ he thought briefly. “You said that you flew from the sky? You’re a unicorn, how were you even in Cloudsdale?”

“Hmm, oh yes, I understand the confusion. Well, my friend Twilight is a magnificent magician. So she used her magic to give me gorgeous butterfly wings made from gossamer, and morning dew. I flew too close to the sun, and they burst into beautiful flames.”

Spike could only sit there in a stew of her own feelings. There was resentment that she hadn't been there, and that Twilight hadn't even told him anything. Sorrow that Rarity could've died, and curiosity when she thought about how she would look with wings. All of this equaled up to a fairly neutral expression.

“But, enough about me, I want to know more about you, what do you like to do?”

This question hit Spike like a friendship train to the nads, stopping all previous thoughts. “Wh-what do I...like to do?”

“Yes, darling, what are your hobbies. I myself love to create wonderful clothes to bring out the beauty in others.”

“I- I really don’t have any hobbies, or goals in life.” she said sadly

‘Ahh, there it is’ Rarity mentally hoof pumped at her victory.

“Whatever do you mean.”

“I mean, that I used to be content with doing the same thing everyday like I used to, but after becoming- but lately I’ve started to question that, but I don’t know why.”

“Well don’t you have any goals that you’ve set for yourself? Doing the same thing is fine, but usually only if it’ll help you toward your dream. I make dresses every day to improve my skills. With every outfit that I make, I grow that much closer to becoming a famous designer. What do you want to do?”

“I like….. I mean I want to,” Spike began, unable to answer. She thought back to all the times that he had been left home alone, while Twilight had gone out to save Equestria, or hang out with others. Then he remembered all the places that he had seen while in the sky, and how small Ponyville was in comparison.

“I want to travel,” she began hesitantly, “I want to go places that I haven't been. Trottingham, Dodge Junction, Canterlot, Los Pegasus, Appeloosa, or even Manehatten again,” she said with complete conviction.

“Ohh, how adventurous, although now that I think about it. I’ve been to almost all of those places.”

“Were they fun?”

“Well, yes and no,” she said dejectedly, “most of them ended up in me getting chased, hit with food, swindled, or deserted. Now don’t get me wrong, I had fun with my friends, but sometimes, I just wish that I could just take a vacation, go somewhere, and not end up in a tough spot.”

"Something clicked in Rarity’s mind as well. “How about this, let’s go to Manehatten together.


“I shall take a few days off from work, and you shall come with me, and we’ll go someplace fun.”

“Wha, b-but I can’t just up and leave I need to help Tw-”

“Just take a few minutes to think about it, I’ll wait.” she interrupted.

Spike took took the chance, and thought about it. “I could, but what about Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Twilight said that the spell would last for a week, and it’s been about three or four days I think, so that leaves the other half of the week. Rainbow also did something similar and got in trouble. I really don’t want to get put back in the punishment box I couldn't eat for a week. But, if Rarity goes with me, does that count as running away? What would Twilight think? Spike continued on this train of thought for a few more minutes before finally nodding in agreement deciding that if she goes with a friend then it’s different than what Rainbow had done.

Then it hit her that she just agreed to go on a cross city date with Rarity, which caused her to set off a Pinkie Pie class party in her head.

“Oh, but one thing first,” she said, interrupting said party. “We simply must do something with that mess of a mane of yours, darling. I love the color for once, but the spiky style is something that I’ve wanted to fix since yesterday.”

“Ughhgghhhhhh,” groaned Spike.

Rarity got up and began to levitate Spike along while she excitedly trotted back to her boutique, Spike groaning the entire way. “Don’t be like that darling. I swear, you sound just like Rainbow Dash right now.”

~Later that morning~

“So, let me git this straight,” Applejack began, standing at the front counter at Sugarcube Corner.

“Fine,” grumbled a distraught Rainbow Dragon. Applejack instantly saw through Rainbow’s lies about being a new dragon as soon as she stepped inside. There really was no fooling the element of honesty.

“Even though we told you not to go botherin’’ Twilight, you did it anyway?”


“Not only that, but you dragged poor Spike into it as well.”

“He’s a grown mare now, she can make his own decisions.”

Applejack glared fiercely before calming down and continuing. “So now, yall are all form switched, and you just sent him……. her….. Spike, on a ‘date’ with Rarity, who don’t know who Spike really is.”

“That’s the gist of it, yes.”

Applejack could only facehoof at her friends actions. “Anythin’ else I missed?”

"Hmmmm, I don’t think so, Spike’s probably stuck in Rarity’s store getting a make up or something.”

“Well, ahm gonna go then. Ah don’t wanna get all mixed up in your punishment.”

“Wait, take me with you! I’m….. so…… bored! No one has come in today, like, at all.”

That’s when Pinkie Pie piped her pink head up from past the porter. “That’s not true, Time Turner came, and so did Colgate! They ordered a large sundae remember?”

“Ok fine, so like two ponies, but that’s it!”

"Your point?” said Applejack, doing her little eyebrow raise that she had started to do. Secretly it pissed Rainbow off, but so far she had decided not to say anything about it. “Can I go with you?”

"And do what?”

“I don't know, I just don’t wanna stay here all day doing nothing.”

“But Dashie, you love doing nothing,” Pinkie called out from the kitchen.

“I like doing other stuff!” she yelled back.

“Ain't you supposed to be here workin in case somepony swings by?”

Dash cupped a claw around his snout and yelled out behind him, “Pinkie I’m going to take my break now.”

“You get 30min, but no more!” she screamed with mock authority, before bursting into a fit of giggles. “I always wanted to sound like a boss. You can have as long as you like as long as you bring Spike back with you.”

“Done, ok Applejack, let’s go.” Applejack nodded as they both left out the shoppe, and started down the street.

“ So, what are you out doing.”

“Ah was actually on a break of mah own, so ah guess that I’ll head to Sweet Apple Acres. You commin?”

“Yea sure.”


“Dreadful, simply dreadful….” Rarity began, pacing around Spike like a deadly hipster shark.

“Is that a leaf, oh sweet Celestia, is that a twig!?”

“Darling, have you even heard of conditioner?”

“Eww what is this sticky white stuff.”

“Hmm, tastes like chocolate, that’s unexpected.”

“Ok then,” said Rarity, finally finishing her inspection of Spike’s mane stopping her death circle right in front of her. “first off; you’re mane’s a train wreck, like it’s never seen a day of care in it’s like.”

“I-is my mane alive?”

“Of course, darling, all manes are living creatures. They must be tenderly loved and cared for like one’s own foal.”

“Rarity, can I have something to eat now?” asked a Sweetie bell from upstairs.


“Alright...” said Sweetie dejectedly.

Turning back to Spike Rarity noticed the look adorning her features. “Don’t look at me like that, she went into my room without my permission, and found some of my….. material.”

Hearing this made Spike slightly nervous, she didn't want to believe it, but there was only one way to find out. “You wouldn't have anything on Fancy Pants, would you.”

Rarity looked extremely stunned, and more than a little embarrassed at this query. “W-why yes, I do,” she answered while looking back and forth. She leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially Would you like to borrow it?”

Spike swiftly shook her head, mentally cursing Dash and feeling sorry for Sweetie Belle.

“Well alright then, your loss. Now, as for your mane, dear, it needs some serious work, but with a friend like me, you’re mane will live on yet. I’ll make sure of it,” she said, lifting a hoof dramatically. “Now what we’re going to do first is retrieve my high quality shears to cut out any-”

Everything from that point on faded to into obscurity, as Spike neither heard nor cared about what Rarity had been saying. Her mind had gone into stasis, racing thoughts focusing on many different topics. One part of her contemplated hurting Dash after this, another part had his eyes focusing on Rarity and how beautiful she looked as she rambled on. A third part wondered why ponies cared so much about their manes. As a dragon, all he had to do was shower to be able to leave presentable. A small part was still worried about what Twilight would think about him running off to Manehatten without notice. The final part, the part that had currently taken up at least 98% of his thoughts, was a simple question.

“Did Rarity just ask to elope with me!!??” she thought. Unfortunately this one thought got stuck on repeat, playing over and over without getting an answer.

“Emerald!” Rarity’s voice knocked her out of her own thoughts instantly, suddenly realizing that Rarity’s face had sat only inches from her own. “Were you listening to anything I said!”

Spike looked at her blankly, a blush creeping over her features. “Her face is so close…”] was her only thought.

Rarity sighed. “Well, I guess not. I’ve finished your mane, tell me what you think, and be honest!” she said excitedly, swirling Spike around to face herself in the mirror.

Spike stared closely at her reflection, taking in every detail that he could, she was absolutely stunned at the sight. Eventually she began to voice her wavering response. “I-it, looks… I look,” she began.

“Yes,” she urged, “beautiful, amazing, gorgeous, astounding, stunning, any of the above would be nice?”

“The same, I look exactly the same…”

If one listened closely they could hear Rarity’s excitement crack and break like a cheap mirror beaten by an expensive slipper. “What?” she screamed, looking from Spike, to the mirror and back. “No, dear you look completely different! Check again!”

So she did, Spike once again took in every detail. The only visible difference was that her face looked slightly shinier, and the bags that were under her eyes from her wings and thoughts keeping her up all night, were gone. But otherwise, exactly the same. “Nnnnope, pretty much the same. My mane’s still spiky,-”

“I thought that you would like that, so I kept it roughly the same.”

“It’s still the same shade of green.”

“No, before it was an icky dark moss green, now it’s a brighter shade of grassy green. I also straightened your mane, got everything out of it. It’s now at least 4marelimeters shorter. I washed and shampooed it, 3 times. The number of points have been increased to give of a more natural appearance. I curled your eyelashes, and I added just a touch of eyeshadow to bring attention your your eyes.” explained Rarity, point out every non-visible thing that she had done.

Nevertheless, Spike couldn't make out any of the supposed changes other than the fact that her mane was slightly damp, but she supposed that she should just go with what Rarity said she did.

“If you say so,” she said, earning an unamused expression from Rarity.

Spikes eyes drifted lazily around her mirrored figure before something caught her attention by the window. “What time is it?”

“Hmm, judging from the scenery, I would assume around midnight?” she guessed, “My we have been here for a while. Well, all in the name of fashion, yes?”

Spike jumped up and began to panic. “Oh no, she’s going to kill me, I got to get back.”

“Nonsense, It’s far too dangerous for mares such as ourselves to go out at this time of night. I must insist that you stay here with me. Ohh, We could have a sleepover and plan out where we could go tomorrow.”

“Alright… I guess..” she said hesitantly. “Wait, WHAT!?”

"A sleepover, haven't you ever had one?"

"I have a room mate, does that count?"

"Heavens no, a sleepover is something that you do with your friends that you don't already live with."

"Well, most of my friends are the opposite gender, so-"

"My, my, you lucky mare you," she teased, giggling slightly.

"No, it's not like that! They're really my roommates friends that I hang out with. I actually have a crush on one of them," she admitted. Spike momentarily wondered why she was saying all this, in the end she just guessed that she just felt like venting a bit, and this was the perfect chance.

"Well, they are your friends too right?"

"Of course!" he exclaimed before drawing herself back. "At least, I think so, sometimes, I feel like they're really more her friends then mine."

Rarity saw the conflicting emotions in her new friends eyes. She was clearly still holding something back, some set of thoughts and feelings that she probably couldn't understand. Well Rarity wouldn't let this slide, she knew what she had to do. "Emerald, darling?"

Spike perked his head up in response.

"Come over here, we need to talk about a few more things."

~Some other part of Ponyville~

“Ohhhh,” groaned Dash as he and AJ trotted down the path to Sugarcube corner. “My arms feel like they’re broken.”

“Oh, stop yer belly achin, you’re the one who wanted to help so bad, and it was only a few hundred bucket fulls, you’re lucky that it was a slow day today.”

“I thought that I would at least have super dragon strength or something.”

Applejack smirked. “Well, ah hope that challenging Big Mac, and getting yer tail handed to ya, proved otherwise.”

“Shut up, I beat you didnt I?”

"You threw an apple in my face!”

“Still counts though,” he smirked

“Then you refused to have a rematch.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he said, waving her off. “Jeez, it’s late”

"Well then why’d you pass out in front of Granny Smith’s room?”

Dash shivered at the memory of the green mare’s room. “No wonder she’s lived so long.”

“What was that?”

“Nothing! Oh, look we’re here,” said Dash as he ran up to the door, but just as he reached for the handle a voice rang out from beyond it.

“-TTER, KNEE TWITCH!” Then the doors burst open, crushing Dash against the wall. Pinkie stood at the door, fully armored in police gear complete with, a construction workers hat with flashlight, kevlar vest, night vision goggles, a noise maker (for distractions) spy suit, a mustache, (for disguises) and a dog on a leash. Spotting AJ, she removed her goggles, and rushed over to her, grabbing her and shaking her in a panic.

"Applejack, I’m so glad that I found you, Spike and Rainbow Dash haven't come home, so I got worried and gathered up all of my search gear. I was about to go find you guys to help me look for them look for them. Do you know where they are?”

"Well If ya stop shaking me then I’ll tell ya!” Pinkie obliged, releasing her from her grip. AJ shook herself free of her dizzy spell when her eyes found themselves looking at the familiar dog. “Is that Winona? I told you not to steal her again! Please at least, tell me that you didn't give her any more of your special cupcakes. She’ll be up howling all night again!”

Pinkie backed away sheepishly, “Well, they were low sugar cupcakes this time.”

“Oh yeah, how much is in ‘em”

“Only 54 cups this time…” said a nervous, shrinking Pinkie Pie.

“Gosh dangit Pinkie….” groaned a facehoofing Applejack.

“Ugghhhh,” groaned Dash from the doorway, reminding everyone of his presence. Pinkie quickly rushed over, removed the offending obstacle and quickly took sight the seemingly deceased dragon.

“Oh, thank goodness! I thought you might be hurt, also, I still haven't given you your pay for today’s work. Mr. and Mrs. Cake always say to give credit where credit is due, so here ya go!” she exclaimed, gently placing a small bag of bits on Rainbow Dash’s limp form.

“Shouldn't you be taking Rainbow inside?”

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie proceeded to pick him up and dash herself back into the shop, leaving a slightly confused Applejack to trot home alone, never to be seen in this story again.