• Published 14th May 2014
  • 2,646 Views, 21 Comments

King of the Kaiju - frost_bite

Godzilla awakens and unleashes hell upon Equestria.

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Chapter 2

Author's Note:

Cancelled, I have my reasons. decided to not leave the followers of this story empty handed so here's what would've been

"There is no time to waste girls, its now or never," Twilight stuck her hoof out in between all. Being the element of loyalty Rainbow Dash was the first to put join her hoof with Twilight's, then Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack, Rarity, and finally Fluttershy who hesitated at first but grew the courage to place her hoof with the others. "Let's do this thing."

The mane 6 each wore their own respective element of harmony then a very bright white started to illuminate around the mares. The ponies, with eyes shining bright as stars, began to levitate to a great distance and shot towards the direction of Canterlot.

Celestia and Luna were standing outside on the balcony of their castle in armor they haven't worn in centuries, Luna's was the same as it was when she was Nightmare Moon, Celestia's was the same but a pearlescent white color with gold instead. The Princesses of night and day were lost in shock to see their city a complete wasteland littered with ruble from destroyed buildings and dead bodies. It couldn't even be recognized as Canterlot anymore, dust and ash polluted the once clear air, flattened corpses replaced the lively population. This was no longer Canterlot, it was Hell. The tears of the Princesses trickled down onto the destroyed roadways, there was no way this happened on a time span of a few minutes.

A low rumbling growl was coming from a massive silhouette hidden in the dusty graveyard. Upon hearing the monstrous noise Luna's sadness was immediately replaced with anger- no, pure rage against the beast that ruined her city and killed her subjects. "FOUL DEMON," she screamed in her Canterlot voice, "YOU HAVE DEFILED THE LAND EQUESTRIA ONCE MORE WITH YOUR EVIL WAYS, IT SHALL BE YOUR LAST! WE SHALL ONCE AGAIN SEND YOU BACK TO THE PITS OF TARTARUS!!!!"

"We have to keep it distracted long enough until the elements arrive, we must not fail." Celestia said in a commanding tone.

Godzilla lumbered towards the two Alicorns through the dust and debris, eyeing them both. Fire in Godzilla's eyes as he stared down the ones that nearly killed him long ago, he was more than ready for round two. He charged at them swiping with his clawed hands and tried getting a snap out of them with his razor sharp teeth. For something so little the two princesses were giving the kaiju a lot of trouble. Celestia and Luna circled around Godzilla's head, shooting beams of magic at the beast's face temporarily blind it. Celestia would dart around Godzilla's snout distracting him while Luna came from above, dive bombing towards the large head and when she got near enough she would pull up towards his face shooting Godzilla in his eyes. The two would keep this tactic up switching roles each time. Godzilla was now royally pissed, the spikes at the very tip of his tail began to glow a very bright blue, the glow continued to light up every dorsal fin on his back, he inhaled greatly to the point were his chest was puffed out and let loose an equally bright blue beam from his maw. Godzilla fired blindly around him attempting to hit the two Princesses but to no avail as the two would swerve out of the way or teleport away from the blast. After twenty seconds of firing Godzilla stopped his atomic breath to try and regain his vision, blinking until the stinging sensation went away. When the kaiju began to see clearly he saw nothing in front of him assuming he killed the two Alicorns. Godzilla began to turn around to head on to the next area but only to meet the two Princesses a football field's length away. Luna and Celestia were hovering side by side with their heads cocked back charging magic from their horns getting ready for an all out magical attack. Godzilla's spines began to light up once more, readying his attack as well .

Comments ( 1 )

Yeah they don't stand a chance Godzilla is op as fuck

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