• Published 31st Jul 2014
  • 6,174 Views, 213 Comments

The Ultimate Rebellion - Cerulean Voice

Twilight Sparkle has ruled Equestria for thirty years, under the corruption of the Alicorn Amulet. The youth of her powerless subjects have decided that enough is enough. A sequel to The Ultimate Alicorn.

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Chapter Six: Harmony's Ignition

Chapter Six: Harmony’s Ignition

I swear, the days are growing hotter, Twilight thought as she funneled a long trail of clouds westward. I’ll have to see about shortening them at this rate.

Twilight could not tell if it was her own sweat, the sun’s radiation, or some residual airborne moisture that covered her brow. What she did know was that it irritated her when it dripped into her eyes. She pulled out of her cyclonic motions and rose higher into the air, watching as the clouds in her wake passed underneath and slowed. With a single deft stroke, she swept the moisture away and descended into a sharp dive. The wind whipped by, straightening her mane and tail as the ground raced closer.

Nothing like a good blow-dry to cool oneself off.

She pulled up in a steep bank, almost a complete hundred-and-eighty degrees. The sharp change in trajectory pulled at her wings and sent a spasm through her back; she slowed for a second before flying back up. All these years, and I’m still not as good a flier as… as…

She shook her head and returned to the clouds. Once more, she began to spin in the air. Racing from behind the clouds, through them to the front, Twilight pulled the enormous fluffy pile along. The lengthy strip of asphalt below showed that she was directly over the centre of Los Pegasus.


She focused her magic; the cloud formation glowed with her deep red aura and separated into many smaller chunks. Before long, shadow covered the entire city. There, now for a little comfort. Multiple red beams shot through each individual cirrus cloud, which all began shedding their valuable tears upon the dry city.

Satisfied with her work, Twilight looked at the Sun. She had made good time. it was only noon and she had already covered every city in Equestria with at least a light layer of cloud. She would definitely be on schedule for her meeting with Mayor Mare and Dinky Doo.

She dove beneath the clouds and looked instead to the western coastline. At the edge of the harbour, a shining dome—relatively new to the city—rose up from the ground. Even at her distance, Twilight could see a myriad of small dots moving around inside.

Why not? I have some spare time.

She vanished, reappearing at the dome’s entrance with a red flash. The ocean’s crisp, salty smell and the lull of general passersby met her instantly. She looked around at her surroundings and smiled as anypony who caught sight of her bent their knees.

Acknowledging them with a single nod, Twilight passed through the archway, sporting a sign that read: Los Pegasus Flight Training Center. The passage opened up into a wide, circular area. Around the exterior ran a grass track, with a few pegasi doing laps. In the middle, various other pegasi sat around a middle-aged orange mare with a short, greying but still predominantly violet mane.

“It’s not as simple as just trying to flap your wings and take off,” the mare explained to her audience. “There’s a number of things you gotta pay attention to, like how often you flap, what angle you line yourself up at, and knowing what you’re physically capable of. Those of you lucky enough to have a scrap of magic will definitely find it easier, but not by much.”

With that, she trotted over to a nearby ramp. After finalising her place, she ran at full speed and pushed hard off the top of the ramp. Her shorter wings buzzed rapidly at first, but slowed when she leveled out and remained in place.

“Come on, everypony,” she called down. “You’ve gotta think positive about this. Give it all your concentration. Get some good momentum going, and then jump!”

Twilight smiled warmly, watching as the younger pegasi all lined up behind the ramp. One by one they reached the edge and jumped, some managing a few seconds of hang time before plummeting back to the ground. One stallion held his place in the air, almost reaching the instructor before he, too, fell on his rump with the others.

“Hey, not bad at all,” the instructor said as she descended. “None of you fell straight down this time. In fact, a lot of you managed to hold your flight for a good few seconds. Keep it up and you’ll be soaring among the clouds before you know it!”

Twilight raised a hoof to her mouth and coughed.

The instructor lifted her ears and inclined her head toward the quiet sound. “Uh, I’ll be right back, fillies and colts. You keep practicing and trying while I’m busy, okay?”

While her group either grumbled or nodded enthusiastically, she flew over to Twilight. Landing in front of the queen, she tucked in her wings and bowed, mane falling in front of her face.

“Good to see you again, Queen Twilight,” she said, keeping her head low. “What brings you here today?”

“I was in the area, and I had a little spare time, so I thought I’d come and check on your progress,” Twilight said. She gestured with a hoof to the colourful palette of fillies and colts. “I see that some of your students can manage a few seconds of flight now. That’s wonderful!”

“Yeah, it really is,” the mare said. She looked back over her shoulder, smiling as she watched her persistent students. “I think that if we start them younger, with intense training, the next generation should be able to resume weather control again.” Her eyes lit up. “Can you imagine it? Your rule would be so much easier without having to worry about everypony, at least in that sense.”

“I must admit, some days do tire me out,” Twilight said with a sigh. “I feel it’s only going to get worse over time, too. The seas are rising, the sun is burning hotter… I can only do so much.”

“Yes… well…” The mare closed her mouth and looked away.

“What is it?”

“Nothing—nothing important.” She shook her head. “Um… how are Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle doing?”

Twilight narrowed her eyes, the Amulet flashing dangerously for a second. “Scootaloo…”

“No, seriously, e-everything is fine,” Scootaloo said, waving a hoof around. “Things are gonna work out here, you’ll see. I just… I really miss my friends, Your Majesty. I wish I could see them more often.”

Twilight’s glare softened; the Amulet’s glow faded, and she shook her head. “I know. I miss my friends too. But I can tell you that Sweetie is making excellent progress with our experiments, and Apple Bloom continues to put the hard yards in for Ponyville and beyond. You would be proud of them.”

“And… my family?”

Twilight hesitated. “I… I’m afraid I can’t offer you too much news about them. I haven’t seen Rumble for a while. My last report about your colts, however, shows that they get up to just as much mischief as you Crusaders used to.”

Twilight and Scootaloo shared a laugh.

“That’s my colts, all right. Taking after their mama. Next time you’re in Ponyville, send them my love, please?”

“Of course.” Twilight nodded. “I actually have a meeting in Ponyville with the Mayor today, but I should be done by the time Heat and Snow return from their school trip to Everfree. I’ll pass on a message for you.”

“Thanks, Your Majesty.” Scootaloo bowed again.

“And don’t worry,” Twilight said. “I promise I’ll give you some time off soon for you to visit them. I just really need you…”

“Yeah, I know.” Scootaloo sighed. “‘Strongest flier in Equestria’ and everything—who better to lead the Icarus Project?” She glanced over her shoulder again. “Well, I shouldn’t keep you any longer. I have my own class to worry about, anyway.”

“I’ll give your regards to everypony back home.”

“I’d appreciate it. Have a nice day, Your Majesty.” Scootaloo gave a final bow and trotted back toward her students.

Twilight watched her go, pride and sorrow fighting for dominance. I know how it feels, Scoots. Being unable to cuddle your foals... With a deep breath, she sparked up her horn and vanished.

* * * * *

Liberty stared at her newly blemished flank, her mirror suspended in the air at the right angle to let her analyse the entire image. All around her, the other foals oohed and ahhed as they beheld her gleaming cutie mark: an exact replica of the gem that had disappeared.

“Well, anypony gonna explain what that picture is?” Ambrosia asked. She looked between Liberty and Zecora. “What’s it do? Is it stuck there forever?”

“This is a mark of destiny, my curious colts and fillies,” Zecora said. “It gives ponies direction for their lives, unlocking desires that lie inside.”

“So what does this one mean, then?” Ambrosia touched the mark. “That magic stone just made it appear, didn’t it?”

“Yes… it did…” Liberty bit her lip, looking between her mirror and the tree. “Miss Zecora… please, tell me honestly. Does this mean what I think it does?”

“Harmony has touched you, sweet Liberty Belle. Generosity chooses in your heart to dwell.”


“Hey, you okay, Libby?” Ambrosia touched her friend’s shivering shoulder. “I ain’t never seen you like this before.”

“Yeah, what’s the deal?” Wild asked, trotting up to Zecora. “There’s a lot you’re not telling us, Zecora. Why the secrets?”

The others rounded on her too. Finding herself surrounded, Zecora simply smiled, sat, and closed her eyes.

“Now listen hard, and listen well, for this tale of woe I’m about to tell will make you gasp, and make you cry, but in the end, you will know why…”

* * * * *

“Thank you for meeting with me today, Your Majesty. Just let me finish… up… here. There we go ”

Mayor Mare signed a last piece of paper, dropped her quill, and placed it on top of her outbox pile. Opposite her, Twilight sat at the long desk, wings folded in. Her joints ached, but she showed no sign of discomfort inside Town Hall.

“Of course, Mayor. This is an important day for Ponyville. Why, I would be remiss if I did not attend.” She grinned and arched her neck, cracking it with a contented sigh. “Could we perhaps have some refreshments for our discussion? Taking care of Equestria’s weather by oneself can be quite exhausting.”

“Er, o-of course, Your Majesty. Anything to make you feel better after a hard day’s work.” Mayor Mare rang her bell, and Time Turner was at her side within seconds. “Mister Turner, would you kindly fetch a platter, a bottle of water, and some tea for Her Majesty? Oh—” as he nodded and turned, she caught his ear and lowered her voice “—just one of each sample, please. We’re running low on everything.”

“What’s that?” Twilight asked as Time galloped off.

“Just… making sure he chooses only our finest quality fruits and vegetables, Your Majesty,” Mayor Mare said with a wide smile. “Only the best for you, of course.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes a moment, but they lit up soon enough. “Why, thank you, Mayor. So considerate of you.” She beamed and tilted her head, eyes closed. “I don’t like going over highly important documents on an empty stomach.”

“Likewise, Your Majesty,” Mayor Mare said, nodding quickly. “Now, all of the papers are here, including the almost-unanimous poll that nominates Cheerilee for my replace…ment…” She trailed off as Twilight looked sidelong, directly into the wall. “Your Majesty? Is everything fine?”

Twilight frowned, her eyes flashing red. “Something just… but… no, that’s not possible…”

“Er, Your Majesty? The platter has arrived.”

“Oh!” Twilight looked away, eyes purple again, and beamed as Time Turner slid the platter off his back. “Thank you very much, Time. An apple, some rhubarb, a few plums—oooh, I haven’t had grapes in ages!

“I am pleased you, er, appreciate it, Your Majesty,” Time Turner said with a quick bow. He shared a glance with the mayor, and they sighed together while Twilight stuffed her face, grape juice dribbling down her chin.

Mayor Mare watched for a while after Time Turner left, Twilight making all sorts of squeals and hums as she devoured the samples before her. Before too long, all that remained was the jug of water—which Twilight drained half of in one gulp.

“Ahhh. Much better.” She grinned and patted her stomach. “So, Mayor, where were we?”

* * * * *

The seven sat in a circle, completely silent. Zecora’s voice had faded, but nopony knew what to say. Fireflies and will-o-the-wisps floated around their heads, only the Tree of Harmony lighting the cavern.

Finally, Ambrosia broke the silence. “Sooo… this is… kinda huge, ain’t it?”

“‘Huge’ doesn’t begin to cut it, Ambi,” Heat said, shaking his head. “This changes everything.”

“Are we really some kind of ‘big heroes,’ that need to ‘save the world’ from the evil ruler?” Wild stared around at them all. “Because if so… count me the heck in! Those kinds of stories are awesome.”

“Well, c-count me out,” Toffee said, curling into a ball. “I just want to go home. Please, can we just g-go, Miss Zecora?”

Zecora stared down her nose at Toffee, then glanced around at the others. “It might all seem just so unfair, this burden that you all must bear. But none can argue with Fate’s call—it has picked you to save us all.”

“But I’m just a little filly,” Ambrosia said. “How can I do anything? I have to go home, go to school, help Mama and Papa on the farm—”

“Another thing you all must know…” Zecora inhaled deeply, and exhaled slowly. “Your parents know this must be so. Our plan was formed by many minds, who’ve kept the truth in knots and binds.”

“They… they knew about this?” Snow leapt into the air and hovered over the circle. “Father, Mother, all our parents knew what was going on? And they didn’t tell us?”

Liberty jumped up, her horn alight. “Even if they did tell us, would you have even believed it? Think about it, everypony—” she swept her eyes around “—even if we knew, we would have laughed it off. Or worse, we might have told others.” She pointed at Zecora. “Place no blame on Miss Zecora—she is but the messenger. Something like this… our parents had to keep it secret. We are talking about standing up to Queen Twilight here! What do you think would have happened if she heard even a whisper of such plans?”

Silence again; Toffee shivered, the twins shared looks, Ambrosia stared at the ground.

Zecora sighed and stood, wobbling a little before walking forward. As Wild scooted next to Toffee and tried to calm her down, Zecora made her way over to the Tree of Harmony and pressed a stone at its base. The cavern rumbled again for a short time before a giant pink flower bloomed from right out of the ground. Once it stopped climbing, its petals fell open, revealing a curious blue fruit.

Wild Seed sprang up from Toffee’s side and galloped over to it. His eyes widened, looking the chest up and down. His mouth fell open, stretching his features in a gleeful grin. “Wow! I know I said there might be treasure in here, but I wasn’t serious.” He brought his muzzle up to one of the keyholes and narrowed his eyes. “Hmmm. Six keys. Guess we gotta go find them, right? Any ideas?” He eyed Zecora.

“Adventure gleams in your eyes, young Seed.” Zecora smiled. “I see such courage that all will need. You seem most eager of your friends—you’d see this quest through to its end?”

“You bet. I need something—anything to get out of Ponyville. I want to go exploring. I want to see the world!”

“Now hang on a tic there, cuz!” Ambrosia sidled up next to Wild. “We’d be leavin’ everypony behind to do this. Family, school, our other friends. You can’t just wanna leave straight away like that, can ya?”

“I can, and I do,” Wild insisted. “Besides, my Ma’ll do fine without me. Y’know, come to think of it, she gave me a real tight hug this morning. Said she was proud of me.” He laughed. “I thought it was weird at the time, cos she normally can’t wait to kick me out of bed and off to school every morning. I know I can get in a spot of trouble sometimes, and I know it annoys the hay out of her, so she normally just gives me a kiss on the cheek before bed if anything. But she hardly ever gives me a big hug like that anymore…” He sighed, but kept the smile on his face. “I’d like to remember her that way while we’re on this journey, until it’s finished. I want her to have a real reason to be proud of me.”

“Wow, Wild. I don’t think I remember you ever bein’ such a big ol’ softy before.” Ambrosia smirked, but raised a hoof to her chin. “Hmmm. Y’know, my Mama and Papa both did the same thing. I coulda sworn I heard Mama’s voice go all chokey when she let me go. And Papa was smilin’ too, except…” Ambrosia dropped her hoof. “You know what? I think you’re right for once in your life, cuz. We gotta do this. I’ma miss ’em both and Uncle Mac somethin’ fierce, but it’s all for the better, right?”

Wild gave her a playful hoofbump.

“In all honesty,” Liberty started, finally standing up, “I feel we have no choice. Whether we wish to or not, we must find these keys. We are the ponies that this incredible tree has chosen to bestow its power upon. I certainly cannot return home now, not with both my flanks how they are. I cannot wear clothes all my life—you know how times are. It is common knowledge in Canterlot that my mother is the Queen’s apprentice, and so affords a healthy allowance. Clothes are a valuable commodity, but an unnecessary one, and ponies would accuse me of flaunting my wealth. They have attacked others for less.”

“Dad works for the Ponyville post office,” Heat Wave said, “but he always wanted to be a Wonderbolt, just like our uncle wanted to before he lost his magic. I think if we somehow managed to get everyone’s magic back, we could make our dad and our uncle both happier than they’ve ever been.”

“Mum, too,” Snow Flurry added. “She’s always away from home, training up other pegasi to try and make them fly. I miss her. I just want her to come home more than every few months. If we can make that happen… sign me up. I’m in.”

All five stood next to each other and clasped their hooves. They looked over at Toffee, still sitting on the ground and gaping like a fish out of water.

“Come on, Toffee. It’s okay. We’ll look after you,” Wild said. He held out his free hoof, but she shrank away from him, shaking her head.

“I d-don’t wanna go anywhere!” She sniffed and lifted a hoof to her eyes. “My life’s perfectly f-fine back home. My m-momma loves me, and my daddy calls me his little p-princess. I wanna see them again. Take me home. I wanna go home!”

Everypony stared at the bawling filly and sighed.

“You gotta come with us, Toffee,” Ambrosia said. “There’s six Elements, and there’s six of us. There ain’t nopony else in Ponyville who has magic like us.”

“Yeah there is!” Toffee countered. “What about all our parents? Or the Cake twins?”

“They all have jobs to do! They can’t take off and do somethin’ like this. The queen would hear about it and go lookin’ for ’em. But… hang on a sec. That’s a good point.” Ambrosia looked at Zecora. “Ain’t the queen gonna find out about all us missin’ anyway?”

“No, everypony, missing will not be the report.” Zecora bowed her head. “Queen Twilight’s information will be… of a different sort.”

“A different sort?” Liberty repeated. “What kind of… of… oh. Oh. Oh, gosh.”

Everypony focused on Liberty. “We cannot go back. Not now. Not ever. Only if we succeed on this journey.”

“The heck are you on about, Libby?” Ambrosia said, shaking her friend’s shoulders.

“We’re not missing, Ambi, everypony.”

Liberty sucked in a deep breath.

“We’re dead.”