• Published 14th May 2014
  • 10,421 Views, 690 Comments

Keeping your Promises - RaylanKrios

Rainbow and Scootaloo learn that there is more to being sisters than bedtime stories and hugs.

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Literally nothing I wouldn't do

True to her word, Rainbow woke up every hour, it wasn’t that she didn’t want a good night sleep. In her head she knew Scoots was safe, snuggled up and cozy in bed, but despite knowing that, she would drift off to sleep only to be startled awake by panic that didn’t abate until Rainbow again laid eyes on the small orange pegasus and confirmed that she was still blissfully sleeping next to her.

During one of these interruptions, Rainbow couldn’t help but acknowledge the constricting pain she felt in her chest: it actually, physically, hurt to care about somepony this much. But as much as she hated the tightness she was presently experiencing, she was more than willing to endure it in exchange for the amount of sheer joy she felt when she looked down at the sleeping filly.

Though Scootaloo had still looked troubled when she had gone to bed, snuggling as close as she could to her big sister, while she slept her face was a picture of serenity, adorned with a small grin. Rainbow ached very badly to scoop the filly up in her forelegs and hold her close, but instead opted to gently touch her soft purple mane and reassert her snuggle grip before she drifted off to sleep, only to repeat the process an hour later.

After the seventh time she woke up, the sun began to shine through the window and Rainbow decided to wake up in earnest, rather than subject herself to another panic-shortened nap. Because it was still early, and Scootaloo did look so peaceful, Rainbow was loathe to wake her, instead opting to just lie in bed and watch Scootaloo’s wings rise and fall with each breath. Eventually the filly’s wings began to twitch and her eyes began to flutter, the telltale signs of a filly about to wake up. She waited until Scootaloo had opened her eyes completely before grabbing the filly and hoisting her in the air. Rainbow rolled on her back and held Scootaloo above her head, their bodies parallel, looking up at her charge fondly.

“Morning, squirt,” she said as she lifted Scootaloo in the air up and down a few times as though she was a fuzzy barbell. “You know this isn’t bad exercise,” she mused, grinning widely.

Scootaloo giggled groggily from her perch. “You call that a rep? Where are you from cadet?” she barked out in a high pitched, not quite drill sergeant material, cadence.

“Ponyville, ma’am,” Rainbow responded, continuing to raise and lower Scootaloo.

“Ponyville? Only two things come from Ponyville! Apples and cupcakes, and I ain’t never seen no blue apple,” Scootaloo barked back, trying to sound menacing but failing miserably.

“This is why weights don’t talk,” Rainbow groused playfully as she set Scootaloo down on her chest gently, wrinkling her snout as Scootaloo’s mane tickled her nose. “Sleep okay, kid?” she asked, instinctively wrapping a foreleg around Scootaloo in a half hug. She could feel Scootaloo’s fur rub against her own as the filly nodded and burrowed into the embrace. “How ya doing?” Rainbow asked softly.

Scootaloo scrunched her face and looked up. “I think I’m a little better,” she said a bit more tentatively than Rainbow would have liked. However, Scootaloo nuzzled Rainbow affectionately, temporarily putting her worries at ease. “I’m hungry,” the filly declared with an air of confidence.

A wry grin began to form on Rainbow’s face. “Okay, I can fix that. How about I go get us some muffins from Sugarcube Corner?”

“Can they be banana nut muffins?” the filly asked, her voice tinged with anticipation.

Rainbow smirked. “Is there any other kind?” They shared a laugh while an idea formed in rainbow Dash’s head. “You wanna come with?”

“Umm... is it okay if I stay here?” Scootaloo asked, gripping Rainbow just a little tighter.

Whether Scootaloo was nervous about facing the outside world, or she just didn’t feel like making a muffin run, Rainbow couldn’t tell. But either way, it didn’t affect her response. “Sure thing, squirt. I’ll be back before you can sneeze.”

Rainbow let Scootaloo ride on her back as the pair headed downstairs. She parked Scoots on the couch with some cartoons and a glass of juice, and after a quick ruffling of her mane and a kiss on the forehead, Rainbow found herself flying to Sugarcube Corner.

Ponyville was generally busy on Saturday mornings and today was no exception. The merchants had their stalls set up, and ponies were running errands and carrying on, just like any other Saturday.

Rainbow Dash’s first stop was the Apple Family stall for a quick visit with Applejack. After a brief conversation, Scootaloo's is doing better, so yeah, I’ll bring her by, and then we can head over to the Rich’s, she continued on her quest to pick up a breakfast.

But as Rainbow approached Sugar Cube Corner, she saw Diamond Tiara happily trotting out of the bakery with a box that Rainbow assumed contained at least one cupcake. She quickly took back to the sky in order to avoid the gaze of the tiara-wearing filly, but even from her distant position in the clouds, Rainbow could tell that Diamond Tiara didn’t have a care in the world, and that was not okay with her.

She doesn’t get to hurt Scoots and then eat cupcakes like everything is fine, she thought as the rage within her began to coalesce. Screw Applejack and her plan to handle this, “the responsible way”. When it’s her sister, she can call the shots, the rage reasoned in her head, overruling her other senses. With a flap of her wings, Rainbow Dash softly landed in front of the crown wearing pink filly, just outside the main intersection of the town square. Satisfied that nopony was paying them any attention, Rainbow focused her attention onto the object of her ire. “You’re Diamond Tiara, right? We have a problem here, kid,” she said much more calmly than the situation warranted in her mind.

“What do you mean, Rainbow Dash?” Diamond Tiara replied in her best innocent little filly voice.

“Shut it. I ain’t buyin’ the whole sweet act. You hurt my little sister, and that means you and I have a problem,” Rainbow snapped.

Her cover blown, Diamond Tiara dropped her façade. “You can’t do anything to me. I’m just a filly and my daddy-”

“You’re right. If I hurt you, I could go to jail. You know it and I know it. But there’s something else you need to know.” Rainbow paused for a second so she could be absolutely sure Diamond heard the next part. “There’s literally nothing I wouldn’t do to protect Scootaloo. Trust me when I tell you you have no idea how true that is,” she said quietly but succinctly, her tone sending a chill down Diamond’s spine. This wasn’t the false bravado of a pony trying to look tough; it was an icy dispassion, stating an immutable truth carved in stone.

“So, here’s what’s gonna happen: you’re gonna keep on being a little turd because that’s just who you are.” Diamond Tiara started to protest but a glare from Rainbow silenced her. “I can’t change that. One day you’re going to mouth off to a bigger turd then you are and then maybe you’ll get what’s coming to you, but until then…” Rainbows voice trailed off and she shrugged. “You’re gonna call Scootaloo a chicken, a blank flank, and whatever other stupid names you can think of, because you don’t get that she’s better than you. Like you said, I can’t stop you.” Rainbow lowered her gaze and glared at Diamond with a white hot intensity she could only remember feeling one other time in her life, albeit in a similar situation. “But if you ever hurt her again, you and I are going to have another one of these talks, only it won’t be a conversation. Understand?”

Diamond Tiara swallowed the lump of fear building up in her throat and nodded. She started to open her mouth but quickly closed it before trotting off, visibly shaken.

Satisfied that she had made her point, Rainbow happily flew home for breakfast with Scoots. She wasn’t sure if Pinkie’s cupcakes had magical powers, but after witnessing Scootaloo happily wolf down her muffin she wouldn’t bet against it.

“That wath awthsome!” Scootaloo muffled-ly shouted with a mouth still half full of muffin, crumbs flying out as she tried to smile.

“Glad you liked it, but why don’t you finish before trying to talk, okay?” Rainbow playfully chided.

Scootaloo swallowed the last remnants of her muffin with one large gulp. “Sorry,” she said sheepishly. “So what are we doing today?” she asked, her usual enthusiasm beginning to shine through.

Rainbow paused for a moment to consider how she wanted to answer that question. “I told Applejack I’d bring you to Sweet Apple acres so you can go crusading. Whaddya say?”

Scootaloo hesitated for just a moment before responding, looking down and taking in a deep breath. When she looked back up, it was apparent that she had suppressed whatever demons were bothering her, at least temporarily. “Crusading sounds awesome,” Scootaloo said with no apparent reservations.

Rainbow ruffled Scootaloo’s mane, and after a quick post-breakfast routine, Scootaloo was securely perched on Rainbow’s back as the pair flew toward Sweet Apple Acres.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo arrived at the familiar property and trotted toward the barn where they found Applejack and the other two crusaders. The three ponies turned to look at them as they walked in. There was a slight tension in the air, nopony willing to broach the obvious topic of conversation. Scootaloo spoke first. “Hey, girls. Sorry I kinda freaked out on ya the other day,” she said, blushing a little bit.

“It’s okay Scootaloo. We’re glad you’re feeling better,” Sweetie Belle offered with a reassuring smile, the tension in the barn dissipating as it became apparent that the aftereffects of Scootaloo’s ordeal were fading.

Topic broached, Apple Bloom decided it was time to get back to business as usual.“C’mon, we’ve got a surprise for you. It’s in the clubhouse,” Apple Bloom said, leading the group toward the familiar wooden structure on the outskirts of Sweet Apple Acres.

Rainbow Dash glanced over at Applejack to see if she knew what her sister had in store, but her inquiry was met with only a shrug. The five ponies trotted over to the CMC clubhouse, stopping at the door as Apple Bloom turned to face the group.

“So... Ah tried, Scoots, Ah really did, but Ah just couldn’t fix your scooter. The board was cracked and the handle bars were bent. Diamond Tiara is stronger than she looks.”

“Oh,” Scootaloo replied, crestfallen.

“So, we got you this!” Apple Bloom opened the door to the clubhouse with a flourish. Standing in the middle of the room was a shiny new blue scooter. It looked a lot like her old one, only this one was made of solid metal, and had a bright orange flame graphic covering the board.

“No way!” Scootaloo exclaimed as her wings buzzed furiously. “That’s a Thunderbolt! Those are, like, the best scooters ever made!” Her excitement was quickly replaced with a look of guilt. “I can’t take this... it must have cost you a fortune! You should go get your bits back.”

Sweetie Belle shook her head. “I don’t think Silver Spoon knows how much these things cost, seeing as we paid for most of it with the money she left us.”

“Still doesn’t get her off the hook, if ya ask me...” Apple Bloom chimed in.

“Most of it?” Scootaloo asked, a worried look still plastered on her face.

“We kinda both chipped in to cover the rest,” Apple Bloom said.

“But it wasn’t entirely selfless!” Sweetie Belle added, concerned that Scootaloo still looked upset. “This one comes with an actual wagon hitch so you don’t have to tie a rope around the scooter anymore. Now, the wagon won’t sway back and forth so much, which will make for a smoother ride for anypony who might happen to be riding in the wagon.”

A small grin began to replace the worried look on Scootaloo’s face. “Anypony who might happen to be in the wagon?” she asked, more than a little amused at Sweetie’s explanation.

“Yeah, ya know, like if Rumble or Twist or somepony was ridin’ wit’ ya?” Apple Bloom said nodding.

“Rumble or Twist?” Scootaloo asked with an arched eyebrow.

“Okay, fine. Us! It can get scary back there sometimes.” Sweetie Belle said as she threw her forelegs up in mock frustration.

Scootaloo leapt forward and hugged her friends, and the three fillies shared a tender moment, the two older ponies looking on proudly as they reflected on their own friendship. “So, you wanna, maybe, try it out?” Scootaloo asked with a familiar daredevil gleam in her eye.

“You bet! Can we, Applejack? Please?” Apple Bloom said, as all three fillies looked up with wide, hopeful eyes.

“Ah don’t see why not, an’ Rainbow an’ I got stuff ta do anyways. You girls have fun, but be careful.”
Rainbow Dash and Applejack watched as the three fillies scurried away toward the hills, scooter and wagon in tow.

“You ready to head on over to Filthy’s? We’re gonna settle this thing like calm an’ civilized ponies, okay?” Applejack asked as the scooter disappeared over the nearest hill.

“Yeah, sure, but I ran into Diamond this morning. I don’t think she’ll be bothering Scoots again,” Rainbow Dash replied, sounding a bit more smug than she meant to.

Expecting to see a nod of approval or maybe even satisfaction on her friends face, Rainbow was startled when she glanced at Applejack and saw only disbelief mixed with a touch of anger. “Ah’m gonna guess that you didn’t politely explain to her that bein’ mean is wrong.”

Rainbow shrugged nonchalantly. “Something like that,” she said, glancing away from Applejacks glare.

“You idiot!”Applejack shouted at Rainbow. She held her head low for a moment, then looked up at Rainbow again. “Well, we ain’t goin to the Rich’s now.”

“Why not!?” Rainbow Dash shot back.

“‘Cause if Diamond Tiara hasn’t already said anything, it’s only because she doesn’t want to get in trouble. So, if we talk to her dad, she’s got no reason to keep quiet. Either way, if we go over there now, he ain’t gonna be worried that his daughter’s bullying Scoots, ‘cause it’s gonna be, ‘What the hay were you doing threatenin’ my child?’ And while I got no problem with you learnin’ that actions have consequences, I’ll be darned if Scootaloo doesn’t need ya around.”

Rainbow Dash bristled at her friend’s summation. She protected Scoots, and instead of getting a pat on the back from a pony who darn well knew what family meant, she was being upbraided. The anti-authoritarian attitude that had gotten her in trouble as a filly reared its ugly head. “What’s your deal, AJ? I solved the problem. Anypony who messes with Scoots, has to deal with me, that’s the way it is,” she said, glaring daggers at the farm pony.

“Oh, grow up RD! Ya ain’t a filly anymore. You don’t get to threaten a child, no matter what they did.”

“Whatever. You just don’t understand,” Rainbow said, less under her breath than she intended.

Applejack glared at Rainbow, and if looks could kill, Rainbow wouldn’t have been dead, but she would have certainly been on life-support. “Ah’m gonna ignore the way you just suggested that you love yer family more than Ah love mine, cause it ain’t a competition.” Applejack took a deep breath, and when she spoke again the edge to her voice was somewhat blunted. “Did you know we used to raise sheep on this farm?”

“No, I didn’t know that. But what does that have to do with telling me how stupid I was?” Rainbow replied, unwilling to accept Applejack’s ceasefire.

“Oh believe you me ah’m getting to that part. Before we bought the south orchard, we rented it as grazing land for a small herd of sheep, and ‘cause it’s near the Everfree Forest, we needed a sheepdog to scare away the timberwolves.”


Applejack smiled fondly as she thought about her faithful companion. “Naw, Winona’s just a pet, and a great one in her own way, but she doesn’t do any real work. This was when I was just a filly, not even as old as Scoots and Apple Bloom are now. Winona’s daddy was a dog named Rider; he was a sheep dog, and a mighty good one at that. My hoof to Celestia, Ah saw him stare down a timberwolf three times his size once. Anyways the sheep never did much like Rider, and ah couldn’t figure out why. So ah went ta Pa and asked him why the sheep didn’t like Rider. After all, he protected them from the timberwolves.”

“Hey, Scoots likes me plenty!” Rainbow interjected with more than a trace of indignation.

“Ah know she does, sug’. Jus’ let me finish my story. It ain’t like we got anywhere to go today. This is what Pa told me: it’s not that the sheep didn’t like Rider, but they couldn’t help but be a little scared of him. What with the pointy ears an’ sharp teeth, they’d assume he was a timber wolf if they didn’t know any better. He had to be scary looking, after all, ‘cause timberwolves don’t scare easy, but that same fierceness that protected the sheep could have easily been on the other side of the glade, and they knew it.”

“I swear, AJ, I have no idea what nugget of Apple-bred wisdom you’re trying to get me to learn, but so far, all I’ve heard is you tell a story about some sheep and a dog,” Rainbow said with an exasperated sigh.

“My point is that you can be downright scary sometimes Dash, and when you get angry, it’s not hard to imagine you on the other side of the glade!” Applejack snapped back.

Rainbow Dash sat down on her haunches, unable to come up with a response. Sure, she was tough and brash, but that’s just who she was. The idea that her friends might actually be scared of her made her feel definitely not-awesome. If she didn’t know any better, she would think that her present feeling could be described as being somewhere between guilt and shame.

Applejack tried to smile reassuringly, aware of the the unintended effect of her outburst . “I know you’re a good sort, and believe me, when those changelings attacked, Ah was mighty glad you were on our side. But, do ya think that maybe, when you scared that little filly, she felt just a little like Scootaloo when she was being hurt?” Applejacks voice dropped to just above a whisper. “Helpless and scared. I don’t care what kinda spoiled brat ya are; ain’t no filly ever deserves to feel that.”

“She hurt Scootaloo...” Rainbow said without much conviction, her last gasp at trying to justify her actions.

“Doesn’t make what you did okay. Pa used to say something about two wrongs not makin’ a right, too,” Applejack finished softly.

“Have you ever been scared of me? Has Applebloom?” Rainbow asked, looking to her friend in earnest, more than a little scared at what the response might be.

Applejack looked at Rainbow with the concern she felt for the pegasus written plainly on her face, trying to let her expression convince Rainbow of the sincerity of her words . “Aw shucks sugarcube, any pony who meets you can tell within ten minutes you ain’t nothin but a big blue marshmallow. I ain't never been anything but glad to be your friend. But Ah’m guessin’ that lil’ one doesn’t know that about ya.”

“I just wanted to protect Scootaloo,” Rainbow said quietly.

“I know ya did, but that don’t change the fact that you just wrote Tiara a get out of trouble free card, and that ain’t what she needed. Ya gone an’ mucked this one up, Rainbow.”

Author's Note:

Sorry bout the wait, (though 3 weeks isn't too bad a wait on fimfiction)