• Published 14th May 2014
  • 2,686 Views, 17 Comments

I Love You - The Asexual Jelly Bean

Twilight wants to talk to Celestia about something personal.

  • ...

It's Not Right

Author's Note:

Ok, so you know the gist, constructive critique, or gtfo ^^

Well, I'd just like to hear what you think of the new chapter. I put more thought into this one, so.... yeah....

Twilight and Celestia lay in bed. They had both just awoken. They’d been dating for a few months now, and Celestia was starting to feel weird about it. She didn’t know how or why those feelings suddenly appeared inside her. Lately, she’d just been thinking about the age again, it’s still so many years.

Twilight rose up from the bed, kissing Celestia just before. “Good morning, Celly.” She went on to the bathroom. In the bathroom she turned on the showers with her magic, and waited for the bath to be filled up with warm water, whilst waiting she decided to brush her teeth. As the bath filled up, she stepped in. She took a deep breath, and relaxed.

Celestia, however couldn’t stop thinking about her doubts. Her doubts about the relationship. They were starting to get out of hoof, and it was hard for her to keep it in, and she decided to tell her that day. She rose up from the bed and went to the kitchen, where she got a little breakfast. When she heard the hoofsteps of her lover, her heart stopped. She heard the “Hi, Celestia.” from Twilight, and she got paralyzed. Twilight went to her.

“Celestia? Erh-uh… are you ok?” Celestia shaked her head, and stared at Twilight.

“Yes, I’m fine… I think.” Twilight looked at her with confusion.

“Alright…” She placed herself on a chair in the kitchen right in front of Celestia. Twilight couldn’t stop wondering what was up with her. “Celestia, are you alright?” She could see her mentor’s reaction the question. It was a worried reaction, as if Twilight wouldn’t like the answer. Which, obviously she wouldn’t.

“No, Twilight. I’m not… these months we’ve been together have been great, but… I… I’m starting to feel doubts about us.” She noticed how the words caught Twilight by surprise, and how she noticed her eyes starting to water. “Twilight, you have to know, it’s not because I don’t love you, because I do, I really do. I just can’t seem to find it OK for us to be together. Let alone tell the kingdom, which we’d have to do sooner or later. And, you know how the Canterlot ponies would react to… a gay pairing.” Twilight’s face turned into more of an angry facade, rather than sad.

“So, you’re telling me that you’re breaking up with me, because some ponies don’t approve of us?! The ponies that YOU! Rule over?! You have the power to shut them up, if it was needed, but instead you decide to end our relationship?...” Her anger slightly started to fade, as the tears in her eyes started to form once again. “I just don’t… understand…”.

“Twilight, I really want us to work, but it just doesn’t. Not only because we’re mare and mare, but because I’m so much older. And to the other ponies, your friends excluded, think that’s weird.” Twilight stood up, and turned away from Celestia. She didn’t want the conversation to continue, she already knew where it was headed, so she simply walked away, and took it as a break-up instantaneously. “Twilight, where are yo-”

“SHUT UP!” Was heard from the purple mare. “I don’t care what you have to say, I already get it. You’re breaking up with me, because of your reputation with the ponies YOU are ruling over. What a princess, right? Too much pride in her reputation to actually be with the pony she loves. Good bye, Celestia. I’ll see you again, once you come to your senses.” Tears started streaming, as her horn started glowing. A bubble appeared around Twilight, popping as it disappeared. Celestia noticed a small pool of water lying on the ground, where Twilight stood.

“Those tears…. were because of me and my stubbornness… well, it was for the best. I can’t be with her, it’s just too weird. No matter how much it hurts.” Celestia turned back to her meal, trying to get some food down, but couldn’t.

Twilight had arrived in Ponyville, still crying. She’d teleported to the dining room, where the other 5 ponies and Discord were sitting, enjoying their meals.

“Twilight? Are you alright, darling?!” Rarity jumped off her chair, and went straight towards Twilight.

“No… I’m not.” Twilight turned away from the group, and went off to her room in the castle. Rarity followed her, but Twilight didn’t answer to any of the questions Rarity asked.

“Is it between you and Celestia? Did you break up?” Twilight turned her head towards Rarity, and looked at her angrily. She didn’t want to talk about it, she just wanted to be alone for now. Rarity reacted to the rage from her friend, by walking backwards in shock.

“I want to be alone!” Twilight yelled, as she started running towards her room.

When she got to her room, she slammed the door, creating a loud thud all the way throughout the castle. Rarity hadn’t moved yet. She was still pretty shocked over it. But, she shrugged it off, and decided to talk to her about it, once she’d calmed down. She went back to the dining room, where she was met by 10 eyes.

“What’s up with her?” Applejack asked.

“I have no idea, Applejack. She didn’t reply to any of my questions. She just ran into her room.”

“So, that’s what we heard?” Pinkie Pie said. Rarity nodded, as a reply to her question.

“I believe it has something to do with Celestia. She sent me a grim facade, when I asked about her, so, it’s my theory. I’ll try and talk to her again once she’s calmed down.”

“That sounds like a good idea. But, you probably want to wait ‘til she comes to you.” Applejack said.

In the Canterlot castle Celestia was still sitting by herself in the kitchen, not knowing what to make of herself. She still hadn’t eaten any of the food.

“Did I make a mistake?... no. It was needed. For the good of the land, we cannot be together. We do not fit together. We just… do- don’t! We don’t.” Celestia couldn’t figure out by herself, if what she did was the right choice or not. She kept convincing herself it was, but it seemed wrong. So, it can’t be the right decision. She abandoned those thoughts for a moment, when she rose up and put her dishes on the table, where they were to be cleaned by her maid. She went into her chamber and put herself on the bed. She didn’t know what to make of herself, so she decided to just sleep. Maybe she’d be less depressed after sleeping.

Twilight Sparkle was doing the same. Lying in bed, wondering if it was for the best, or if her former marefriend was just overreacting. She wanted it to be the latter, but she doubted it was.
“It was for the best…” she said, sniffing. “It must have been. I mean, she’s the princess of Equestria, so she must know what the best choices are… but, if the right choices feel so wrong, then how can they be right?..” She lay there, sobbing for hours. And didn’t want to stand up and talk to her friends. She’d rather be alone. Plus, she didn’t want to make her friends feel bad as well.

“Knock knock.” She heard from a familiar voice outside the door.

“Discord, I’d prefer to stay alone for a while.” But, as most would probably guess, he didn’t care about personal space, and went inside the room anyways.

“I’m sorry, Twilight, but I can’t have my friends all sobby. They have to be as happy as I.” He flicked his fingers, and another bouquet of roses appeared in his hand. He handed them to Twilight. She couldn’t hold back a little grin. She couldn’t understand that this was her former rival, now he’s one of her best friends.

“Thanks, Discord. But, I’d really like to be alone.” But, once again, Discord ignored those exact words.

“Twilight, I want you to know that, I understand your pain. I too had been in love with Celestia, but I was turned down, so I gave up on her. Now you finally have her, so please, for the good of all of us, don’t let her go. We’re talking about the second most amazing mare in Equestria. There’s Fluttershy now. All those years I was locked up in stone, I’d been thinking about Celestia. I always loved her in a strange way. I got into the world of chaos purely because of her, and how she didn’t love me back. but, Fluttershy showed me the same love that I desired from your marefriend. And I started loving her as well. Just, don’t give up on the pony you love, because at one point it will be too late to make things right. So, please, once you have the nerves, go to her, and talk to her. ” He looked Twilight in the eyes, and dried off some tears in her eyes. Twilight hugged Discord, and Discord hugged her back. He never thought he would end up hugging her, but dismissed those thoughts, and focused on the hug. Twilight let him go, and Discord flicked his fingers and returned to the dining room.

“Well, that took you long enough, what were you doing?” Dash asked him as he returned.

“I was just in the bathroom, can’t a draconequus have some personal space on the toilet anymore? Sheesh!!”

“Alright…” Rainbow said. She wasn’t quite sure if she believed him. But, she didn’t really care.

“Well, I hope Twilight is ok soon. I really want to talk to her about the whole situation.” Rarity said.

“Me too, I always get so sad, when my friends are sad.” Fluttershy said, wiping away a tear. She hugged Discord, and burried her face in his chest. “Please don’t ever let this happen to us!”.

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy, it will never happen to us.” He grabbed her tight, in a comforting hug.

The other sat on their individual chair, staring at the yellow pony and the draconequus.

“Well, I guess I’ll go fly around a bit. Cya, guys!” Rainbow Dash flew off, and the others went off to do some stuff. Rarity went and made a new dress for her new fashion line, Fluttershy went to her cottage to her animals, and fed them, Discord went with her, Applejack went to the farm, she had some chores to do. Twilight heard the doors shut in the castle, and decide to get out of her room. She was starting to feel a bit hungry, so she went to the kitchen and mixed up some food.