• Published 20th May 2014
  • 607 Views, 0 Comments

The White Reploid: Used? I Don't Think So - Sir Mortimer of Eden

'I thought I was dead for a hundred years...but now...I am reborn' - The New Generation Reploid, Lumine managed to survive her destruction by the hands of X, Zero and Axl and is now on a world she does not know of.

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Prologue -or- A Mysterious Figure

It was over, I had been defeated…by a bunch of old generation repliods that chose not to accept their true fate. I kept thinking to myself over and over again at why I was defeated just like that, it was impossible, it was…


From what knowledge I knew of Zero was that he was created by Dr.Wily to destroy this world, I should be thankful for him because without him this would have never been possible and also her as well. X…the last creation of Dr.Light who was created to have endless potential due to his ‘worrying’, looks like the files were right after all but Axl…he was just a prototype so how could he have also defeated her. Then again it was three against one; looks like all three of them lived up to their potential but I knew that they were too late.

“You three may have defeated me, but it’s too late to stop what has already begun…,” after my words Axl stiffened slightly and tried to look brave and intimidated, sadly having no effect on me.

“I’ll take on plenty more like you if that’s what it takes,” I couldn't help but chuckle at his effort in defying me.

“Ha ha ha. You really don’t have a grasp on the situation that is at hand, do you?” the three reploids tensed up at my words however they weren’t going to get any information out of me.
“Oh well…you’ll find out soon enough…,” I had one last chance to keep me from dying completely and I was willing to take it. X just stared at me with pity as I felt my power core slowly start to fade as my armour began to almost break, looking upwards into the abyss as I waited for the opportunity. From my hearing I could hear the prototype reploid coming closer to me…perfect.

“Zero…you had the chance to join us, if your sister were here…she would have sided with me in bringing this world to its next generation,” from what I could see I saw the red reploid take a few steps back, probably in shock as well as the others. I didn’t really know anything about Zero’s supposed sister, only that she was Wily’s supposed last project before he passed away in the old data files I had gotten and used in hopes to distract the three reploids long enough for me to use my backup plan.

“W-what!? What do you mean!? Answer me!” he yelled, but it was too late.

‘Goodbye Axl,’ I used all of my power to lash out at him with my transmitter core and there it was…fallen into the trap like a child. It struck his power crystal but there was something wrong, I could feel connected to him but why couldn't I move my core into his?! Zero cut what was left of the transmitter as X caught Axl, ready to finish me off and then I realised why I couldn't transfer myself to him…something wasn't letting me transfer and I felt…tingly. X shot the buster as I smiled, praising him for defeating me as I accepted my fate…my work was done.

*Fwosh* *Boom*

Zero’s Pov:

As the smoke cleared the only thing we saw was a crater that was created by the buster shot. I gave a short glance towards Axl as well as X.

“Is he okay X?” He gave me a slow nod which I returned, knowing that Axl wasn’t badly damaged as I looked back at the crater.
“Sister…I have a sister? One that I never knew of?” I mumbled, X having heard me as he shook his head.

“I don’t think that she was telling the truth Zero. She already betrayed everyone we know into this project in creating a new world; she was just trying to catch you of guard…and it worked,” X said, looking back at the injured reploid. But I had a feeling that she was telling the truth, something inside me just seemed to spark as I heard her talk about my sister.

“Creating a new generation? What was she talking about?”

“I have no idea Zero…but…are we really fighting for the right cause? I was created to move forward evolution, not stop it…perhaps she was right…,” I shook my head and gave him a serious look.

“I don’t think that killing innocent humans is the right way to forward evolution X, she got to all of us.”

“Okay, let’s get out of here,” I nodded as we began to leave but I still had one thing on my mind.

‘Sister…do i really have a sister?’


Location: ??? Lumine’s Pov

The room began to glow bright until I was completely blinded; the next thing that I saw was that I was in a small room that looked like it could collapse at any second.

‘So I must have arrived here thanks to this unknown frequency due to the fact that I’m still alive and not pieces of metal right now,’ I mused as I knew that the one who brought me here must not be very smart as new generation reploids can repair over time, just like that. I could feel the cracks in the armour as they began to disappear as well as my power core started to gather energy, somehow the room that I was in seemed to have a fair supply.

After a few more minutes I was able to move my head around, knowing that I would be able to get up and be able to leave this place…that is until a figure walked into the room. Said figure wore a messy brown cloak that kept me from analyzing any part of him to find out who he was, but what I could see was that he had two red eyes that seemed to be glowing. He grabbed my left arm, revealing a black and gold arm and a white hand before he dragged me onto a machine that seemed to look like a teleporter but I knew that it wasn't one.

I was helpless to do anything as my body wasn't repaired enough to move yet as the figure began to press a few buttons on the computer panel, noting that it was out of power as he took out a small can with the letter ‘E’ written on it as he plugged it into the machine. As soon as he had done that, my body was completely restored as I charged at him…but it was too late.

I large semi-cylinder shield surrounded the front of the machine, trapping me inside and for the first time I actually felt the smallest spark of fear inside of me as he looked at me with no emotion, his hand on the lever ready to pull it.

“You’re not needed in this world anymore, you’re too dangerous to be kept alive Lumine,” he had a gruff voice but at the same time there was peace in it…why? I shook my head as I banged on the shield as hard as I could, trying to get out of this weird prison.
“Heh…this may be a stupid thing to ask of you, you might not even see him…but since you’re not going to be here for much longer anyway. If you can, say hi to Clever Clover for me…or was it Clover Clever…eh I don’t know anymore?”

“W-what?” I didn't understand what he was saying at all; even his tone went from serious to casual just like that? And who was this Clover Clever? He just chuckled.

“It doesn't matter, the young colt and his mentor made me into a softy after all these years I can tell you that. *Sigh* Great, now I’m sounding like the old coot. Oh where are my manners?” his tone quickly changed to one of sarcasm with a hint of evil. He pulled the lever. “Goodnight Lumine, maybe you will change after this as well as I did.” I had no idea what he meant by that as the world around me became black.

"Oh and do yourself a favor and don't get the whole army on you while your there."


I opened my eyes and sat up straight, breathing a little quick for what had transpired as I forced myself to calm down. After I calmed myself I found that I had been lying on solid ground. I got up from the floor and looked around to find that I wasn't in a room, I was in a huge open area that conspired of three towers made out of rock with four smaller ones leading upward some more and in the middle was a circular symbol that I couldn't recognise, how did I know this…I was on one. I looked over the edge to see that there was nothing but fog around the bottom as well as the area behind me that led deeper into whatever this place was.

As I continued to look around, I spotted some stairs that led down to what seemed to be the exit but from my view it looked like it was a Greek archway that was glowing white. I started to walk down the stairs, looking to the left to find that there was some sort of creature on the other tower that was a mix of a horse and a monkey as well as the giant three headed dog that seemed to be guarding the exit…he wouldn't be a problem. Of course, I had data files on every type of dog…this one would be no different.

‘Better check out the other tower after I deal with the dog,’ I mused to myself as I made my to the bottom, the dog –Cerberus from Greek mythology- having noticed me began to walk up to me slowly, growling as if to show that he was the alpha dog…I wasn't a dog.

“Sit,” I commanded, motioning my hand to the ground as Cerberus instantly sat down. Walking closer to him I realised that he didn't seem as threatening as mythology had put him as I scratched the bottom of his chin, the other heads moving in bliss as I smiled.

‘He’s just like an ordinary dog…heh maybe I could use you for something in the future.’ I moved my hand away from Cerberus as he went back to guarding the archway while I began to walk up the stairs to see the other creature before leaving. After I made my way up all those stairs I stood only a few feet away from the centaur, staring at him intently as he did me.

“Who…are you?” his tone seemed to be of an old man but with a sinister tone in it, just like *bleh* Sigma…

“I am Lumine if you must know…?” I encouraged him to continue.

“Tirek…Lord Tirek…please…come closer,” I looked at him quizzically but obeyed non-the-less, taking a few steps forward, stopping only a meter from him.

“Where am I…Tirek?” he chuckled darkly as if he could scare me…such methods never work on me.

“Why my dear…you’re in Tartarus.”

Author's Note:

Hey Viewers,

Welcome to the White Reploid story! Now this story is going to update when certain chapters of my other two Reploid stories are posted as it will show the chapters in her view or how it started by her view.
P.S: See if you can guess if think you know who the figure was.
(I lost a bet to my friends and so I have to say a spoiler -don't judge me-)
P.S.S: Lumine will have a...'connection'...to a certain ruler.

See you Later!

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