• Published 17th May 2014
  • 1,125 Views, 11 Comments

It's Never Too Late - PassionQuill

Telling your older brother how much you care about him is sometimes very difficult. More often than not, the truth is left untold. Twilight does however get around to tell him what she thinks, even if it is ten years too late.

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It's Never Too Late

It's Never Too Late

“Can’t we just go back home. I don’t know how to do this…” mumbled Twilight as she reluctantly walked along the gravel path leading through the serene gardens.

“No, Twilight, ya really should’ve done this yesterday. He deserves ta hear it read out loud to him,” said Applejack as she walked along a bit behind Twilight.

“I must say I insist on you giving this a try as well,” added Rarity. “It’s been ten years since it happened.”

It was a warm and colorful day in the Canterlot Gardens. The tall oak trees provided the six with cool shades as they went by small fountains and countless flowers blooming into the prime of their lives. Rows of uniformed stones dotted the landscape like artificial snow, all equally spaced from each other, though with everything else around them being as different as everpony was from each other.

“Okay, I’ll give it a try,” said Twilight while staring at the ground. “Here goes.”

Dear Shining Armor,

I thought in light of your anniversary, I’d write you this letter. Though, I honestly don’t know what I’m supposed to write in a letter like this.

Maybe I should start off with thanking you for everything you’ve ever done for me. Then again, thanking you for everything would take me years to do. I don’t mind reiterating every single aspect of my life that you’ve improved, that you’ve touched, and that you’ve made so much better for me, but I’ll settle for mentioning a few reasons for why I’m grateful.

I was always an odd filly when growing up. I never enjoyed being outside for long. I never enjoyed being around other ponies for long either. There weren’t all that many things which caught my interests out there. Well, excluding my obvious fascination with magic and Princess Celestia of course. Everything I ever cared about could be found within the four walls of our house.

I know mom and dad worried a lot about me. I spent night after night all by myself in my room, reading one book after another. But even though I never made any friends as a filly, I was never lonely. I always had you, didn’t I? I knew, even when sitting all by myself in my room, right behind the wall of my desk was you. I knew you were ready for me if I ever needed anything. You would always be there if I ever got in trouble. I could always count on my big brother. I can’t thank you enough for that.

You know, I remember the time when mom wanted me to go outside more. She kept on telling dad that I was spending too much time in my room. That being cooped up with dusty old books was unhealthy for me. I think if it wasn’t for you, dad would have agreed with her. You stood your ground and defended my habits, however weird they were.

I’d really like to thank you for doing that. If I hadn’t spent all that time studying magic I wouldn’t have gotten into Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. I wouldn’t have hatched Spike, who’s by the way still very close to my heart. I wouldn’t have become Celestia’s protégé, moved to Ponyville, made my very first friends, or become the Princess I am today. All of those wonderful things happened to me just because you believed in me, even when our parents had their doubts.

I was so proud of you when you joined the Canterlot Guards. Believing in you like you believed in me was the very least I could do for you back then. I was just so happy to see you fulfill your foalhood dream. It took quite a few more years before you got to see me fulfill mine. Though, I saw the pride in your eyes when I became the princess of magic. It meant more to me than any words you could have said.

Writing this letter has made me think about something mom once said to us, which really stuck with me. I’m sure you remember it as well. She told us to stick together, no matter what happened. In this big world, and this being especially true for me, we couldn’t count on anypony but each other. It was us against the world, Shining Armor. Those words really stuck with me, and I’d like to think they did for you as well.

I could go on thanking you for many more things, brother. But, I also want to apologize for a few things.

I’m sorry for never visiting you after moving to Ponyville. I got a bit caught up with the whole ‘having friends’ thing. I never knew I could be as happy as I was when forming those special bonds with Applejack, Flutershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity. Which once again, I’m really thankful for. It all happened because of you. Though, being caught up with friends isn’t a real excuse for not visiting you. It’s not that I didn’t want to. I definitely should have paid you a visit in between saving Equestria once or twice. I guess the reason for not visiting was the same reason for never mentioning you to my friends. I was afraid that I would lose you to one of them. They’re all so fantastic, and you’ve always been the best pony ever. I was a bit selfish, which brings me to my second apology.

I want to say that I’m sorry for how I acted towards you during your wedding. I’m glad that I did it though, turned out I was right. But, I still regret what happened between us during that time. We should have paid more attention to mom’s advice hehe. When the world turned against us, we turned against each other. I’m however glad that we overcame it all. I’m glad that you got to have a beautiful wedding with Cadence. For all the ponies out there, Cadence stealing you away was the best possible outcome for that kind of scenario.

Finally, I’m sorry about being too late with this letter… I should have told you all of this before you… What I’m trying to say is…

There hasn’t gone by a single day without me missing you, Shining Armor. You were the best big brother a little sister could ever have asked for. I’ve always loved you, and I always will… It’s you and me against world, right?

Author's Note:

This story is more or less in honor of my older brother who died when I was 19.

I wrote this story because I missed him a lot tonight. I've always been able to relate to Twilight, and I only connected more with her when Shinning Armor was introduced. I grew up extremely close to my older brother, and unlike his social outgoing personality, I was like Twilight. He was the person who got me out of my shell and made it possible for me to get as many friends as I have now.

Comments ( 11 )

I'm sorry to hear that he's gone. I know what it means to be cared for and grow up alongside your brother, who means more to you than your friends. I don't know where I'd be today without mine. It's good to remember the time you two spent together, and to remember that you cared for each other, like real brothers do. May he know peace wherever he went. For whatever you may believe in, know that he cared, and always will.

4401934 Not as sorry as I am hehe.I will always remember the thousands upon thousands of good and great moments we had together. Though I don't know what happens after death, and don't believe in anything, I hope if there is something, it's at least pleasant for him. Glad to hear you have a lovely brother, do treasure him :twilightsmile:

I always will. Great job, by the way, on the story. Really well made.

4402008 Aaaww. glad you enjoyed it :pinkiesmile: I still don't think I did a good job on it :/ But I can't complain as long as people enjoy it :pinkiehappy:

That was beautiful. Eloquent in its own fashion. Bravo! :fluttercry:

4403730 Thank you for the sweet words. You are far too kind :twilightsmile:

4403761 Nope, just honest.

Goodnight, Sweet Prince :pinkiesad2:

A lovely story, good job. Just the thing I needed tonight. Nothing too long or complex. I have such difficulty writing really short stuff myself because I feel the need to go above and beyond, but then you kinda forget to honor the simple things.

I've been trying to think of something to say since I first read this, but I have nothing. I liked it, but I can't really seem to gather my thoughts on it. All I can really think of is that I was kinda expecting Princess Cadance to make an appearance there at the end.

Beautiful! I'm sending this to my Sad story master Tidal.

I loved how I read the first paragraph and tears rolled down my cheek. Now I will go hug all my family... thank you.

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