• Published 17th May 2014
  • 3,261 Views, 123 Comments

Aloe Pomme - Jeweled Pen

Rule 63 Aloe and Applejack romance. Is Aloe willing to risk revealing what he truly is in order to get the mare of his dreams?

  • ...

Rock Bottom

Lotus stifled a yawn and trotted into the kitchen, her hair brushed but still damp from the shower. Down the hall she could hear Aloe still taking his. She moved to the fridge, pulling out some eggs and milk before turning towards the table. She stopped and stared, confusion etched on her face. She hadn't had a chance to get the paper yet, and she didn't think Aloe would get it while she was in the shower. She shrugged and placed her load on the table, before freezing.

She saw the name of the paper and, under it, a small picture of her brother. “Oh no.” She scooped up the paper and quickly began reading the cover story.

'Now all you little ponies, I'm sure you're wondering what brings this amazing piece of journalist genius to your homes, but allow me to polish your thoughts and explain all in a simple manner.

This is my apology, to a young stallion known simple as Aloe (Picture shown above)'

“Oh by Luna, please no...” Lotus said gently and kept reading.

'I, during my much darker, crueler days harmed this pony in a way that left him, yes him, scarred for life. I've decided to offer my apology in the most glorious of manners, showing all of the very ways of friendship my new, dear friends have shown me.

Loyalty: Well, I've made an entire paper, just about this lucky stallion. Detailing every aspect of his life from his chosen meals this week, to his little crush with Applejack, the element of honesty.

Kindness: I am of course offering the greatest of kindnesses by going that extra mile for him, without even being asked. What could possibly be more kind?

Generosity: I've done all this on my own, using my own magic and spread it across Equestria and beyond, so no pony, dragon, griffon, horse or zebra could possibly miss out on knowing how deeply, deeply sorry I am for hurting him.

Laughter: Oh, I'm sure we'll all have a good laugh after this, I know I am.

Honesty: Ah yes, my new favorite element. See, that was a joke, we're laughing already. However, this poor, poor stallion has suffered oh so much and has such deep, dark secrets that he's too afraid to reveal to the world. In fact, they're even keeping him away from true love. Now, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't help him with these secrets?'

Lotus' ears went flat on her skull while she read, her mouth open with horror. She flipped through the pages quickly, glancing through as fast as she could. Everything was there. What happened. His hiding. Coupons for spa visits. Their ADDRESS! “D-Discord?” she asked softly. “C-can you hear me? Please tell me this is just a joke. Please oh please tell me you haven't spread this all over Equestria.”

“Spread what?” Aloe asked as he trotted into the kitchen, looking around. “You haven't started breakfast yet? Is something wrong?”

“What? NO! I just, no!” She looked down at the paper, then back to him. “I need to go take care of something bye!” she gripped the paper in her mouth and galloped off, zooming by him so fast he spun in place.

“What? Hey! Come back, what about... well that was weird.” Aloe said and watched her disappear with concern. He hummed for a few moments, before trotting after her.


Lotus galloped down the road, her destination a large tree, that had been converted into the town's library, near the center of town. Ponies stared at her as she galloped, though she hoped it was just because she was moving so fast so early in the morning. She didn't waste any time when she arrived, her hooves pounding on the large door.

The door opened after a few moments, revealing a small purple dragon. “Can I help you?” he asked, though he looked quite annoyed to have been woken up. “Lotus? Do you know what time it-- ack!”

Lotus couldn't wait any more, she galloped inside, nearly tackling him. “Spike, where's Twilight, the princess, this is an emergency, Discord has gone too far!”

“Wha? Twilight's not here.” Spike grumbled with another yawn. “She had some paperwork to take care of, won't be home until tomorrow. What did Discord do?”

“He, it, no no. There's no way he'd go that far. Even he wouldn't... right? Where's your kitchen?” A simple gesture from the dragon told her where, and she galloped off. To her horror, the same paper was laying flat on the table. “No no no. He couldn't. He didn't. Why would he... why...”

There was more knocking on the library's door, drawing an exasperated sigh from Spike. “Don't any of you ponies know when we open? It's the same time everyday!” He opened the door.

“Hello, Spike darling. Has my sister been here?” Aloe gently waved a hoof. “I saw her gallop this way.”

“She's in the kitchen,” he grumbled before walking away. “Lock up when you two leave.” A few moments later the sound of the slamming door echoed through the library.

“Sister? Why did you rush off like that?” he asked before trotting into the room. His sister stood with a large, fake smile on her face.

“No reason!” she said and pushed back against the wall, struggling to keep both papers hidden behind her, wishing she was a unicorn so she could hold it with magic.

“What are you hiding? Did something happen?” he asked and tried to maneuver to see what was behind her, while she struggled to keep both pinned behind her to the wall. It wasn't long before one fell to the ground. He reached out a hoof to grab it, but she dove on top of it.

“NO! You can't see, go! Go go! Go back home, I-I have it taken care of!”

“Sister, something is wrong. You said that in Prench. Tell me.”

“No! It's, it's fine!” Lotus spread her hooves over the paper, so Aloe lunged forward and tore the second one free from behind her. “No! Give that back!”

“No! What is it you're trying to hide from me?” He darted behind the table, keeping it between them before tossing the paper on the top. One glance made him freeze. “What... what is this?”

“D-don't read it!” Lotus squeaked, though the horror on her brother's face froze her in place. His eyes scanned across the surface, his breathing getting faster and faster with every line.

He finally stopped when he couldn't go any more, wobbling from side to side. The world around him seemed to be spinning and he couldn't focus. His sister tried to help him, but he shoved her away. How could Discord do this? This wasn't, this was beyond cruel! He couldn't breath, his entire body was hurting. He thought about his trip here, how ponies had stared. Of course, they'd all seen this, everypony knew. Everypony. They'd kick him out of town, make him leave the spa, he couldn't go anywhere! Discord more than had the power to spread it everywhere! There was nowhere... nowhere he could...

Lotus cringed as her brother finally dropped, his eyes rolling back in his head and body laying limp. She nudged him a few times, but received no reaction. Fortunately, his breathing had returned to normal. “SPIKE! I need you to go get the doctor!” she yelled before moving to Aloe's side, gently brushing his mane back. “It's going to be okay, brother. You're going to be okay.”


Aloe groaned when a bright, white light blurred across his vision. His eyes slowly opened and he stared into the warm glow. “Am... am I dead?”

“No, brother,” Lotus said and the light shut off. He was laying in a hospital bed, his sister besides him. Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy were all near the hoof of the bed, looking sheepishly at the floor.

“C-could I be?” he asked softly as he felt tears welling up in his eyes. “Did he... really...”

“N-now, I'm sure he was just trying to help,” Fluttershy said softly. “He probably thought he was doing the best thing for you.”

Aloe's mouth fell open, before he shook his head. “I don't... I can't even. How can you possibly still defend that creature? That evil monster?”

“I-I'm sure when we get a-a chance to talk to h-him, he'll have a g-good excuse for what he did.”

Aloe just shook his head and closed his eyes. He felt exhausted, emotionally and physically. He wanted to scream and shout at her, but he couldn't. “What happened?”

“You had an anxiety attack, a rather bad one,” Lotus said with a gentle sigh. “Doctor says you'll be fine, you just need plenty of rest and relaxation. You're free to come home whenever you like.”

“How... how is everypony... t-taking it?” Aloe asked with a soft whimper. None of them could look him in the face now. “Oh by Celestia.” He wanted to cry, but he felt too tired even for that.

“Ah'm sure it'll be fine. Once everypony gets used to the idea, errr, they'll learn tah get tah know an' like the new you,” Applejack said with a nervous smile. “Well, ah mean, they already like yah. But they'll like the, err, the real yah jus' as much as the other.”

“Oh by Luna,” he said softly as both hooves covered his eyes and he once again found the strength to cry.

“Oh dear oh dear, why ever are you crying? I thought you'd absolutely adore my gift!” an all too familiar, and smug, voice said.

“Discord! Yah gotta lotta nerve showin' your face here!” Applejack yelled. Aloe slowly lowered his hooves and saw the abomination, now the size of a pony and leaning against the wall opposite his bed.

“W-wait, I'm sure he has a good reason for what he did, we should at least hear him out!” Fluttershy said quickly and frantically waved her hooves.

“Fluttershy, darling, there is no need to defend such behavior,” Rarity said as she glared at the monster. “What he did was... was beyond deplorable! Imagine, tearing poor Aloe from his secrets, kicking and screaming. How could you possibly be so cruel? This is a new low, even for you!”

Discord put a talon to his mouth, eyes wide and shocked. “Cruel? No no no! I was merely being a good friend. Just like all of you taught me.” His eyes turned to Applejack as her grinned. “After all, wasn't it you who told him his secret was keeping you two apart? Now you two can go off and find true love, with nary a secret between you. No lies. Isn't that just wonderful? The gift of honesty.” His eyes gleamed red for a moment as the grin got wider. “Unless, of course... there was another reason you shot him down? But that couldn't be, could it? I'd be devastated to find out my little gift was wasted. I mean, I was merely trying to help my friends.”

“See?” Fluttershy said with a smile. “He was just trying to be... wait, what?” Every eye in the room turned to Applejack, who looked like a deer in the headlights.

“Eh... heh heh. I, err, no, that was... t-that was the only reason. A-ah mean, err...” Applejack nervously poked her hooves in the ground. “Nnnope, no other reasons. Eh... heh heh... ehhh...”

“There, all settled. Now Aloe, aren't you so happy? I do hope this means you've accepted my apology,” Discord said with the widest smile on his face.

Aloe just whimpered and curled up into a little ball as best he could, trembling. “Why... why are you even doing this to me? W-why do you do this? I-I get it. You're stronger than me. Y-you have magic, I don't. Just... just please leave me alone. Y-you win. I'm sorry, I forgive you, whatever you want. Just please, please leave me alone...”

Discord chuckled before leaning back. “Not even a thank you. Oh well, I guess this is what friends are for.” He rolled into a ball and disappeared.

Aloe pulled the blankets over his head and just whimpered softly. Lotus sighed before motioning towards the door and leading the others outside the room. Once they were out, she closed the door behind them. “Okay, I'm going to try taking him home. I'd think it might be best if...” she paused and shook her head. “I... I don't even know.” She glanced to Applejack. “You.”

“W-what?” the cowpony asked with a nervous gulp.

“I can guess you have no desire to... be with my brother. I see the way you locked up. I know this is asking much, but please don't tell him. He's... suffering much. There's no way to just hide this. I don't know how ponies will act, and he will likely suffer much more before the week is over. So... please, just avoid him? Do not come to our spa. Rejection could simply be too much for him now.”

Applejack gulped and nervously nodded. “A-ah reckon that's for the best. Ah'll try tah keep outta all ah your manes until he's feelin' alright again.”

“Thank you,” Lotus bowed her head before heading back inside.

“Really? But in the paper it said you and him shared a flaming romance of passion, broken only by... errr...” Rarity trailed off at the earth pony's glare.

“Yah read that filth? Yah do realize Discord was the one who gone an' wrote it?”

“Errr, well, I may have glanced at it. I mean, it was so juicy, and the pictures and stories were really well edited. I only read a little bit. There was a three part expose on the third page about the different shampoos he uses during different seasons and I err...” Rarity trailed off and tapped her hooves together, blushing red.

“Ah got ah farm tah run. If things calm down, let meh know,” Applejack grumbled before trotting away. She soon made it outside, though her steps were heavy and pained. She knew Discord was to blame for what happened, but she couldn't help feeling a bit guilty about what happened. She had been honest about her reason for rejecting him. Just not completely honest. She glanced back to the hospital and sighed. For the first time in a long while she considered giving him a shot. At least once, if he was still interested. “Not like jus' one time could hurt. Probly,” she muttered to herself.

Besides, what could possibly go wrong with starting a relationship on a foundation of guilt and Discord's tricks?