• Published 17th May 2014
  • 2,331 Views, 50 Comments

It's a Wonderful Dashie - Sparky Brony

Rainbow Dash royally messed up, and then she compounds that mistake with a larger one, plunging all of our friends futures into doubt

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Chapter 6. Twilight Sparkle

Rainbow Dash trotted up and down the well lit streets of Canterlot. She knew that Twilight's parents home was nearby, but she couldn't remember exactly where. She trotted up to a familiar looking door and knocked. A few moments later a blue stallion opened the door.

"Oh, Night Light, I'm so glad to have found you."

He frowned in response, "Do I know you, miss?"

"No, you don't remember me, but I need to find your daughter, Twilight."

His face fell.

"You do know where she is, right?"

He nodded.

She jumped up and down, "I need to see her, she needs to fix all of these problems. Nightmare Moon, all of our friends, she needs to help us."

His voice was forlorn, "I'm sorry, miss. But I don't think my Twilight will be helping you with much. Ever since she failed her entrance to Celestia's school," his ears flattened, "she changed."

This pricked Rainbow's interest, her friend failed a test? "She changed? How?"

He was just on the edge of sobbing, "She started to resent the Celestial monarchy. She was ranting about how the stars would aid in the escape of Nightmare Moon, and the rightful princess would come back and overthrow the dictator Celestia. She said that she had found the portent of Nightmare Moon's return, and that she would be Nightmare Moon's most trusted advisor." Tears started to leak down his cheeks, "and she spent years preparing for Nightmare Moon's return. She would talk to anypony that would listen. Though most…" he suppressed a chuckle, "would back away slowly as they listened to her ramblings." He stopped and looked at Rainbow Dash, "I don't think my daughter can help you very much."

He backed away as Rainbow came forward to grab him, her hooves missed and she fell. "Please, Night Light, I need to see her. There has to be some of the old Twilight in there. She is one of my best friends. Is she in the castle? When Nightmare Moon came back, did Twilight become her adviser?"

He shook his head sadly, "She wasn't good enough for Nightmare Moon. She was rejected."

"Can you give me her address?"

He looked at Rainbow Dash critically. After several moments he said, "I don't remember you, but you want to help my daughter, right?"

She nodded enthusiastically, "There is nothing more I want than to help Twilight, because she's the only mare that can help us all."

He stared at her for a few more moments, thinking furiously. "I hope I can trust you." His horn lit and a pencil levitated, scribbling on a piece of parchment, which floated to Rainbow. "Here is her address, if you can help her find herself, maybe you can give us the sun back." He looked into the night sky, "I miss the sun. Since we've had eternal night, the unicorns have had to provide magic for food to grow, and to prevent the world from freezing in eternal night. We get no direction from the castle. We just have to, if we want to live." Though from time to time, you can hear the mad laughter from the castle, Nightmare Moon gloating over her victory over the sun. It's so sad." He turned and started to close the door, then stopped and looked at Rainbow. "Please, help my daughter, she's so confused." And he closed the door. Leaving Rainbow Dash alone with her thoughts.

She looked at the scrap of parchment in her hooves. That address was on the other side of Canterlot, in one of the rougher sections, if she remembered correctly. At least it was somewhat rough as she remembered it under Celestia's rule, but under Nightmare Moon's rule, she had no idea. Well, there was nothing to do but to head that way.


Flying over the rooftops of Canterlot, she finally spotted the street she was looking for. Landing, she trotted down the street. Her head rotated back and forth, looking for the address. After a few minutes, she was in front of the door, raising a hoof to knock. Then she looked, the door was unlatched. She heard muttering from inside.

"The Nightmare won't talk to me, she won't listen to me. She's just as bad as the Celestial dictator."

"Twilight?" Rainbow called softly as she stepped in the entryway. Looking around she saw a dark home, but one of the doors had light spilling underneath, she tiphooved down the hallway, ears perked.

She heard movement, and the muted chime of Twilight's magic, and the loud thump of a book hitting a desk.

"Ahh, same ole Twilight, always the egghead with her books," she said softly as she readied to open the door, only to be stopped by more muttering, "These ponies don't know what they are missing. My mistress has been locked away from ponies for a thousand years. She just needs to adjust to life here, then I can take my rightful place at her side."

That's crazy mare talk, Rainbow thought to herself. She finally brought her hoof out and tapped a few times on the door, "Twilight, it's Rainbow Dash. I need your help."

Magic gripped the door and it opened. Rainbow's jaw dropped in shock at what it revealed.

Twilight Sparkle was there, shrouded in a black cloak. The hood was thrown back, showing Rainbow the familiar face of her friend. But her eyes. They were wide and scary. They reminded her of when Twilight had forgotten her friendship report and she was in complete freak out mode. She looked at Rainbow as her horn glowed, levitating books off the bookshelf to make a neat pile. This must be the library of Twilight's house, judging by all the books.

"Have you come to hear about the victory of the moon over the cursed sun? Are you a new acolyte to follow the Nightmare?"
"Ummm, no. I'm not." Rainbow responded. Only to have the door slammed in her face.

"Then be gone."

Rainbow rubbed her muzzle where the door hit, then pounded on the door, "Twilight. Everything is wrong! Our friends haven't gotten the right cutie marks, they are so different. They aren't the ponies they were. And you." She stopped pounding, "You never got into the school. And it's all my fault." Tears she had been holding for way too long started to flow. "It's all my fault. Everything is wrong. I need you. I need you to be yourself again." She slid down the door and collapsed in a heap, "Everything is wrong. I need help."

After a long silence from the other side of the door. The muted chime of Twilight’s magic sounded again, opening the door, "You are a lost soul. You can learn to love the night." The magic aura enveloped Rainbow and dragged her into the room. She looked around. There were books all over. Many with dark connotations to their names, those names chilled Rainbow to her core.

"What happened to you, Twilight?"

The mad mare looked at her curiously, "What are you talking about?"

"I talked to your father. He told me some things."

"Oh, my father, he was unable to embrace what happened." She cackled madly, "after Celestia's minions rejected me for their precious school, I continued my schooling through the private school my parents paid for. But I knew there was something missing. And after some years, I found it." She dashed to one of the bookcases, levitating out a book and floating it over to Rainbow Dash. On opening it, Rainbow saw that it was the one that she had seen on the night she met Twilight, right after Nightmare Moon had appeared. "On the summer sun celebration, a thousand years after her banishment, Nightmare Moon would return." She snapped the book shut with her magic.

"I knew it would be happening, and there was nothing Celestia could do to stop it." She waved a hoof around dismissively, "I never knew why I wanted so badly to be a student at her stupid school. My parents were so proud when I got the letter for the entrance exam. Then I spent forever trying to open that stupid, stupid dragon egg." She hung her head, "But I couldn't. And I disappointed them." She sounded ready to cry, then she shook her head and looked hard at Rainbow Dash, "Well, I know how much magic I can do. I know I'm strong. And the only pony that respects true strength is Nightmare Moon. I went to Ponyville on the prophesied night and I offered myself to be her advisor, her mentor in this world after a thousand years. And she laughed at me." The crazy look was back. "She laughed at me, and said no adult blank flank could ever be her advisor." She tossed the side of her cloak aside, showing a pristine flank, her stars for a cutie mark gone. "And she cast me out. So for the last year and a half, I've been studying, I've been trying to figure out my cutie mark. And I will get it, then I will show her that I'm good enough. That I can do everything I promised." Again with the mad cackle. "I'll show her, I'll show them all!" She cackled again.

Through all of this, Rainbow's ears kept dropping. She would get no help from this mad mare. She had no choice, she fled, once again into the night. Without any idea what to do to fix this problem.