• Published 19th May 2014
  • 1,721 Views, 7 Comments

Rebuilding a Library - Damocles23

With the help of her friends, Twilight starts a new library.

  • ...

The Only Chapter

Twilight Sparkle’s hoofstep echoed in the hallway of her castle and, with a sigh, realized that nothing was the same anymore. After the excitement and relief in saving Equestria for the umpeenth time, the young Princess finally had the time to dwell on something ordinary: how disorienting is taking the first steps in a new home.

It was funny how that sensation of unease came just after mercilessly blasting the greatest evil she had ever faced into another dimension! It should have felt...trivial but the little details always bothered her to no end. She turned to see Owlowiscious sitting on his new perch and while seeing her beloved pet with her filled her with joy it just seemed off. Like somepony had cut out a photo of her owl and plastered on a new background.

She shook her head and grabbed a book with a magical grab and opened it to find...words she didn’t recognize. Words belonging to History of Saddle Arabia. It wasn’t her biography of Starswirl the Bearded. Her own copy still laid in ashes in the ruins of her former home. She nearly forgot about that little detail…

It wasn’t the most accurate description of his life and featured a lot of apocryphal informations and the illustrations weren’t that much but it was hers. She searched for her Daring Do novels to ease her mind only to grab another history book instead, from the same shelf. At least they were filed by argument. Just like at Golden Oaks...

“Twilight, are you ok?” Spike said while sweeping some dust off the their new seven chairs. To be honest, he was kinda expecting that a castle newly raised from the ground would have at least one layer of dust. He glanced towards her friend sitting on her rump with her eyes closed while letting a long, sad sigh. “What’s wrong?”

“Oh, nothing...It’s just I kinda miss the old place. I mean, I like my castle—”

“Which is the coolest thing EVEEER!!!” Spike roared those last words that echoed several times, spreading his enthusiasm to every floor of the castle and down to the streets of Ponyville. He nervously chuckled and blushed. “Heh. Sorry.”

“You don’t miss the old place?”

Spike put down his duster. “Of course I do. There were all my things there, as well. But look on the bright side. You got Owlowiscious and you still got me!” The young dragon stood on his toes and hugged Twilight tight.

“Aaawww…” The Princess blushed. “I know that Spike.”

“Seriously, how awesome it was when you grabbed the little guy just before the library blew up?” Owlowiscious gave a little whooo of appreciation, happily flapping his wings. “No, I meant you.”


“You, Owlowiscious!”


“Yeah, still happy you’re here. Boy, isn’t he sick of that joke?” Spike rolled his eyes and glanced at the two volumes laying on the table near Twilight. “Is this about your collection, is it?”

“Yeah.” Twilight sighed again, still grasping her assistant. “Lots of those books go back since I was a little filly. My first Daring Do novels, Magic Lessons for young unicorns and even a couple Princess Celestia herself gave me. I mean, the castle library is great but those were the ones I could really call...mine.”

“Oh…” Spike let go of his friend and twirled his thumbs together, looking sadly at the floor. “Yeah, it’s a bit sad…”

“I know I should be happy that my friends and Equestria are safe, that they are just things, but...You probably think it’s silly…”

“Of course not! Spike blurted out, causing the young Princess to jump back and bumping her rump on the table.

“I don’t think it’s silly.” He continued. “Those books were memories and I know how much they meant for you. Sometimes we value things so much because of what they mean to us. I know that those books were your life, that those memories won’t come back…”

Twilight stood abashed, quite surprised of how insightful her friend was. It probably wasn’t a better way to phrase her inner turmoil. In fact, having those feelings laid before her so clearly made her heart ache a little, thinking of those memories and stories that won’t be with her anymore. The Princess knew how strong she was and had to be, but couldn’t help to feel so melancholic at this thought...

A small tear nearly escaped from her eyes, only to be quickly wiped out by a gentle claw.

“But I know how we can make new ones!” Spike ran away and grabbed a package near his chair, presenting it to Twilight.

“What is it?”

“It’s a package. You know, those thing you order from a faaaraway place and the mailmare bring you…”

“I know what a package is, Spike…” Twilight frowned, her words seeping with royal sarcasm. “Did Derpy knew where to bring it? I mean, even now?”

“Well, there’s your name on it and everypony knows where you live now.”

“Kinda hard to miss, right. Can I open it, I guess?” Spike nodded and Twilight lit up her horn, letting out her magical purple hue to carefully shred the paper envelope. It contained a book, the cover sporting a stallion with a ridiculous vertical mane, playing chess with little figurines of various superpowered ponies.

“Is it...a comic book?”

“The collected edition of X-Mares: Legacy.” Spike said proudly. “300 pages of post-modern superhero action.”

“When did you…?”

“I ordered it the other day and arrived this morning. Like I said, Derpy managed to find us...and it’s everything that is left of my comic book collection. And is probably my favorite series ever. I had all the issues back at home but...yeah...” Spike wiggled his fingers like leaves in the wind.

“Oh, Spike...I can’t…” Twilight levitated the book to her dragon friend, only for Spike to grab it and offer it back to her.

“I want you to keep it, Twilight. For starting your new collection. Of books you can call yours and not just the ones that were already here.”

“Are you...Are you sure?” Small tears of joy riled up her cheeks, only to be gently picked up again by Spike’s tender hand.

“More than sure. You have to start somewhere and I want you to read it. I know you don’t like comic books but...it’s all I have now and I want you to have it. Just to give a little colour to those boring books that are already here.”

Twilight felt incredible pride and joy and for the first time she had been sucked into a comic book, those colorful characters, incredible powers and contrived plotlines of time travel and clones never looked so endearing. In those strong inks, polychromatic punches and tentacle monsters, dwelt Spike’s friendship and love. “Thanks Spike.” Twilight landed a kiss on his spiky head, painting her assistant’s cheeks of virginal red. “I’ll start reading it right now.”

“Like...now, now?”

“Yes! I just want to sit down and relax, at least for a couple of hours.”

“In that case, enjoy your read.” Spike made a little bow to her friend, who sat at her place and with the smile of a little filly, levitated the book in front of her and started reading. This act of kindness, though, gave Spike an even better idea. After all, he wasn’t the only one that cared for Twilight and she needed some books to remind herself of that…


“Oh, Legion. You manipulative, arrogant, adorable little rascal…” In all of her life Twilight had never found such a challenging, clever and sometimes downright terrifying comic book. She felt a new good deal of respect for Spike’s tastes. She couldn’t wait to discuss with him about all that clever foreshadowing and make him blush about the well constructed relationship of the leads. “Seriously, how adorable is a date on the moon? Well, Princess Luna wouldn’t think so…”

The young Princess moved upstairs for the better lighting, basking in the glorious light of Celestia’s Sun in its rightful place.

“Hey, Twilight!” A brash, lively voice came from the direction of her new balcony. Twilight got up following the drumming of a hoof on the window. Behind the glass stood Rainbow Dash floating in mid air with Pinkie Pie on her back. They both waved at her with a goofy smile on their faces. Twilight snickered slightly at their antics and opened the window, letting her friends in.

“Hello, Twilight!” Pinkie said, hopping away from her Rainbow maned friend’s back.

“Alright, I understand Rainbow coming from the window but what about you?” Twilight said to Pinkie.

“What? I just asked a lift from a friend! What’s the fun in using the door?” Pinkie asked giving a tight hug to Rainbow Dash.

“I really couldn’t object to that…” Dash shrugged, unbothered by Pinkie’s forelegs around her chest. “ Besides, she asked too nicely.”

“What brings you here, girls? Can I offer you some...well, nothing. Spike is still out to buy groceries.” Twilight blushed and scratched the back of her head. “I guess it was too much to ask for a full pantry when you have a castle pop out of the ground.”

“Relax, Twilight.” Rainbow raised a hoof while Pinkie gave a quiet giggle. “We are here to give something to you. You know, a little bird told us that you miss your old books—”

“Is Spike a bird? Since when?” Pinkie asked tilting her head. Rainbow’s hoof struck her forehead while Twilight rolled her eyes with the most adorable smile. “Does he have wings now?”

“Anyway, we got some gifts just for you!” Rainbow opened her saddlebag, presenting a book to her friend. The book sported the Wonderbolts’’ emblem high in the sky, while the stunt ponies, clad in their uniforms and sporting protective goggles, looked at it proudly.

History of the Wonderbolts?” Twilight said with a hint of confusion. “You have one of those?”

“Yeah, remember that exam? I was so desperate that I...I bought a book to prepare for it. I ordered it from Manehattan that very same day, so you wouldn’t know…” Rainbow blushed and hid her face by raising a wing. “I nearly forgot until it arrived this morning!

“Gotta give some credit to Derpy!” Pinkie said, hopping. “Ponyville just got attacked by that big, mean Tyrek and she still brings the mail! Like nothing happened! A credit to all mailmares!”

I haven’t touched it because it’s too boring for me and I kinda don’t need it anymore. Hope you’re not angry.”

“No, no, of course not! You think I would be the one to berate somepony for buying a book?” Twilight chuckled and hugged her pegasus friend, letting her out of her feathery shell. “I really needed a book on that part of the history of Equestria. And something that reminded me of a good friend.” Twilight patted Rainbow’s shoulder, leaving the boisterous mare with a quiet smile on her face.

“Hope you will remember me as well!” Pinkie Pie said worried, frantically opening her saddlebag as well and presenting her book to Twilight.

A Confederacy of Damses?”

“Yeah, it’s so funny! You would not believe how many jokes it throws at you! In fact, I hardly believe it myself. Let me check…” she snatched the book from Twilight's hooves and quickly browsed through it, before exploding in a raucous laugh. “Oh, yeah! Now I believe it! He’s so mean when he eats all the hot dogs and when he starts the sword fight, or should I say fork fight?” Pinkie giggled and Twilight couldn’t help but join her.

“Hey, Pinks! Don’t tell her how it ends! Shouldn’t she read it first?”

“Of course she has. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.”

“Well, I had so very little comedy at the old library. I’m so glad you thought of it. I’ll read it after I finish Spike’s book.” She placed the two volumes on the smaller table near her and hugged Pinkie Pie as well. “Thanks, Pinkie. You always know how to make me smile.”

“That’s why I’m here! I would stay more but Dashie has to work and I kinda have to complete an order at the bakery. Like, a huuuge order!”

“Yeah, I’m taking care of the rubble from the time you kicked Tyrek’s sorry butt and to sweep some clouds for when, well, every weather team was incapacitated.” Rainbow turned and offered her rump to Pinkie Pie, who hopped back on it, tightly clutching her forelegs around the pegasus’ neck.

“I understand. You sure you don’t want any help?” Twilight said.

“Nope. The little bird said you wanted to rest today.” Rainbow spread her wings and began flapping them up and down.

“And he also said the others are coming here as well. But don’t tell Twilight because it’s supposed to be a surprise!”

“Hum...Pinkie? She’s right there.”

“Whoops! Better get going or I’ll tell her about the surprise party for having saved Equestria and the party for the party for having saved Equestria and the party for Spike for saving the Equestria games and the—” Rainbow took off immediately, letting Pinkie’s rambling dissolve in the wind. Twilight waved at the two until they became a pink and blue dot in the horizon. “I guess it’s going to be a little more than two hours…”


“Oh, darling! Let me just say how much I adore your new castle.”

“It’s our castle, Rarity. Never forget that.” Twilight examined the book firmly grasped in her magical hue. “You know, for all the books I read, I never got my hooves on The Princess Bridle.”

“Well, I thought you would be receptive of the subject matter.” Rarity giggled.

“Never thought you would like this kind of book.”

“Rainbow Dash suggested it, actually. At first I thought it was one of the myriad of things she likes and I don’t, but I wanted to listen to her, to know her better. We really spend so little time together.”

Twilight nodded in approval as she gave a quick glance to the summary on the inside cover.

“Besides, not only is a well crafted adventure, it has one of the most epic, charming and adorable romances in the history of literature. Do you want to know about True Love? It’s right there.” she pointed at the cover. “One day I’ll find a pony that will sail through the seas for days, climb a mountain and fight giants and monsters, just for me.”

“There’s already a dragon who would do that…” Twilight mumbled.

“I’m sorry, did you say something, darling?” Rarity raised an eyebrow.

“No, just thinking aloud.”

“Oh, well. Enjoy your read. I got to take Sweetie Belle to the dentist. The thing is…” Rarity bit her lip. “ I haven’t told her, yet.”

“Ouch. Good luck with that.”

“Thank you, darling. I’ll need it. She always says that he is going to hurt her a lot, but what if she gets a cavity? That would hurt for days and nopony in the land likes cavities!”

Twilight shuddered. “I fought monsters, but the pain of a cavity? No thanks.”

“And I always tell her to floss before sleep. Just a little, but noooo!” Rarity waved at her friend while walking towards the castle’s door, crossing her path with a stetson wearing orange mare coming the opposite way. “Hello, Applejack!” the unicorn chirped.

The farmpony tipped her hat at the fashionista while she happily skirted away.

“Guess what?” Applejack said with a goofy yet endearing smile.

“You brought me a book, right?” Twilight’s enthusiastic grin matched the farmpony’s.

“That’s right. And boy, ah bet isn’t anything ya expect. It’s—”

“No, no. I want to try and guess! Is it...History of the Apples?”


“A book about producing and storing apple cider?”


“A book about apple jam?”



“Ah’ll give you a hint: it has nothing to do with apples.”

“Then...I guess it’s...a collection of horror stories!” Twilight waved her hoof around, rolling her eyes in sheer frustration. Then she noticed her friend having a nervous laughter, hiding her giggle behind her hat. “Is it really…?”

“Yup. It’s kind of a guilty pleasure of mine.” Applejack got out of her saddlebag a pitch black book, sporting the image of a generic Gothic castle. It was called Tales from the crop.

“Ah mean...Ever since a couple of Nightmare Nights ago ah asked mahself, what exactly do ponies see in being scared? And look at that, ah found this one and ah loved it instantly.”

“H-horror? Never thought it would be your genre. You surprise me!” Twilight glanced through the book and saw a collection of short stories, each with a more macabre title than the last: The Laughing Skull, The Living Candle, Spawns from Tartarus…

“That makes two of us. Ah guess that when ah read these stories, that talk about fake horror it kinda relaxes me. Ya know, managing a farm, taking care of a little sister and being an Element of Harmony...Ah can practice with fake scaries so ah can be stronger when dealing with those things. Hope ya don’t think it’s too silly”

“No, no, the very opposite! Finding a working outlet for your stress it’s very wise to do. In fact, more ponies should try it.”

“Thanks, Twi. Ah guess Pinkie was right about scary and fun stuff and all that.”

“You sure you want to separate from this?”

“Ah, don’ worry. Ah read that so many times, I know it by memory!” Applejack cleared her voice. “It was a dark and stormy night and Doctor Frankenhoof raised his scalpel…”

“Ah, ah.” Twilight put a hoof on her friend’s lips. “Say no more. Rainbow Dash wouldn’t approve.”

Applejack chuckled. “Guess yer right.”

“I promise I’ll read it at night, with just a lamp and a blanket on my shoulders. Maybe I’ll ask Rainbow about some thunders, to create the atmosphere.”

“Well, that won’t be wise. What, you just became a Princess and ya want to abuse yer powers already?”

“You are right, oh wise Element of Honesty.” Twilight closed her eyes and whirled her hoof to make a little reverence. A shade of red appeared among the farmpony’s freckles.

“Whoa, nelly. Mah words just influenced a Princess. Ah feel important, all of a sudden.”

“You always were. That seat behind me tells me so.” The two friends shared a hug. The more the day went on, the more Twilight was finding out new, wonderful things about her friends. If Spike was right and this was a way to have new memories of her life in Ponyville, she liked what she saw. Even the tiniest details were worth remembering and a night passed with a good book, meant even more if a dear friend gave it to her.

“Well, sorry if ah can’t stay more, but—”

“No, this time I’ll get it right.” Twilight put a hoof under her chin and started grinding the metaphorical gears in her brain. “Apples, right?”

“Yer just lucky…” The farmpony winked and went her merry way, leaving Twilight with an ever increasing pile of books. If this was really a conspiracy to make sure she had some well earned rest...it was working perfectly.

“Wait!” Twilight tried to reach her friend with a hoof.

“What is it, Twi?”

“Could you...Could you stay for a while? I know that you’re busy, but could you just stay with me at least until Fluttershy is here?”

“Sure. When do ya think she’s going ta get here?”

“Oh, in a few moments. I mean, Pinkie and Rainbow came together here, you and Rarity almost at the same time…” Twilight whipped out a piece of paper and started scribbling down some long calculations. “In fact, based on my observation, the time between each of your visits and the direction of the wind, Fluttershy should be here exactly in 3...2...1…” Twilight pointed towards the door with a proud smirk, only welcoming a faint gust of wind.

“Whoops…” Applejack said.

“Wait, let me check that again.” Twilight grabbed the scroll again and narrowed her eyes, inspecting thoroughly. “Oh, yes. I forgot to take into consideration the Pulling coefficient…”

“It, uhm, it happens, ah guess?”

“Right, she would she be there right n—”

“Um, can I come in? Is anypony at home?” Right on cue, the cream colored pegasus’ head poked from the castle’s door.

Applejack let out a small whistle of appreciation. “Well, color me impressed.”

“Sure, Fluttershy. Come on in.”

The small pegasus happily trotted inside. “Oh, the moment Spike told me everything...Well, the moment Rainbow Dash who was told by Spike to tell me everything, I really couldn’t decide on what to give you.”

“Why is that?” Twilight said.

“Well, I mostly have books on the care of animals and I needed those in the case I found a little thing in need of special care.” She opened her saddlebag with one wing. “But I didn’t want to disappoint you and Spike, especially for such a wonderful idea. I hope you enjoy it.”

Herbal Tea Recipes?” Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“I thought that one day, maybe, once you and Spike settled in nicely in this castle...maybe some afternoon we would be here to take some tea, like we used to at Golden Oaks.”

“I really hope so.” Twilight said, giving Fluttershy her rightful hug. “Thanks, Fluttershy.”

“Because, I think a home becomes your home the moment you and your friends can stay under the same roof like it’s their own.” Fluttershy smiled. “Don’t you girls agree?”

“That’s exactly what I always thought.” Twilight said while admiring the cover of her friend’s gift and placing it among the others. One long, quiet night of reading was before her, like those long past days of the little filly that stayed awake entire nights with just a lantern and a good book as company under the blankets. Or the young mare who had just discovered her first lighting spell and didn’t risk anymore to burn the sheets.

“Well, as the Princess’ closest counselor…” Applejack said all smugly, holding a hoof over her chest and losing as much accent as possible. “I’d say that is a marvelous conviction.”

Twilight and Fluttershy burst out in a wild laughter, shortly joined by Applejack herself. Just like those days at Golden Oaks that seemed long gone, Twilight and her friends could still have their silly moments under the same roof. The moment Fluttershy had talked about happened then and there.

This was her home and her friends were more than welcome.


“Twilight! I’m home!” The young dragon yelled while carrying bags stuffed of food. He looked around only to find an empty throne room, shrouded in silence. “Twilight?”

He followed his instinct and wandered in the library, finding his friend there, standing in front of an empty scaffold. Or at least, nearly empty. She was standing proudly, her lips curled into a peaceful smile as she watched six books starting to fill that empty scaffold. The one empty scaffold among all the ones filled with ancient books as if it was saying: This is the perfect place to start again.

“It’s filling out nicely, isn’t it?” Twilight said in contemplation, moving her hoof to adjust the book as perfectly as possible. "With a little bit of patience..." The book at the utmost right was wobbling back and forth and Twilight tried to stop it from doing so. Spike tapped on her shoulder and handed her a small, Daring Do figurine to use as a book end.

“I wonder where you got those new ones…If we go on like that we'll need to buy new scaffolds.” Spike rolled his eyes and whistled nonchalantly, before Twilight flew past him and landed a kiss on his cheek.

“Thank you, little bird.”

"You're welcome..." Spike stroked his cheek painted of the purest red. With a smile on his face he left his friend to bask in her new beginning, proud of his work. She wasn't used at the sight of not having a full scaffold but those six books in her eyes had to value of hundreds.

In her new home, just like in the old one, there was now a part of her friends. Always with her.

Comments ( 7 )


So...I guess you liked it :twilightsheepish:

I think there was a similar story written not too long ago by someone else. Unsurprising. It's a good concept for a story.

You handled it really well, too. I like that you showed everyone pitching in to show her that just because the old library is gone doesn't mean that the people who made the memories she associated it with are gone and that she can't make new memories from now on. The interaction between Twilight and Spike throughout was really sweet, as well.

I think the destruction of Golden Oaks was a good story point, the arrival of a new time and home, but still, the old library will always feel in our minds as twilight's true home, this brough home so many great moments between those 7 that it felt natural, and I liked it. Specially the part about... you know... Apples. :ajsmug:

Good job 'mate.

Nice story. Maybe she can write A.K. Yearling and get some new signed copies.

Your sentence structure needs more work. I'm assuming that since this was short you didn't get any native English speakers to preread. The only other thing was your use of the word scaffolding, which needs to be either bookshelf or bookcase.

Thanks for writing this. Now that I have read this fanfiction, I feel for the first time at ease after the destruction of the library and can look with peace at it that she's gone, instead with immense pain and grief.
I think your fanfiction helps me a lot to cope with it now. Thanks for that. :twilightsmile:

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