• Published 12th Apr 2012
  • 1,454 Views, 22 Comments

Lyra vs. Bon Bon - Alkem

Lyra and Bon Bon hold ridiculous competitions against one another.

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Who can give the better Mother's Day gift?

Lyra vs. Bon Bon

"Hi everypony, Bon Bon here. Today is Mother's Day, so in the spirit of the holiday our competitions this time is going to be—" The camera suddenly pans to Lyra.

"Happy Mother's Day mom! Yeah! I love you mommy! In front of the hundreds of ponies watching I want to say it live, that I Lyra Heartstrings am thankful for all the things my mom has done for me." After her announcement, Lyra points the camera back at Bon Bon and joins her on the couch. She looks over to her housemate who is just staring at her with a furrowed brow. "Technically this means I'm already winning."

"Uuuuuh," Bon Bon sighed, sagging her head."

Who can give the better Mother's Day gift?

"Just for the record, I'd also like to wish my mom a happy Mother's Day."

"Okay sure thing Bon Bon, but it won't count for competition."

"Competition? I'm not doing it for the competition. I'm just wishing her a happy Mother's Day. But just wondering, what do you mean it doesn't count?"

"I was the one who did it first, so by you doing it after me it copying and therefore doesn't count."

"What? That's ridiculous of course it counts. It has the same meaning as when you did it so it should count."

"Nope. Its just joining the Lyra bandwagon."

"You're just being childish since I won the last competition."

Lyra responded by sticking out her tongue to her.

"Whatever." Bon Bon refocused back to the camera. "Alright, it's time we explain how this one will go. The two of us will have today, Mother's Day, to give our moms the best gift we possibly can. The gift that's decided to be better shall be the winner."

Lyra exuberantly jumped off the couch. "Well I dunno about you Bon Bon, but I've got a special day planned out for a special lady, so I got to get going." She bolted out the front down and vanished..

Bon Bon, still on the couch, was slightly relieved seeing her friend head out. "That hyperactive pony is probably going to lead to a disaster. Oh well as long as she doesn't try to do anything to sabotage me." She placed a hoof her chin as something popped in her head. "That reminds me, did I mention something about making a rule about not sabotaging each other?" She stared blankly up to the ceiling and then lowered her head to the camera. "Oh pony feathers. Okay, it might not be so bad. She'll probably be too busy to try anything funny," she said to herself as she chuckled nervously. "Right?"

Over in Ponyville's shopping district, heads were turning to lone unicorn pulling a wagon loaded with hundreds of flowers, chocolates and various other treats.

"Oh my what a good daughter, buy all those things for her mother today," said a passerby by. Lyra, gasping for air, was doing her best to pull the weighty load but fatigue was getting to her.

"Haaa… haaa… Okay, that should be every single flower and treat in Ponyville. Haaa… phew… Let's see Bon Bon give her mom a Mother's Day gift when there's not a single one in the entire town. Ahahahahahaha!" She dropped to the floor. "Guuuh… haaaa… I can't keep this up. I've got to give these off to somepony." Back on her hooves, she looked around, searching for anypony she knew who'd be willing to take the wagon off her hands. "Ahah! there's the perfect mare to take this," she said, finding a familiar face flying from mail box to mail box, doing her rounds. "Hey! Hey Ditzy…"

Meanwhile, back home, the kitchen was flooded with the rich aroma of sweets as Bon Bon was hard at work making her special gift for her mother. "Just another pinch of sugar and…" She took a taste of her work and smacked her lips together. "Perfect. Now I just need to make the chocolates.

Finishing up, she started to cleaning up, making sure the lingering smell of sweets was gone from the house so Lyra wouldn't suspect anything, and then stashed away her gifts, Bon Bon stepped outside, stretched her back and started to calmly wait by the mail box.

"Alright now for next gift I'm going to need somepony's help." She squinted as she looked off in the distance, recognized the blonde pegasus carrying a brown leather sack at her side that was approaching. "And here she comes now."

It was midday and Lyra was taking a lunch break, at the outdoor dinning area of the local sandwich shop, enjoying a delicious wheat and bay leaf sandwich.

"This is nice, no worries about Bon Bon out gifting me, I've got my gift finished and ready for when my mom arrives, things are just perfect." She leaned against her chair and looked up towards the clear blue sky. "Hmm? What's that?" A pegasus writing something in the sky with some clouds caught her eye. "Hmm, looks like Ditzy got hired to do a little sky writing job. Let's see…" She looked on, slowly reading out what grey pegasus was writing. "Happy… Mother's… Day… Mom... Aww, that's a really touching gift to give for Mother's Day. Probably as big a gift like I did earlier.

She dropped her sandwich as a chilling thought came to her. Could she have… "Oh send me to the moon! That sneaky mare! I gotta stop Ditzy before she finishes."

Inside Sugarcube Corner, Mr. and Mrs. Cake were having a typically busy Mother's Day, with order flying in and out when suddenly a unicorn burst through the door.

"Give me all the muffins you've got, asap!"

Bon Bon had binoculars practically glued to her head while she stood outside, focusing on the work her pegasus friend was doing for her. "I gotta remember to give Ditzy a thank you gift after this." Watching from afar, she read out what Ditzy was writing. "Happy… Mother's… Day… mom… love… your… little…" She paused, unable to read what the last symbol was. "What is that? Is that, is that a muffin? 'Happy Mother's Day mom, love your little muffin?!'"

Bon Bon followed Ditzy with her binoculars as she finished the message and flew down towards a large wagon hauling hundreds of muffins. "What? What? Who?!" She looked around the wagon to see who was responsible for Ditzy's distraction. At the front of the cart, flashing a bright smile while waving directly at her, was the familiar mint green unicorn she called her best friend. Bon Bon lowered her shaking forelegs.

She threw down the binoculars, smashing them on the ground. "Lyyyyyyyyyrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaa!"

Ditzy popped her head out of the top of the muffin pile. "Did you hear something Lyra? Sounded like someone calling your name."

Standing beside the wagon, Lyra stood there smiling and waving towards something in the distance. "Nope, I didn't hear anything. So, how do you like your gift, Ditzy?"

She finished munching on blueberry muffin before she spoke. "Oh my gosh, I love it so much! This is amazing!. I've never had so many muffins at once. Thank you so much Lyra!"

"Sure anything for a friend."

Ditzy jumped out of the pool of snack and to the front of the wagon. "There are so many. I'm gonna take some home to give to my mom. She loves muffins, especially banana nut ones. Thanks again Lyra." Tying herself to the wagon, she took off. Her blonde tail whipped wildly in the wind while she ran as quickly as she could.

Seeing her leave, Lyra turned back towards her home. Her feeling of victory was suddenly overshadowed by a single terrifying thought. Bon Bon might actually kill me for this one. "Maybe I should wait a bit before I head back home."

The time had finally arrived and both of the girls were back home. Bon Bon was calmly sitting on her side of the living room couch while the other side had been converted into a makeshift fort of red seat cushions. Only Lyra's yellow eyes could be seen peering out of the tiny opening at the front of the fort. She stuck out her hoof from the opening and waved to the camera in front of them.

"So we're back. Both Bon Bon and I had the day to plan and now we're just waiting for our moms to get here."

A swift kick from the cream colored mare toppled the soft fortress to reveal Lyra, clad in shoulder pads, pillows tied to her stomach and wearing a football helmet. She looked over to her friend. "Still mad?" she asked with a shrinking smile.

"I still can't believe you did that!" Bon Bon shouted, leaning over to Lyra.

"I just thought it would be a good gesture among friends. Seeing how Ditzy was working hard making that massage. How was I supposed to know she was doing it for you? It was an accident."

"Sure, it was completely by mistake. Anyways, I'm still going to win this one with the special gift I made."

"In your dreams Bon Bon. Combined with my shout out this morning and the gift I have prepared now, I've got you beat."

The time had arrived and passed and neither of their mothers had arrived yet. An hour had gone by now and Lyra and Bon Bon, started to worry.

"I wonder what's taking them so long."

"I know. I mean Canterlot is sorta far from Ponyville, but they should have arrived already."

While the two of them sat around, Bon Bon looked over to the mare sight beside her.

"Hey Lyra?"


"You did remember to send those letter I asked you to send before we started right?"

A cold chill ran up Lyra's spine. She slowly turned her head towards her housemate and started rebuilding her fort. "Uh what letters?" She reached into the couch and pulled out two crushed up balls of paper. "You mean these?"

Lyra was suddenly surprised to find out Bon Bon had learned how to set things aflame as the two paper clumps turned to ash as her hoof touched them.

"How are we supposed to find out who gift is better when the people who are supposed to get them aren't going to be here to get them!"

As a demonic looking Bon Bon was about to lung on Lyra's remade couch fort, they heard a knock on the door. Lyra quickly used her magic to unlock it.

"Oh dear sweet Celestia! Come in quick!"

"Hey Lyra, hey Bon Bon. Are you two having a little pillow fight or something?" asked Ditzy, stepping inside and joining them in the living room.

Bon Bon regained her composure and quietly sat back down. "Welcome Ditzy, do want a snack or something?"

"No thanks Bon Bon. I didn't come for a long visit. I actually stopped by because I wanted to thank you two."

"Thank us?" asked Lyra.

"What for?" Bon Bon added.

"Well thanks to you two and your gifts, I was about to give my mom the greatest Mother's Day ever. She was so happy with the muffins, the sky writing, and the flowers, and the other stuff. I normally couldn't afford all that but this year I have you two to thank for it. You girls are great friends."

Lyra and Bon Bon stared at each other, unable to clear the smile off their faces. They both seemed to have the same thought in her head.

"Well the competition was who can give the better Mother's Day gift. It didn't say anything about being just between us."

Bon Bon smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Well you know what that means."


Bon Bon and Lyra were back on the couch look at the camera.

"Ok mares and colts, the winner the winner of the competition, thanks to me and Lyra, was our friend Ditzy. So that means that neither of us have to do a humiliation this time."

"Not unless you count the fact that Bon Bon and I look bad for forgetting our moms on Mother's Day.".

"Yeah well when they see this I'm sure they'll understand. Maybe. We'll make it up to them."

The girls stood up on their back legs and bowed to the camera. "From us here at Lyra vs. Bon Bon, we wish all mothers a happy Mother's Day."

Bon Bon wobbled and fell back on the couch. "Lyra, how the hay can you walk around like that?"