• Published 19th Aug 2014
  • 251 Views, 0 Comments

Fate, and Other Short Stories - popcorn815

A compilation of short stories about belief, equine nature, and other such oddities.

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I take a step, and appear in the midst of Canterlot. No one notices my arrival, but then again, I did not expect them to. I take another step, relishing the sensation. I am early to my own party, in a manner of speaking. I wander throughout the city, careful to avoid touching anypony, for I will need all my concentration when it happens. However that does not prevent me from enjoying the feeling of life coursing through me, though no heart beats in my chest. Occasionally ponies catch a glimpse of me out of the corner of their eyes, but when they turn to look, I was never there. Wordlessly I turn my head skyward, anticipating the event before it begins.

In my mind I can see clearly, though my vision does not reach to where it is taking place. I see a rainbow maned pegasus, struggling to keep ahead of those who challenge her. I raise my wings, and give them a soft steady beat. I See her mind fill with possibility, and her wings with strength, though I can only give her such a gift once I smile as she speeds past, filling the sky with color.

My mind splits, and I see five other futures begin to unfold. I take a step, and butterflies move to catch a falling pegasus. I smile in delight. A simple shake of my head causes an earth pony to glance out of a window to see something she would have otherwise missed. My horn lights the barest amount, and miles away a shining white unicorn mare’s horn does the same. And though I am not needed, I let out a chuckle as I feel the birth of a smile in one who never before knew such. Finally I breath out heavily, and nearby in the castle life is born. I smile, realising that I still have some small purpose here, that I can attend to at my own leisure. I take another step.

Ahead of me I see a tan earth pony, down on his luck, but with a good heart. A simple spell causes his money pouch to fall to the ground without anyone noticing. I rush after him and pick it up, my hoof resting against it for a moment before handing it back to him. I see that when he arrives home that he opens it to find a considerable sum, along with a hoofwritten note. He will remember the note till the day he dies, and will treasure it more than the gold.

I turn away, the remains of a smile etched on my face. Along the way I stumble into a snobbish unicorn wearing a suit. I see him have a change of heart towards funding an orphanage. A mischievous smile flickers across my face, I know he won't miss that much. I see a bruised filly ahead in the street, crying softly. As I pass by I brush her with a hoof and watch as she marvels at her wounds disappearing. I press my hoof against my mouth and make a soft *shh* noise before winking conspiratorially and moving on. I pass a flower stand, and pull out a handful of bits, placing them on the counter before weaving a white tulip into my hair. The mare running the stand is kind, but does not need anything that I can give her.

I enter the palace, brushing past guards who never see me. The one on the left, a mare no matter what the illusions on the armor say, I see having a foal, despite being declared infertile. I pass a maid, hurriedly cleaning the floors. I see that she has no trouble cleaning for a few months. I meander through the halls, knowing where I need to go, yet wanting to spend as much time here as possible. I pass the kitchen in time to hear muffled cursing and a green earth pony pushing open the door, bleeding all over. I halt him before pulling a roll of gauze and a bottle of disinfectant out of my seemingly empty bag. As I wrap the wound I see that he will have no trouble walking, despite nearly severing his tendon.

I sigh, knowing that my time in this place is drawing to an end. I make my way towards the throne room, entering silently through one of the side halls. The princess freezes, seeing me clearly where few others do. The world stops, and it is just us two. She speaks but a single word, and as I take another step before dissolving, an impossible wind answers her. “Soon”.

I wait, unneeded. When I am able I slip away from my ever present duties to watch events that I know will only come around once, or to simply sit on top of tall mountains or to watch unobserved from the highest spires in Canterlot, or to enjoy the quiet places and take a break from the world. Occasionally I am able to manifest myself briefly, to feel alive, to walk beneath the sun, or the moon, or the rain and snow, but it never lasts. No matter, I have waited longer with less.

I feel the need begin to build, and I know the time approaches. I arrive not far from where I am needed, but early enough that I have time yet to do what I will. I take a step, and a kind earth pony mare whose farm I am passing asks me if I would like an apple. I nod and she hands me one. I pull out some bits, and offer them to her, but she smiles and pushes my coins away. I see that when they dig up a tree that will be struck by lightning they find a small oak chest containing a fresh sapling, a handful of bits, and a note, written on impossibly new parchment. Kindness is always repaid in kind.

I wander into town. I am not yet needed anywhere, so I walk, simply reveling in the feel of the sun and the wind. I pass a mint green unicorn, crying over a broken harp. I walk to her, pressing my hoof gently against the remains of the harp. It reforms slowly, wood creaking back into position, sealing itself as if it had never broken, then the strings slowly heal, creeping back into place. I smile as I see her bring joy to a great many ponies. I also see that she dreams of an impossible world, and of a single melody.

I pass a grey pegasus wearing a mailmare’s uniform, stumbling down the street, her crossed eyes streaming tears. I walk to her slowly, before wiping away the tears. I see that while her eyes cannot be changed, she is able to better live with the effects. She shoots backwards, and I belatedly remember the consequences of the gift of sight. Yet she only smiles at me, before offering me thanks. She pulls out a muffin and offers it to me. It is among the best I have ever tasted.

I wander for a while, doing what I can, and enjoying life as best as I am able. Suddenly it is nighttime, and I know that I am needed. I take a step and vanish, only to reappear in a crumbling castle surrounded by trees. I see two figures fighting, before a rainbow appears. I step and vanish, only to reappear at the darker one’s side, just as the rainbow lands. She smiles, and I smile, and I am no longer needed, yet there is one thing left to be done. I take a step, just as the princess enters the room.

I reappear by a statue. I place my hoof against it, causing the smallest of cracks. I see many things, some are pleasant, many are not. I fight against the deluge of images, before pulling away, leaving the crack in place.

I step, and vanish again, falling into rest, the actions of the day exhausting what little power I had managed to gather. For the first time in nearly a hundred years I regret my decision to remain behind, while the rest of my race ascended. Who else would watch, to wait in darkness for their stories to unfold. Perhaps one day I will join them, but until then I will remain.

For in the end, I love all alike, for I alone see all of their greatest heights, and all of their lowest depths. And I alone know that even at their least they deserve another chance.

Author's Note:

This was a very difficult story to write, the core of it was written in an hour, but parts still felt missing. All told, this has sat around half completed for about six months.

Completed as of 18/08/2014, editing in progress, please report any errors that you notice.