• Published 22nd May 2014
  • 2,822 Views, 24 Comments

A Dragon's Heart - Derpyx0

A pony stumbles upon a dragons den, but finds more then she bargained for.

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Chapter 1

Dragons are superior. It's as simple as that. Never has a pony bested a dragon, neither have they ever tried. They are cowards. That's all I know and need to know about those hoofed creatures. Earth ponies are strong, we are stronger. The winged ones can fly at great speeds and distances, dragons could beat them in a race in a single weak flap. Unicorns have great magic skills, dragons learned how to master and control it. The threat called Tirek was a fool, he was defeated by the magic of....Friendship. I hate that word, Friendship, how utterly useless. The ponies rely on a source of friendship to survive. Fools, all of them, we dragons have survived centuries without it and have never needed such a thing. I have no feelings for others, of any race, even my own. Some dragons choose the ponies over their own kind, they don't deserve to be related to us.

Now that I have given you the proven facts, I guess you are wondering who I am. I am Igneous, the dragon of the blue flame. Each individual dragon has their own set of power and magic. I can conjure blue flames, these flames can melt through anything, including a whole mountain if given the time. My scales are as tougher then anything you have ever seen, nobody has ever been able to penetrate them. Many weaker dragons look up to me for my strength and power, nobody bothers me. The pile of bones in the corner of my den were the fools who did. I guess, sometimes I get lonely, but I have no need for friends.

But one day, everything changed.

I just had finished picking some long-forgotten meat out of my teeth, when I heard a shuffle of the rocks. I turned my head to the entrance and growled, smoke erupting in small bursts around my muzzle and nose. "Who goes there?" I demanded, expecting nothing more than a small mouse or rabbit. There was silence. Then a purple alicorn appeared in the entrance to my den. A pony! In my den?! I growled once more and showed my claws, they glinted in the reflection of my large hoard of gold that was positioned carefully in the corner behind me. A small voice suddenly replied from the unicorn, and she bravely said, "I'm Twilight Sparkle." There was no fear in her voice, only a kind reply. I looked down on her in disgust, but also recognition. She was brave, I gave her that, but also a great fool for trespassing on my territory.

"What are you doing here?!" I boomed, my voice filling the room. "Nobody dares trespasses on my grounds." Twilight just stood taller and replied, "I cannot seem to find my way home, and I was wondering if I could stay with you until I find my way home." She asked me. "Back in my hometown I have a baby dragon named Spike, so I understand what I should or should not do in a dragon's company."

I knew immediately to let loose a big no, but something held me back. I knew it would go against my better judgement, but I felt like I couldn't just leave her out in the rough terrain of the mountains. After considering the pros and cons, I finally came to a judgment that I would never be able to live down. "Fine. But only if you don't bother me the slightest bit." I growled, trying to accept what shame I had just put on a the dragon's name.

What have I done?