• Published 23rd May 2014
  • 638 Views, 2 Comments

Rocket - Swimmingly

Twilight Sparkle sits down and writes the most important letter of her life.

  • ...



Three small tears.




Three small tears stained the parchment, three small tears rolled from her eye.

Three small tears tear a hole in her fačade, revealing her inner truth.

She wipes her eye and grabs her quill with her mouth.

She prays she doesn't cry again, lest she ruin the parchment further.

She starts to write:

i'm sorry I'm so so sorry. I just I'm sorry. I just can't go on with my life.
Please please don't blame yourselves, you didn't...

She was crying again.








Seven pained tears splash on to the parchment, blotting the ink.

Even as she is now that irritated her.

She couldn't write anymore, she was trembling to much and this task was far to meaningful to write with her magic. She set the quill down and looked up at were she was, her old tower.

The rooms were dark and dusty, she had insisted that nothing be touched when she was Ponyville, she lived there now.

her tower had been forgotten.


It made her lonely it made her feel things she didn't want to, she rather anything but feel how she felt now.

As if no one needed or wanted her. As if she could be locked up and forgotten and no one would look for her.

As if she could be crying in the middle of a crowded room and be trampled.

She felt ignored.

She had managed to convince herself that she didn't need anyone and that she could make it just fine on her own, she'd always known that that wasn't true.

Just thinking like that hurt.

She realised she had stopped crying she wiped her eyes.

And continued writing

There's nothing you could've have done, please I don't blame you for anything, you have given me more in the few years I've known you than anyone else.
You are my family, and I can't live my life without you.

I can't live my life at all.

I know me leaving you all like this isn't very loyal of me and me not telling you anything isn't very honest or kind, but please all you you have been so generous and filled my life with so much laughter.

I have enjoyed my time with all of you so much, so much more than anything.
I love you all please remember that I love you all and I can't stand leaving you like this but I can't stand my life any more, You won't understand but you need to try.

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.

Please forgive me please I'm begging you.

And to my number one assistant, you have always been there for me always, always willing to go along with whatever silly scheme I...

She was bawling her eyes out.

She got away from the desk as not to ruin her letter further, she was crying so hard it hurt she couldn't cope with all the feeling and collapsed in the corner of her room.

She dreamt of the stars and the moon, the sun the sky.

And her friends.

Her friends had become her life, she had never known how important friendship could be,
But her friends had shared it's magic with her.

She cried in her sleep.

She cried until there were no more tears left to cry.

She cried more.

She cried until her eyes bled.

She cried.

She hoped that no one should ever have to cry like that, she prayed that none of her friends did so because of her.

She hoped beyond hope that they wouldn't.

She stopped crying.

She stopped crying and slept.

She slept for the next two days, her body and mind hibernating as not to deal with the pain, but the pain stayed.

Her brain wanted her to wake up, but heart wanted her to sleep forever.
To sleep through and sleep past all the pain.

But her brain won.

She woke up.

She tried to stand, but she was tired.
Tired from the pain of her life, tired from the pain in her heart and tired from the hunger.

She tried again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

Until eventually she stood.

She made her way over to the desk.

She picked up her quill and started to write.

I sure made some good excuses to you guys, I'm sorry for that but I couldn't have you looking for me.

Back to my faithful assistant, you are like my own child and I would protect as you such, this is hard for both of us, I'd much rather you get looked after by someone else who can cope with life not a sad liar like me. I love you and I'm sorry.

And to the princess please don't feel like this is you fault, I wanted to be isolated, because I had convinced myself that I liked being alone.

Once again I'm sorry so sorry please forgive me.
I love you all.

Twilight sparkle

With that she was done. She thought about her life, her delusion.
The escape she had created so she could cope with it all, she had done a good job
Six unnamed friends and an assistant a whole new town.
She thought about the very tower she was in.
It wasn't her private study tower, no it was a off limits with in a museum with a sleepy guard.
She wandered what graduation would've felt like, she wondered what using magic would feel like.

She wandered...

If only that was her life.

She made her way to the dirtiest and darkest corner of the room where a noose had been setup and a stool underneath.

She climbed up.

Slipped the noose around her neck.

"I shall be free"

Comments ( 2 )

Oh boy... feelin a manly tear well up. A couple cases of no caps capitalization, and you wrote balling instead of bawling, common homophone. Other than that, I liked it!

4433951 I shall fix my errors thank you for your time.

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