• Published 4th Apr 2012
  • 2,414 Views, 58 Comments

The Giving Fluttertree - Hungrybear

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Once, there was a Fluttertree.
And she loved her five best friends.
They were all kind ponies who all loved her too.
Every day her friends would come to play with her.
The White Unicorn would gather her leaves with magic
and turn them into crowns of beautiful pink leaves for each of them to wear
The Pink Pony would climb her trunk and swing from her branches
And make them smile.
The Orange Pony would gather apples from her
For them to eat.
The Cyan Pegasus would fly high in the air and show her new tricks she learned
And amaze her.
The Lavender Unicorn would read to her
And say that she was happy they could all play with her.
When Her friends came she was happy.
When they played with her she laughed.
When they were tired from playing they'd rest in her shade.
Every day she always looked forward
To seeing her friends again.

But as time went by,
Her friends didn't come by anymore.
She would feel alone.
Then one day, The White Unicorn came to the Fluttertree and the Fluttertree said.
"Come. Come and eat my apples, and swing from my branches,and rest in my shade.
Come and play with me!"
"I am too busy to play with you now," said the White Unicorn. "I want to go out to new places and meet new ponies. I want to travel and be acknowledged for my work.
"Can you help me travel?"
"I'm sorry," said the Fluttertree, "But I can't help you travel. I am rooted to the ground. But I have an idea. I have leaves. Gather my leaves, and make a beautiful dress, and sell it. Then you will be acknowledged and be able to travel far, and you will be happy."
So The White Unicorn gathered the Fluttertree's leaves with her magic and went away.
And the Fluttertree was happy...

But her friends still hadn't come by to play with her...And she became sad.
Then one day, The Orange Pony came to the Fluttertree and the Fluttertree said.
"Come. Come and rest in my shade, and swing from my branches and show me new tricks.
Come play with me!"
"I am too busy to play with you now," said The Orange Pony. "My apples at my orchards have become spoiled, And I cannot sell them to make bits for my family. I need bits."
"Can you give me some bits?"
"I'm sorry," said the Fluttertree. "But, I have no bits to give you. But I have an idea. I have apples. Gather my apples and sell them in town. Then you will earn bits for your family, and you will be happy."
And so The Orange Pony harvested her apples and carried them away to sell them.
And the Fluttertree was happy.

It became an even longer time since her friends had come to play with her...And The Fluttertree was sad.
But then one day, The Cyan Pegasus came back, and The Fluttertree rustled with joy, and she said.
"Come! Come and eat my apples, and rest in my shade, and read to me.
Come play with me!"
"I am too busy to play with you now," said The Cyan Pegasus. "I have won many awards for performing my tricks, And I must find someplace to safely put them, I need a case."
"Can you give me a case?"
"I'm sorry," said The Fluttertree, "I have no case to give you. But I have an idea. I have branches. Collect my branches, And make them into a safe place for your awards. Then you will have a case, and you will be happy."
And so The Cyan Pegasus collected the branches from The Fluttertree, and flew away with them to make a case.
And the Fluttertree was happy...

Time went on for much longer than the last time one of her friends came to visit her and play with her.
And then, The Pink Pony came to the Fluttertree. She was so happy she could have wept like a willow.
"Come," She cooed. "Come and play with me."
"I can't play with you, I am too busy," said The Pink Pony. "I want a home. One I may call my own, and will keep me warm."
"I want to have a family, But I need my own home. Can you give me a home?"
"I-I'm sorry," said the Fluttertree. "The field is my home. I have no home to give you...But I have an idea. My trunk."
"Cut down my trunk, and build a home from it," said the Fluttertree. "Then you will have your own home...and you will be happy..."
And so The Pink Pony cut down her trunk, and took it away, leaving her alone again, as she has began to get used to being. Lonely.
And the Fluttertree was happy...
Well she could only hope she was.

She had not remembered the last time one of her friends had come to play with her like before, So long ago.
And after a long time, The Lavender Unicorn came to the Fluttertree.
"I-I...I'm Sorry," the Fluttertree whispered. "But I have nothing to give you- Our friends have harvested my apples to sell in town to earn bits for their family."
"It's okay. I'm not hungry for apples," said The Lavender Unicorn.
"My leaves are gone- Our friends have gathered them to make a dress, to sell and be acknowledged, and to be able to travel abroad," the Fluttertree cooed.
"It's okay. I don't need the shade," The Lavender Unicorn said.
"My branches are gone. Our friends have taken them to create a safe place for their awards they earned with their amazing tricks," the Fluttertree spoke softly.
"It's okay. I didn't want to swing on the branches," The Lavender Unicorn responded.
"My trunk is gone now. Our friends have taken it to create a home to call their own and keep them warm, and for their family they want to have," the Fluttertree said.
"It is okay. I was never that good at climbing anyways," The Lavender Unicorn giggled.
"I'm very sorry," the Fluttertree sighed. "I wish I had something left to give to you, One of my friends, But I have nothing...I'm only a stump now. I'm sorry."
"I have been carrying around these books on my back for a while," said The Lavender Unicorn. "I only need a nice spot to rest my hooves, and set my books down for a while. Maybe read some while I relax."
"Well...I have an idea," said the Fluttertree, picking herself up in mood as much as she could. "A stump is the perfect place to rest up from a long day of carrying books. Come. Come and sit...sit down and rest your hooves. Read to me if you'd like, like you used to, so long ago."
And The Lavender Unicorn did just that.
And the Fluttertree was happy again, She was not lonely anymore.

The End

Comments ( 58 )

Many womanly tears have been shed? Nah, that doesn't work as well. Let me try something else,
D'AWWWWWW! :yay:

thanks guys. but if you got any ideas on how I can improve it lemme kno. :raritywink:

man that was touching
it reminded me of the giving tree so much
you nearly brought me to tears
take my fav and thumb and sacrifice it to whatever muse or god that compelled you to write this wonderful story

Then along comes a creeper...

:pinkiehappy::yay::pinkiehappy::yay::pinkiehappy::yay:I love this!!!!!!

Geez, who knew the Giving Tree and MLP could connect so much? This is genius. :rainbowkiss:

:raritystarry: I am pleased. :3

heh thanks again, although, I have to say it was kind of hard to find some use that Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie would have needed from the tree without it seeming too out of character for them. :twilightblush:

it wasn't exactly a tearjerker, but you truely captures the essence of them. I applaud you good sir or Madam, for you have created a masterpiece.
I'm not the biggest fan of Fluttertree either but this made me :yay:

that was so cute! I love the giving tree and i think a pony version is just what it needed!:pinkiehappy:

I was aiming towards making it somewhat sad, but mostly to capture how fluttershy gives out of the kindness of her heart and connected it to how the giving tree does the same thing for people she loves. (or ponies in this instance) :twilightsmile:

*Fluttershy wakes up* I dont want to be a tree anymore.:fluttercry:
I remember the giving tree good times...


Grammar usage
As far as I'm concerned, there is only one real issue and that is with the quotations. If something is said, it should be "blah blah blah," said the fluttertree. No need for that extra period. Other than that, wonderful!

Spot on!

Plot development
Well, given that this is modeled after a kid's story I can't seriously answer this. But for what it's worth, truly spot on!

How believable it is
So believable that my heart exploded twice. Yes Spike, it can happen.

Descriptive language
Again, children's story, but it was wonderful.

Use of literary elements
*cough* Children's story... but the parallelism was executed flawlessly.

This was a blast from the past and I loved the wave of nostalgia. I'm not sure what inspired you to do this, but if you conformed more old kid stories into this kind of D'aaaaaw, I would favorite this in a heart-beat. I think this is an pristine example of how to combine the innocence of ponies into something wonderful while still maintaining that child-like essence that's difficult to come by on this site.

Everyone should read this. Everyone.
Five Stars
All the thumbs
You need to do more of these. I demand it.


thanks alot, yeah i always have a problem with proper dialogue and stuff. But if you think I should try my hoof at this some more, I'm open to any suggestions on any other children story you or anyone else might like to see be ponified :twilightblush:

if you could find a way to combine ponies and Cat in the Hat (Dragon in the Wagon perhaps? GO SPIKE GO!) I would die. I'm not even kidding.

I'll see what I can do. Haven't seen much Dr.Seuss crossovers (none to be honest) :rainbowhuh: So that might just be a clever idea. :twilightsmile:

Oh, and you should submit this to The Writer's Group. More people need to see this!

I loved the Giving Tree as a kid...this brought manly tears to my eyes in the presence of a friend who doesn't like ponies.
*no-shame fist pump*

409277 Yeah... parties and trees don't connect to much. :rainbowlaugh:

last line of story...
Fluttertree: "Twilight?"
Twilight: "Yes, Fluttertree?"
Fluttertree: "Our friends are dicks."
Twilight: "Eeyup."

I was kinda intending the opposite of that.
More along the lines that Fluttertree might have thought her friends had forgotten all about her, until Twilight reignites that even if she has nothing to give anymore, Being their friend is the best thing she can offer.
Something like that :twilightsheepish:

First. I know what you we're saying, but i said it because i thought it was funny.
Second. It only seems that twilight still cared to be the Fluttertree's friend, and didn't use her.
also good job on the retelling of the story i enjoyed it


The Fluttertree was perfectly fine and live happily ever after.

"And she loved her six best friends."
Shouldn't it be 5?

oh woops, didnt notice that. gonna change it, thanks :twilightsheepish:


You do know that creepers don't destroy trees right? I just stated that one came along.

My work here is done.

*trolldance* :trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:

This was really well done! I just have the slightest correction.

In the beginning, you said she had six friends. Unless she considers herself one, she only has five...

That's just my nit-pickiness.

yeah I fixed that just now, sorry about that :twilightblush:

Hmm? Criticism? Sure, why not. :twilightblush:

(EDIT: Looks like you saw the 6 friends issue. Guess I was a little slow. XD)

Another, you can probably space your story a bit more where it's not too crammed. Luckily, you didn't do a wall of text so it was readable. They were just spaced a bit off, for example:

They did this.
Then they did that.
They were happy.
(Horrible example but whatever:fluttershbad:)

It's just that you can probably add a space between those like this:

They did this.

Then they did that.

They were happy.

(Man that example made me feel bad, lol.) You don't have to space all of them, just the ones that didn't really connect or look right visually. I'm no real critic so take my words with a grain of salt.

The story wasn't the most inspiring one that I have ever read but it was sweet and brought back memories. Ah, nostalgia. :ajsmug:

I liked it all the same. :rainbowwild:

Shouldn't it be "She loved her Five friends".

Not six? :moustache:

This fic made me cry. And I liked it.

(Not real tears. The inside ones.)

Every time I read that book it makes me sad.

I loved that story as a kid myself, one that still sticks with me even today :twilightsmile:

This was an excellent story. When I write my so-so poems, Shel Silverstein is one of the first poets I think of. I enjoy how you translated his work into the pony world. I have often thought of doing that one one of my other favorite authors, but I was afraid of being called a plagarist.

Either way, this was wonderful, I look forward to seeing it in the featured box.

Ah yes, the giving tree. I remeber reading this a long time ago. Good book.:twilightsmile: I also remeber thinking that the tree was a creep though.:rainbowderp: Good times...:eeyup:

How is this not featured yet :D?

i always did love this story:heart:
nice to see this under a different light.:pinkiehappy:

I noticed you used one of my pieces as your cover image. I'm flattered. :D
Maybe we could mention where we got the image, though. ;)

ah, sure thing pal, was a real nice image so i used it hope u dont mind, I'll put u in desc :twilightblush:

would be a dream come true :raritywink:
well it almost did at least.

:yay: I love this story!!!!

If I like it, you know this story is some good stuff.

Rambo Approved

I went daww, life is perfect and I have Hungrybear to thank. So... thanks a bunch! :moustache:

I remember reading The Giving Tree when I was younger. This was very well done.

You Ponified it well. :pinkiesmile:

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