• Published 21st May 2014
  • 388 Views, 4 Comments

Dear Diary/My dear journal - Evil_Spike

The daily lives of Sandy and Mellow Streams.

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2nd entry- Sandy


Dear Diary,

YAY! I finally got to see Ponyville properly. Mum and Dad said that after breakfast, Mellow and I should go and have a look around the town. Mellow didn’t seem too impressed, which I found slightly odd. He had gotten to bed early last night during the party and seemed to be in a good mood when he went up to bed. Mum and Dad though didn’t look quite as nice when they woke up this morning though, they both seemed quite tired and a little bit weird. They always look that way though after big parties, or at least at the few dinner events I was allowed to go to with them. I did as why they were groaning a lot and clutching their head, but they said they really didn’t want to talk about it and would explain when I “was a bit older”. I hate when grown ups do that, I’m already 10!

Ponyville is a lot smaller than Canterlot, but there’s still plenty to do around town. I saw a place that looks like a huge cupcake and saw the Pink pony coming out, well, more skipping outside. She looked very perky and happy when she saw me and Mellow, and made sure to point out to me and Mellow all the places she considered fun. She told us also that her name was Pinkie Pie. I like Pinkie. She’s almost the exact opposite of my brothers.

One of the places she showed us was the lolly shop right near the school. It was called “Bon-Bons Sweets”. I put my cute sad face on for Mellow to take me in and it worked, like always. Inside was the shop of my dreams if it had some toys in it as well. Oh well, you can’t everything I suppose. At the counter was a slightly annoyed looking mare. Next to her was one of the musicians that had been at the party, a green unicorn with a Harp cutie mark. She looked a lot happier than the annoyed looking earth pony with two toffee cutie marks. The nice mare told us her name was Lyra and that if we needed any help, we just needed to ask. Straight away I asked for a bag of chocolate freckles. They’ve always been my favourites and Lyra looked even happier when I asked, saying that they were also her favourite. The other mare didn’t look happy though and grumpily weighed out 250 grams of freckles.

Mellow paid for them and then asked for some toffee. The grumpy one seemed to lighten up a bit when she heard him ask for that.

“Seems like she doesn’t like chocolate,” I said to Lyra.

“Oh don’t worry, little filly,” she said back to me. “Bon Bon just generally doesn’t like new ponies. Unless they buy her special toffee, which just between you and me, isn’t actually that nice.”

We giggled together. Bon-Bon glowered at us, then shoved the toffee in the bag for Mellow and made him pay 2 bits it for it! It seemed a little high, but Lyra didn’t seem worried.

“Don’t worry, she always adds more tax if she doesn’t like the customer”.

She waved as we left, though Bon Bon still looked mad at us as the door closed. Mind you, she had been looking grumpy still when I saw her last night around the deserts.

When we left the shop, I saw Aura standing outside looking in. She looked sad. I said hello and tried to hug her, but she felt like she didn’t want the hug. I’ve always been a huggy type according to Mum. Mellow saw how down she was and offered her some of his toffee. Once he gave her a piece she immediately became happy and bubbly, going straight back to the way she had been last night at the party. We talked as we walked (hey that rhymes!) and she told me how excited she was about school starting up. She did seem a little nervous though when we passed by two other fillies with their cutie marks, who were busy having a hushed conversation between themselves. One of them had a spoon on her flank, the other had some kind of crown, similar to what I had seen Princess Celestia have on her head that one time our class in Canterlot was blessed to be in her presence. I asked Aura why she seemed scared of those two fillies.

“Those two fillies are the meanest little ponies in Ponyville. They tend to just bully everyone to try and get their way. Watch out for them, they always hate new ponies in town and always tend to target them.”

I looked back at the pair. They did look rather mean. They saw me and Mellow, smiled quite sinisterly, giggled and then ran away. I hate when other ponies do that.

Our last stop for the day was the library. Aura wasn’t able to join us as apparently she had some chores which needed doing back at her home. She looked pretty sad to be saying that and I don’t blame her for being that way at all. I hate doing chores as much as her and try and do everything I can to get out of doing them at all costs. Mellow and our parents tells me that it helps to “build up character” and that it “prepares me for the future”. I just think it’s because they’re too lazy to do the jobs themselves.

Anyway, when we entered the library, a dragon approached off. This scared me and Mellow off. Few ponies have ever seen dragons ever, even baby dragons. We know how vicious and scary they are, mum tells me that if I ever seen a fully grown dragon, that I’m to run away and tell the princesses as soon as I next see them. This dragon though didn’t seem too scary, as he just shrugged as we ran away. Then we saw a unicorn we hadn’t expected to see whatsoever. We had heard that the student of Celestia, Twilight, may have moved to another town early last year from Moons but weren’t sure whether to believe him. Usually he’s right about these sorts of things but we can never fully tell with my older brother. Anyway, Twilight told the dragon off for scaring us, then came close to my brother.

“It’s ok you two. Spike’s young, he never wants to hurt fellow ponies.”

“Really?” I asked back.

“Yep, wouldn’t hurt a fly. Well, unless that fly was on top of a gem cake. Then I would probably get rid of it just so the rest of the cake wasn’t affected,” the dragon said back.

Me and Mellow looked at each, each with a similar look of confusion and slight anxiety. He shrugged and we followed both Twilight and the dragon named Spike into the library.

Even though it had looked a lot bigger on the outside due to it being, well, a tree, the inside was, well, a lot smaller than what we had seen in Canterlot. That’s not difficult though, the public libraries around Canterlot were always very big and I always felt quite awestruck by the size of the libraries. There were still plenty of books around the shelves, big books, small books, books from far away places with writing that I couldn’t read, and a small shelf full of comic books. That shelf also had a small basket with a blanket, where the dragon named Spike was lying reading one of the comic books.

“So, you’re new to town, are you two?” Twilight asked us.

“Yes,” Mellow said back. “We just moved here from Canterlot and our parents wanted us to get to know the town we would be staying in. Sandy,” he pointed at me, “has always loved reading and wanted to join the library as soon as possible.”

“That’s wonderful to hear. It’s great to hear that other ponies are interested in reading. Spike, would you mind signing these two ponies up to borrow books?”

“Ugh, fine,” Spike said back to Twilight and quickly signed us up. This was the first time I ever had my own library card. It was something exclusive to me! I held it dearly to my chest as we checked some books out.

“Those books are due back in 3 weeks. Is that ok with both of you?”

“I’ll have them back in two!” I replied excitedly.

“Well, that will be wonderful. I’ll see both of you around then”.

Today was so much fun, even though we only had enough time to visit the sweet shop and the library. Those were the two places I wanted to see, as they were also the places I visited most often in Canterlot. I really like the way the library seems, it’s very nice and quiet, though I often don’t like something too quiet, it makes it feel scary. Can’t wait for school next week, even if I have to deal with having those two fillies in my class...


Author's Note:

Sorry it's taken so long to get this chapter up. Uni has kind of been keeping me away from everything. Anyway, I wanted a quick opinion on whether you want me to go back to what I was doing with the first chapter (talk about the same things but from different perspectives) or choose this style (branch the story between the siblings). Also, can you tell which ponies I rather like?

Comments ( 2 )

Personally, I think you could get away with probably doing both on a chapter by chapter basis, depending on what's happening in said chapter. This sentence is supposed to have the word 'have' in it. "Oh well, you can’t everything I suppose." There were a few grammatical errors, but nothing too glaring.
Also, I'm gonna take a guess and say that you like Lyra, Twilight, and Pinkie (really who doesn't?), but aren't a big fan of Bon-Bon and/or Spike.

Not bad, I'm actually very interested. You could do the story either way, both in one chapter or alternating. You could even go for a little while then branch it into too different yet parallel stories. It's all up to you.

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