• Published 6th Jun 2014
  • 3,264 Views, 117 Comments

The Mares of Many Hues - Dusk-Spark

Twilight Sparkle has fled Equestria to the Frozen North. With her sense of self damaged, Twilight must find herself with the help of two unlikely allies.

  • ...

Chapter 1: On the trail

=Three Months Later=

'The new gizmo that everyone and their grandmother wanted, turned out to be nothing but a scam, undercover reporters discovered last week. Flocks of ponies flooded the streets of Fillydelphia to-'


The mare's ears twitched, '...To demand refunds to the con artists respon-'


'Responsible for the whole fiasco, and this reporter was right there with the angry mob! Unfortunately, the two brothers were seen fleeing town from the South gate at approximately-'


'OH FOR BUCK'S SAKE!' She had been trying to read up on current events, but that was easier said than done when her traveling companion and her pets continued to disrupt her concentration with their annoying antics. Ten minutes ago, it was card tricks, now her traveling companion was shuffling cups (making a very annoying clacking sound on the wooden interior of the wagon). She was this close to losing her temper and then proceeding to burn the wagon, the surrounding area, and the ENTIRE FROZEN NORTH! 'No, no, Sunset you can't do that.' She tried to calm herself down. She was a better pony now, violence was not always her go-to solution. 'But it is usually the easiest. Just count to 10, go to your happy place: Calm meadow, gentle breeze...'

"Where is it now, Belle? Where's the carrot? Do you think you can outwit the Great and Powerful Trixie?!"

The little red scarfed hamster squeaked in acknowledgement. It placed its stick against one of the cups then got on all fours to sniff at the bottom of the cups. It froze at the middle cup, sniffing around its edges very thoroughly. It nodded, picked up its stick and tapped on the overturned cup's side twice to get Trixie's attention.

A sly smirk spread across Trixie's face, "Are you sure?" The tone in Trixie's voice mocked Belle, it was obvious to Sunset that Trixie was trying to get Belle to doubt her decision.

The hamster squeaked slightly quieter, Trixie's tactic seemed to be working! It got back down on all fours and sniffed the other cups again, it still seemed unsure of itself.

Trixie's kitchen timer buzzed, "Time's up, Belle!"

Panicked, Belle hit the stick against the left cup!


Trixie's magic slowly lifted the cup Belle had chosen to reveal... nothing! "Tough break, Belle." The cup in the middle rose to reveal the small, bite sized carroty prize that should've been Belle's. "Should've trusted your instincts." Trixie mocked, her magic's glow wrapping around the baby carrot, "but, a game's a game." She opened her mouth with the intention of eating her prize. However, she stopped just before she would've bitten down, her eyes drifting down to her adorable little companion. "What? Don't look at me like that. You lost fair and square!"

If hamsters could give puppy dog eyes...

Trixie looked to the carrot, then back to Belle. Then to the last, delicious baby carrot, and back to Belle's adorableness. "Oh alright!" Trixie conceded, unable to resist Belle's adorable expression. She floated down the baby carrot to Belle, who wasted no time in taking little nibbles on the carrot. "Don't get Trixie wrong. She just happened to notice that you're looking a little thin compared to the others. The great and powerful Trixie can't have you collapsing from hunger, can she? Don't say Trixie never looks out for her valued assistants. Just don't tell Kovu, Ser Whiskers III, or Goldie."

Sunset briefly glanced over to the other hamsters on the other side of the wagon. They appeared to be having a very heated game of cards, and the gold one appeared to be winning. At least, that's what Sunset assumed based on the amount of crackers by her side.

Sunset merely sighed, opened last week's newspaper, and then started from the top... again!

. . . . . . .

She'd gotten about 10 seconds worth of uninterrupted reading when the commotion from the hamster card game broke her concentration! From what she could see, the big one had lost its temper and was pointing at the other two hamsters accusingly. Sunset didn't speak hamster, but she was certain it had something to do with the big one having lost all his crackers to the other two. If that weren't enough, now Trixie and Belle were playing miniature drums. 'Miniature drums! Who makes that?!' Sunset could practically feel her sparks of rage turning into an unstoppable inferno. 'Calm Sunset! Peaceful meadow! Gentle breeze! Nice and... A WILDFIRE SPREADING ACROSS THE MEADOW AND BURNING IT TILL IT'S NOTHING BUT ASH AND SMOKE! Yep, she'd officially lost her temper! "WILL YOU FIVE BE QUIET NOW?!" Sunset shrieked!

Trixie didn't seem at all intimidated (though she was clearly surprised at the outburst). Trixie's tiny little friends did not share her courage! As soon as Sunset got loud, they'd scurried up Trixie's legs and cape to take cover beneath Trixie's giant hat. "Oh, well excuse Trixie's troupe, Sunny~" Trixie taunted her.

Her eye twitched, "For the hundreth time, it's Sunset Shimmer! Say it with me now! Sun. Set. Shim. Mer!" Of course Sunset knew Trixie could give less of a crap about Sunset's name, she was just doing this to get under Sunset's skin. And it was working!
Sunset's horn sparked to life, this was going to get bad, very quickly! As a last ditch effort by the rational part of Sunset's brain; Sunset tried, with all her remaining willpower, to remember what Rarity had told her a while back in the human world...

"Breath in. Breath out. Think of pleasant thoughts. Then, just go to the palace of your mind."

Sunset sucked in a big breath, and exhaled slowly. Her mind was filled with happy thoughts: like tying Trixie to a rocket and launching it into the sun where she'd never bother Sunset again. Or maybe using Trixie as a battering ram to get into a shop full of her favorite chocolate covered desserts. Or something equally ridiculous that could find a way to cause bodily harm to Trixie.
Once that was done (and Sunset had no more desire to burn the wagon to the ground), she occupied her mind by opening up the window of Trixie's wagon. The surrounding area had been covered in a blanket of white snow, big surprise there. She could just barely see the faint traces of morning's light through the thick trees. Sunset looked a bit further ahead of the wagon, looking past Trixie's familiars pulling the carriage, her eyes fell upon, what she assumed to be, a tavern/inn along the side of the snow-covered road. "Stop the wagon." Sunset commanded..

"Say please." Trixie was really pushing her luck now.

Sunset gritted her teeth, "Please." Sunset struggled, 'I swear to god Trixie, one of these days! BOOM! Right into the goddamn sun!'

The wagon ground to a halt right outside the sturdy place of business. A name had been carved into the wooden sign hanging above the entrance, it read: The Red Axe Tavern.
'What a weird name for a tavern.' Then again, it's not like Sunset frequented places like that so often, it may have been a completely normal name for such an establishment? Sunset hopped off the wagon, her legs thanked her for finally getting free of that stuffy wagon.
Sunset grabbed her cloak off the hook by the wagon's door, checked her pockets to make sure she had some essential items. Once she was sure she had everything, she stepped out into the cold.

"Going in for a drink? Bring back Trixie a hay and daffodil sandwich, while you're in there."

Trixie had done nothing but annoy Sunset for the past few hours, and now she had the nerve to ask for food?! "Do I look like a bucking maid?" Sunset responded harshly. Trixie hadn't heard it, she'd immediately went back inside the wagon. Sunset just sighed, once again wondering why she agreed to let Trixie tag along. 'Because she had a wagon. That's it.'

The Frozen North, to call this part of the world "cold," would've been one hell of an understatement. The biting wind stung her uncovered fur, and the snow pelted her face. 'Figured the snow would start up again as soon as I stepped outside. Because of course!' She'd only been out of the wagon for maybe a few seconds, and already she was turning into a frozen ponysicle.

"Hush now

Quiet now

It's time to lay your sleepy head~"

Sunset's ears twitched, the lullaby caught Sunset completely off-guard. Instinctively, her eyes drifted to the source of the lullaby, stopping on a mother cradling her foal in the back of a wagon while the driver was preparing to leave.

"Hush now

Quiet now

It's time to go to bed~

The lullaby caused a faint, distant, long buried memory deep in Sunset's mind to stir. A warm, caring voice from her past rang in her ears as if they were right next to her, she could faintly smell the faint scent of apple pie and-
Sunset shook her head from side to side, she needed to stay focused on the here and now. 'Just a lingering ghost from the past, no time to take a trip down memory lane.' Not delaying any longer, Sunset's hooves pushed the double doors of the tavern open, the eyes of the bar's few patrons were immediately drawn to her for just a few brief seconds. She took a seat on the stool at the front counter, then took notice of the barkeep: A small, old minotaur who may have been a great warrior in the past (if the giant 'screw-you' double-bladed axe hanging on top of the bar was genuine). Now, he was just an old bartender on the side of a road, in the middle of headbuck nowhere.

"What'll it be?" The earth toned minotaur asked, stroking his goatee as he turned to look at her.

Sunset let out a long, drawn out sigh in response. "...I've just spent the last 3 months, in a cramped wagon, with the most annoying pony in the entire known universe, I'm about five seconds from launching her through the moon, and I'm just here to relax and cool my head before I do something that she'll regret." Sunset looked to the bartender's blank expression and released a second sigh, "You have any apple juice?"

He stifled a laugh that irked Sunset just a bit, "Oh sure, let me just go get some from my vast orchard of apples outside."

Sunset was in no mood for sarcasm. "Fine, what about coffee?"

"How do you take yours?"


The bartender took one, disbelieving look at her, "Really?" He scoffed.

Sunset rolled her eyes, "Cream and sugar?"

"Oh, coming right up milady~" He mocked in a falsetto voice that he must've thought was high class and fancy... assuming you've never been around high society ponies before.

Sunset could feel the last vestige of her patience flying out the open window and into the cloud filled skies, her patience joined a flock of other pony's patience and they all migrated South to escape the winter. 'What in the hay kind of analogy was that?' Sunset chalked up the painful analogy to her mental exhaustion, she didn't have the energy to come up with more colorful metaphors. "Okay, all joking aside. Are you gonna let me buy anything, or am I gonna have to set something on fire?"

The bartender let out a dry laugh, apparently not taking offense to Sunset's threat (or maybe she was just underestimating what she was capable of). "Got the bits for it?"

She levitated out a brown sack from her cloak pocket with... a bit of dried blood on the bottom, the untrained eye might've assumed it was paint though! However, Sunset knew exactly what it was, and she had no intention of hiding her spoils.

"The hell is this?" He asked, referring to the dried, red stain on the sack.

At his question, Sunset just smirked. "Let's just say, while my traveling companions and I were on the road, we happened to get stopped by a couple of living toll booths. Now, the biggest, loudest, and most annoying toll booth gave us something of an... ultimatum: pay them what few bits we had left, or we wouldn't be going any further." Sunset paused for dramatic effect, taking some manner of amusement in the minotaur's interest. "So, I gave them a counter offer." With her hoof, she pushed the sack of bits a little closer to the minotaur, letting a few of the small coins dip onto the countertop.

"Uh-huh..." He picked up one of the coins and carefully inspected it, probably wasn't the first time someone had tried to pass off fake bits. He shrugged and took a few coins from the sack and pushed the rest back to Sunset. "Well whatever, money's money. I'll get that coffee for ya, put some cream and sugar in it, milady. Anything else before I disappear into the back?"

"Yeah, do you know how to make a hay and daffodil sandwich?" Sunset wasn't asking about the sandwich out of the goodness of her heart, no she was asking because between keeping Trixie quiet and content over loud and annoying, she'd take the former any day.

"You're in luck, milady, I can definitely make that. Anything else?"

'If he calls me that one more time, I'm going to test the authenticity of that axe.' Now that she thought of it, there was actually something Sunset could ask, but it was such a shot in the dark. Still, it couldn't hurt, and she'd paid the minotaur so she may as well get her bits worth. "Yeah, I don't suppose you'd have seen an alicorn 'round these parts?"

"A what?"

Sunset rolled her eyes, "A winged unicorn?" Though, a horned pegasus would've also been an acceptable description. "Hang on, I've got a picture somewhere." Sunset telekinetically rummaged through the pockets of her cloak, she know she had at least one picture- "Found it!" She levitated a picture of an embarrassed purple alicorn who seemed to be trying to stop the photographer from taking the picture, to the minotaur.

He took it in his hands and examined it for several seconds before handing it back. "Hm... can't say that I have, which is a shame cause your friend sticks out like a sore thumb. Don't get too many ponies this far north."

"I can't imagine why." It was Sunset's turn to be sarcastic.

With a hearty chuckle, the bartender disappeared into the kitchen, leaving a bar maid to watch the place while he was away.

The fragile-framed female minotaur greeted Sunset with a curt bow, but it was clear that she had no intention of talking to Sunset. That wasn't gonna stop Sunset though, she opened her mouth to ask the bovine some questions.

As if on cue, the tavern doors loudly swung open, a hearty chorus of laughter following the rush of wind.

Sunset groaned, the quiet tavern was about to get loud. She could feel it in her hooves. 'Just when I thought I could get some peace and quiet.'

"I'm telling ya, there's a, what do ya call it, alicorn up in Frostglade."

Sunset's ears perked up, she hadn't intended to eavesdrop on their conversation, but it was kind of hard when the concept of indoor voices seemed to be a myth to the group of minotaurs who just entered the tavern.

"Hold on." She heard one of them say, she could also tell that they were moving closer towards her, until they stopped abruptly.

She closed her eyes, rubbing the bridge of her muzzle with her hoof. 'They're right behind me aren't they? She didn't even need to turn around to confirm it, she could smell their horrible odor from where she sat. 'Oh for- do these minotaurs bathe in whatever that scent is?!'

"You're in my seat, sweetheart."

Sunset took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, 'Was this really happening? Again? There's like 8 other seats at this counter, and he wants mine?!' She very slowly, turned around to face the imposingly large, muscular minotaur. She would've looked him right in the eye, but she was too distracted by the shiny nose-ring hanging from his nostrils (and she was too short), it looked so out of place. "I'm sorry, I couldn't quite hear that. Maybe you should repeat that, but if you call me sweetheart again: I'll snap your horns off, then jam 'em right in your eyes."

The nose-ringed minotaur didn't seem at all intimidated. Neither did his two buddies, both quite intimidating (though one was significantly less intimidating than his friends). "Listen, there's two ways this can go down. You get up, find another seat, or we do this the hard way. Sweetheart." He was obviously taunting her.

It took all of her self control to not make good on her threat from before, she needed this minotaur. He had seen an alicorn, it must've been her. "How about this, you tell me everything you know about this alicorn, and I'll go find another seat, I might even give you what's left of my bits." Sunset forced a smile, as if trying to appear submissive. Which was not something that she was used to, "I suggest you take that offer." She said through gritted teeth.

"No, get up." He placed one hand on the bar. "I'm gonna count to three, and if you're not up-"

Her forced smile faded as if it had never been there. 'Screw it.' If this minotaur wasn't going to play ball, then Sunset wasn't going to be nice about extracting the information, "Okay, lemme just stop you right there. See, your threats would be intimidating if you were... well intimidating to me." Sunset mocked.

The nose-ringed minotaur's eye twitched.

"So, I've heard your ultimatum," Sunset's horn flared up, "and here's my counter offer."

To pass the time, Trixie had been conversing with the local travelers. At first she was trying to trade for goods or information, but she quickly grew tired of that. Instead, she'd decided to put on a little impromptu magic performance for the foals. They seemed to enjoy it (and her adorable assistants), plus Trixie loved the attention. "Now watch and behold, as the Great and Powerful Trixie makes the Lovely and Mysterious Belle, disappear right before your very eyes!" Trixie took out a handkerchief from her cloak pocket, swishing it back and forth between Belle and the foals. Then, on the third swish, Belle was gone. "Oh, where did she go?"

The foals seemed confused, looking everywhere, but where Belle actually was.

"Oh, hold still." Trixie raised her hoof past one of the foals on the far left's ear. "Ah, here she is." She pulled her hoof back to reveal Belle, balancing on Trixie's foreleg. "Oh, but where are the Great and Powerful Trixie's other assistants?"

The three remaining hamsters poked their heads up from the heads of three random foals.

"Oh, there they are!" Trixie levitated her hat off her head, "Come on now, in you go!"

The 4 hamsters immediately hopped into the hat, but when Trixie accidentally showed the inside hat back to them, the 4 hamsters had vanished! She put her hat back on her head, ignorant of the whereabouts of her assistants. "What?" Trixie feigned ignorance at their murmurs about where the hamsters went, since they weren't in her hat anymore? "Something wrong with Trixie's hat?" Trixie lifted up her hat to look inside. "Oh, Trixie's assistants seemed to have vanished again!" She gasped, the hamsters were casually standing on her head. This got a laugh out of her audience, that gave Trixie a warm fuzzy feeling deep in her ice cold heart. "Oh, silly me." Trixie and her assistants took a bow.

The foals stamped their hooves in appreciation for Trixie's performance.

"What's that?" Belle had wandered over to Trixie's ears, making a whispering gesture. "Belle thinks the audience would like an encore?"

They cheered in response to Belle's suggestion.

"Well, if you insist-" Trixie was immediately cut off by the loud BANG and CRASH coming from inside the tavern. A large, imposing minotaur immediately flew out one of a window, tumbling down the road and imbedding himself into a tree. Trixie sighed in defeat, 'Fifteen minutes. It hasn't even, been fifteen minutes.' Trixie turned to the frightened foals and pat the closest one on the head, "Unfortunately, the Great and Powerful Trixie must attend to matters inside. Run along back to your parents, go home or, something... leave." Trixie let her hamsters back into the wagon, it was far too dangerous inside the tavern, and Trixie couldn't afford damage payments again! "Why did Trixie agree to travel with her?" A question she'd been asking herself with an alarmingly increasing frequency lately.

Sunset was on her hind legs, effortlessly weaving past the strikes from the nose-ringed minotaur's friend: A slightly smaller, one horned minotaur with tattoos overlapping his other tattoos. "I guess all that muscle means you're a little slow!" Sunset taunted tattoo.

He growled in response, his strikes become much wider, more power behind them.

'He's getting angry, good.' Sunset knew that anger in a fight is a surefire way to make mistakes, leave yourself open, and then-
Sunset saw the opening: The minotaur's right hook was too wide! Sunset used her magic to envelop the minotaur's fist, she threw off his center of balance using his momentum to her advantage. She released her grip, forcing the minotaur to stumble and slide over the counter. He hit the hardwood floor with a loud thud!
For a while, there were no sounds. Making Sunset think the fight was over. "That's all you've got?!" Sunset could've easily ended this, but no, she had a lot of stress to work out, and this minotaur's name may as well have been: Stress Ball, for all Sunset cared.

He stood up, breathing heavily, his eyes deep red with uncontrollable rage. His eyes locked onto the tavern owner's axe hanging on the wall, a twisted smile forming on his face. He gripped the handle and ripped it from the wall (knocking down a shelf full of alcohol as he did). With a roar, he hopped over the counter, the axe raised over his head! The glow of Sunset's magic enveloped her. Before the axe would've cleaved her in two, she was gone, the only thing the axe hit was empty air and the hardwood floor.

Seconds later, Sunset warped out of the teleport spell, past the crowd of patrons. She felt dizzy, 'Ugh, forgot how much I hate teleporting.' She looked over to the confused minotaur, that axe was obviously gonna be a problem. But, not if Sunset had a weapon of her own. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, remembering words from long ago...

"Visualize what you want."

'Hands. Polearm.' She could feel the surrounding mana bending to her will...

"Take the surrounding mana in the air. Like mold waiting to be shaped, give it form."

She pictured it in her mind, reached out as if she could feel it. A pair of hand-like light constructs formed on her forehooves, while an ornate staff materialized from the air. 'Okay Rainbow Dash, time to see if our sparring sessions paid off.' She'd learned quite a few things in the human world, and she'd gotten into enough fights these past few months to blend her pony characteristics with her human fighting skills.
She stood on top of a nearby table, and whistled to get the minotaur's attention. Before Sunset could throw out one of her trademarked clever taunts: the minotaur charged like the mad bull it was. Sunset barely had time to cast a spell to boost the strength of her forelegs in time to leap over the minotaur's back. She saw something swiftly move past her peripherals the second she touched down on solid ground, she ducked immediately, the axe's blade slicing off several loose strands of her mane. 'No time to gawk!' She moved swiftly, thrusting the end of her staff into the minotaur's throat. That certainly dazed him but she needed to keep up the attack! She spun and violently swung her staff (with a bit of magic behind the swing) across his face with a loud crack followed by the small plink of a tooth hitting the ground. And then another swing, and a few more rapid swings after that, Sunset's moves were too quick, and in this instance, the minotaur's large size was a disadvantage!

Eventually (after several strikes to the face), the minotaur threw up his hands and knelt on the floor. Was it over? Was the meaning of his hands clasped together like that supposed to symbolize surrender?
....Nope! He charged forward, hooking onto Sunset's instinctively raised staff with his horns! With the staff stuck to his horns, he swung it (and Sunset) around violently until Sunset's grip loosened and she flew across the tavern! The minotaur tossed the staff down and slowly advanced on Sunset, the axe's blade scraping along the ground as he closed the distance.

Sunset merely sat there, staring at the minotaur. Her staff was too far to grab, she didn't have time to make a new weapon, teleporting took too much out of her, what could she do?! She was a powerful unicorn so maybe she could-
A smile spread across the face. "HOLD IT!" She announced!

Sunset's sudden outburst gave him a moment's pause.

"I don't think you want to step forward." Sunset warned while getting to her hooves. She dusted herself off as she picked up the chair she'd knocked over during her time airborne. She then, non-chalantly took a seat at the table.

The minotaur continued his advance.

"I'm telling you, you really don't want to step forward."

And yet he did.


He raised his axe, ready to strike her down- and then a high pitched, drawn out squeak followed immediately after a very loud, painful noise as the staff raised swiftly to strike at a... very tender area.

"I'm a bucking unicorn!" Sunset could use telekinesis for buck's sake! With one, final, charged burst of concentrated magic, she knocked him out the same window she'd used to knock nose-ring out of. She sighed out of relief, glad it was ov...er...
She locked eyes with the one minotaur she'd forgotten all about during her fight. "And then there was one." Her horn started to burn with a bright light. She'd had her fun, but now she was growing bored, and she figured that she didn't want to be here when the tavern owner came back from the kitchen.

"No thanks." The minotaur immediately sat down, and crossed his legs, bowing his head in reverence to Sunset. "I've seen those two take on chimera's as tall as the ceiling with nothing but their bare hands, and you just tossed them out as if they were rag dolls. I'm not messing with you."

"Hm, smart. What you lack in sheer muscle mass, you appear to make up for in brains." It was true, the minotaur was rather lacking in the intimidation department, unlike his friends. "What's your name?" Sunset asked while dusting herself off from the fight.

"Worm." He answered almost immediately.

"...Worm?" Sunset briefly wondered if he'd just made up a name on the spot, though that was very unlikely. "Okay, Worm. Before I had to go beat up your friends, one of you mentioned an alicorn. Talk quickly, before I beat the answer out of you."

"Frostglade. Taurus, the one with the nose ring, was talking about how he'd been nursing a fractured arm up in the Frostglade clinic run by that gryphon and zebra, when he noticed they had a new addition. An alicorn, we thought there was only one, turns out we were wrong. I've never seen her before, but he would not shut up about her."

"Uh-huh." This was good, it was a lead, hell it was practically a gift-wrapped present! Almost seemed too good to be true. "Did he describe what she looked like?"

"Like I said, he never shut up about it. Mare, violet coat, dark blue mane and tail with a purple and pinkish streak running along it."

Sunset was about 99% sure it was exactly who she'd been looking for these past 3 months. However, before she could do a victory dance, she needed to be sure that this wasn't just an empty lead again. She took out the same picture from before and showed it to Worm. "Was it this mare?"

He stared intently at it before answering: "Yes." He then swiftly added after taking another look at the picture, "though her eyes are a different color. Taurus described her as having red eyes, this mare has purple eyes."

Sunset felt her heart sink, 'Red?' Twilight didn't have red eyes, but everything else fit. 'Whatever, it's still the best shot we've got. Maybe he's just mistaken.' Sunset had just one last question to ask: "Do you know her name?"

He stroked his blue goatee, his mind wandering. "Ah!" He remembered, "I think her name was: Twilight Sparkle."

Sunset couldn't help but laugh earning herself a couple strange looks from the patrons who didn't dare say anything lest Sunset's volatile temper be turned on them.

When the bartender came back out his jaw dropped at the sight of the damage caused by Sunset.

Sunset (still laughing) walked by, took her coffee and sandwich from the bartender's hands (while he was still frozen in shock), then just left the whole sack of bits from earlier into his palm.
Laughing all the way out of the tavern, she strolled by an angry-looking Trixie, then she passed her the sandwich while kicking the tavern doors open. She just kept laughing until she got back into the wagon, taking a good, long, enjoyable sip of the coffee. If the owner cared that Sunset just took the mug with her, he didn't try to stop her (the fact that she just tossed out two minotaurs more than twice her size as if they were made of paper, may have weighed into his decision).

Trixie stepped into the wagon with her sandwich, a large bite already taken out of it. "You mind telling Trixie, what the hay was that about you angry, orange-coated, lunatic?"

Sunset was in far too good a mood to be let down by Trixie now, she looked her right in the eye and said in barely restrained joy: "We found her!"

Trixie blinked, "R-Really?" She obviously couldn't believe it either, then she started smiling too, "That's great! So where is she?!"

"In Frostglade!"

"And where is that?"

"..." Oh right, Sunset forgot about that little detail. "I'll be right back." Sunset took out the map she'd bought in the previous town from off the wall of Trixie's wagon, and then marched right back inside to the tavern. Maybe this time, she'll make it through without breaking a window.

Author's Note:

In my head canon: Trixie learned the spell to summon familiars JUST so they could pull her wagon for her.