• Published 26th Oct 2011
  • 10,482 Views, 121 Comments

Point of No Return - Wild_Heart

The mane cast must content with eternal night and each other's selfishness to save Equestria.

  • ...

Fourth Interrogation

Fluttershy had been, as expected, more than hospitable to Trixie. Even showing up in the middle of the night and endangering everything she loved simply by BEING there hadn't caused the Element of Kindness any pause. She'd accepted the unicorn in, offered her tea, and when the tea was refused on account of exhaustion, a bed. Her own bed. Trixie had refused that was well on the grounds that the couch would do just fine, and insisted the pegasus get back to her rest.

It wasn't just because the selflessness bothered Trixie, as she couldn't see herself doing the same for a guest. She found the demure pony unnerving in itself, though she couldn't quite put a hoof on the issue. The fact that the pegasus had not spoken a word the entire time did not help. None of what she'd done had required words, but it just seemed off for the pony to simply not speak. Applejack had told Trixie of her friends, and she knew Fluttershy was...Well, shy, but there was more to it than that here. It was as though she'd made a conscious decision to not say a word. Trixie couldn't imagine never talking. She'd simply DIE.

As she turned into bed, she thought about her lie. She wasn't exhausted, she was just tired. She didn't know why she'd refused the tea, there was no reason to be a rude guest. The urgency of the past few weeks had done a number on her patience, she supposed. Not that she had much to begin with, but the idea of refusing gifts was rather alien to her. She would say it was a sign of growth, that she was no longer the Great And Powerful Trixie, an arrogant blowhard with no qualms about humiliating others for her own amusement. But it wasn't that, she'd refused the tea and bed not out of selflessness, but out of principle. She didn't know why she'd been so rude, or why Fluttershy bothered her so much, and that itself bothered her even more. "Trixie," she told herself, "You're being a foal. You have work to do, so sleep and then get to it." But it wasn't that easy. Sleep wouldn't come, and her mind wouldn't stop questioning this.

Giving up, she devoted all of her thought to it. She didn't dislike Fluttershy, and her meek personality was very welcome, in all honesty. Trixie still loved being pampered, who didn't? She thought not speaking was overdoing it, though that might be for entirely different reasons. Perhaps Fluttershy didn't like HER? If she didn't, she made absolutely no sign of that. She seemed sad, distracted, but she had been the perfect host despite how late it was, and she'd even accepted Trixie's abruptness and indecency with not even a frown. The mare was very sweet about the whole thing. So no, that wasn't it. Perhaps if she could talk to Applejack, or one of Fluttershy's other friends, she could-

That was it. Right there. She didn't feel like she belonged. Trixie smiled for a moment, considering this. She just had to think of her not as a host, but as a pony. As a companion. She nodded, and turned her head to the wall, laying down and preparing for bed once more. That wasn't a problem at all. Just another obstacle to cross. It was fine. Everything was okay now.

Okay, it wasn't alright. Her frown returned slowly, as she opened her eyes, considering. Mulling it over. Why did she still feel uneasy about it? Making friends was easy. It was the easiest part of her training. She just had to get to know them, that was all. Friendships didn't happen immediately! It would take time. Perhaps Twilight would save the day again, but then she'd be gone, and she would take her place. She already knew so much about them, thanks to Applejack's coaching, but she just...Didn't...She'd had to train for it...

Trixie suddenly wanted to scream into her pillow, but settled for headbutting it. The Elements of Harmony. She was jealous of them, and not too proud to admit it anymore. Not just because of their gifts, which they bore so elegantly, so well, like it was meant for them, but because of their close friendship. Fluttershy had treated her as well as one of them, she was sure of it. She was jealous, and she didn't think she deserved such treatment. No...That wasn't it. She was afraid. She had to befriend them, to build some kind of bond. Sure, with Twilight here, that was unnecessary...But in the long run, Equestria would need the Elements, and she had to be a part of that. She WOULD be a part of that.

But it felt so artificial. So forced. It wasn't because she wanted to, it was duty. On some level she would love to be close to them as they were to each other. She wanted to be friends, to belong, but could she really? Putting thoughts of duty and necessity aside was hard enough as it was in the company of Applejack, but in the presence of one of the others, she couldn't bear it. Fluttershy was nice, but she meant nothing to Trixie. She was just another pony. Not a friend, just a host to her. She wished Fluttershy HAD gotten angry, yelled at her for being mean. Even a frown would have made it less obvious that she was just a guest, nothing more. Not a friend, not a fellow Element of Harmony. Even with all the effort she'd put into it, how she coached herself on how to talk to the others...It was all planned, all thought out, all WRONG. So WRONG, by Celestia! So FAKE, by Luna! So PATHETIC, by the sun, the moon, the stars, and all of Equestria itself!

There had been a few times in her life Trixie had felt useless, unnecessary, disgusted with herself to her very being. And this was the first time it wasn't her fault, it was completely out of her control. The first time it hadn't been a mistake she made herself. The first time her hubris was not causing her downfall.

Tears fell from her eyes into the pillow, flowing freely. She couldn't stop herself. After all those years, she'd already failed again before she even began.


Fluttershy heard the crying. She'd been worried about the unicorn, and hadn't gone to bed, preferring instead to lay outside her door. She was about to fall asleep when she'd heard Trixie smack her face into a pillow. The pegasus stopped herself from rushing over to make sure everything was alright, something told her Trixie didn't want the company. At the same time, she couldn't just do nothing. Fluttershy felt awkward, to say the least.

When there came a heavy knock at the door, her heart jumped in her chest and she squeaked. There came a harsh, angry voice from outside. "Town Guard, open this door in the name of Queen Nyx!" The knock had startled the unicorn as well, but she looked terrified on top of it now. Considering who was at the door she had a right to be. So was Fluttershy, but she had to be brave right now. With a deep breath, the pegasus steeled herself, and nudged Trixie into her room, then tossed the blankets and pillow from the couch into her kitchen: the closest place they would be out of sight. She stepped to the door and opened it just as it seemed the ponies were ready to break it down. Her head low, she tried to make herself look as sleepy as possible, and it seemed to work. The guards now felt more guilty than angry at waking the frail pegasus. "Erm...That is...We believe there is a dangerous fugitive, a member of the resistance, in Ponyville!" Fluttershy opened her eyes wide, showing a feigned fear. The animal lover was a clever pony, and while she didn't like using her vulnerability as a tool, this was much more important than her. "We...Believed that the fugitive might be somewhere in the outskirts of Ponyville. So please be careful, ma'am." She nodded, and smiled weakly, moving to close the door, when her blood ran cold.

"Hey, hold on a second there, boys! That's not how you interrogate someone! Allow me!" The flash of a dark pink coat in the moonlight made her eyes open wider, and her body tremble.

"Oh no...Oh Celestia, not her..." Fluttershy tried to calm herself, but terror was taking over. Her knees felt weak, and her heart seemed like it was in her throat now, and beating as fast as it could. As the guards stepped aside, revealing the purple-maned pony, Fluttershy let off a soft whimper. This was the last pony she wanted to see, ever, and especially tonight. Especially with her guest.

Perfect Cut. Queen Nyx's 'inquisitor'. The mare had a pleasant smile on, though the mischievious glint in her eyes could mean nothing but suffering. Even as a the taller of the two pegasi, Fluttershy backed away, closely followed by her all-to cheerful quarry. "I just came out here to ask you a few questions, Miss Shy!" Her pleasant smile slowly curled into a wicked, crazed grin. "Where. Is. Applejack."

She knew damn well that Fluttershy wouldn't respond, but she dragged it out for a moment, her grin sliding wider and wider. Impossibly wide, almost cutting her head in half from the jaw-line. The pale-yellow pegasus closed her eyes tight so she wouldn't have to see that...Thing, that abomination. Perfect let her face fall back to normal, and chuckled, taking on the voice of a hard-boiled police interrogator from some old noir movie. "Ya gonna give us da silent treatment, eh? Well, we'll getcha ta tock soon 'nuff, see?" Lifting a hoof, the pink pegasus brushed it over Fluttershy's back, before it 'accidentally' slipped, stomping down on her left wing. The Element of Kindness yelped and whimpered. The stomp hadn't damaged anything, but it'd been enough to hurt quite a bit.

But still, she kept her mouth closed, breathing through her nose quickly, almost to the point of hyperventilation. She forced herself to calm down as Perfect stepped back. The taller pegasus rose shakily and opened her eyes. She didn't let the fear leave them. If she seemed determined, Perfect Cut would know she was hiding something. If she knew she was hiding something, this would get much, much worse. She could only pray to Celestia that it wouldn't get much worse anyway...But it did.

Perfect's body deformed once more, this time one of her wings straightening out, her side shrinking inwards, bareing ribs as the frame of it extended, bearing a sharp, though still fleshy, tip. With a sudden movement, the pink pegasus knocked Fluttershy back to the ground, the latter crying out in surprise. Stepping on her head, Perfect lowered that deformed wingtip in line with Fluttershy's head...

Specifically, her right eye.

"Now, about your not talking thing...That's annoying. Stop that." The tip slowly approached. Fluttershy couldn't help but stare in horror and fear, eyes wide as her body quaked. She struggled, though another stomp to her wing paralyzed her for a moment. "And you know what I really hate? I hate those EYES of yours. I really really hate them. All lovey and kind and...Ugh...Disgusting." The tip was a mere hair's breath from her right eye now, Fluttershy forgetting to breath as the cruel monster giggled, despite her words. "Gonna talk now, Miss Shy? No? Well...You'll scream instead."


Trixie couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't wait and let this happen. Steeling herself for capture, she prepared to burst through the door, when a horrid, bloodcurdling scream stopped her. She stared at the oaken door, trembling in horror at her own cowardice. "Pack it in, boys...If she knew anything she would have said it! Maybe you'll see me again, Miss Shy~! Well..." A wicked giggle. "I guess I'll see you, anyway." She didn't quite hear the words. They seemed muffled, far away, and Trixie, in a daze, stumbled from the room. She was in shock more than anything, her eyes coming to rest on a pile of yellow and pink, laying on the floor, trembling. Snapping out of her weakness, the magician rushed to help the pegasus up. She almost threw up out of sheer disgust with herself as she saw the pegasus's right eye closed, bloody tears seeping from the corner.

"Fluttershy?! Oh by Celestia...I'm so...So sorry..." She helped her to the couch, cursing herself. Her self-inflicted abuse was interrupted by a soft voice, weak and wavering from pain.

"First aid kit...On wall...B-Bandages, please..." Trixie immediately went for the small red box, throwing it open. The contents of it spilled out from the violent tug, and Trixie forced herself to calm down, grabbing gauze with her magic, and quickly bringing them over. Despite her injury, Fluttershy quietly instructed her on how to apply them, only allowing herself to fall into unconsciousness with the deed done.

With the adrenaline worn away, Trixie stared at Ponyville's ranger, tears wetting her cheeks for the second time that night. But her stupid concerns felt so trivial now, so far away. She let herself collapse on the floor in front of the couch for a few moments, cursing herself once again for her selfishness...Her cowardice...When this one meek pony had done everything to keep her safe. Trixie fell asleep that way, still shaking with sobs.

Her dreams were not happy that night.


The morning came with the renewed rising of the moon. Twilight raised her head sleepily, though a glance out the window made her wish she hadn't. "It wasn't a dream. Is it panic time now?" While considering that, Rarity clearing her throat made the unicorn turn her head. The fashionista was already up and about, and at this juncture offering Twilight a cup of coffee. "N...No thank you, Rarity. It'll just make my nerves worse." Rarity sighed theatrically and nodded, putting the cup to the side.

"Twilight, darling, you'll get through this! I promise I'll do everything in my power to get you home! I'm sure her majesty would be thrilled to help you, of all ponies." Twilight slipped off the bed, and onto her hooves. The sleep had done her some good. She'd actually questioned whether to panic or not rather than simply panicking, so there was that. "But there's someone we really should go see. The poor dear has become a complete hermit since...The other you...Died. Barely speaks, and only goes out of her house to get food..."

Twilight felt a twinge of sadness in her heart at that. She guessed who her friend was speaking of. "Fluttershy, right?"

Rarity shook her head, the lavender unicorn blinking at her negatory response. "Oh, no, dear. Pinkie Pie. She's become utterly despondant." Twilight tried to picture that, and couldn't. The only time Pinkie had ever been really upset, she'd not been there to see it. She always assumed the world could be ending, and Pinkie would still be Pinkie. "I'm sure that seeing you will perk her right up again! Or so I hope." Twilight's stomach rumbled, and she looked apologetic as Rarity gasped, holding a hoof over her mouth. "Oh my, I completely overlooked that you may be hungry, Twilight! I assure you, I'll buy you as much as you like at Sugercube Corner."

"Thank you, Rarity..." The two of them left the house. The streets of Ponyville were slightly more crowded than the magician could remember, though it hadn't been this large in her world, either. Despite the blanket of night draped over the sky, everyone was going about their business. And most of them seemed perfectly happy. "Is...This what it would have been like?" "Rarity? Everypony seems...Perfectly fine with all this."

Thanking a colt that had stepped to the side, out of her way, Rarity barely caught that statement. "All this? What do you mean?" Twilight, who'd been lagging behind a bit, stuck closer to the white unicorn, trying to ignore some odd looks she was getting.

"The whole...Eternal night thing. It's been like this for...Six years, right? But nopony seems particularly hungry, angry, or scared..."

"Well, it is quite amazing what a pony can get used to, but as I explained last night, Queen Nyx's reign has brought a lot of prosperity to Ponyville. It really isn't a trouble! The streets are kept warm by these," She swept a hoof to indicate one of the street lamps, continuing, "And food is plentiful. There were two hard years, but after that, the plants that grow under moonlight were fully integrated, and we've had higher output even due to so many ponies moving here."

Twilight had to say she was impressed. She felt a bit of pride building in her heart, but fought it down. As much as she loved Nyx, she'd seen both sides of the coin. And she was sure there was another side to it here. She kept it to herself though, politely nodding as she listened to Rarity tell her about life in Ponyville these days, until they reached the bakery. It hadn't changed at all, honestly, and through a window she spied Mr. and Mrs. Cake hard at work. But there was something missing from it all. "Is it Pinkie's day off?"

"I suppose so, dear." Rarity smiled to Twilight encouragingly. "That means she'll be in her room. But breakfast first!" Twilight felt a little less hungry at the prospect of keeping Pinkie waiting...But her stomach growled, and she reminded herself the earth pony didn't even know they were here right now. Mrs. Cake came to the counter, looking a bit hurried.

"Good morning, and welcome to the Sugarcube Co-" She spied Twilight and her blue face became a much paler shade, dropping the platter she'd had balanced on her back. She stared in shock while her husband rushed out to see what was wrong. He too fell victim to the sight. The customers all looked up at the noise as well. To a few of them, the sight of the lavender unicorn meant nothing. But to many of them present, it meant everything. One of them, a light green pony with a greyish blue mane and white highlights, stepped up to the Element of Magic with a few tears in her eyes.

"T-Twilight? Twilight Sparkle? Is...That really you? Are you r-really alive?" Twilight looked around the shop, in awe of how...Well, in awe everyone was of her. Was she really this important to Ponyville? She smiled softly as she looked back to the pony. Lyra, that was her name. She remembered her.

"Yes, Lyra...I'm really here." She erked as the musician suddenly hugged her tight, crying openly. She always was a little over-emotional, and this was something to actually be emotional about, Twilight supposed. She let the other unicorn cry, hugging her back a bit, though when Lyra calmed down, she scooted back a bit.

"I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me, I was just...Just so happy to see you!" She practically gushed. Twilight blushed, giving her a lopsided grin. "I mean, we all are, right everypony?" Those in the bakery that knew her once nodded, and cheered. Those that didn't were uncomfortable at the display of affection that was lost on them for a few moments, but the celebration was infectious. Soon, there was a round of free pastries, as if the place had suddenly become a bar, and Twilight was sat at a table, surrounded by familiar faces, old friends and acquaintances. There were so many questions, too, but Twilight decided to just tell everyone she didn't remember what had happened. It was easier that way, and didn't run the risk of causing some kind of weird paradox. Well...Less of one.

The improvised party was halted by the sound of a slamming door upstairs, and a few of those gathered left quickly. Twilight's eyes went to the staircase, as a pair of bright pink legs appeared, then a head. Her heart sank a bit when she saw the look on her old friend's face. Pinkie's expression had none of it's characteristic mirth, only a look of pure sadness. Apathy. No will to live, yet she did anyhow. Rarity shuddered a bit beside her friend, and Twilight understood why. Seeing someone that had been a symbol of joy in their life, reduced to this...It was as though there could be no joy left in the world. Pinkie spoke, quietly, and with deep regret in her voice. "Everyone...I'm...Glad you're happy, but I'm trying to sleep...Please keep it down..." Her eyes scanned the crowd, full of tears, and they all nodded. Some with gentle encouragement, others with nervous gulps. The element of laughter started back up the stairs again when she stopped mid-stride, and she slowly turned her head to the crowd again, her expression now one of shock.

"Hi Pinkie. I'm sorry you're sad, but please feel better soon..." Twilight smiled as the earth pony's eyes met hers. Pinkie just stared for a moment, then her legs started to tremble. "Pinkie? Are you ok-" She was able to say nothing else before her friend pounced, glomping the unicorn, knocking her out of her chair. Thankfully, nothing was hurt, but she had the wind knocked out of her. As Twilight came out of her daze, she found it hard to breath in the bearhug the pink pony had her in.

"OHMYGOSHTWILIGHTIMISSEDYOUSOMUCHYOUWEREDEADBUTNOWYOURENOTUNLESSYOUREAGHOSTORAZOMBIEBUTIDONTCAREIMISSEDYOUSOOOOOOMUCH" Her ears were ringing now too, but she couldn't help but hug back, as the pink furred and maned pony sobbed into her chest. Lyra's tears had been happiness mixed with sadness, but these were pure joy. Pure, unadulterated joy. Twilight felt a bit awkward at first, but as always, Pinkie's happiness was infectious. She smiled widely and gave the Element of Laughter a squeeze. The earth pony immediately after sat bolt upright and looked around at the crowd gathered who were all just staring, though with smiles. Infectious indeed.

"I'm glad to see you too, Pinkie. We really, really have to talk about something, though," Twilight spoke as she rose herself...Well, as much as Pinkie sitting on her stomach let her sit up. She didn't have the heart to outright say that she wouldn't be here long. After all, images of that depressed, joyless Pinkie came to mind immediately, and Twilight didn't think she or anyone else present could bear to see that again.

"Yes! Yes we do!" Pinkie hopped up, off of her unicorn friend, bouncing a few times. Her hair had remained it's droopy, straight fashion, though the earth pony seemed just fine again. Twilight was considering that when she realized fully what Pinkie had said.

"Wait, what?" The lavender unicorn blinked. She should have expected something like that from Pinkie, and she shook it off, the look of unsurity leaving her face as she watched the happy mare hop around. "Well, okay then! That makes things easier. Pinkie, I..."

A hoof came up against her lips, and Pinkie shook her head quickly. "Not here, silly! I think we really need to talk but not in front of everyone. Just you and me okay?" It dawned on the unicorn that a lot of the earlier crowd was still present, and that she'd told them a lie. A little white lie, but a lie nonetheless. They'd be very upset to learn that, and that Twilight would be leaving as soon as she could.

"Heh...Right!" Twilight gulped a bit nervously at her slip-up. "Of course! Excuse me everypony, I'll be right back." With a nod, they still watched as Pinkie bounced up the stairs in her usual 'walking' manner, Twilight ascending after her. The unicorn gave a glance to Rarity, a sad glance that told the white pony she didn't revel in what she was about to tell. Rarity nodded to her, smiling reassuringly. "It's for the best," that smile said. Taking a deep breath, Twilight continued up after Pinkie Pie.


Of all things Twilight ever expected from Pinkie, this was not one of them. Admittedly, the earth pony had always managed to surprise her in just about everything, so that wasn't too much of a big deal. But the problem being that this was totally something else. She had no idea what to think.

Pinkie, for her part, was waiting very patiently, waiting. In her eyes were hope, but her expression carried something else with her. Acceptance, maybe? Was that even an emotion conveyable by a mere look?

Either way, the unicorn understood everything now. Why Pinkie Pie been so depressed, why she was so happy to see her over anything else...And why everything would be fine if she told her she wouldn't be staying. But that itself seemed so...unimportant now. She thought back to her studies, wishing she had a guide or any book at all that had taught her what to say to this. She had been staring at the sheets on the bed they were both sitting on this entire time, only once or twice glancing up to Pinkie, who had that same look on her face. Just waiting. Twilight took a deep breath, deciding that saying anything would be better than the silence.

"I...I really don't know what to say, Pinkie...I'm really sorry." Her friend just nodded, smiling a bit wider.

"It's okay, silly, you really don't have to say anything! Or even say yes or no! I just wanted to tell you, all this time, and I never got the chance because you died, but now that I told you I feel all better even though I know you can't stay!" Twilight started. She had just figured she and Pinkie were speaking of two different topics when the earth pony posed her own.


"Of course I do, Twilight! It's not like you're back from the dead because that's pretty impossible, duuuh!" The snark on the end of it made Twilight giggle softly, though she still felt terrible about all this mess. "Hey, don't be down! I'm fine! I really mean it! All I ever wanted was just to say it and now that I have, I'll be all peachy keen from here on out! Or maybe...PINKIE Keen!" The earth pony let out a wild giggle at her own joke. Twilight groaned at the joke...

"Are you really s-" Twilight was once again silenced by a pink hoof rising to her mouth.

"Yes. Twilight." Pinkie looked...A bit stern there. As she had reminded herself before, with Pinkie, anything was possible. Even a look like that on Pinkie's face. "I really, really am sure. So why don't we go back downstairs and have one last big party before you go home? I bet everypony in aaaall of Ponyville would love to come to that! Ooo! Even Nyxie might come!" Twilight winced. Yes. That. She didn't know if she could face this 'queen nyx'. She had learned from Rarity enough to know where this timeline split. She knew her final words and actions towards the alicorn, and she was not eager to know the results on her daughter's attitude.

"Can...We please not, Pinkie? I'd love a party, but maybe only for the few of us? Our old friends?" Pinkie wilted a bit, but ultimately nodded.

"Well, I guess that would be okay sure! I mean, we can't really invite Applejack or Rainbow Dash but maybe since you showed up they will too!" Pinkie bounced with excitement at the thought. Twilight eyed her hair, and cleared her throat.

"Before we go...What's up with your mane? it's still all...Sad...Mode." Twilight waved a hoof at it tentatively. Pinkie stared at a mirror like she hadn't noticed, blinking, then shrugged helplessly.

"I guess I've been running on the sad juice so long it needs time to start on the happy juice! I don't really mind I mean I think it looks kinda pretty this way but I hope the happy kicks in soon because I bet it'll get in the way of all the baking I have to do for the party!" Twilight...Just nodded. That explanation was just fine, and she was NOT going to push it.

"Okay. Let's go then." The two ponies headed back downstairs, to begin this one, last party.


Meanwhile, back at the ranc-err, Farm...Rainbow Dash was still kinda miffed at her friend's double. But even with all her stubborness, it was hard to retain true anger. Sure, the farmfilly had dragged her here without even asking, and sure she was missing her own Applejack, but thinking about it...Wouldn't she also have done the same?

Okay, no. She wouldn't. But that was more the fact that Rainbow Dash couldn't see her coming up with anything like this. If she DID have the idea, though, it would have been what she did too. She looked up at the moon, glaring. It had gone down, but that just left everything completely dark. After a nap, it was rising again. That pissed her off for a whole mess of reasons, but it was still secondary. She let her eyes wander to her friend's double, grimacing. She seemed so much...Older? Tired, downtrodden, but not yet beaten. Just like her, Applejack never knew when to give up. But instead of making her grin, she couldn't stand the thought. "Uh...AJ?"

"Yeh, sugarcube?" She hadn't slept at all last night, but she seemed like she was used to it. Nothing like that one time she'd spent the entire day drunk from sleep-deprivation. That pissed her off too, but she fought it down.

"How long have you been doing this? I mean, fighting. Alone."

"Ah ain't alone, darlin'. Ah got Trixie an' a lotta good ponies who jus' wanna be free 'gin. An' we're ahll readeh fer whatever comes our way." She gave Dash an smile, though it was apologetic. "An' willin' ta do anythin', I think. Even if we shoul'n't have."

"Nah, really, it's...It's okay. ...You're STILL not my Applejack," She stated bluntly, though a smirk turned at the corners of her mouth. "But you're close enough, and you need my help. Good enough for me." Applejack looked to the ground, closing her eyes for a moment. She turned her head so Dash couldn't see tears of relief falling to the grass.

"Thank ya, sugarcube. Tha' means a lot ta meh. Ya realleh dunno how much." Despite what Applejack thought, Rainbow Dash really did know. That's why she said it, after all. But not one to remain on any sappy topic for too long, not even that of friendship, Dash unceremoniously prodded her friend's double in the side.

"Look, I know we're supposed to just sit here, but...Didn't you say you were with that Trixie punk?" Applejack rolled her eyes, though she easily bit back the rebuke she would have immediately given 6 years ago. "And what about Twilight?"

"Yeh. Yeh, yer right." The farmfilly...No, Farmmare, rose, and nodded to Dash. This was a stupid idea. It could risk everything. But right now, it was time for action. "A'ight, here's th' plan. Ya go after Twilight. Ah betcha sh's still in Ponyville, an' tha's sure ta cause a fuss. Ah'll go fer Trixie. Sh's prolly holed up wit' Fluttershy, tha' seems th' most logical choice." Dash grinned for a moment, then her face fell.

"Guess I gotta go incognito?" Applejack grinned widely, her eyes losing their tiredness suddenly, as she stretched herself out, a few joints popping. Dash knew that look all too well and grinned back.

"Hay no, girl! Ya gitcher flanks over ta Ponyville on th' double. Ah want Queen Nyx knowin' her time is finally up!"

"You got it!" Dash saluted and took off, blazing across the sky, as Applejack raced to Fluttershy's house, not suspecting at all what she would find there...