• Published 24th May 2014
  • 658 Views, 7 Comments

See Who I Am: A Crusaders' Tale - SilverMuse

In an attempt to gain their cutie marks, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom not only change their destinies, but their families as well.

  • ...

Chapter 1: A Day in the Life

Apple Bloom stretched languidly in her bed, the small part of her awareness that was already conscious of reality telling her that she’d woken before both the rooster and the sun. A smile spread across her small face. Today was Saturday, so she knew she could have at least another ten minutes.

Though she had yet to open her eyes, a niggling feeling in the back of her mind gave her the suspicion she was forgetting something about the day already. But, before she could pursue the possibilities, she started dozing again.

Not a minute later, she sat straight up with her eyes wide open and gleaming with excitement.

It was the first day of Applebuck Season!

Applejack had promised her that she could help more this season. Maybe she was finally gonna get bucking lessons!

Her ear swiveled to the door as she heard light hoofsteps approach. Before she could move, the door swung open quietly to reveal her big sister.

“Well, good mornin’, sugarcube.” An easy, lopsided smile worked its way across her freckled cheeks. “Wasn’t expectin’ you t’ be up so early.”

“Applejack! It’s mah firs’ Applebuck Season!” Apple Bloom leaped out of her bed, leaving the blankets in a disheveled mess as she bolted across the room to get ready for the day. “Of course Ah’m up an’ ready!” She grabbed her brush and ran it through her mane quickly.

The orange mare chuckled. “Slow down, sugarcube. You don’t need t’ rush – Ah haven’t even made breakfast yet!” She nudged Apple Bloom playfully with a hoof. “Jus’ wanted t’ make sure you didn’t miss anythin’ by sleepin’ in.”

“Oh.” Apple Bloom’s ears drooped just the slightest bit before perking up again. “Well Ah’ll be ready lickety-split anyhow!”

“That’s the ticket, AB!” Applejack’s eyes roamed the room. “’Specially since that means you’ll have plenty o’ time t’ make your bed.”

Apple Bloom groaned loudly. “But Applejack!”

“No buts, missy. Y’ aren’t gonna miss a thing in th’ meantime, and…” She looked at her sister meaningfully.

The filly sighed. “An organized room means an organized mind,” she muttered.

“Exac’ly.” Applejack smiled again. “Ah’ll have breakfast ready for you when you’re done up here, alright?”

Breakfast did sound good, Apple Bloom admitted to herself as her tummy gurgled quietly. “OK, Applejack.” She turned back to her worn dresser and picked up her pink ribbon with a hoof.

She heard Applejack chuckle quietly to herself as she exited the room, her hoofsteps echoing lightly on the wooden stairs to the kitchen.

Once Apple Bloom felt sufficiently groomed, she made her bed quickly as she knew how. A few wrinkles here and there wouldn’t really make that much of a difference, anyway. Satisfied, she galloped out of her room and down the stairs, paying no mind to the familiar photographs that witnessed her passage. She was in her place at the breakfast table in record time, her mouth watering at the scent of apple pancakes sizzling in the frying pan.

Heavy hoofsteps from behind her signalled the arrival of her big brother. Apple Bloom grinned at the large red stallion as he settled into place beside her.

“Mornin’, Big Mac! Ready for Applebuck Season?”

“Eeyup,” he responded stoically as ever. “Soon as Ah get some o’ them pancakes, anyhow.”

“Y’all’re ungrateful wretches!” Applejack called from the kitchen. “Ah should eat all o’ these mahself!”

“Aw, don’t worry Applejack!” the filly grinned sneakily. “Mac says he’ll clean up after we’re done eatin’!”

A strange kind of noise - half snort, half laugh - came from her brother. He looked down at the filly next to him with bemusement. “Reckon that’s mah job anyhow. Though might be that since you’re old enough for Applebuck Season it’ll be your job someday soon.”

Apple Bloom’s smile dimmed. “Mah job? But, Mac! Ah cain’t even reach th’ sink without a chair yet!”

Steady hoofsteps entered the dining room, bringing Applejack (and, more importantly, the pancakes) to the table. “Alright you two, quit your yappin’ an’ dig in!”

“Wha’ ‘bout Gramny Smiff?” Apple Bloom asked through a mouthful of perfectly cooked, warm and fluffy pancakes.

She was rewarded with a stern look from Applejack. “She’s still in Appleloosa helpin’ Braeburn get his hooves back on th’ ground after that nasty twister, ‘member?”

Apple Bloom swallowed her mouthful before answering with a mumbled, “Oh, right.” She finished off her pancakes and downed the small glass of water in front of her plate in a couple gulps. She licked her lips clean of the syrupy residue left from her less-than meticulous dining. Her belly pleasantly full, she grabbed her dishes and deposited them in the sink for Big Mac. She scampered back out to the kitchen just as her siblings were finishing up their own stacks.

“Ah’m ready, Applejack! Let’s go buck some apples!”

“Alright, jus’ give me a sec.” Her sister laughed and polished off the last bite of her own pancakes.

Apple Bloom thought she’d die of anticipation as she watched her sister leisurely chew and swallow before drinking the rest of her own glass of water. Applejack delivered her own dishes to the sink and started the tap for her brother before grabbing her trademark cowpony hat down from its hook and settling it upon her head.

“Ready, AB?” She called out from the front door of the farmhouse.

In a flash, Apple Bloom was at her side, the eagerness in her eyes making the red-orange orbs grow to two or three times their usual size.

Applejack chuckled and ruffled the filly’s mane affectionately. As she opened the door she called out over her back, “Don’t you let that sink overflow, now, Mac!”

“Eeyup,” his reply drifted back from the kitchen.

Apple Bloom followed her sister excitedly outside to the barn. She wondered how many apples she’d get down on her first buck. Ten? Twenty? Maybe if she tried extra hard, she could clear the whole tree! Her enthusiasm bubbled up inside of her, threatening to cause her to go running off into the orchard just to give it a try. Quashing that urge, she looked expectantly up at her sister.

“What do we do first, sis?” Her voice quivered with suppressed energy. “Ah bet Ah could buck at least a dozen apples off a tree right now!”

Applejack shook her head as she chuckled again. “We ain’t gonna be buckin’ jus’ yet, Bloom. Firs’ we gotta get the carts an’ buckets ready. Before we can even do that, though, we gotta feed the animals. Won’t do for them t’ go hungry t’day either, ‘specially as Fluttershy’d give me quite the stern talkin’ to if’n Ah let that happen…”

The farmpony’s voice faded to a drone in Apple Bloom’s ears. No bucking right away? How many things did they have to do first? She stifled a groan, trying to remind herself that she was actually excited. She looked to the horizon, noticing the sun was just beginning to rise. She couldn’t hold back a small sigh. At least it was only… fourteen more hours ‘til she’d see Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle to put their next crusade into action. Her ears drooped at the thought.

“Hey!” Applejack’s voice made her start. “Ah thought you were chompin’ at the bit t’ get started t’day?” She smiled knowingly at her little sister as the filly hung her head. “Ah know you wanted t’ get buckin’ right away,” she said gently, resting a comforting hoof on Apple Bloom’s shoulder. “But we’ve got a lot t’ take care of before that can happen. Can Ah count on you t’ help me out so’s we can get you buckin’ before sunset?”

Apple Bloom felt a budding resolve take form in her chest. She would get to buck today. The more she helped out now, the faster it could happen. She raised her head proudly again, a look of determination in her eyes.

“You can count on me, Applejack! Let’s move our cabooses!” She mimicked Granny Smith’s lilting accent perfectly.

The orange mare chuckled and beckoned her over to begin their first task of the day.


Hmm thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk

Sweetie Belle awoke to the familiar drone of Rarity’s sewing machine echoing through the floor. She cracked open a jade-green eye and yawned deeply. She’d been up far too late last night with Scootaloo, trying to devise another plan to get their cutie marks. Apple Bloom had joined them for their first adventure that afternoon before she’d gone to bed early so she could be ready for Applebuck Season. The Crusaders’ little adventure had not gone as well as they had planned. Apparently they would have to scratch “crocodile catchers” off of their list. While Gummy had been an easy catch, the crocodiles lurking in the Everfree Forest had been less…friendly.

Sweetie Belle reached up and poked at the tuft of her mane that had nearly been sheared away by razor-sharp teeth.

Scrubbing her eyes with a white hoof, Sweetie Belle rolled out of bed and landed delicately so as not to disturb her sister. As expected of her, Sweetie Belle turned back to her bed and quickly made it, smoothing out any wrinkles that might offend Rarity’s keen eye. Sweetie Belle wasn’t overly fond of the daily room check to make certain that all was in order, but what could she expect from a sister who was so well organized in her craft?

Or at least she was usually organized...unless a fashion line was due.

Sweetie Belle quickly grabbed her brush and ran it through her mane, carefully curling it and tucking away any loose strands so Rarity would not have reason to comment about a disheveled appearance. She looked at herself in the mirror and cleaned off a speck of dirt on her hoof left over from last night’s adventure.

“‘Being muddy just makes a lady seem so uncouth,’“ Sweetie Belle mimicked her sister to near perfection then laughed to herself. She needed to stop imitating Rarity before her sister caught her in the act.

Still giggling, she trotted out of her room and hopped down the stairs. She could smell buttery toast, sweet pastries, and fresh-brewed tea coming from the kitchen. Sweetie Belle bypassed them, though, and instead walked timidly into Rarity’s work area.

The white and purple unicorn stood before her beloved sewing machine, running the sleeve of a green gown through the needle. Sweetie Belle watched her curiously, already able to recognize the sewing techniques her sister used.

Hmm, she’s using the overlock stitch today. At least that looks like it’ll help keep the sleeve intact.

She watched Rarity guide the sleeve under the needle then stop and swap a few threads when she got to the cuff. With precise movements, Rarity managed to rotate the cuff so that it started to acquire a decorative, ruffled curve.

Purl stitch, Sweetie Belle guessed, though she did not dare to disturb Rarity in her work. The filly looked over her shoulder, her stomach rumbling and begging for food. She could go eat...but it was lonely to eat breakfast without her sister.

Marvelous!” Rarity cried suddenly, jerking Sweetie Belle’s attention back to her. “This is simply darling! Hoity Toity will surely adore this new design.” She rubbed the fabric against her cheek with a giggle then turned to find Sweetie Belle standing at the front of her room. “Oh! Sweetie Belle, have you been there long?”

Sweetie Belle quickly shook her head and smiled broadly. “It looks pretty, Rarity. Do you want to eat breakfast with me?” she squeaked.

Pretty?” Rarity asked, appalled. “Pretty? Is that all? Why, I spent all morning working on this ensemble! If it’s only pretty I…”

Sweetie Belle sighed and hung her head. “It’s marvelously stupendous,” she tried again.

Rarity gave her a look and pulled down her sewing glasses. “Now you’re just being facetious. No matter. Yes, yes, I suppose breakfast is indeed in order.” She placed the gown lovingly over one of her mannequins and trotted to her sister. “Come along, then. We shall have a quick bite to eat and then it’s off to work for the pair of us.”

Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened in alarm. “But...I’m supposed to meet Apple Bloom and Scootaloo for a CMC meeting this evening. We-”

“Oh really, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity sighed loudly and went into the kitchen. She poured two cups of jasmine tea and added a squirt of honey to both. “You were up late all last night, and I’ve barely seen you for the past week. I was hoping you could help model some of my dresses, and then there’s the meteor shower this evening. We shall be finished well before night. You can speak with your friends then.”

Sweetie Belle lowered her ears. “Finnnnne,” she grumbled and picked up a sweet bun. She set cooling toast on her plate and blew on the tea. She went to take a sip but noticed Rarity giving her the stinkeye. “What?”

“Manners, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said and pointed to Sweetie Belle’s lap. “Napkin first, then you can drink and eat. Must I remind you all the time?”

Sweetie Belle puffed air into her cheeks and tried not to snap at her sister. They had been getting along a lot better for the past week, but maybe that was because Sweetie Belle had not been around very much to begin with.

As they started to eat, Sweetie Belle looked at a picture on the wall of her parents both dressed up in flowery t-shirts. That had been from their trip down south last summer, and the picture next to it was from Manehatten just two months ago. They hardly looked like prosperous, rich ponies, but they certainly spent their bits as such.

“Are Mom and Dad going to visit soon?” Sweetie Belle asked as she took a sip of tea.

Rarity dabbed her mouth with a napkin. “Hm, the last postcard I received from them said that they were stopping at the Crystal Empire next month and then they would make their way back to Ponyville. Mother says she has a lovely little gift for us.” Rarity’s eyes grew wide. “Oh! Maybe it’s one of the new fabrics from Manehatten. I could certainly use that in my next fashion line.” She looked back to her room and squealed softly. “Ideaaaaas!” she sang.

Sweetie Belle slapped a hoof to her face.

And now I’ve lost her for the rest of the day...she thought.

Oh well. Even if Sweetie Belle didn’t like trying on dresses hours on end, at least she’d be able to spend time with her sister. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo would have to wait until they put their evening plan into action, she supposed.

Sweetie Belle finished up her meal and brought the plates to the sink. The moment she set them down, she heard Rarity bolt from the room to continue her work. Sweetie Belle cleaned the dishes slowly and looked out the window to the birds lining the trees. A mother bird nudged her little one closer to the edge of a branch. The baby bird shook with fear until it saw its dad hop off the tree and hover nearby. Taking a deep breath, the baby jumped from the branch and fell like a rock towards the grass.

“Oh no!” Sweetie Belle gasped.

The mother bird flew down after the baby and fell with it, chirping encouragement. Suddenly, the frightened chick spread its wings and flapped into the air. The trio flew joyously together and headed off to another section of Ponyville.

The filly breathed a sigh of relief. At least that baby had parents to watch out for it. Sweetie Belle missed hers, and while she had her sister, it still didn’t feel like enough sometimes.

She looked around the house, admiring the golden- or silver-gilded statues their parents had purchased for them. They were lovely trinkets, but treasures could not replace her parents.

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity cried. “Come here, will you? It’s time to start...the fashion showwwww!”

In spite of herself, Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but giggle a little at Rarity’s enthusiasm. At least Rarity was getting her involved in the craft rather than sending Sweetie Belle off to play outside alone.

She headed into the workroom and stood beside a mirror, preparing herself for their day of fashion together.


Birds serenaded Scootaloo with their lovely song, but all she wanted to do was throw a pillow out the window at them. She pulled one flat pillow over her head with a grumble and tucked a blanket over that for good measure. Why was it morning already? Couldn’t she just sleep in for a few more hours? Well, she could, but there were things she had to get done, and first on the agenda was silencing the growling beast that was her stomach.

Scootaloo grumbled and muffled into her pillow then sat up. A feather stuck out of the corner of her mouth, and she quickly swiped it away with a giggle.

“Uh oh,” Scootaloo laughed to herself. “Maybe Apple Bloom is right. I am a chicken. Bawk!!”

Feeling both amused and a little more awake, Scootaloo climbed out of her bed and looked through her window to a trio of birds sitting on a branch. She smiled at them, feeling just a smidgen spiteful that the baby had parents to keep it company, but the emotion did not linger. She turned away, leaving her bed in disarray, and looked around her room.

Posters of the Wonderbolts and famous flyers, like Rainbow Dash, lined her walls. Her scooter leaned against a chair beside another scooter she’d broken about a month ago trying to leap over two carts filled with apples. Applejack had been less than pleased when Scootaloo had not only managed to break her scooter and bruise her wing, but she had also bruised two buckets of apples.

It had not been one of her most spectacular moments, and worse, Rainbow Dash had seen her. Oh, Scootaloo’s face had resembled a crimson sun for about three days after that.

She walked out of her room and looked down the dark, cold hallway just outside of her door. With one ear perked, she listened for any signs of life, but of course there were none. No one lived in the house except for Scootaloo and, on the rare occasion, Aunt Tawny who actually owned the house. However, Aunt Tawny hadn’t been seen for over a year, and Scootaloo was starting to wonder if she would ever come back. Not that she particularly missed her. Even when Aunt Tawny was around, she typically slept the day away and then went out to gamble at night.

Scootaloo glanced at the empty walls around her. At one time, pictures of her parents had littered the hallways and living room, but it had gotten a lot harder to look at them over the years.

She just didn’t want to remember the accident.

The orange filly headed into the kitchen and looked around. She opened the bread container, but it was empty. The cupboards looked just as dismal, and when she went into the fridge, she found only a half-jar of jelly, a little sliver of cheese, and a leftover eclair that Sweetie Belle had brought to her three days ago.

Scootaloo sighed and pulled out the eclair and cheese before plopping them on the table.

“Breakfast of champions,” she said in a slightly mocking voice. Well, she supposed she would have to go shopping today.

She wandered over to an old, cracked cookie jar on top of the fridge. Scootaloo pushed a chair against the door and climbed on top of the seat to peer inside the container.

Her stomach dropped.

“Where are all the bits?” she gasped.

Aunt Tawny had left nearly an entire jar filled with bits that Scootaloo had been living on for the past year, along with the little allowances she earned from chores she did around Ponyville. She just hadn’t realized she’d gotten so low! There was enough for the essentials, but that was all.

Scootaloo pouted and picked out a couple of bits. “So much for getting a big gift for Bab Seed’s birthday when she comes and visits in two weeks.” Maybe she could find some more chores to do. There were usually plenty of ponies who needed help. Why, she’d helped water and weed Roseluck’s garden a few weeks ago and delivered some donuts for Joe.

“I’ll just work harder,” she said, trying to sound optimistic.

Scootaloo hopped down and brought the bits to the table. She shoved the eclair and cheese into her mouth then ran upstairs to fetch her scooter and helmet. Daringly, she eyed the stairs and let a smirk cross her face. With determined hooves, she clicked the straps of the helmet and jumped onto her scooter. She kicked off and shouted as she shot for the stairs.

“20% COOLER!!” she cried, flapping her little orange wings to add speed. She flew off the top of the stairs and descended to the ground. There was a jarring jerk as she landed, but all she could do was laugh with glee as she zoomed around the kitchen. She grabbed her bits and shoved them into a small saddlebag. Still cheering, she sped toward the door and headed out into Ponyville.

The shops passed her in a blur of colors. Ponies moved quickly out of her way, though she was always careful where she was driving when pedestrians were around; she didn’t want to hurt anypony after all. She spotted Fluttershy walking through the town with a little duckling sitting in her mane while two others followed along behind her. A familiar striped pony appeared out of the corner of Scootaloo’s eye, and she watched as Zecora stepped into an herbal shop. Ponyville was already so alive! It made Scootaloo even more hopeful that she’d find work soon.

She zipped around a corner and came across Sugarcube Corner. Mr. Cake was just turning the "Closed" sign around to "Open" when Scootaloo skidded to a halt in front of him. “Hey, Mr. Cake!” Scootaloo cried.

The baker turned to her and pushed his hat back a little. “Well hello there, Scootaloo. Looking for some chores today?”

“Yes, sir!” Scootaloo said with a bright smile. “What do you have for me?”

Mr. Cake chuckled and motioned for her to follow him inside. Scootaloo set her scooter against a bush and left her helmet on one of the handlebars. She trotted in after him and caught the sweet scents of almond and cinnamon.

“Ohhh, that smells delicious!” Scootaloo practically drooled.

“Well there, aren’t you a dear?” Mrs. Cake replied as she poked her head through the kitchen door. She had what looked like two saddlebags on, but they were actually little carriers for the Cakes’ twins, Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake. Pound Cake flailed his little hooves while Pumpkin Cake gnawed on one of her stuffed toys. “I’m cooking some cinnamon buns and also a new almond cake. Maybe I’ll have some left over, dear.”

“Oh, thank you!” Scootaloo said, beaming. A warm bun or a slice of cake would certainly taste better than the old food she’d had in the fridge.

Mr. Cake looked around then motioned to a broom leaning against the wall. “If you could sweep and mop the floor quickly before the customers come, that would be fantastic. Oh, and the glass over the cake display could use some cleaning too.”

“Yes, sir! Right away, sir!” Scootaloo said and scurried to do as he asked. She grabbed the broom and ran through the room, making sure she caught every speck of dirt she could find. Mr. Cake retreated to the kitchen to keep cooking with Mrs. Cake. Scootaloo glanced at the partially open door and started to sweep up some dirt near it.

“She comes here so often for work,” Mrs. Cake said in a whisper. “I never see that aunt of hers around. Do you think anypony is taking care of her, hun?”

“I don’t know,” Mr. Cake said with worry in his voice. “I’ve heard her going to more than a few ponies during the day for chores. I try to give her a little more…just in case. It isn’t right, though. Somepony should be taking care of that little filly. A filly that young shouldn’t be responsible for making ends meet, doncha know?”

Mrs. Cake sighed and started pushing a few things around. “Let me give her a little care package. You can give that to her along with the bits. I...think I may make a call to somepony to see if she can be helped.”

“Good idea. Until then, we can offer her some more work if she’ll take it.”

Scootaloo couldn’t help but frown as she put the dirt in a bin and went to fetch the mop. How many ponies were starting to notice that she was living alone? Or did they notice? Apparently the Cakes were starting to wonder. Her stomach tightened with nerves, and briefly she wondered if she should just leave without payment so they wouldn’t worry.

But I can’t. I need the bits, and if they want to offer me food…

She couldn’t just say no.

I have to act like nothing’s wrong. I’m just being a helpful, respectful filly, that’s all!

Trying to reassure herself, she went back to mopping and cleaning. She was just finishing up on the cake display when the first customer arrived. Scootaloo hid the cleaning supplies and ran into the kitchen.

“Somepony is here,” she said. “Everything is clean.”

Mrs. Cake smiled over the counter at her while Mr. Cake left to help the customer. “Thank you so much, Scootaloo. You know, we could always use somepony to help clean up the shop in the morning. Would you be interested in coming each day the shop is open? We can give you some breakfast and extra bits for payment.”

Scootaloo brightened considerably, and she started to bounce on her hooves. “Oh, of course! I would love to help! Though, I should check with my aunt,” she added quickly. “Aunt Tawny always wants me to be a good filly and help ponies with their chores. She says it teaches me responsibility.”

Mrs. Cake tilted her head. “Oh? I think I would like to speak to your aunt sometime and make sure it is okay that we’re giving you this little job, dear.”

“Oh…” Scootaloo bit her lip. “Well, see, she’s leaving for a trip tonight, bu- but when she comes back, I’ll let you know and you two can talk!”

She could see the doubt on Mrs. Cake’s face. The blue pony sighed and retreated for a moment before she appeared over the counter with a little sack. She nudged it towards Scootaloo. “Here you are, dear. Thank you again for your help. We’ll see you tomorrow morning, then?”

“Yes, of course!” Scootaloo said exuberantly. “Thank you, Mrs. Cake!”

Scootaloo grabbed the bag and headed out of Sugarcube Corner before she could be questioned again. By the time she escaped, there were at least six customers.

I bet they’re getting orders for the meteor shower tonight, Scootaloo thought with a smile. She set the bag down and opened it. Three cinnamon buns, a slice of almond cake, and a little bag of bits sat within. Licking her muzzle, Scootaloo picked up a bun and took a big bite of the gooey, delicious treat. It warmed her stomach and made her feel even better about the day.

Now if she only could find more ponies who needed chores done.

Not wanting to waste her treat, she put the rest of it away in the bag, tucked that in her saddlebag, and headed off to find her next customer. She wasn’t far into her journey when she spotted a familiar blue- and rainbow-colored streak in the sky. With a loop and a daring cartwheel in the air, Rainbow Dash turned around and headed right for Scootaloo.

“Hey, Squirt!” she called. “Are you ready for the meteor shower tonight? You’ll be there, right?”

“Hey, Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo greeted her and blushed a little. Even though Rainbow Dash had offered to take her under her wing as a mentor, she still couldn’t help but feel slightly intimidated in Rainbow Dash’s awesome presence. “Oh uh...no, I had a busy night last night, and I’m not feeling um, the best, yeah..ugh, *cough cough.* I probably should stay in to rest.”

Rainbow Dash frowned. “Aww, bummer. Well, you feel better, Scoot. Catch you later!” With a whoosh, Rainbow Dash vanished into the sky.

...bye,” Scootaloo said and gave a halfhearted wave. She frowned a little. While she wanted to go on her quest tonight with her friends, she did regret not being able to spend time with Rainbow Dash. Her idol was often so busy with her own antics and other ponies, that sometimes she just didn’t have enough time to spend with Scootaloo.

Well, it’s not like I’m family, Scootaloo reasoned.

Not wanting to dampen her mood, Scootaloo turned her scooter around and headed off down the street to find somepony else who needed her help. All she knew was that evening couldn’t come too soon. Maybe tonight she, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom would FINALLY find the solution to their cutie mark problem.

They’d have to not get caught first though…


Author's Note:

This is a collaborative story between SilverMuse and the amazing kbooms. Be sure to check out his page and his awesome stories!!