• Published 27th May 2014
  • 1,319 Views, 10 Comments

Laughter - Derpyx0

Pinkie Pie has always been a be happy-go-lucky pony. One thought changes all that.

  • ...

Chapter Three (Part Two)

She was visiting her every night, now. But each night, her eyes grew less and less scary, her tone less and less sharp. She was turning into a friend, not a monster. The two talked, and Pinkamina comforted her. However, the cozier the two got, the more Pinkie wished for the night to come. The more she wished to see her friend. And she didn't even realize what was happening. Pinkamina was reeling her in, like a fish on a hook, and Pinkie was taking the bait.

She was becoming more and more distant, but she didn't notice. She wasn't talking to anypony, and only one friend had an idea why. Applejack had called Pinkie and told her to come over. She obliged, oblivious to Applejack's intentions. When she got there, Applejack tried to weasel some information out of her. "Hey there, Sugarcube! I've noticed you've seemed kind of... distant lately. Is there 'anythin you'd like to talk about?" Pinkie's conscious realized the farm pony's ploy, so it instructed Pinkie to shake her head.

"Nope! I'm perfectly fine! Super happy! Happy as a Pinkie on a birthday!" Pinkie even forced a half smile onto her face. However, she was lying straight to Applejack's honest face. She was feeling more and more depressed, and with her depression came the power of the dark magic. It was taking control of more and more of her mind, and Pinkie let it. All she wanted was to be happy, and if ignoring AJ helped, so be it.

"We'll, if, uh, you wanna talk about 'anythin, just come on by the farm!"

"Alright. Bye, AJ."

"Bye, Pinkie!" With that, Pinkie Pie trotted away.

Lets go home. Tomorrow is the big day Pinkamina said. Pinkie just nodded and trotted on home. Applejack, watching from the barn, just shook her head.

"Ah hope she's okay. Ah couldn't tell if she was 'lyin or not." Applejack yawned. "Oh well. Ah can try again in the morning."


"Goodnight, Pinkie!" Mrs. Cake said. Pinkie only nodded in response, to deep in conversation with Pinkamina.

But... I want to be happy! I don't know what to do! I want to be happy, but... But then I'll never talk to my friends again! Pinkie exclaimed. She was right. If she allowed the dark magic to take over her body, and not just her brain, then her entire being would belong to the magic. What she didn't know was that either way, the dark magic would take over her entire being. If it took away her happiness, she would be depressed enough for the magic to convince her to give up her body, as there was no point in being alive anymore. Pinkie was wondering if she should let it take over her, but what she didn't know was that it had already taken over her. It had taken over her mind and body long ago.

The magic had been chipping away at her conscious, and at sundown on Sunday, she would finally fall apart. The dark magic would finally have defeated Laughter. The dark magic would make a chip in harmony. But really, it was dark magic that defeated Laughter. It was Laughter that defeated Laughter. The dark magic just played Pinkie. It muddled with her thoughts, making her believe that there was no other way to save her happiness then to give it up. So, really, Pinkie was just chipping away at herself. Breaking herself down. The dark magic was just helping.

"Well, goodnight, Pinkamina. We have a big day tomorrow." Pinkie then fell asleep. Yes, she had a very, very big day tomorrow. For tomorrow, she would be gone. Forever.


"I... I just can't deal with this anymore!" Pinkie Pie wailed. She had had the worst day of her life today. All her friends had avoided her, and now she was depressed as ever.

"Shh, it's okay. Pinkie, you know I know how to make the sadness stop. I can do it. You just have to help me out in return," her conscious said.

"Y- you can do that? P- please, make it stop!"

"Okay, Pinkie. I can make everything stop. Just calm down. I can make the bad go away. Forever. And in return, you just have to let me snap my fingers." But Pinkie wasn't listening anymore. She was wailing and shouting "Make it stop!" If it could, the dark magic would have sighed and rolled its non-existent eyes. "Pinkie, I can make. It. Stop." When the word "stop" was said, a loud snap was heard. Suddenly, Pinkie felt an immense pain in her stomach.

"W- what is that? It hurts so bad!" Pinkie screamed. It was as if somepony were twisting a knife around in her stomach, and they seemed intent on not stopping.

"Shh, Pinkie. It will all stop hurting in a minute," a voice said. If she weren't in so much pain, Pinkie Pie would have noticed that the voice was not the voice of her conscious. It was the voice of somepony else. Of something else. As soon as it started, the pain stopped. Pinkie dropped to the floor, her eyes glazed over. She was glowing a pale blue, and that pale blue was shooting straight out of her heart, into a glass bottle. When the last of the pale blue aura was collected, the bottle was sealed shut, and Pinkie got up. Her mane was hanging limply, and her coat and mane were a sickly, almost grey pink color. Pinkie's head swiveled around, and she gazed at her cutie mark. It was grey as the sky on a rainy day. Pinkie blinked her pale blue eyes and sighed. All she could feel was the weight of sadness in her stomach. The pain and the sadness was hers to bear, now. She had been tricked.


"Finally, Laughter is mine! If everything keeps going on like this, Night, then chaos shall rule very, very soon! Come, you need to regain your strength." A lion paw gestured for the glowing mist to follow. It obeyed, its yellow eyes gleaming in the darkness. On the way to their cave, the creature looked at the jar again. Small in his lion paw, yet so, so powerful. His yellow and red eyes narrowed. He smiled a devious smile, his gleaming snaggle tooth showing. "One down, five to go."

The End

Author's Note:

Well, The End. Sadly, I feel as if this was one of my worst chapters. I'm no good at endings. Or goodbyes... One question, however, remains. Should I make this into a series? Should I have each of them break down, one by one? If so, I have something special planned as a finale, but only if you guys want it. So, should I make this a series? Ah, who am I kidding? I'm making a series of this no matter what!
-Derpy 2