• Published 14th Jun 2014
  • 449 Views, 6 Comments

At Her Service: The First Time - WanderingPhysicist

Night Light finds himself in a strange world. His new friend Tia tries to help him find a way back, but their search runs afoul of her teacher Discord. Can they stop him and get Night Light home?

  • ...

Day Two

Tia yawns and stretches as she walks into the living room in the morning. She hears an odd grunting. After a little investigation, she frowns when she sees what her sister and their guest are engaging in.

“Do it! Harder!” Lulu shouts. “Right there! Faster! Almost done! Right about… Done!” She squeals loudly.

Night Light grunts and rolls over, panting. “I haven’t done something like that since basic training.”

Tia’s frown grows as she steps forward. “Not what I expected to see when I woke up this morning,” the older sister snorts.

Lulu looks up and smiles. “Good morning, Tia. Night Light and I were just playing a game.”

“I can see. Mind explaining it to me.”

Lulu leans forward and picks up a controller. “Well, I gave Night Light a number of lives and dared him to beat a level.” She starts playing her game. “For every life he lost, he had to do ten push ups.”

Tia rolls her eyes. She looks at the young man seemingly having a heart attack on the floor. “And what made you think that was a good idea?”

Night Light groans and pulls up his shirt to wipe his brow. Tia turns red at the sight of bare chest. “I was in the middle of my morning workout when she came down to play. I thought it would be a fun combination of the two.” He grunts again as he stands up. “I just wasn’t expecting to do over two hundred push ups.”

“You really suck at video games,” Lulu snickers.

Night Light laughs and stands up. He ruffles Lulu’s hair as he goes to the kitchen. Tia follows him. Her guest pours a cup of coffee.

“Want a cup?”

Tia sighs and nods. “I’m surprised you figured out how.”

“I’m a fish out of water, not an idiot.” Night Light sips his drink. ‘I mean, the technologies are similar enough to what we have back in my world, even if the customs are a little different.” He smirks. “At least I’m wearing pants, right?”

Tia frowns. “Yes. That’s a good thing.”

Night Light laughs. “Oh! I also finished those books you loaned me. I learned a lot from them. Thank you.”

Tia chokes on a sip of coffee. “All of them!? It would have taken me weeks to get through them all.”

“What can I say? I just love reading.”

“Hmpf.” Tia drinks her coffee. “Well, I am top in my class.”

Night Light leans against the counter. “That shows me. I was only top of my class in high school. Then again in university. All with top marks. Too bad I am stuck here. I was currently serving in the military while doing grad school.”

Tia stares at her guest in shock. “I think I need clean underwear.”

Night Light smirks and laughs. He finishes his coffee and puts the cup in the sink. “Anyway. I think I should be cleaning out your car. I promised Lulu that I would make my trademark waffles™, and I don’t want to have anything in my stomach when cleaning what was in my stomach when I got here.”

Tia sighs and sips her coffee. “And the mood is killed…”

Night Light goes to the door and stops. He looks back. “Tia. Thank you. I really mean it. I doubt I would be here if it wasn’t for you finding me yesterday. I owe you immensely.”

Tia just nods and squeaks in reply. Her guest chuckles and heads out.

“The mood is back,” the young woman whispers.

After breakfast, Tia takes Night Light back to Canterlot High School to search for any clues about the young man’s arrival method. They tour the campus and surrounding open areas together. After a few hours of searching, the young couple sit on bleachers watching a pair of football teams running drills. They drink a sodas. She keeps moving her free hand towards his between sips.

“Interesting game,” Night Light comments. “I played something like that when I was younger.”

‘That’s cool,’ Tia replies.

“I had to practice a lot to keep my horn from popping the ball or using my magic to cheat.”

Tia scoots to sit shoulder-to-shoulder with her crush. “I bet you were awesome.”

Night Light sips his drink. “I lasted about a month until I gave up to study magic full time.”

Tia laughs. She looks over, smiling. “Say, what sort of horse do you think I would be?”

Night Light smiles and stretches. “I bet you would be a great unicorn. Maybe even with big pegasus-like wings.”

“You make me sound like a princess.”

Night Light sets his hand down, not noticing it landing on Tia’s thigh. “I think you would be a great princess.” He looks over. “Besides, you showed me that trophy case. I saw your smiling face next to some of the awards.”

Tia only nods, blushing from the contact.

Night Light raises an eyebrow. “Are you okay? You’re looking a little red. Is it too hot for you?”

“It can get a little hotter…” Tia whispers.


Tia bolts to her feet. “Anyway! We should keep looking for whatever brought you here. Time’s a wastin’!”

Tia takes one step away before Night Light catches her hand. They head off together, hand-in-hand. They head back through the school. When they get close to the front entrance, they see a pair of figures standing in the doorway. One is a girl about Tia’s age with long, dark cerulean hair dressed in a black leather jacket and dyed green jeans. She is arguing with a man slightly older than Night Light. He is wearing a sharp suit, but he has slicked back black hair and a long white goatee. If Night Light did not know better, he looks like a statue in the castle gardens back home. Tia slows her approach and grips Night Light’s hand tighter.

“You know them?” Night Light whispers.

Tia watches the other people. “The man is Mr Discord. He’s been doing his student teaching here this past year. The girl is Chryssy. She... She isn't very nice.”

“Interesting combination.”

“Why would they be together..?” Tia stops a distance away and tries to listen in.

Chryssy is snarling and baring her teeth a lot. “I would never agree to such a thing!” the young woman yells.

“It is in your best interest to assist me,” Discord counters.

“You can forget it and shove it!”

Discord snorts and straightens his suit. “Fine. If that is the way you are going to be, then I’ll just ask Naiad.”

“Whatever. Hope the psycho skins you just for asking.”

“You forget that I am a teacher. I could have you expelled for threatening me.”

Chryssy turns away. “And I expose your little plan” -- she smirks -- “and claim rape. Wanna take that risk?”

Discord snorts again and turns away. “It is a mystery how you have any followers. If you mention this conversation to anyone…”

“Whatever,” Chryssy growls.

Discord storms away, leaving Chryssy alone. He passes the two observers.

“How much of that did you hear?” the teacher demands.

“N-not much,” Tia stutters, trying to position Night Light between herself and her accuser.

“Sounded pretty intense,” her friend adds.

“It is is none of your business,” Discord hisses. “It is best if you forget you even saw me.”

The teacher continues on his way.

“What a dick,” Night Light comments. He keeps watching Discord as he leaves.

Tia hurries forward and catches Chryssy. “What was that about?”

Chryssy turns and glares at her classmate. “What do you care? Goody two-shoes going to report me to the principal?”

“Not without knowing what is going on.”

“Nothing, okay? Now scram!” Chryssy breaks free and storms away, grumbling to herself.

Tia stands in shock.

Night Light tugs on her arm. “Come on. I want to see what your teacher is up to. That might give us a clue as to what to do.”

“R-right,” Tia agrees. She turns to her friend and nods. “Let’s go.”

They head back into the school. They spot Discord coming out of a room. His head is down as he looks in a notebook. Night Light immediately presses himself against the wall, hiding behind some lockers. Tia freezes, not knowing what to do. Her friend grabs her arm and pulls her to him. He holds her tight to minimize their profile, but all Tia can think about is the close contact between them.

“Interesting,” Discord huffs, putting his book away. He walks down the hallway, away from the couple.

After a few seconds, Night Light lets go of Tia. He glances around the lockers to check the hall. Seeing the coast clear, he does a series of complex hand signals directing Tia silently follow him and watch their rear as they follow Discord around the school followed by getting another soda after the mission is finished.

Tia stares confused. “I have no idea what you just said.”

Night Light holds his head. “Just follow me and be quiet.”

He darts around the locker and silently follows Discord to a corner. He watches his target make another note in his notebook. Tia looks too, seeing Discord put his book in a pocket and walking away. Thinking it is clear, she starts rounding the corner, but Night Light stops her, accidentally grabbing her breast. She lets out a surprised squeak.

Discord stops and turns around. “Who’s there?”

Night Light pulls Tia back again. Discord heads towards the sound.

“Crap,” Night Light mutters. “We have to find a place to hide.”

The young man runs down the hall checking for an open door. Tia checks on the other side of the hall. The library is open, and she waves Night Light in. The soldier quickly scans the empty room.

“Here,” he says hopping over the front desk.

“Is this really neccess-?” Tia is cut off by footsteps outside. She hurries to the desk and tries climbing over.

Night Light sighs, grabs Tia’s waist and lifts. Not used to lifting as a human and the awkward balance of someone as tall as he is causes him to lose his balance. Night Light lands in a heap with Tia falling on top of him. Discord is heard trying the door. Right as the teacher opens the door, Night Light rolls over, pulling Tia under the desk with him. He wraps Tia’s legs around him and he presses down to try to minimize their presence. Discord is heard walking up to the desk.

“Hmpf,” the teacher grunts. “Thought I heard something. Stupid school. Can’t wait until tomorrow.’

Discord snorts and walks away. Night Light waits a few moments before rolling off of Tia. She lays under the desk and sighs. The soldier peeks from out of hiding. Seeing the coast is clear, he goes to the door and checks the hall. He turns back to the desk and motions for Tia. She still on the floor.

“Tia!” Night Light hisses.

“Coming,” Tia sighs. She stands, brushes herself off and walks around the desk.

“Looks like we’re clear,” Night Light says, checking the hall again. “This time, be quiet.”

“Excuse me!’ Tia gapes. “You’re the one who started groping me.”

“Would you rather have had Discord find us?”

Tia pouts and looks away. Night Light rolls his eyes and slips out. Tia follows. They head back towards the front entrance but stop when they hear footsteps. Night Light checks around a corner and sees Discord heading towards the sport fields. They follow as close as they can without making a sound. Discord stops in a doorway overlooking the fields. He frowns as he watches the football practise outside. Night Light and Tia hide behind some lockers and watch their quarry.

“Soon,” Discord states. “Soon, it will be over. This school. All the chaos. Just what it deserves.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Tia growls under her breath.

Discord snorts and turns around. He heads back towards the front of the school.

Knowing they will be spotted, Night Light hastily comes up with a plan. “Tia, kiss me,” he whispers.

Tia blushes. “What?”

“Just do i-”

Tia grabs Night Light’s head and pulls him in for a kiss. She starts running her hands through his hair when they make contact. Night Light wraps his hands around her waist and pulls her close. To both of their surprise, Tia wraps her legs around him and grinds her body against his. Night Light holds her tight and turns them so she is against the wall. Discord glances over as he passes.

“Disgusting,” the teacher hisses after he walks by. “This place is full of perverts. That Chryssy slut was just the tip of it.”

Night Light and Tia maintain their make out session until they are certain they are alone. Night Light breaks off the kiss to check. Tia keeps kissing all over his face and grinding her body against his.

“Looks clear,” Night Light states. He is licked up his cheek. “Tia.” He turns back, right into another kiss. “Tia!”

Tia snaps out of her daze. “Huh?”

“I think we can stop now.”

The young woman frowns and sighs, “Fine…”



“You can stop humping me.”

Tia squeaks and blushes. She unwraps her legs from around Night Light and dusts off her pants. “Sorry,” she apologizes, looking down and away slightly. “I got a little into it.” She glances back and smiles. “Looks like you did too.”

Night Light looks down, blushes, turns his head and coughs. “Anyway. I think we got as far as we can following Discord. Maybe we should return to finding out how I got here.”

Tia smiles. “Okay.” She leans in and gives Night Light a kiss on the cheek. She prances away. “There are still some places to check. Come on!”

Night Light chases after Tia as she skips through the halls. He catches up to her outside of the school. Tia smiles at her friend as she stands by the statue in the middle of campus. Night Light looks around.

“Seems about as likely a place for a magical portal as any other high traffic area on campus,” the young man comments.

“You must have been really out of it,” Tia sighs. “This is where I found you last night.”

“I thought it was early evening or late afternoon.”

Tia rolls her eyes. “Technicalities.” She leans against the statue. “This probably is where we should have loo-”

Tia screams as her rear disappears into the side of the statue. Night Light runs over and catches her arm. He pulls her free. She latches on to him and looks back.

“Do I have a tail?” Tia asks.

Night Light checks. “Looking good to me.”

“Yes, but do I have a tail?”

Night Light laughs. “Everything is okay. Great catch.”

Tia leans against his chest. “Ditto.”


She frowns. “I know… You’ll be leaving.”

“I’m sorry…” Night Light apologizes. “If time passes equally on both sides, then I have been missing for far too long. I have to report back.”

“I understand…” She looks into his eyes. “I’ll miss you.”

He smiles. “Me too. I’ve had a lot of fun.” He lets go. “Maybe I can come back.”

“I hope so.” She lets out a long sigh. She gets a set of keys out of her pocket. “Your armor is in the car. Just leave these on the statue before you leave.”


She puts on a fake smile. “Hey. I think I saw Mr Discord in the staff lot. I want to ask him about what he is planning. Maybe we’ll see each other when you’re at my car.”

Tia runs off before Night Light can respond. She wipes her tears and composes herself as she nears a parking lot. Discord stands by his car. He flips through a few pages in his notebook before tossing it in the car.

“Mr Discord!” Tia calls, jogging up. “Do you have a moment?”

“What is it?” Discord groans. “I am very busy.”

“It is about you and Chryssy… Is something wrong?”

The teacher rolls his eyes. “That is none of your concern. Just scurry along to your band camps or whatever it is you kids do these days.” He scowls at Tia. “Scram!”

“Now, that’s no way to talk to a lady.”

Tia turns to see Night Light standing behind her. She smiles. He smiles back and winks.

“Who are you?” Discord accuses. “Obviously, you are not the fashion police or else you would have to arrest yourself.”

“I’m a friend.” Night Light steps beside Tia. “Now, are you going to answer the lovely lady’s question?”

“No.” Discord opens his car door. “And if you keep harassing me further, I’ll be forced to take actions against you.”

The teacher climbs in his car. Tia and Night Light back away as Discord drives off. Night Light makes an obscene gesture after the car is out of the lot.

He leans towards Tia. “This means the same thing in human as in pony, right?”

Tia laughs and kisses Night Light on the cheek. “No comment.” She kisses him again. “Also, thank you.”

Night Light bows slightly. “I am at your service. Besides, I didn’t want to see you face him alone.”

“What about getting home?”

“It can wait.” Night Light frowns. “He is up to something, and he must be stopped.”

Tia sparkles. “You are so cool right now.”

Night Light rolls his eyes. “Let’s head back to your place. And tell me all about Discord and Chryssy.”

The rest of the afternoon and evening are spent at Tia’s home. Tia tells Night Light everything she knows about Discord and Chryssy. Night Light knows there is some connection he is missing, but he cannot place it. He tries to unwind, but Lulu insists on playing more video games with their guest. Night Light makes his hosts dinner in gratitude for their continued hospitality.

Later in the night, Night Light is in his room working out while trying to piece together Discord’s scheme in his mind. He is so focused, he fails to notice his audience.

“Looking good,” Tia comments.

“Huh?” Night Light looks up. “Uh, thanks.”

“You look sorta like an action hero, like James Bond.”

The young man laughs. “That’s silly.”

“What? You don’t like being compared to a super spy?”

“No. His name is silly. ‘James’. Sounds like something a nutter would be called.”

Tia rolls her eyes and sits on the bed. “Anyway, thank you for staying. You didn’t have to.”

“I want to get to the bottom of this. Chryssy doesn’t seem like anything more than your average delinquent who uses her followers more for personal gain than harming the school. But Discord… He just sounds like a grumpy teacher. Not really bad…” He stops his work out and sits on the floor. “Did she do anything to disrupt any of his classes?”

“I don’t think she even has him as a teacher.”

“Whatever he is planning is happening tomorrow.” He stands and starts toweling off. “We’ll have to confront him then.”

Tia smiles. “You really are like an action hero.” She looks over her guest. “A muscular, sweaty, handsome action star.”


“Sorry. I just…” She looks away briefly then back. “We spent the whole day together. Close together. And that kiss you gave me wasn’t fake. You were getting really into it.” She smiles coyly and bushes. “You were a little into me as well.”

Night Light blushes too. “That was, uh…”

Tia laughs. “Thank you for being so sweet.” She stands and gives Night Light a tight hug. “I know it must be hard on you.”

“Tia, please. You’re letting your hormones control you.”

Tia pouts and turns around. “What is your problem?” she snaps. “I know I am attractive, and you have obviously shown interest in me. Can you get over whatever is holding you back and at least show some of what you feel for me?”

“Tia… It is not that. I shouldn’t…”

“You shouldn’t have emotions? Is it really hard to tell someone you love them?”

Night Light opens his mouth to answer but doesn’t say anything.

“I thought as much.” She shakes her head. “I thought there was something there.” She turns away.

“Tia, wait!” Night Light grabs Tia’s arm.

Tia starts turning back, but she slips on the sweaty floor. Night Light catches her, but he slips and they fall onto the bed. Night Light holds on to the woman on top of him.

Tia sighs, “Not another situation lik-”

“Tia. Shut up.”

Night Light leans up and kisses Tia. Tia returns the kiss and starts pulling up Night Light’s shirt. He responds by removing her shirt, getting her to break the kiss for a moment. He throws the shirt at the door, closing it.

“I love you,” Tia simpers.

Night Light smiles. “I know.”

He starts kissing her again. Both young adults keep removing each other’s clothing...

Author's Note:

Since it isn't mentioned anywhere in the story, the rival football team is from Downtown City. There was going to be a cameo from a young Roger Baxter, but it didn't fit with the rest of the story.