• Published 25th May 2014
  • 523 Views, 2 Comments

Detective Pinkie and the Case of the Missing Bon Bon - Tennis Match Fan

Detective Pinkie Pie solves the mystery of Bon Bon's missing Bon Bons.

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Detective Pinkie and Her Sidekick

"Perfecto!" Pinkie Pie bounced back to admire the hoofwritten sign she had just finished. It read, "Detective Pinkie Pie's Detective Services!" in bold pink lettering.

Beside Pinkie, Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

"You aren't serious about us being detectives, are you?" She asked. Pinkie pulled her detective hat over her mane and leaned into Rainbow.

"Deadly serious!" She replied in a loud whisper. Rainbow Dash shrank back. Pinkie giggled and pulled away.

"And yoooooooou are going to be my partner! You know, since are last mission went so well!" Pinkie winked. Rainbow sighed.

"Hey, Pinkie? Being a detective sounds cool and all, but why am I not on the sign?" She put one hoof on the new sign. "I mean, if ponies knew I was the detective, we'd get a lot more cases. After all, who doesn't want ask the coolest pony alive for help?" She folded her hooves behind her back and closed her eyes like she was napping. Pinkie giggled again and pulled out a magnifying glass.

"Silly Dashie! My name is on the sign because I'm the founder! Now come on, Detective Pinkie is in the house!" Detective Pinkie bounced over to her office, which looked more like a lemonade stand. Detective Pinkie had used extra crates the Cakes had given her to build a small boxed area. At the front was a small desk Detective Pinkie had taken out of her room. Above this hung the sign. Detective Pinkie was most proud of the doodles on the sides, which consisted of cake, rainbows, and glitter.

Detective Pinkie set a glass jar on her desk.

"What's that for?" Rainbow Dash asked, landing in the office with Pinkie.

"Tips!" Detective Pinkie replied. "Now Dashie, you're in charge of all our cases. Please write down all the details you remember from our last case while I scan the roads for customers." Rainbow Dash looked down at the quill and paper Detective Pinkie had just given her.

"Uh, Pinkie-"

"Detective Pinkie!" A light yellow mare with blue and pink curls galloped over. "Detective Pinkie, you've got to help me!"

"Hi, Bon Bon!" Detective Pinkie exclaimed. "What can I do for you?" Bon Bon looked around. She learned in closer.

"Somepony stole my last box of Super Deluxe Bon Bons!" She whispered. Detective Pinkie gasped, then clapped a hoof over her mouth.

"No!" She exclaimed. Bon Bon nodded.

"I was saving them- for Lyra's birthday party next week-" Bon Bon's eyes filled up with tears. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and passed Bon Bon a tissue. Bon Bon blew her nose.

"Pinkie, you know how much my chocolate store means to me. Please help me find the culprit!" She begged. Detective Pinkie narrowed her eyes and rubbed her chin in mock seriousness.

"Of course!" She exclaimed. "Let's go!" Bon Bon looked relieved.

"Oh, you will? Thanks so much!"

"No problem!" Detective Pinkie replied. She whipped out her magnifying glass. "Why don't you show us exactly what happened?" Bon Bon nodded.

"Come on." She led Detective Pinkie Pie away.

"Can't you just order another box?" Rainbow Dash shouted after them. Nopony replied. Rainbow groaned.

"Here we go again."

Detective Pinkie loved looking at Bon Bon's Chocolate Shop. It was her favorite shade of pink, with swirls of rich chocolate brown to decorate it. Bon Bon opened the door, and the three ponies stepped inside.

"So what happened?" Detective Pinkie Pie asked.

"I was at the cash register, counting bits this morning," Bon Bon replied, showing them the register. "Yesterday had been particularly busy, and I was so tired last night I just went straight to bed. I figured I could count in the morning."

"Mhm. Rainbow Dash, write that down!" Detective Pinkie passed Rainbow a notebook.

"Fine," Rainbow grumbled.

"And then what did you do?" Detective Pinkie asked Bon Bon.

"I think.... Oh yeah! Minuette and Cipher Splash came in! Minuette asked for a box of bon bons."

"Is it possible you could have switched the Super Deluxe Bon Bons with Minuette's order?" Rainbow Dash asked, looking up from her notes. Bon Bon shook her head.

"I keep my bon bons on the shelf above the regular. Right here." She pointed with her hoof to a high shelf that was void of candy. Detective Pinkie nodded and climbed on a stool to get a better look.

"What happened after that?"

"Cipher Splash told me she wanted the chocolate in the back room. You know how vague she is, right? So, I took her back to show her what she could have, and she picked the Caramel Chocolate Swirl. They paid and then left." Detective Pinkie peered through her magnifying glass at the spot where the Special Deluxe Bon Bons had once been.

"Did ya get all that, Dashie?" She called.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash responded. Detective Pinkie climbed off the stool.

"Did anything else happen?" She asked.

"That stallion, Comet Tail, came in and asked for fudge. I didn't have any, so he left without anything. I felt bad, too. Said he was gonna give it to his marefriend, Twilight." Detective Pinkie's and Rainbow's jaws dropped simultaneously.

"WHAT?!" They cried. Bon Bon blushed.

"Was I not supposed to tell you that?" She asked.

"I have to go talk to Twilight!" Rainbow exclaimed. Bon Bon grabbed her tail before she could fly out of the store.

"You promised you'd help me!" Bon Bon exclaimed. Detective Pinkie nodded.

"Alright, Bon Bon! Let's cut to the chase. When did you notice the Bon Bons were gone?" She asked.

"Right after Comet Tail left. I happened to glance over and I realized they weren't there!" Detective Pinkie rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

"When was the last time you were absolutely, positively, 100% sure you had the Bon Bons?" Detective Pinkie asked. Bon Bon thought.

"I remember looking at them this morning, right before I started counting money," she replied. Detective Pinkie nodded slowly.

"Dashie! Review our notes!" She exclaimed. Rainbow saluted.

"Yes, Detective Pinkie!" She replied, holding out the notebook. Detective Pinkie took it and paced back and forth.

"We know the Bon Bons were stolen this morning. Since Bon Bon only had three visitors, we can assume that one of them is the culprit."

"It was Comet Tail!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "When Bon Bon didn't have the Caramel Chocolate Swirl, he grabbed the Super Deluxe Bon Bons instead!"

"A very good theory," Detective Pinkie decided. "But it would have been plain to see the Bon Bons if he had taken them."

"He's a unicorn!" Rainbow Dash shot back. "He could have made them invisible!"

"But he was in my sight the whole time!" Bon Bon pointed out. "I think I would have noticed if his horn was glowing."

"They were all in your sight the whole time!" Rainbow retorted.

"No they weren't!" Detective Pinkie suddenly exclaimed in an epiphany. "Bon Bon, when you took Cipher Splash to the back, did Minuette stay in the front of the shop."

"Yeah," Bon Bon admitted. "Do you think-"

"Minuette could have easily switched the Bon Bons!" Detective Pinkie cried. "We have our culprit!" She hugged Bon Bon and Rainbow Dash. "Yay!"

"We still have to catch her," Rainbow reminded Detective Pinkie. "Bon Bon, you stay here. Things are gonna get messy!"

"Alright," Bon Bon agreed. "Bring my Super Deluxe Bon Bons back in one piece, though!"

"We will!" Detective Pinkie yelled as Rainbow Dash dragged her out of the store.

"Where's Minuette's house?" Rainbow Dash asked. Detective Pinkie giggled.

"It's over there!" She kicked in the general direction. Rainbow Dash brought them lower.

"There it is!" She exclaimed, looking at a stark white house on her left.

"Got it!" Rainbow Dash landed right outside. Pinkie dusted herself off and straightened her hat.

"Act professional, Dashie." She walked up to Minuette's door and knocked.

"Hello?" Minuette asked when the door was opened. "Oh, Pinkie Pie! What a lovely surprise!" She grinned widely as Detective Pinkie stared at her nonchalantly.

"It's Detective Pinkie, Minuette," Pinkie responded coolly. "We have reason to believe you are the culprit of Bon Bob's box of Super Deluxe Bon Bons." Minuette's smile grew wider, and she backed up two steps.

"W-what are you talking about?" She asked. "I've never been to Bon Bon's Chocolate Shop in my life!"

"That's not what she tells us," Rainbow Dash interjected. Minuette's eyes darted left to right. Detective Pinkie put one hoof forward, as if she was going to come closer. Finally, Minuette sighed.

"Alright, I did do it," she admitted. "But I had a very good reason!" Rainbow Dash flared her wings, but Pinkie held her back.

"Explain," she said calmly, straightening her hat again. Minuette took a deep breath.

"Alternative universes. Parallel universes. There are billions of them. But they also can be called timelines. On one timeline, or alternate universe, Pinkie might be immortal. In another, Twilight Sparkle might be an alicorn." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

"That's crazy talk! I'm fine being the only flying pony! Fluttershy too, I guess, but she doesn't really fly that often!"

"I've visited these timelines," Minuette continued as if Rainbow hadn't spoken. "It's so extraordinary. I've see many different versions of the same reality. Sometimes, timing is off by a split second, and that split second was the split second a pony was supposed to get her cutie mark. She grew up an entirely different pony. It makes you realize there really is no such thing as destiny." She stated off into space.

"Minuette!" Pinkie exclaimed sharply. Minuette jerked her head. "Continue." Minuette looked sheepish.

"Oh, yes. There is one timeline, though, that connects all the others. It is so big, so powerful, that I can't get into it. It is supposed to be the most unimaginable thing in existence, and I wish so dearly to see it! These chocolates are made by Bon Bon herself. I don't know what she puts in them, but they are magical enough to help me access the Ultimate Timeline. I need them, Detective Pinkie. Let me go."

"Woah, woah, woah!" Rainbow Dash interrupted with her head in her hooves. "You've just killed my brain with all this timeline mumbo jumbo stuff! Does that mean I'm not the real Rainbow Dash! The Ultimate Timeline is the real Rainbow Dash, and her life could be so much better than mine? Am I just a copy?"

"No," Minuette tried to soothe her. "There's just a billion different ponies- or other species- named Rainbow Dash. You're you, your own you, okay?" Rainbow Dash nodded.

"I'm sorry, Minuette," Detective Pinkie broke in, dropping the serious tone. "I promised Bon Bon I'd get her bon bons back. Maybe she can make you an extra batch, okay?"

"That sounds alright," Minuette agreed. Detective Pinkie beamed.

"First official case- Resolved!"

Pinkie Pie licked her ice cream cone as she sat inside her office. Rainbow Dash was finishing up the official file on "The Case of the Missing Bon Bons", as Pinkie had dubbed the mystery.

"Was that fun or what?" Pinkie asked between licks.

"Totally!" Rainbow Dash replied. "I wanna meet my alternate selves now! Wouldn't that be cool? There could be a whole army of Rainbow Dashes, here to rid Equestria of uncoolness!" Pinkie Pie giggled.

"I can't wait until our next mystery!" She added. "When it comes, Detective Pinkie-"

"And Rainbow Dash-" Rainbow added

"Are on the case!" They chorused, then dissolved into giggles.

Author's Note:

They totally need an animated theme for Detective Pinkie and Rainbow Dash. :pinkiesmile:

Comments ( 2 )

I loved this story! Detective Pinkie felt right, and her relationship with Rainbow Dash felt spot on for this story. The ending involving Minuette was awesome. Thank you for writing such a lovely story. XD

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