• Published 26th May 2014
  • 3,438 Views, 83 Comments

Volcanic - Uberdeathninja

Move over, Solaire, there's a new D.S. cosplayer-turned-villain in town, and he's bigger than anything these ponies have ever seen!

  • ...

3: Burning Bridges... and Apple Farms.

Andrew's POV

I ran as far as I could... and now, I can't run any more. I need to rest.

As I began to slow my charge to a stop, I bent myself over to catch my breath, though I didn't need to; I couldn't breathe, either. this thing, this place... this had to be hell. I can't breathe, it's so hot, and my legs hurt, because I've been running so much. These ponies... they'll catch me soon, I just know it... but I can't let that happen. That purple one, she has to know where I am. So, getting back up, I try to run a little farther, but I suddenly stumble, and put my hands out to catch myself as I fall into what appears to be a field of some kind, full of tall-ish, thin strands of plant matter... wheat... it was wheat, I realized all too late, and as soon as I got myself to stand again, I noticed the field was now alight, almost impossibly fast.

"GRRRRRRAARRRRRR!!!" I roared, a failed attempt at saying 'Oh shit!!!', and I quickly put my feet up, and tried to stamp out the fires, hoping to avoid causing any more damage. But despite my best efforts, I couldn't help the fire, and in fact, my actions seemed to only make it worse. And as the flames raged on, I watched in horror as they engulfed the fields, then the fences surrounding the field, and then the trees, the smell of burning wood drifting into my senses, despite the fact I had no nose. It smelled... sweet. But despite the pleasant smell of burning wood, I quickly began to rack my brain for a way to stop this fire. This was someone's property, dammit! Searching for options, I tried to stop the fire by uprooting the blazing trees, but still, as if powered by my being there, the fires continued to spread rapidly, and despite my best efforts to stamp it out and separate the fuel from the fire, it still spread, slowly but surely. Soon, the whole hill was little more than a bonfire of epic proportions, and there I was, at the center, stunned by how bad of a firefighter I was. Then again, though, I was the Smelter Demon, after all. But at least the fire wasn't going any farther...

Suddenly, I heard the sound of flapping wings, and the uncomfortable tingle I felt only once before, at the library... they had finally found me, and I was in a pretty incriminating position. Oh, fuck me up the ass with a Channeler's Trident, why don't you?

"GRRRR?" I groaned, looking to where I heard the wings over the roaring flames, and then, there she was, that same purple, unnerving pony from the library, and she'd brought friends, four of them, to be precise. Suddenly, before I could even turn my body to face them, the purple leader barked something at one of her new minions, the cyan one, by the look of it, and the little winged, blue pony then sped off toward the distance, and toward a farm I didn't see there before, seeing as I was preoccupied with stopping my flames from burning down the whole countryside. But still, the remaining ponies surrounded me, and left me stunned there, unable to escape without hurting one of them. Honestly, I don't see how these guys saw themselves as a threat to me, but they still surrounded me with zeal and stoicism, leaving me feeling pretty bad about what I obviously had to do. But whatever happened next, I can only hope god would forgive me for it.

"GRRRRRMMMMMRRR..." I grumbled, trying to say 'forgive me', and I raised my fists up, preparing to fight any of the remaining four that tried to charge me, and desperately hoping that the four tiny, underpowered ponies would wise up and leave, before I incinerated one of them.

Twilight saw the smoke from all the way between the farm and Ponyville, and knew that the thing she summoned had to be there. And sure enough, as Rainbow Dash returned with three of the other elements; Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy, the five finally moved out, going as fast as their limbs would let them while still moving as a group, but quickly stopped as they saw the fields and trees and even the entire hill ablaze with a hellish inferno, the flames seething with enough heat to melt iron, and with enough intensity to make them seem almost alive... and very, very angry.

"Oh, this is bad..." Twilight whimpered as the five looked around for Applejack's farm, and soon, Rainbow Dash cut in, followed by the others:

"Twilight, what the heck did you summon?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh... Oh, I hope this doesn't reach the forest..." Fluttershy whimpered, and quickly, Twilight interjected, taking the situation back under her control.

" Enough! There's no time for worrying about that, We have to find Applejack and the demon! Rainbow, you go find the farm, the rest of you, come with-"

"GRRRRRRAARRRRRR!!!" Twilight was interrupted suddenly by a loud, terrible roar, one that shook all five of the ponies to their bones, and without another word or thought, the five rushed through the scorching flames of the burning fields toward the sound's source. Then, finally, atop the hill, the five mares stopped and stared, awestruck and terrified of what they saw: There, atop the hill, the very demon Twilight summoned stamped the ground and uprooted burning trees in a blind fit of rage-induced destruction, desecrating the remains of the fields and farmland with its anger. Suddenly, for a moment upon seeing the spectacle before her, Twilight was no longer afraid... She was PISSED.

"Twilight... are you okay..?" Rarity asked the trembling, purple alicorn, but at first, Twilight did not respond. Then, without warning, she turned to her friends, and issued her order.

"Alright, let's get up there! We're going to show this giant scrap heap what happens when you mess with Equestria!" an enraged Twilight shouted over the roaring flames, and oblivious to their heat, she and the other four charged up the hill, facing the demon, and Twilight landed upon the hill at last, gaining the Demon's attention, who then looked at the princess with a tilted head, and growled curiously at her.

"GRRRR?" the demon groaned, turning toward the five inquisitively, but Twilight didn't stop to read the monster's body language; the flames of the hill licked at her, heating her brain beyond safe levels. So, enraged and slightly confused, Twilight then turned to Rainbow Dash, and ordered her to find Applejack, or at least get everyone at the farm to safety.

"Rainbow, go find the farm, and get everyone there to safety, and find Applejack! Got it?" Twilight barked, and Rainbow Dash nodded, and flew off, speeding toward the farm. The demon, however, took no notice of the cyan pegasus, and instead focused even more on the remaining four ponies before it, raising its fists as it took up a defensive stance, finally preparing to combat the Elements of Harmony.

"GRRRRRMMMMMRRR..." the beast growled at the four, and the flames seemed to grow in intensity as the four circled it, though Twilight paid them no mind. Now, they finally had the demon right where they wanted him. Then, with almost no warning beforehand, the colossal demon charged Twilight Sparkle, and the fight... Began.
I looked around as the four ponies surrounded me on four corners, tightly so not to leave any openings, but far enough that I couldn't reach them from where I stood. So, with much thought and consideration, I weighed my options; I could easily crush all four of them at will, but they likely had magic, something I was now weak to, and honestly, I didn't want to hurt them, much less kill them; I'd invaded THEIR territory, and burned down THEIR farm. But still, I didn't want to die here, and had no choice to defend myself, by any means necessary, if I wanted to live. So, searching among my list of options, I finally picked out the purple one, likely their leader in lieu of the white one, and decided to single her out, thinking that if she fell, the others would flee. So, that said, I growled at the purple one once more, and stomped once to fake her out, but she didn't seem fazed. In fact, the poor thing seemed... out of it. Was she, perhaps, suffering from the flames in the form of heat stroke? I couldn't think on it, though, for when I regained my bearings, the pony then charged her horn, and cast a spell, which I spun to dodge.

So, seeing no other way, I gathered my strength, leaped into the air, and aimed myself at the dazed, princess-like pony, and as I landed, I threw my fist down, causing flames to erupt around it as I landed. Luckily for her, the pony had the bearings to dodge my attack, but before she could cast another spell, I pulled my fist back up, reared it back, and swiped my still-flaming hand at her, hoping to swat her aside and knock her out, but I overestimated my swing, and before the purple pony could dodge, my hand impacted her fully, throwing the pony aside, and she screamed as she sailed through the air, her whole right side alight with flame, and before I could even react, the princess struggled a bit to get up, but eventually did. Then, as if hell-bent on destroying me, the little pony leaped back, and charged her horn for another shot. Still, I avoided it narrowly, and charged the purple nuisance with all my force, and leaped at her in a kind of body slam. The purple pony dodged that attack, though, and before I could get up, my purple enemy jumped backward once more, trying to keep her distance from me. However, I knew how to deal with her type, and managed to stay one step ahead of her. As she charged her spell, I threw myself off the ground, staggered to my feet, and charged her one more time, seeing as the only way she could go was into the deadly flames.

Finally, she cast her missile, and despite the pain when it impacted my armor, I charged onward, and threw my right arm forward, hitting the purple winged unicorn squarely in the side. That seemed to do it then, because she then screamed in pain and shock as she flailed through the air, and landed on one of her friends, downing them both... and by the look of it, they had no intention of getting back up.

"Uh oh." I thought to myself, and as I looked back to the remaining two ponies, I saw that they'd already abandoned their posts, and had rushed over to aid their burned, unconscious friends, leaving me with my thoughts as the yellow one hoisted them onto her back. and they all took off, retreating from the fight to aid their friends. But despite this, I did not celebrate my victory. Instead, I looked to the carnage around me, and then to the farm, where I thankfully saw the cyan one emerge with several other ponies, including one with a cowboy hat, and I sighed a metallic sigh of relief. Today, aside from the purple one, no one was seriously hurt as far as I saw.

I then looked around once more, and without another word, I walked away, hoping to find some way to seclude myself until this all blew over... That is, assuming they didn't hunt me down, I mean.

The five mares surrounded Twilight Sparkle as she rested upon the bed at the hospital, all of them worried for their friend's health. Last they saw, she was fighting the massive demon of fire by herself, looking dazed from the fire's heat, as they all were. But Twilight, of all ponies, had the gall to stand inside the flames as she fought, but that was her downfall. Though the demon could have killed her, though, the five were shocked and happy to see that it did not, and Twilight yet lived, broken in many places, but still stable, and still recovering. The five looked to their resting friend, worried, but happy that she did not die. Still, they all agreed on one thing on this day; The demon had to pay.

On this day alone, the demon they faced had wrecked Twilight's library and home, hurt Celestia, demolished half of Ponyville as it fled, burned down Applejack's whole farm, every tree, field and building they had, and K.O.ed their own friend, Twilight Sparkle. No words had been said on the subject, but none were needed. Even so, as the five left, their planning on how to exact vengeance on the foul demon began.

"So... what now?" Rainbow Dash asked solemnly, and everypony looked to each other, and even Pinky Pie had lost her usual joyous aura, replaced by one of sadness and uncertainty. Finally, after a brief pause, Applejack spoke up, giving voice to what the five now felt in that moment.

"Well, that there robot destroyed mah farm, mah home, an' just about killed our friend. I, for one, won't stand for it. Ah'm huntin' that varmint down, an' puttin' an end to all this nonsense! You all with me?" Applejack said, her speech instilling hope and a sense of vengeance in the other four's hearts, and with a unanimous 'YEAH!', the five all set off, eager to begin their journey, to hunt the demon that destroyed Applejack's farm, as well as half the town, and hurt their friend Twilight Sparkle.

However, next time they would meet, the demon would soon bare more than his bare fists at the five, but a weapon, one of untold, immense power, that may be the end of them when next they fight...

Author's Note: