• Published 9th Jun 2014
  • 4,627 Views, 366 Comments

Yeah, It Needed More Ponies - Shadowflame

Well... I thought being turned into a pony by my friend was a bad thing, but maybe it's not completely terrible... Oh, who am I kidding? It's bad, alright? I just wish she didn't do it in the middle of school.

  • ...


The sunshine of a Saturday morning flitted through my window blinds, lighting my room just enough to bother me in my sleep. I blinked my eyes open from where I laid on my bed.

Groaning at the fact that I’d wanted at least some more sleep, but knew that wasn’t possible once I’ve woken up already, I gave the window a peeved glare, “Ugh! Go away, sun!”

Knowing that also wasn’t going to happen, I sat up on my bed and stretched my arms, which were actually really sore this morning. Well, what else was I expecting? Running from all of those wiener dogs with Emily yesterday really took its toll on them.

Oh, yeah… last night… I smiled as I remembered, I still can’t believe all of that happened. And now… I grinned even wider, Emily said she might even want to go steady with me, even after that hectic night as ponies.

I chuckled to myself, “I seriously hope that wasn’t just a dream.” I’d be seriously peeved if it had been.

Since it was morning, that meant breakfast. I hopped off of my bed and onto my feet…

… before losing balance and landing on all fours again.

I blinked in surprise, “What the- AGH!” My eyes widened as they saw my hands, or rather, what was now in place of my hands. They were yellow, and indented with rings around the palms and fingers, like a hawk’s talons. No, they were talons!

I was staring at my very own pair of talons.

My eyes, and my new talons, travelled up my arms, only to find that they were covered in yellow and white feathers. I had a tuft of feathers on my chest, all white, with some blue speckled on the front.

My talons reached up to my face, and I almost let out a scream, or rather a screech, wince it’d be more applicable in this case. Instead of a mouth, I had a beak, and a plume of blue feathers in replacement of my hair.

I glanced back to my hindquarters, only to find I now had the body of a lion, fur completely yellow, with a blue tuft of hair at the end of my feline tail. A pair of yellow colored wings stuck straight out from my back in shock, each wing probably as long as my whole body.

“What the- I’M A GRYPHON!?!

That was when a certain pair of unicorns teleported into my room. My room was suddenly illuminated by a bright flash as Angela and Liz suddenly appeared on top of my bed, wide grins across their muzzles.

I glanced towards the two of them, “Angela? WHAT DID YOU-“

Ignoring me, Liz and Angela exchanged hoof bumps, “Yes! It worked! First Griffin transformation ever!

I groaned, face palming with a talon, “Angela! Why did you turn me into a gryphon!? And how?! I thought both of you used up your magic power on all of our transformations yesterday!”

“Yesh, no need to squawk, bird beak.” Liz muttered.

Angela merely giggled, “Well, last night at our sleepover, Emily fell asleep early, and Liz wanted to jump right into Witchery. We were bored, so we decided to try Liz’s very first experiment with circle magic.

“We slept until 4:00, the time which I guessed you would be turned back into a human again, and since it’d been a full day since I transformed you, I had enough Pink Soda to change you again!”

Liz added, “The griffin idea was mine.”

Angela nodded, “Yup, but I also added a few modifications of my own too, though they took a tiny bit of magic Liz had regenerated to make it work. Look what time it is.”

I glanced towards my clock, which read… 8:04.

Doing my math, I realized that meant the transformation completed itself in four hours while I was sleeping; three times as quickly as usual!

I gaped at Angela, “I changed three times as fast? Don’t you know how painful it was when I went through a twice as fast transformation yesterday?!”

Angela nodded, “Yup, I did. That’s why I also modified the spell to knock you into a coma until the transformation was finished. That way, you wouldn’t feel any pain!” The way she said it made it sound like she had given me the best cupcake on earth, which didn’t help at all at the moment.

I facepalmed again, “And you did this because you were bored?!”

“No, Silly. We did it for science!”

“But it’s magic.” I countered.

“So? It’s the science of magic!”

I facepalmed for a third time. Why do I even bother asking?

I sighed, “Whatever. But Angela, you can’t go transforming people willy nilly, without their permission!”

Angela just giggled, “Why not?”

I could think of two reasons, “One, isn’t it your mom’s rule to ask permission before you transform somebody? I might as well go tell her right now, since you broke that rule.”

Angela visibly paled, “Please don’t.”

“Oh, I will.” I replied, a slightly smug look on my beak, “And second, if you transform me without checking, then-“

“Lyle? Are you in there with somebody?” The click of my door opening made my blood run cold.

I turned around to see my mom standing in the doorway, who was now gaping at two unicorns and a gryphon in her son’s room.

I sighed, cringing slightly, …then exactly that happens.

I raised a talon in a friendly wave, though my expression showed all of my wariness at my mom’s seeing me, “Heh heh, hi Mom.”

She then proceeded to pass out onto the floor, thankfully landing on soft carpet.

I groaned, making my way over to my unconscious mother, “Guess we have some explaining to do.” I glanced back at Angela and Liz, “Don’t you two go anywhere. This is your fault, so you’re going to help me take her downstairs to the couch, and then explain what’s going on to her.”

Both their shoulders slumped as they whined, “Aw…”

“But Angela was going to show me more applications of witchery today!” Liz protested.

“Tough luck. Now help me with Mom, before my little brother and sister decide to wake up!”

Author's Note:

Fun Fact: A male griffin is actually called a Gryphon.

Anyways, this should set up nicely for what I have in store, should I ever decide to continue this series into another continuation. But I've got a few other stories on my plate at the moment.

I want to thank everybody so much for the support you've had for this short story. It really means a lot! The fact that you guys love this story might just make me want to start the third story earlier than I thought I would. And, yes, I will write a third story for this series, though it's more of a matter of when now.

Again, I'd recommend reading my other stories, especially my current project, "Equestria Legends Online", which is sort of a pony version of the anime "Sword Art Online". And if you want to know the instant I bring out a third story for this series, feel free to follow me. I'll at least post a few blog posts as to what my plans are for writing stories.

Anyways, thanks for reading!
Until next time,

Comments ( 54 )

Check your italics tags, most of the story is trapped in italics.

Hmm, I guess now magic will probably be available to the public soon. Cause no one, especially Angela! Can keep this hidden for much longer.:coolphoto:

Heh, funny epilogue! :pinkiehappy: So wait, does the third one have more than pony transformations or just the fact that Lyle's mom knows now? You did say this helps set thing up. Anyways I started reading ELO, so far it's alright, though I'm not that far. :twilightsmile: I am now patiently waiting for part three of this series. :rainbowlaugh:

Nice touch! I'm looking foreword should you continue this series.

Yep. Totally expecting Lyle's mother to find out.

Next time it's going to be with gryphons, huh?

And the 'masqarade' just got punched in the gut?

Well that sounds like a recipe for disaster happy-fun-times! Can't wait to read it.

Fixed it, thanks for telling me.

Fun Fact: A male griffin is actually called a Gryphon.

I thought the difference was whether the whole body is lion (four furry paws) with bird head, or if the front legs are talons (two taloned bird legs in front, two furry paws in back). not sure where I read that or where you got your fun fact from. i think i got it from wiki or something.

Will the third story be of Liz messing with the transformation circle by herself? Making an AoE spell which will affect a large area? *cough* wholetown. *cough* things can only get more chaotic from here on out. And don't we all just love chaos? :pinkiecrazy: bring me my delicious chaos! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

“Lyle? Are you in there with somebody?” The click of my door opening made my blood run cold.

I turned around to see my mom standing in the doorway, who was now gaping at two unicorns and a gryphon in her son’s room.

I sighed, cringing slightly, …then exactly that happens.

I raised a talon in a friendly wave, though my expression showed all of my wariness at my mom’s seeing me, “Heh heh, hi Mom.”
She then proceeded to pass out onto the floor, thankfully landing on soft carpet.

I groaned, making my way over to my unconscious mother, “Guess we have some explaining to do.” I glanced back at Angela and Liz, “Don’t you two go anywhere. This is your fault, so you’re going to help me take her downstairs to the couch, and then explain what’s going on to her.”

Both their shoulders slumped as they whined, “Aw…”

“But Angela was going to show me more applications of witchery today!” Liz protested.

“Tough luck. Now help me with Mom, before my little brother and sister decide to wake up!”

Ha! :rainbowlaugh: nice way to end the story.This story was very enjoyable and I can't to see what will happen in the 3rd story :ajsmug:

The possible scenarios for the third in what has been stated to one day be a trilogy are already making me feel supreme amounts of promise and joy. Waiting for it to arrive is no longer possible without having some form of repercussion on my mind, but that won't stop me from doing so. No, not at all. I shall wait until I see that glorious and fantastical "New Story" message in my Feed and only then will I feel the nirvana of gods.

In simpler words, this story was fucking awesome and I hope the sequel is just as good.

So is the seventh chapter edited yet? 'Cause it still says that it isn't.


4992522 As far as I know, "gryphon," "griffin," and "griffon" are just different ways to spell the same word. However, I did see something that indicated "gryphon" more commonly refers to the use of the creature in heraldry, whereas "griffin" was usually used for the actual mythological beast. As far as MLP canon goes, it's "griffon," hence the episode "Griffon the Brush Off."

On a side note, I love hunting griffins in Dragon's Dogma. Smack 'em out of the air while you're holding onto them and they spiral into the ground. So awesome.

Now that's a way to end a story. Also, as I understand it, Gryphons are partially bipedal, but prefer to walk Quadrapedal.

Also, I kind of expect Lyle to punch Rowan out after he finds out hes been living in Ponyville this whole time. I mean as I understand it Rowan has been stuck on Equss for nearly a decade now, this is because well resentment grows stronger as time passes and it festers and turns into something ugly as time goes by.

XD Is there a... sequel to the sequal? A triquil?

Typing with a broken keyboard is hard, but I thought I'd let you know that I thought this story was a blast! :pinkiehappy:

You should try changelings. Please try changelings.

I sighed, “Whatever. But Angela, you can’t go transforming people willy nilly, without their permission!”

Angela just giggled, “Why not?”

I could think of two reasons, “One, isn’t it your mom’s rule to ask permission before you transform somebody? I might as well go tell her right now, since you broke that rule.”

Angela visibly paled, “Please don’t.”

I think this part was utterly needed, because I was starting to just despise Angela's character. Truly. I'm not kidding. I would not want to have her for a friend and this story made me wonder why Lyle would. Characters that cause trouble/conflict and are flippant about it? Need a wake-up call from their 'friends'. And a good one.

Now, this being said, the story itself was enjoyable. The 'date', if you can call it that, was fun to read, which I think is essential.

Thanks for the feedback! And yes, I agree, it was needed. Originally, I had only come up with Angela's character as a sort of joke, but since I began continuing this series, I realized that her personality and connection to her friends would have to be a little something more.:scootangel:

a continuation gets a GIANT YES vote from me

would love for this to continue! please.:pinkiesad2:

Author's Note: Fun Fact: A male griffin is actually called a Gryphon.

I beg to differ.

According to Yahoo Answers, Same creature, different name, it's just that Gryphon is actually a term more directly applied to the use of the animal in medieval heraldry (like on my shield in the avatar picture), where griffin is a reference to the mythological animal itself. Also, there is some distinction made in fantasy literature that the Gryphon is a noble version of the beast, with human level or greater intelligence and able to speak, whereas the griffin is just an animalistic beast, following its instincts like a lion or bear.


I would like it better if they stayed in the human world. To be honest, I'm not really into "Human in Equestria" fanfics unless it's a parody fic or it's really good. I think "humans turned into ponies and staying in a human world" idea seems better since it's more unique and original. In fact, the fact that the characters stayed in the human world after the transformation is the reason why I like this story and its prequel.

5360346 What if the world was EQG?


Still the same thing. Let the characters stay in their own world and not get transported into another world. Then again, Shadowflame is the author of this series, so it's up to him to decide whether the characters will stay in Earth or not.

5361275 Eeyup. Say, you wouldn't happen to have an Avatar ripped from SSB, would you?


It's from SSBB, but I found it in Google Images after typing "blue yoshi".

5362528 That's what I thought. Why blue?


Blue is my favorite Yoshi color. I also went by the name "Blue Yoshi" on another website for a few years, and it has been stuck with me for a long time.

5362605 Ah. I used to be the same, but with Laptop. That commercial about the guy who named his dog Laptop.

Hey, glad you guys are becoming buddies, but could you not fill up my notification tab everytime you reply to each other?:facehoof:


Oops. Sorry.


I think we should take this conversation somewhere else. I think our user page would be a better idea.


...That really flipping awkward moment when this isn't on your page.

that was a cool story i like to see more storys like this XD

You must continue the awesomeness of these characters adventures. MUST HAVE MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Transformations inside a transformation!!
This has to be done.


And why do i feel like Lyle's brother is in Equestria right now? :rainbowlaugh:


Warning, this was my very first fic, so it's going to be like garbage in comparison to this story.

5546415 Funny Story: I uh... heh... just finished A New Friend. Aaaand I didn't check this comment until I saw ANOTHER person's comment on the whole Lyle-Rowan-Equestria thing. :facehoof::rainbowlaugh:
(I'm psychic lol :derpytongue2:)

Just reread this

...for the third time
This is one of my top favourite fics of all time
Even though you are probably done with this...
Lyle and Emily are adorable :heart:
and I love this to death
Sooooooooooo... please?

I have an idea in mind for another story of this, but I just have to find time to write it.

MOST excellent :twilightblush:
:heart: I look forward to it!
Very much, yes :rainbowkiss:

CHAAAAARGE!!! (Blows crystal flugal horn)

Fun Fact: A male griffin is actually called a Gryphon.

That depends on the universe you're reading from. Classically, griffins are more beastly; animalistic. The ones we see in the show are gryPHONS, which are more intelligent and social. GryPHENS, well, it's hard to awaken one for long enough to ask.

Well Im excited as hell to read this after a nap( since its midnight!) because screw more than 2 hours of sleep when you can watch ponies!

:pinkiegasp:Hey you broked the chapters so there easier to read.
I very much appreciate it! :pinkiehappy:

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