• Published 27th Jul 2014
  • 878 Views, 14 Comments

Shadow of the Moon - SilverMuse

A year has passed since the fall of the Crystal Empire. As a new threat looms over the land, Luna begins to wonder if she too will soon become an enemy of Equestria and her sister.

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Chapter 3: Snowdrop's Wisdom

The celebration went on throughout the day and into evening. Luna and Celestia laughed with the ponies and listened to stories about the daring flights of some of the Cloudsdale pegasi. They had plenty of tales about how Featherdancer had clipped his wing flying and landed in a new batch of rainbows that had left him pink and purple for nearly a month instead of his usual black and white. SilverMist had managed to beat the fastest pegasus in a race, but in doing so, she’d crashed through the cloudy walls of several homes and went sailing across the sky towards another cloud city. It was a week before SilverMist came back, and she hadn’t stopped laughing since.

Near afternoon, the weather teams lifted off and started to chase away the snow clouds across Equestria so that Spring could arrive. Luna watched them with admiration, wishing she could join them and help Equestria in other ways, but it was not befitting of a Princess to do the ‘dirty work’ as Celestia would say. They were there to show support to the Cloudsdale pegasi, not fly with them.

Besides, Luna had never worked with the weather before. She probably would somehow cause a tornado or some kind of hailstorm that would set Spring back several weeks.

She settled down beside Blue Belle eventually, and the two ponies enjoyed each other’s company, catching up where they’d left off. Blue Belle, while still a horrible flyer, had started up her own music school for some of the pegasi, thus their entertainment that evening. The fillies and colts loved her, and while the adults thought her strange, they respected her creativity and her skill with the bells.

“It’s so much fun,” Blue Belle said as she clasped a goblet of berry juice to her chest. “It’s not the same as in the Crystal Empire, but I still love it, and the ponies are very accepting of me here.”

“I’m so glad,” Luna replied with a smile. “You deserve to be happy.”

“Well, so do you,” Blue Belle commented. She lifted an eyebrow. “Have you, eh hem, found any pony since…”

“No,” Luna said bluntly and shook her head. “And I doubt I ever will. Sombra had my heart and it…died with him.”

Blue Belle lowered her goblet. “I would certainly hope not! What heart would you have left to give to the rest of us, huh?” She poked Luna, causing the moon Princess to laugh. “There you are…”

Luna chuckled and shrugged. “Well, the rest of my heart is with my ponies then, so I have no room for love.”

“Hmph,” Blue Belle snorted. “I don’t believe that for a second.”

“What about you?” Luna asked with a mischievous wink. “Has any stallion won your heart?”

“Welll….” Blue Belle blushed.

“Eeeee!” Luna squealed and leaned forward eagerly. “Who is it? Come, come, you must tell me!”

Blue Belle bit her lip and pointed through the crowd to a stallion standing proudly near the stage. He was a buxom creature with a thick black pelt, dashing blue mane, and a smile that could charm the birds out of the sky.

“Oh, my,” Luna chuckled. “He’s quite the handsome one.”

“No, no,” Blue Belle said with a shake of her head. “Not him. Her.” She pointed again, and this time Luna noticed a small female pegasus standing beside the huge male. The mare was plain looking with a deep red body and a long flowing white mane. She looked around the crowd with light lavender eyes, a timid smile upon her face. “WinterRose,” Blue Belle told Luna.

“Oooh,” Luna said softly. She watched the mare and glanced sideways at Blue Belle. “She’s beautiful.”

“Heh, she doesn’t think so,” Blue Belle said with a shrug. “But I agree with you. Hang on.” She moved past Luna and waved to WinterRose. “Rose! Come here and meet the Princess!”

WinterRose turned and turned an even deeper shade of red at the sight of Luna. She walked timidly towards them, her gangly legs making her a little less graceful. Luna was surprised by how tall the pegasus was when she reached their sides. She was a few inches taller than Blue Belle, though still shorter than Luna herself.

“Your highness,” she said in a musical voice.

“Just Luna, please,” Luna replied with a wink. “I don’t bite.”

WinterRose laughed nervously and glanced at Blue Belle. “Your music was wonderful.”

“It would have been even better if you had sang,” Blue Belle said as she nudged WinterRose in the side.

The red pony blushed. “There many better singers than me, but thank you.” She lifted her purple eyes to Luna. “It really is an honor. Blue Belle has told me much about you.”

Luna nodded and glanced between them. “You two look happy together.”

“Very,” Blue Belle replied with a wink. She leaned against WinterRose and nuzzled her neck adoringly. WinterRose sighed in content and kissed her lover’s forehead.

“Maybe we should wait until we get to our room,” WinterRose murmured.

Blue Belle laughed. “One of those nights then?”

“Belle!” WinterRose cried.

Luna laughed aloud and waved her hoof. “Don’t mind me. I don’t—”

Her voice faded as she noticed Celestia walking towards her. It was then that she realized how low the sun was in the sky which meant night was soon to come. Luna sighed and turned to face her sister. “It’s time?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes. The ponies here are starting to grow weary. It’s time that they rest.”

Luna bit her tongue so she wouldn’t say something nasty. The Nightmist, however, did not have as much restraint.

Why yes, let them dance and make merry in your precious light but leave us to send them to sleep. How is it fair that they won’t even stay up an hour to watch our beautiful sky?”

Luna gulped. “There are lanterns that they could put out, and I can dot the sky with extra stars to provide more light if the celebration wishes to go on.”

Celestia yawned and glanced at the other pegasi. “It should be an early night for them, Luna. They have to clear away the snow and nasty weather so that Spring may come in.”

“Of course,” Luna muttered. She sighed and brushed past Celestia, her wing clipping her sister’s leg. “I’ll raise the moon. Tis my duty after all.”

Celestia turned to face her in confusion, but Luna just walked past her and went to the stage where the gifts had been presented. She crouched then leapt into the sky, her powerful wings swooping through the air and clouds. She stretched out her hooves and called upon her magic, the ethereal power that spoke to the moon.

The silver light spilled across the clouds and rose up behind her while Celestia’s sun set. Ponies gasped and watched Luna as she rose higher and higher into the sky, placing the moon where all eyes could see. She threw her horn back, and stars blinked open in the velvety sky, shining all about in a marvelous array of light and color.

Luna landed carefully back on the stage and looked around. All eyes were turned to the sky, and she smiled to herself, especially when she noticed that Snowdrop was still amongst the ponies. While the filly couldn’t see the stars, she tilted her head to them and listened.

“Beautiful,” Agate Shield said in a voice that almost reminded Luna painfully of Sombra. She sighed and sat down to enjoy the ponies watching her night.

But the joy was short lived.

Ponies started to yawn and stretch their forelegs above their heads. Candles and torches that should have been lit were left unattended, and ponies started to gather their food and supplies to go to bed. Even the Mayor ordered the celebration to come to a halt so that every pony could get their rest for work the next morning.

Luna’s wings drooped and she bowed her head with a deep sigh.

I knew that this would happen. Is it so much to ask for them to just stay a little while and enjoy the evening with me?

Hooftbeats caught her attention and she looked up. Celestia stood in front of her, looking as tired as the rest. “Come, Sister. We should rest.”

We...and then who will watch the night? Luna thought bitterly. “I think I shall stay up a while. I would like to add a few more constellations…what with the seasons changing.”

Celestia eyed her worriedly, but she asked no questions as if the very idea of doing so exhausted her. She nuzzled Luna and smiled. “Rest well, my sister.”

“You as well, Tia,” Luna sighed. She sat there and watched as all of the ponies departed for the evening. Even Blue Belle and WinterRose left, flying close together to their little cloud cottage near the top of Cloudsdale. Mrs. Windith patted her mouth and yawned before ushering away the rest of the little fillies and colts beside her.

Soon, only the Solar Guards remained, but as Luna watched, the Luna Guards appeared in Cloudsdale to relieve them. Aurora paused before she left and went to Luna.

“Is there anything I can get for you, Princess, before I depart?”

Luna didn’t even try to smile. “No. I’m quite well, thank you, Aurora. Have a good evening.”

Aurora frowned in concern. “Princess…if you ever need to talk…”

The gesture was kind, but that was the last thing Luna wanted at the moment. “I’m fine. But thank you for your offer.” She rose to her hooves and gestured towards Aurora. “Be on your way.”

Reluctantly, Aurora bowed and went to the edge of one of the landing platforms. A few moments later, Shadowlance appeared with the twins sleeping snugly on his back. He handed them off and gave his mate a quick kiss on her muzzle. She whispered something into his ear that Luna couldn’t hear then flew away to put her little ones to bed. Shadowlance looked over his shoulder after her then approached Luna.

“Your Highness,” he greeted.

“Good evening, Shadowlance,” Luna replied. She looked to the Lunar Guard as the ponies positioned themselves in a protective ring around her. Others went to stay with Princess Celestia. It was doubtful there would be any trouble here, but it never hurt to make certain.

Shadowlance stood near the stage and tipped his head towards the sky. “The moon and stars are radiant tonight.”

Luna sighed to herself and sent a few more glowing orbs up to join their brethren. “Thank you. At least somepony appreciates it.”

“The Lunar Guard always looks forward to your beautiful evening,” Shadowlance commented.

Luna let a half smile cross her muzzle. She wished she could believe that. The ponies were forced to stay up at night to guard her and Celestia…if they had the choice, they probably would go to bed as well and leave her alone in the dark. She rose slowly and folded her wings down her back. “I think I will take a walk, but I would like to be alone.”

Shadowlance frowned worriedly at her. “Princess, it’s advisable that one of us comes with you just in case.”

Luna gave him a look. “And I am telling you I do not wish to be followed. If there is trouble, I shall call to you.”

Shadowlance looked like he wanted to argue, but Luna didn’t give him the chance. She walked away and stepped into the dark clouds surrounding her. The cool air from the fading winter brushed through her coat and mane. Star and moon light lit her way as she strolled silently through the night. She could feel the soothing light upon her back, and she longed to join the stars and moon in the sky so she wouldn’t feel quite so…alone.

I visit ponies in their dreams…that should give me enough comfort, she tried to reason to herself.

The Nightmist sighed in her mind. “Yes, but hardly any remember you when they awaken. They don’t realize what you’ve done for them, unlike when they meet Celestia during the day. How many ponies have thanked you for chasing away their nightmares?”

Luna frowned deeply. “That’s the thing…I make it so they don’t remember the nightmares, and therefore they don’t remember me.

A real pity that you do such great deeds for the ponies of Equestria and yet not of them even realize it.

Luna sucked in a pained breath as the truth of the matter really struck her. She shook her head and leapt into the sky. Flying would help clear her mind, as would creating more stars. The wind carried her away from the sleeping ponies and towards the heavens. Luna raised her horn and wove the spell along the tip before sending hundreds of dazzling stars cascading above her. They danced and twinkled, landing amongst their brothers and sisters.

She flew with them, splashing the light across her canvas. The world fell away from her, and Luna was lost in her own creation, calling forth constellations both known and unknown. Her blue eyes swept to one of the latter constellations that she had been crafting for a year now. The figure stood proudly, his mane and tail waving in an invisible breeze. There was a peaceful smile upon his face as he looked towards the moon, his hoof reaching out as if to welcome its mistress to dance.

Tears stung Luna’s eyes and trickled down her cheeks. She had yet to finish the formation because then her craft would simply end, and she didn’t want it too. Her magic added a couple more stars and she started to focus on the eye, shifting the color of the stars just enough to look a little greener rather than white.

Wing beats caught her attention. Luna looked over her shoulder and was surprised to find Snowdrop behind her, the little filly’s head tilted towards the star constellation.

“They sound beautiful,” Snowdrop whispered. Her head slowly moved towards Luna, her ears flicking. “But why do you seem so sad, Princess?”

“How do you know I’m sad?” Luna asked, though her nasally voice gave it away.

Snowdrop pointed towards the stars. “Their song is sad tonight, which means you’re sad too. Your gift…your emotions are echoed in your stars and I hear them.” She ducked her head shyly then flew a little closer to Luna. “Why are you sad?” she repeated.

Luna licked her muzzle and glanced at the stars again. She shouldn’t burden such a little filly with her problems, but at least somepony was willingly out here with her. “I lost someone very dear to me, and sometimes memories of him make me very sad. I made the stars to honor him, but…it is hard because I would much rather he be here with me.”

Snowdrop made a noise of understanding. She flew closer and reached out blindly until Luna shifted closer so that Snowdrop could touch her. “I’ve lost ponies I love too,” she said. “Friends…my papa. Mama said they’re in a better place now.”

“I’d like to think that,” Luna replied with a sad smile. “The pain is great…It would be a comfort to know that he rests peacefully.”

“It hurts,” Snowdrop said with a tiny shrug. “But the pain fades over time, especially if you don’t let go of their memories…” She pointed to the stars. “And if you honor them.”

Luna looked up at Sombra’s constellation and sighed to herself. The little filly was right of course. The loss didn’t hurt quite as much, but oh how she still missed him. She sighed then glanced at Snowdrop curiously. “Why are you still up, Snowdrop? Shouldn’t you be in bed?”

“I suppose,” the filly said and blew a little bit of her curly mane out of her eyes. “But Mama knows I like to listen to the stars. I can hear them more than I can hear the day…there are too many sounds then and they hurt my ears. The night…it’s quiet and still and allows me to hear beautiful music.”

Luna felt touched by Snowdrop’s kind words. She stared at the filly for a moment then flew towards her. “Come. Let’s sit on a cloud and rest. We’ve both been up for a long time, and I’d like to speak with you.”

“Oh! Oh yes, please,” Snowdrop said brightly.

Luna carefully swooped beneath her and let the filly ride on her back. Snowdrop squeaked in surprise then laughed and nestled down against Luna’s neck. The warmth of the filly on her body comforted Luna. Here was a pony who stayed up because she wanted too, not because she felt obligated.

Luna flew towards a cluster of clouds and settled carefully down upon them. She expected Snowdrop to jump off, but the filly just snuggled closer and rested her chin on Luna’s billowing mane.

“May I stay here?” Snowdrop asked sweetly.

Luna smiled. “Of course.” She sighed quietly in content. “What you said at the celebration today…it touched me greatly, Snowdrop. I think you’re right that sometimes Winter is just sad that other ponies don’t like it.”

Snowdrop nodded against Luna’s neck. “It’s not like the other seasons. Fall you can play in leaves. Summer and Spring bring life and warmth. Everyone thinks of Winter as a cold, bitter time. It’s…different, and they often think different is bad.”

Luna looked back at her. “You’ve felt that way.” It wasn’t a question.

Snowdrop closed her eyes. “A lot…but I’m special too. I might not be able to see, but I can hear things others can’t.”

“Like my stars,” Luna said with a grin.

“Yes.” Snowdrop lifted her head. “They twinkle and sparkle in my ear and sing such a beautiful melody. Sometimes their song is happy and fills the sky. Sometimes, like tonight, their song is sad and quiet. I like it when the stars sing to each other, and when they whistle as they fall from the sky.”

“They whistle?” Luna laughed.

Snowdrop giggled. “Yes! They whistle and chirp like birds! And they make a thunkety sound when they land.”

“Haha, well, I’m glad you find enjoyment in that.”

“Oh, I do.” Snowdrop pawed at Luna’s mane gently. “Star fall is my favorite time of night. I can hear so many songs and it makes me…happy.”

“Hmm,” Luna sighed and looked at her creation. “I wish I could hear them like you, Snowdrop.”

“Why can’t you?” the filly asked.

Sadness crept into Luna’s eyes. “I have far too many voices in my head.”


“Well, yes…” Luna considered how much she wanted to tell the filly and finally just shrugged. “The voices of my subjects and their dreams. The voices of my thoughts and hopes. And…the voices of my guilt.”

Snowdrop was quiet for a moment. The filly slid from Luna’s back, and just when Luna feared that Snowdrop might fly away, the filly sat down in front of her and touched her dark blue chest with a small hoof.

“What sort of guilt?”

It wasn’t just a question of a curious filly. The way she asked it…she truly wanted to know, and she was concerned. She sounded older than her short years of life. Luna wanted to spare her the sorrow that often came with being an adult, but the question had been asked, and Luna’s mouth moved before her mind could stop it.

“There was once a glorious Empire that my sister and I tried to save from a…a tyrant. We…we both failed, and now I feel that it’s all my fault.” She swallowed hard and looked at the stars of Sombra. “I lost someone I cared for very deeply during that fight.”

“Oh…” Snowdrop said sadly. She moved closer and actually curled up against Luna as if to comfort her. “Was there anything you could have done differently to stop the Empire from falling?”

Luna hesitated. “Yes…no…I…I don’t know.” She shook her head in frustration as she thought back to horrible night. “Perhaps…but at that time, I did what I thought was best.”

“Then you have nothing to feel guilty for,” Snowdrop said firmly. “You did everything you could, and that’s what matters.”

The Nightmist smirked. “Except let your beloved die.

Luna grimaced and shook her head firmly.


“I’m fine, Snowdrop…just fine.”

The filly lifted her head once more and pouted. “You’re lying.”


“The stars tell me so,” Snowdrop went on. “Their melody goes from major to minor when you’re sad or lying. What’s wrong? Please tell me, Princess. Let me…let me be helpful.”

Luna blinked in surprise. She nuzzled the filly and wrapped a wing around her. “Oh, Snowdrop, you are helpful. You reminded me that there are still those who love might, even when I think I’m alone. You have shown me kindness and compassion, something not many ponies offer.”

“Why not?”

“I…suppose some fear me,” Luna said with a wince. “Celestia is the Princess of the day, the glorious golden mother of the sun. In that light, ponies can live happily and freely, warmed by her light.” She touched her chest. “I am the Princess of the Night, cold mother of the moon. Ponies flee into their homes upon my arrival, and many have nightmares of darkness and shadows.”

Snowdrop considered this and scratched her nose. “But in the night, we can also dream of our hopes and aspir…aspir…um…”

“Aspirations?” Luna asked, surprised the young one knew such a big word.

Snowdrop brightened. “Yes, our aspirations. We can’t do that in the day, and if we sleep in the day, the sun Princess can’t chase away our daymares. You protect us at night, and I know I can rest easy because you will save me from my frights. And…and sometimes pretending there are monsters in the darkness can be fun.” She grinned. “Like on Nightmare Night.” She grew a bit somber and shifted so she could rest her cheek against Luna’s chest. “Like I said, Winter…or night, might be cold and dark, but it’s not all bad. Night gives us beautiful stars and moonlight. It allows moonflowers and other flowers to open at night.”

“What other flowers?” Luna pressed, wondering just how much this filly knew.

Snowdrop giggled. “Evening Primrose…Primrose is Mama’s name. Night Gladiolus…Brahma Kamal…and Dragon Fruit Flower. I…I don’t know what they look like, but I know their smell, and my mama has told me about them. If it wasn’t for the moon, they wouldn’t bloom. And then there are the bat ponies who find their homes in the darkness. And then…well, Mama said there are lights that appear on some plants and creatures.”

“Bioluminescence,” Luna supplied. “Yes, often they can only be seen at night.”

“See?” Snowdrop said with a grin. “Night is important. Some ponies just miss the beauty of it, and that’s sad. They might not be able to hear the stars twinkle like I can, but they should at least be able to see your pretty flowers. I…I wish I could see them.”

Luna considered this for a moment and smiled. She nuzzled Snowdrop’s ear and whispered softly to her. “Listen,” she said. She thought of the moonflower, one of her most precious plants. Carefully, she started to construct the flower in the sky, casting each star carefully and trying to make it sing louder than the others. Snowdrop’s head tilted towards each new sound and she closed her eyes, not that she had to. Luna carefully crafted the flower and when she put the last point in place, Snowdrop gasped.

“What is that?” she cried, overjoyed.

“My moonflower,” Luna replied to her with a smile. “And now it’s yours.”

“I...I can hear it. I…I can see it in my mind! It’s so pretty!” Snowdrop jumped up and leaned towards the music. “And it’s happy.”

“Well, you make me happy,” Luna told her quite bluntly. “Your love for my night and my flowers…it makes me feel like I have a new friend.”

Snowdrop turned towards her. “Can I be your friend?”

Luna’s eyes softened. She reached out with her wings and wrapped the filly up in a warm hug. “Yes…you can be my friend, always and forever.”

The little filly cuddled close and sighed happily against Luna’s chest. “Always and forever,” she repeated.