• Published 27th May 2014
  • 1,779 Views, 21 Comments

The End of the Rainbow - Charles Spratt

Friends never say goodbye... Right? Sadly, there's one thing that even the magic of friendship can't fix...

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Chapter 2: Give or Take

When Pinkie met her end, the mane six’s lives just fell apart. With time however, they moved past their sorrow, all while fulfilling her last wish of making the world smile. They all had Pinkie in their heart, and felt it would stay that way. Sadly, they could not be more wrong.

Chapter 2: Give or Take

A couple months after the incident, the remaneing five went on a picnic on Mount Spyre. They stopped on a cliff that overlooked most of Equestria, and just stared out.

“Isn’t the view just lovely?” asked Rarity.

“It’s beautiful” replied Fluttershy.

“It’s gorgeous” said Twilight.

“It’s ok” replied Rainbow Dash.

“Just ok? How is it just ok?” asked AppleJack.

“Well, I see this sort of view every time I prepare my Sonic Rainboom, so I guess I’ve just gotten used to it.” Came Rainbow's reply.

“I guess that makes sense.” said Twilight.

The five of them then began unpacking, laying out the cloth and taking out what they’d packed. The first thing they pulled out was a small pink frosted cupcake. Just the sight of that lowered all of their spirits. Pinkie was always baking cupcakes, and the frosting only made the comparison even more poignant. They stared at it for a moment, before Fluttershy broke the silence.

“Why did she have to…” Fluttershy slowly asked.

“It couldn’t be helped, Sugarcube.” Said AppleJack, putting a hoof around Fluttershy. “This sort of thing happens, and it’s just a part of life.”

“…I guess…” sighed Rainbow Dash, clearly still distraught that Pinkie had died in her arms.

“Either way, moping won’t help anypony” Said Twilight

“You’re right Darling!” Rarity chimed in. “Whether we like it or not, Pinkie Pie is now part of that party in the sky. She spent her last moments saying that we should keep our smiles shining brighter than ever, and we have been doing just that! We must keep our spirits up!”

“Yeah!!!” yelled the others, clearly inspired by Pinkie’s final wish.

“I just hope that, when you look down on us, you’re smiling…” Rainbow said under her breath.

The picnic carried on as normal, with everyone making jokes, laughing, or bragging about their recent accomplishments. When they finished, the sun was beginning to set in the horizon. The Mane 5 watched the sunset in awe. Everyone, even Rainbow Dash, had to admit that this was a marvelous sight. However, that sight was what caused everything to go downhill in a hurry. At that very moment, a heavy wind came and blew them all off the edge of the cliff! They all began screaming as they plunged toward the rocks below. After a second of falling, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash remembered that they had wings, and immediately started using them. Fluttershy immediately grabbed AppleJack and hoisted her to a nearby cliff. Rainbow rushed to grab Rarity but clipped her wing on a rock as she sped toward her. She managed to grab Rarity, but couldn’t fly to safety and hold something at the same time, especially not something as heavy as a pony, due to one of her wings being clipped. That wouldn’t stop her from trying. She flapped her good wing as fast as she could, but was unable to gain any altitude. The two of them crashed into the rocks below, bouncing off the sharp stones. Twilight, after recovering from the shock that Rainbow couldn’t fly back, flew down into range, grabbed them with her magic, and brought them up to the cliff. However, both of them looked worse for wear. In addition to them both being unconscious, Rainbow Dash had two fractured wings, a leg that appeared broken, another leg that was definitely broken, and several gashes that were just pouring out blood, as well as a broken nose. Rarity had a black eye that appeared to be on the verge of bleeding, a broken leg, several sharp rocks stuck in her skin, and her horn looking like it was about to snap off, along with several large bruises and cuts. Immediately, Twilight teleported all five of them to the hospital. The nurse there took one glance at the two injured ponies and got them on stretchers right away. The remaining ponies watched them be carried away, and hoped to high heaven that this wouldn’t be the last they saw of their friends.

Every day, one of the Mane three went to check on Rainbow and Rarity. Sadly, what they saw was not the biggest boost of confidence they could have gotten. No matter when they visited, the result was the same: both ponies in a coma. The more they visited, the more depressed they got. They even began wondering if friendship actually meant anything, since they had already lost Pinkie Pie, and both the elements of Generosity and Loyalty seemed to be heading down that same road. Four weeks later, AppleJack went to check on the duo once more. No luck there, both were still in a coma. Upon seeing that, AppleJack became convinced that they would never reawaken, and began to walk away. The second she got to the door, she heard a faint grunt come from behind her. She spun around and hightailed it to the hospital beds, thinking that one of her friends had finally awoken. Sure enough, Rainbow’s eyelids began twitching, and then slowly opened. AppleJack felt a sense of relief and ecstasy, and immediately started grinning from ear to ear. Rainbow Dash looked at her in the way you might look at someone who just said that his/her wallet tastes good, and then asked, “What’s with you? You look like you just won the lottery after becoming a Wonderbolt!”

AppleJack took the hint, and lowered her smile down a few notches. Upon finishing that, she replied with, “I thought you were dead just a moment ago, that’s what!”

“Why’d you think that? It’s only been a few hours since that crash, AJ. You can't seriously think that a few hours of me being knocked out is enough for you to believe that I was dead.” Rainbow replied.

“Hate to burst yer bubble there, Sugarcube, but it’s been a lot longer than a few hours.”

“How long?”

“Four weeks.”

“Wait, WHAT?!” yelled Rainbow.

“Yup. Ya’ll crashed into them rocks mighty hard, which rendered you both unconscious. Luckily, Twilight teleported both you and Rarity to the hospital in a jiffy, and they immediately started treating you two.” Said AppleJack.

“Really? Well in that case, when you see Twilight, can you tell her I said thank you?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Sure thing, Rainbow Dash!” Replied AppleJack, as she headed off to tell Twilight and Fluttershy the news. Before she could leave, Rainbow asked, "What about Rarity? How is she?"

"Just take a peek to your right, Rainbow Dash" came AJ’s reply.

Two weeks later, Rainbow had recovered enough to make it out of the hospital. Her wings were still weak, and she had to be careful how she walked on her front left leg, as it still hurt, but other than that she was completely fine. She headed out the door and was greeted by her friends, who knew she would be out that day. How they knew that, Rainbow wasn't sure, but she didn't care. She was just glad to see all of her friends smiling at the same time, which hadn't happened for a while. Upon finishing their welcome back gig, they all headed into the hospital to check on Rarity. Rainbow, however, didn't follow them. She was in the hospital just moments ago, after all, and saw that Rarity was still comatose. She walked home, praying every step of the way that Rarity would awaken soon.

Every day after, Rainbow visited the hospital, regardless of whether or not one of her friends came with her. She felt that she had to check on Rarity, as she was the one who ultimately tried and failed to save her. Every day she went, the result was the same. Rarity was still out cold. After a week of this, she got something different. She was with Fluttershy, and the two of them were just looking at Rarity's body. Neither tried to start up conversation, although there really wasn't anything to say. The only thing that broke the silence was her heartbeat on the monitor. Every time a beep was heard, the pegasi felt their hopes rise slightly. At that point, it was the only thing keeping their spirits up. Then, the beeps just stopped, and a tone began, summoning a large number of doctors and nurses. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were then escorted to the waiting room. Having both been in the hospital before, they knew what that must mean. They immediately rushed out the doors to get Twilight and AppleJack. The four of them rushed in and prayed that Rarity would make it out ok. After about 15 minutes of uncomfortable waiting, they saw one of the doctors coming. They all hoped and prayed and wished that they could hear:

"Your friend will be ok"

Upon hearing that, Fluttershy soared to the ceiling with a large grin on her face. When she looked down, she was confused that her friends were crying and the doctor was looking at her strangely. "What's wrong?" asked Fluttershy. "The doctor just said Rarity will be ok!"

"Um, Fluttershy, I think you have some serious hearing problems. He didn't say anything, he just shook his head." Said Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and AppleJack at the same time.

"Oh..." That was all that Fluttershy could muster up. She fell to the ground, and the smile on her face disappeared so quickly, that you'd have sworn it was a flower sprayed with poison. All 4 of them looked at one another. They were all clearly trying to hold back their tears, but it just wasn't happening. They had lost another friend.

They walked into the room where Rarity's corpse lied. The doctors were kind enough to move all of the other patients in that ward and give them all the time they needed. The four of them just stared at Rarity. She was covered almost entirely in bandages, with the only things left unbandaged being her horn, eyes, mouth, ears, and mane/tail. Her eye wasn't swollen anymore, and her horn appeared fully repaired. Even still, her hair was still really mussed up, she still had a few gashes here and there, and her leg seemed to still be broken. The four of them just looked at her, not knowing what to say or do. Eventually, Rainbow Dash came up to her, and reached across the bedding so she could hold Rarity's right front leg in her hooves. She looked at Rarity's eyes, and quietly said, "I'm sorry I couldn't save you" before turning away in tears. Those words just made everypony else feel worse.

3 days later was the funeral. Everypony was focused on something different. AppleJack just stared straight at the picture of Rarity next to the coffin. She didn’t blink or move much, but it was clear she was deep in thought about something. Rainbow Dash’s eyes were constantly shifting between Rarity’s gravestone and Pinkie Pie’s gravestone. The two were being buried side by side, which made sense to everyone, since every member of the Mane six had made a Pinkie promise last year that when they eventually die, they would be buried together, side by side. Still, seeing it actually happen was incredibly depressing for her. Both Twilight and Fluttershy looked out at the crowd, although their focus was on different aspects of it. Fluttershy seemed to be interested in the number of ponies who came, and their status. She saw Rarity's family, of course, as well as most of the inhabitants of Ponyville, but she also saw quite a few big names that had done business with Rarity before, such as Photo Finish and Sapphire Starr. Fluttershy counted almost 5000 attendents to this funeral, which made her feel less alone, but more depressed. Twilight, however, seemed far more interested in the CMC. All of them seemed to be beyond sad, but each was expressing it in a different way. Applebloom was holding onto her sister as tightly as she could, all the while releasing a large amount of tears. She glanced toward Sweetie, who was standing alone next to the coffin, then over to Scootaloo who was sitting in the chair next to Rainbow Dash, then back to AppleJack, who had snapped out of her trance and was trying her hardest to comfort her little sister. Listening in, Twilight heard AppleJack quietly say, “Your big sister will always be there for ya, Applebloom.” Twilight could only hope that AppleJack was right. Scootaloo was trying to hold back her tears, but was clearly not good at it. She looked at the coffin for a moment, then up at Rainbow Dash. She tapped her on her shoulder and whispered something into her ear. Rainbow noogied her softly, and whispered something back. Twilight was able to hear a bit of Rainbow's whisper:"Don't... ...I'll never... ... leave my friends hanging... ... fine." Either way, it was Sweetie Belle's reaction that Twilight found most surprising. She was softly sobbing, but seemed to be doing it with some sort of melody, almost like she was crying a song. After a few bars, she stopped crying and turned toward the audience. She stared at them for a few seconds before walking over to the orchestra from Canterlot, there no doubt because that's what Rarity loved to listen to in her spare time. She went to the cello player, and asked, “Ms. Cellist, would you and your band be kind enough to play a certain song?”

The cellist laughed softly and said, “You don’t have to call me that, Sweetie. My name is Octavia. As for the song, that depends. What song do you have in mind?” Sweetie Belle brought Octavia to her level and whispered something into her ear. After hearing the title, Octavia raised an eyebrow and said, “That song? We can do that, but why for this particular funeral?”

“Just because” Sweetie Belle replied. Octavia nodded, and walked over to the others, whispering the tune into the other musician’s ears. Sweetie Belle walked back to the coffin, looked over at the crowd, and heard the orchestra playing the opening chords. Sweetie closed her eyes, bit her tounge, and started belting out this song (to the tune of Pinkie's Lament):

"For all my life, ever since I could crawl, I thought you didn't care for me at all. But now I see I was wrong, and you truly did care and love me all along.

You yelled when I shrunk up your vest, you were all against camping and mess. You have suddenly met eternal rest; You had a shine, brighter than mine, even when I was trying my best.

But you made my play dresses free of charge, you ran with me in the sisterhooves race. I felt such glee, and that was your fee: my faaaaacccee.

But did I care 'bout that? Not really! I figured you'd always be there in our boutique. I treated you like dirt, often ruined your work, and was mean more than I was sweet...

But you kept your cool with me, Dear Rarity, you showed me true sisterly love like I'd never known!!! Like I'd ever known...

If I could have one wish, all I'd have to say: I hope we can be together again someday. When we eventually reunite, hopefully, you will forgive my short term sight.

We could tie up all of our loose ends, I could show you my new cutie mark. We could find something that requires a lens(?); We would be, happy and free, and expel all of the dark.

I would sing all my tunes of glory, in a costume that you'd love to seam. We could hop and sing, or do anything, as a team.

We would spread joy and smiles! when we show the whole world our art! Whether with my friends, or after life ends, We will never be torn apart!

That's how I hope it'll be, Dear Rarity! Let's show them all the sight of their lives like they've never known!!! Like they've never known..."

She seemed to have a few more lyrics left, but at that point, she started sobbing, and just wasn't able to continue. No one in the audience seemed to mind, as most of them were crying. Twilight could easily see why. The song was beautiful, and it was sung well too, at least in her opinion. In fact, it was so good that Sweetie Belle earned her cutie mark while singing it! Her mark was a pair of bells, tied together by a red ribbon. Unfortunatly, Sweetie seemed too depressed to notice. Twilight made it a note to let her know of that when she asks. After that, the funeral played out as normal. After it ended, most of the ponies there headed home. The Mane four and the CMC started to head that way, but were stopped by the burial pony. He said that he knew that the seven of them were the closest to Rarity, and asked if there was anything they wanted to put in the coffin with her. All of them said yes, and rushed home to get something. Twilight returned with a gala crown that she was planning on giving to Rarity on her birthday. Fluttershy came with a butterfly brooch that Rarity had made for Fluttershy's gala outfit. Rainbow brought a rainbow colored necklace that apparently was from the one time they actually did something together. Applejack brought in one of her hats, and placed it in the coffin with the other items. She looked up at the other mane four and said with a small grin, "Don't have nothing fancy, but I do have my essential accessory." Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all gave the same item: The picture that Sweetie made for Rarity just before the Sisterhooves social. The only difference was, several orange feathers embroidered the border, as well as a long pink ribbon. Tearing up, the CMC stacked on top of one another and placed the picture in. Once that was finished, the burial pony closed the lid and lowered it into the ground. Once it was buried, he walked away, but not before saying sorry for their loss. The 7 of them just kept staring at the tomb, which said: "Here lies Rarity, the most generous gal anypony has ever met. She gave it all for her friends... 1996-2017."

A heavy rain storm had started up above them. The others looked toward Rainbow Dash, who said without averting her gaze, “Let it rain. I’m sure they have a reason for it.” The others nodded. If anything, the rain was just a drizzle compared to the flood of tears in everypony’s eyes. "Why?" asked Twilight between tears, “Why is our friendship breaking apart like this??” Nopony had a response. Nopony had much of anything to say, really. They stared at the grave for a couple more minutes, until Fluttershy asked, “Will our friendship be okay?” It was clear from her tone that she was dead worried that somepony else would meet their end soon. The four of them turned towards one another, and looked around the circle at the other three. After a bit, they all walked to the center, and gave a four way hug, softly promising each other that they’ll always be together. The CMC followed suit, and promised both themselves and the mane four that they would be with them. The seven took one last glance at the grave, then at each other, and finally they walked home, each to take in the events that had occurred in the best way they knew how.

To Be Continued…