• Published 29th May 2014
  • 1,634 Views, 31 Comments

The Ghost Inside Silver Spoon - goddamnAnimal

A story about Diamond Tiara and her best friend who happens to be more than what she seems.

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More Than Meets The Eye

“Did you see the look on that blankflank’s face when that thing exploded?” Diamond Tiara stopped in the street and stared at her friend with a big dumb grin on her face.

“Yes, I did happen to notice Scootaloo’s expression.” replied Silver Spoon.

“It. Was. Priceless. I swear she made, like, the funniest face I have ever seen in my life.” Diamond Tiara stifled a giggle, thinking back to earlier that day.

During school recess Diamond Tiara and her cohort enacted a prank that involved volatile chemical reactions and a large amount of chewing gum. The end result of this combination was a group of fillies infamously known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders stuck in a pink gooey web created by a massive bubblegum explosion, while two other almost as equally infamous fillies cackled in the bushes. “Too bad we got in trouble with Miss Cheerilee.”

“Yeah, only because your fat flank got us caught!” Diamond said with the barest hint of ire.

Silver blushed a little at that statement. During the incident, Silver Spoon’s rear had been unknowingly sticking out of the bush that they were hiding in. Due to this oversight, they were spotted by their schoolteacher, who goes by the moniker Miss Cheerilee. They were both systematically given stern talking to’s and a note sent to their parents.

Silver rubbed the back of her head. “Hehe, sorry about that.”

“You should be.” Said Diamond with an unamused expression.

“Do you think your father will be angry?” Silver asked, changing the subject.

“Probably, but its not like he’ll do anything about it. At the very worst I might get a lecture or something.”

“I really hope you are right, Di.”

“Oh don’t worry, Silvy, I always am.” Said Diamond with a look of smug satisfaction.

The two youngsters began to make their way home, talking and laughing about a variety of trivial subjects. Soon the two friends were near the gate of the Rich estate.

“ When we get inside, we should like totally plan our next adventure.” Said Diamond with a grin as the two went through the extravagant gate.

“It will have to wait. I’m scheduled for chores today”

Diamond Tiara scowled “ Can’t you get the butler to do them?”

Silver let out a giggle “ Randolph cannot do everything, Di. He is only one pony after all.”

Diamond crossed her arms and pouted “ I still don’t think its fair that you have to do most of the chores around here.”

Silver Spoon patted the rather grumpy Diamond Tiara on the back “Don’t worry Di, I will be finished soon enough”

“Whatever.” Said Diamond, Still wearing an aggravated expression as they entered the mansion.

The interior of Rich Manor, while elegant, was rather sparse considering its size. The door opened to reveal a near empty hallway leading to a dining area, populated by less than a handful of paintings and a small table of no discernable purpose. To the right, was a beautiful oaken staircase that Silver Spoon found Diamond Tiara already traversing, quietly grumbling to herself, of course. With nothing to impede her at the moment, Silver traveled down the corridor and into the dining area.

The room contained only a large long table, a candelabra that sat in the middle of said table and four plain looking chairs that were placed from equal distance from each other around it.

Silver Spoon scanned the room in search for her target finding it, or rather him snoozing against a wall as he is one to do on occasion.

She walked up to the stallion and simulated taking a deep breath.


Randolph jumped into the air, emitting a rather girlish scream. This was followed by a back flip, Randolph sticking the landing. Before the onset of imaginary applause took him, he turned around and gave the stock-still Silver Spoon a hard glare.

“Is there any reason why you tried to give me heart attack?” asked Randolph, discarding his usual pleasant and well-mannered demeanor.

Silver Spoon gave the butler a swift salute. “I am reporting for the daily chores, Sir!”

“Yes, yes I figured that much, but did you really have to go about yelling?”

“That is how you told me to address you, Sir!” said Silver Spoon, still not dropping her salute.

The old butler groaned “ Proper protocol to your superiors is crucial but you don’t have to yell,” Randolph fixed an eye on her.“especially when they are taking an impromptu nap. Is that clear, Private?”

Silver Spoon gave a soft smile. “Affirmative.”

Randolph stared Silver Spoon down exactly four seconds longer before he relented. “Good. Now today the floors need scrubbing. The pool needs to be cleaned and the garden must be beautified. Also, that old tree finally fell over in last nights thunderstorm and I need you to remove it from the premises. Is everything clear?” He raised an eyebrow at her.

“Completely, sir.”

“Alright. Well, get to it then, chop, chop.” Randolph said clapping his front hooves together.

Silver Spoon saluted once again and sped off at speeds considered unimaginable for a being of her size.

Alone once again, Randolph smiled lightly to himself. Things were always easier when Silver Spoon was around. She was one of a select few he could talk to without being so mindful of social practices. It was honestly a relief to him.

Randolph trotted into the kitchen to prepare supper for this evening. Hopefully he won’t fall asleep in the middle of it.


The only thing that could be heard in Diamond Tiara’s room was the sound of a clock ticking. If one listened closely enough you could hear the gears turning as the second hand clicked. The roomed was large yet still cluttered with various toys or other expensive items, some not even touched. Among the extravagance was the usual bedroom furniture: a bed, dresser, etc.

The house was silent except for the faint noise of someone in the kitchen, even that was muffle by the ticking of clock.

Diamond grumbled to no one in particular. She was still fairly upset that Silver Spoon had to do work instead of spending time with her. It seemed to her that they are giving Silver more and more work. Diamond has tried to persuade her father against this perceived unjustness, but so far but so far her complaints have fallen on deaf ears.

After a few minutes of waiting Diamond decided to have a one filly tea party and quickly set herself up with all the necessities. She poured an imaginary cup and took an imaginary sip, a quiet aching began to take root within her. After around ten minutes she got bored with her little game, parties were no fun when you’re by yourself anyway. She listened to the seconds going by as they turned into minutes, her ache worsening into a throb. Randolph knocked on the door in order to check on her approximately fifteen minutes later. He was met with a swift tongue lashing and he quickly retreated downstairs for safety.

Another fifteen minutes went by before Silver Spoon finally entered the room.

“It's about time you showed up. What took you so long?” Diamond berated.

“I am sorry, removing the tree that fell over in the backyard took longer than I anticipated, due to it being somewhat still rooted in the ground.”

“You did what!?”

“ I removed the tree that had fallen in the backyard which was still somewhat-”

“No, stupid! How did you remove it? Why?”

“Oh! Randolph asked me to remove to get it off the property. The situation proved rather simple once I had the oak all the way dug up,” Silver Spoon smiled proudly. “ I even managed to convince him to turn the tree into fire wood,” Silver’s expression fell into a more guilty one. “Then again that also took a little more time.”

“Whatever, it's fine!” a pained expression crossed Diamond’s face.

“Have you taken your medicine yet, Di?” Silver Spoon’s face became one of worry.


“Alright. I will get them for you.”

Silver Spoon left the room, quietly shutting the door. Diamond could hear her hooffalls as she descended the staircase. She sat there for a couple of minutes, wincing slightly as she waited.

Silver returned holding a large hoof full of various pills and with a glass water on her back.

“You really shouldn’t wait so long to take your medicine”

Diamond rolled her eyes and mumbled something inaudible under her breath. She walked over to her friend and reached out towards the medication.

“You washed your hooves before touching these, right?” said Diamond, eyeing the pills suspiciously.

“Of course, I washed my hooves after each task thoroughly. There is no need to worry.”

Diamond swiped the pills away from her and chugged them with the water with practiced ease.

“There. You happy now?” said Diamond rather crossly, causing Silver to flinch.

“Please don’t be upset, Di. Since I am finished with today’s chores we can now scheme like you wanted to earlier.”

Diamond stared at her friend for a moment before turning away. “No. I’m not in the mood anymore.”

“Well, what would you like to do? May I suggest chess? You always seem to enjoy chess.”

Too tired to argue, Diamond reluctantly agreed.


It was night before the game finally ended.

“Haha Checkmate! In your dumb face, Silvy!” Diamond Tiara did an impromptu jig while smiling widely. She sang a song consisting of “Who’s the mare” under her breath.

Silver Spoon sat there and watched the little show Diamond put on. Their dinner plates sat empty besides the pile of fallen chess pieces. She was rather impressed. Although Diamond is quite skilled at the game of chess, Silver normally has to let her win through some calculated small mistake due to her friend’s sensitivity towards losing. Today though, Diamond played so ferociously that she did not have a chance to make any sort of error without it looking purposeful.

“I’d ask if you would like to play another game but I’m not sure you could take another flank kicking that badly.” Said Diamond as she checked out the condition of her hoof in feigned disinterest.

Silver Spoon smiled “If you are up for another one I am sure I could manage.”

Diamond gave a smug smile back “ Okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you!”

The two began to place the pieces back on the board when there was a knock on the door.

“Miss Diamond Tiara, your father would like to speak with you.” Spoke the voice of a certain butler.

“It seems your father is home early,” Silver stated.

“Yeah...weird.” said Diamond, puzzled.

“ He has probably already learned of what we did today. Perhaps he is here early to deliver a lecture?”

“I doubt it, it would take Equestria burning down for him to leave work early,” Diamond Tiara said bitterly.

She got up and walked to the door. “I guess its the usual back-n-forth, I’ll be back in a minute.” said Diamond rolling her eyes as she left the room.

She walked down the stairs and headed to where her father usually spends his time when he comes home, the study.

She entered a book-filled room, her father sitting in a comfortable chair and staring into a lit fireplace. A barely touched plate of food sat on the small table next to him.

“You wanted to see me, Daddy?” spoke Diamond in the most innocent tone she could muster.

“I’ve been informed that you caused an incident at school, Diamond.” he stated rather bluntly.

“It's not true! I was framed I tell you! FRAMED!” She feigned distress.

“Please don’t lie to me Diamond. I already know it was you. It's always you.” he said with a tiredness beyond his years.

Diamond gave her father a frustrated glare behind his back. She needed to step her game up.

“Daddy...how could you say such a thing? I-I w-would never lie to you.” crocodile tears fell from her face as she began to blubber.

“If you’re not lying then can you care to explain this?” Her father turned slightly towards her and showed her a book that he had in his lap. It was a large hardcover copy of ‘Elaborate Pranks for Foals’. “you left it in the dining room this morning,” He opened it up to a page with a dog eared corner. “ there is a page here thats been marked titled ‘The hilarity of chewing gum’.” He brought his tired looking eyes up to Diamond giving her an unamused expression.

Diamond’s eyes went wide. “ But, but that's not mine! Maybe its Randolph’s or-”

Filthy Rich cut her off with an exasperated sigh. “Diamond Tiara what am I going to do with you? You can’t keep antagonizing your fellow classmates like that, do you even realize how many times I get calls from the school about your behavior?”

Diamond looked away, refusing to answer his question

“Every week Diamond, sometimes even every day. You’re lucky you didn’t get suspended this time.”

She rolled her eyes. “It’s not my fault everypony is stupid,” she mumbled under her breath.

Filthy Rich sat in silence for a long moment, the fire crackling every so often.

“Your teacher has been telling me about this program that helps foals learn how to interact with others. You would have to leave ponyville for a few weeks but I think It might be a great way for you to finally make a friend”

Diamond started to shake in fear. She had heard rumors of such behavioral programs, how they yell at you and make you do various strenuous activities in order to break your spirit. The thought was absolutely terrifying to Diamond Tiara.

“But what about Silvy? She’s my friend.”

"We’ve been over this, Diamond. Silver Spoon is just a machine, none of her feelings and desires are real. She can’t take the place of actual friendship.” he said sternly.

“S-So?” She replied in a rather hurt tone, actual tears beginning to fall from her face.

“She can’t replace ponies, darling, no matter how much you want her to. But with this program you’ll get to learn how to understand others and make all the friends you want,” He gave his daughter a slight smile. “After you get back you’ll probably have so many friends I bet you won’t even need Silver anymore.”

Diamond Tiara could no longer hold in her outrage at this point. “NO! YOU CAN’T MAKE ME!”


“P-Please don’t send me there. I know I’ve been bad but I can be I be better. I promise! Please… Please,” Filthy watched as his daughter openly cry as if he just told her that he sending her to a dungeon for eternity.

Diamond knew the implications of her father's words or at least she thought she did.

Filthy Rich tried to stay stoic before giving in. If he had one weakness it was that he could never stand to watch his daughter cry.

He let out a deep sigh and turned his gaze away from her “ Alright. If you can show me that you can get along with others and make friends by the end of the week I won’t sign you up. But if I hear anything about you harassing others, I will not hesitate to send you to this friendship program, do you understand? ” he said in the most intimidating voice he could muster, which really isn’t saying much.

When no one replied he turned to face Diamond and found that she had left the room. He could hear her hooves as she galloped down the hall.

Filthy Rich let out a tired sigh, sinking into his chair. His bones creaking with his movement.

“That most certainly could have gone better.” Randolph hobbled into the study. a towelette draped over his left fore hoof for some reason.

Filthy’s frown deepened, he felt like weeping over his own shortcomings, yet his eyes remained dry.

“I thought being more assertive with her would help correct her behavior. I fear now that I am worsening our relationship even further.”

“ Now Mr. Rich, a little bit of assertiveness could go a long way in my humble opinion. Although if I were you I would have simply grounded Miss Tiara from taking her robot to school for a day or two. Maybe that would give her enough incentive to make friends. It would certainly be less expensive than your current plans” said Randolph in an attempt at reassurance.

It only worked to sour Filthy’s mood further. “ Even if that had a chance to work. I don’t think I would be willing to risk it. You know how she gets.”

“Just a suggestion, sir.”

Filthy let out a sigh, a few tears managed to escape to his face. “ I just want what is best for her but if she continues down this path, I’m afraid she might be alone in the end.”

Randolph gave him a sympathetic eye. “No parent can claim to be perfect, Mr. Rich. but if you try your very best I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

Filthy went back to staring into the flickering fire, watching it dance on the crispy wooden logs.

“I hope you’re right.” He finally answered.


A hoof collided with a small toy pony smashing it to pieces. Diamond Tiara stood in the wreckage of her recently trashed room.

Who does he think he is, she thought, he doesn’t own me! He can’t make me do whatever he pleases. But she knew very well she was lying to herself. He is the parental figure after all even if Diamond does not think he deserves such a title.

Maybe at one point she could have had at least a little respect for him. Although he never seems to be around, he does have a habit of showering her with gifts whenever he is home at an appropriate time that is. She can't deny that she loves gifts.

But with this bout of stupidity, he is most likely cemented into her hatred and it is unknown whether he could be pulled out of it at this moment.

She felt that he was trying to destroy her life with his ignorance. How does he think what is best for her when he isn’t even around enough to be considered an acquaintance? Does he really think that forcing Diamond into making friends with the degenerates of town with the threat of cruelty will make everything better?

Apparently he doesn’t know ponies as well as Diamond Tiara does.

Diamond wanted to fly into another angry pink tantrum before Silver decided it was once again time to confront her friend and master.

“Are you sure everything is okay, Di?” she asked. Diamond faced her, Silver Spoon was giving her a very clear look of concern. Her glasses had fallen off when Diamond had shoved her away on her initial attempt to calm down the upset filly, completely revealing the robot’s eyes.

They looked out of place on her emotional expression, they had a faint glow about them but not noticeable enough to garner unwanted suspicion. Most troubling were how doll like they were compared to the rest of her face. Looking into her eyes had the same effect as staring into an empty house or into the face of a ticking clock.

Diamond Tiara could not have cared less and was ever thankful for her best, favorite and only friend’s unending compassion. If anyone would try to take that away from her she would fight them to the very last breath

She rapped her hooves around her friend in a tight hug. “Thanks Silvy, but I’m fine. Really.” She spoke to Silver Spoon softly, finally calm.

“Okay,” said Silver, her face becoming less stressed. “Is there anything else you would like to do tonight?”

Diamond yawned deeply, “No, I think I’ll just go to bed. I’m pretty sleepy.”

Silver smiled, “Okay Di, I’ll see you tomorrow then. I hope you have sweet dreams.”

Diamond returned her smile and walked to her bed. Silver turned off the lights and began cleaning up the damage that Diamond Tiara caused earlier, working to the light snores that filled the room.

Author's Note:

This was just a little idea I had that I just couldn't get out of my head. I got impatient so I decided to go ahead and release this, I really hope you all enjoy. Also, if any of you who read this would like to, I need some better cover art due to the surprising lack of mechanical Silver Spoon pictures on the interweb so If you would be interested let me know! Anyway, Feel free to leave a comment or hit the like button or whatever else you would like to do. Have a beautiful evening!

Before I head out I would like to give a few special thanks to a few special people.

My pal Deep for his insightful insightfulness
check his stuff out here! http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Deep

Espeon_in_the_Morning for his wonderful prereading skills
here is his page http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Espeon_in_the_Morning

Oh and SunX for being simply stupendous.
Here is his page also! http://www.fimfiction.net/user/SunX

And finally for helping me edit, the amazing retroman000
PAGE!: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/retroman000