• Published 29th May 2014
  • 817 Views, 34 Comments

My Little Anime: Manga Is Magic! - Alsvid

You've seen what happens when Spike and the Mane Six get tossed into American Comic Books; now see what happens when they get tossed into the world of Anime and Manga.

  • ...

Transfer Student's Landing


Transfer Student Applejack stared up at the looming bulk of Ryuujin Jakka Gakuen rising above the skyline of Ponykyo. She adjusted the steel case hanging off her shoulder, by means of a leather strap

"So this is it, huh. Ryuujin Jakka." Applejack rubbed her mouth with the back of her gloved hand, as if trying to scrub the stench of the city away - urine, trash, rotting food, fumes from vehicle exhaust, a medley of miasmas...all very unappealing to the nose.

It was bitterly hot, enough to make Applejack's skin prickle - a sullen, angry heat, reflected a hundredfold off the looming skyscrapers of Ponykyo City. Beads of sweat soaked through her shirt, making it stick to her skin.

"Looks like I'll hafta hoof it through the rough part of town, for a spell. This should be fun," she said wryly to herself.

The people here were very dirty, very ill-favored, ill-smelling, and very rude. Applejack bought an apple from a hunchbacked, scowling male grocer, whose questionable idea of doing business comprised of telling her to buy something, or buck off.

The apple was mealy and dry. Applejack chewed and swallowed, forcing the tasteless little lump down her throat.

She strolled down the alleyway, threading her way through crumbling wooden buildings, past toothless old men and women pushing shopping carts full of rubbish, middle-aged women in far-too-tight clothes with what seemed like inches of makeup, and rat-faced, fast-talking gangsters trolling the streets in their cheap polyester suits and mirrored sunshades, reeking with the smells of cheap cologne and body sweat.

A skinny prepubescent girl, barely of a height with Applejack's waist, shot past her, bumping roughly into Applejack's butt. "Oops! Sorry, Onee-chan!" she called out, before darting into another alleyway, and then ducking herself behind a dumpster. The homeless people digging around in the dumpster paid her no heed.

"Now, let's see what Country Bumpkin-san had..." The pink-haired girl looked at her prize. Her face fell. "...aw, for Celestia's sake, you gotta be kidding me. An apple?! Mou~....It ain't even a whole apple! This half-bitten piece of...I thought I got her wallet!"

Applejack leaned casually over the smaller girl and intercepted the apple.

"Oi. Ya really want to taste my lips that badly? What a weird little kid. Anyway, your first kiss should be with a boy."

The girl gave a shriek of surprise and indignation, bouncing up to confront Applejack with rage stamped all over her little face. "You!? How'd you follow me here? And what makes you think I haven't had my first yet!? I'll have you know-" She pointed at Applejack boldly. "I've had my first kiss already! WITH a girl, too! What's more, I liked it!"

"Well, well, well." Applejack blew out an amused sigh, raising a quizzical eyebrow at the smaller girl. She hooked a gloved hand through one of the leather loops securing her steel case to her shoulder. "No regrets, eh?"

"That's my line!" the smaller girl snapped back at her. "You don't know who you're messin' with, huh?! I'm Scootaloo, the Banchou of the Cutie Mark Crusader gang! This is our territory you just wandered into!"

Three more little girls darted out - one with bright red hair, one with rosy-red hair, and one with mulberry-hued hair.
They were all armed with makeshift weaponry - a length of pipe, a chain. The girl with mulberry-hued hair was lugging a chainsaw nearly the same size as herself.

Scootaloo laughed maliciously. "Nervous? Shaking in your boots? It's too late to run now!"

Applejack grinned, placing her hands on her hips. "C'mon, girls. The street gang comedy routine's so last year. But if y'all really wanna duke it out, then come at me. I ain't backward in comin' forward, 'specially if there's a fight a-brewin'."

They formed a ring around Applejack.

Scootaloo launched herself forward first.

Applejack effortlessly batted her out of the air, with a swipe from the steel case.

Instantly, all four Cutie Mark Crusaders dashed away from her, tossed their weapons aside, knelt down, and planted their heads on the ground. "Forgive us, Mistress!" they whined pitifully.

"We're really good at apologizing. It's our strong suit," Scootaloo said, rubbing a bump on her head sheepishly.

"Oi, oi," Applejack said, sounding quite surprised at their total reversal. "I wasn't gonna kill y'all or anything."

"Phew!" Scootaloo dashed a drop of sweat off her brow. "That was a close thing. Oh, I didn't introduce my friends yet, did I? This is Sweetie Belle, and this is-"

"I know who Applebloom is. And I also know that she's in big trouble when I get back home." Applejack narrowed her eyes. "The nerve! You're a thousand years too young to get one over yer big sister. You too, Babs! You're all in trouble now!"

Applebloom sniffled.

"Guys! You guys!"

A blonde teenage girl around Applejack's age came flying at Scootaloo. They tumbled into the dirt together. The older girl came up first, with Scootaloo in a headlock.

"Shaking down people at this time! Why won't you little trouble-makers go to school? It's nice...well, except for when it's not. But it's a lot better than messing with strangers!"

Scootaloo wriggled helplessly. "Um, I think you're choking her, Derpy," Babs pointed out.

The instant Derpy let go of Scootaloo, the entire Cutie Mark Crusader gang beat a hasty retreat. "Screw you, Derpy! We got better things to do with our time! Let's go, gang!" Scootaloo yelped.

"Rude!" Derpy yelled after them.

Applejack watched this entire tableau vivant unfold with her mouth open. She realized she was gawking at them, closed her mouth with an effort, and turned to Derpy, who seemed to suddenly remember that Applejack was there. Derpy jumped visibly, and then smiled at Applejack.

"Hi! Hello! Hiiiii! Can I help y-"

A bell rang.

Derpy leaped into the air. "Ohmygewdness! I'm gonna be late!"

She sprinted away from Applejack, rounded a corner, and was gone.

Applejack groaned, adjusting her steel case on her shoulder. "Seriously...what's with these people?" she asked no-one in particular, as she continued her walk to school.


When Applejack got to the large, wide-spanning gates of the Ryuujin Jakka Gakuen, she found herself quite alone in the wide courtyard, as everyone else was already safely secreted away in class. She found herself having to search for her homeroom by herself.

This took a little longer than she expected. An elevator ride or so later placed her on the right floor. Applejack began walking down the hallway. "Room 2-A...2-A...yep, here it is."

She went inside. Every single student turned and stared at her. Applejack fought away a wave of nervousness as the color rose in her cheeks, but before she had time to feel discomfort, the teacher bore down on her - an impressive-looking young woman. She was dressed much more neatly than the scruffy people in the alleyway, in a sharp red miniskirt and a white shirt. Her long, pale greyish rose hair cascaded about her shoulders.

"Ah, you must be the transfer student. Minna-san!" She clapped her hands together imperiously, drawing the gaze of the students back to her.

"This is Applejack. Please be nice to her and make friends with her! I'm sure you'll all get to know each other very well. Applejack, I'm your new sensei, Sakuranbo Cheerilee. I'm so glad you're part of our class! Let's learn a lot together." She smiled warmly at Applejack, who mustered up a nervous twitch of her lips in return. "Now, where would you like to sit?"

"Applejack! Ap-ple-jaaaaack!" Derpy bounced up and down, pointing at an empty seat beside her. Over here, over here! Come over here! I gotta free seat for you! And it's next to the window! I bet you like window seats! Everyone does! You can get a real nice view from here, too!"

"She'll probably continue like that for a while, unless you say yes," Cheerilee whispered into Applejack's ear.

"Fine, fine." Applejack strode over to the empty seat.

Cheerilee went back to her chalkboard. "Now! Class, open your Algebra books and turn to page 137. Let's begin by reviewing Quadratic Equations."

Derpy opened her math book, placed it in front of her as a screen, and took out a bento box heaping with food. She practically inhaled the food, belched contentedly, and then fell asleep, blowing a snot bubble from her nose, drool rolling down her lips.

"Eeeh?! She's out like a light!" Applejack said to herself, in shock.


They got through the rest of the period without a hitch. When they were let out of the classroom, Applejack went for a quick walk in the courtyard, along with a few other students.


Derpy launched herself at Applejack in a flying tackle.

Applejack calmly side-stepped her.

Derpy tumbled head over heels onto the ground, rolling smack-bang into a wastebasket and sending its contents flying into the air - as well as all over herself. "Ow! Why'd ya move, Applejack?" she asked, plaintively, as she picked herself up off the ground, dusting herself off, brushing trash off her skirt, and smoothing her sailor-suit down.

"Hey, when something flies at you, you gotta dodge," Applejack said, folding her arms behind her head and stretching, tiny pops and cracks coming from her shoulders and back.

"I was just trying to hug you, Applejack!"

"I ain't know you jump on people to hug them, Derpy."

"Only when it's my bestie! Ne, ne, I could go for another lunch. What about you? I always get hungry when I'm bored! And this place is boooo-ring! I thought I'd die of boredom before you showed up. What's in that thing?" Derpy poked at the steel case hanging off Applejack's shoulder.

"Oh, this? This is..."

Suddenly Derpy began shoving Applejack down to the ground. "Quick, quick! Bow! The Student Council President is coming!"

Every single student in the courtyard was bent nearly double in obeisance, Derpy included. Applejack squatted down amongst the sea of legs around her, peeking around them to get a look at the new arrival.

Dressed immaculately in an all-white jacket reminiscent of a military officer's dress uniform, resplendent with golden epaulets, gold buttons, a white miniskirt with red stripes down the sides, and thigh-high, form-fitting white boots, a haughty-looking girl strode down the gallery of the courtyard, flanked by scores of students, male and female alike. She fairly glowed - in fact, she SHONE. The bright white light hurt to look at directly.

Murmurs of appreciation and awe rose from the gathered students around Applejack.

The girl's flinty cornflower blue eyes scanned the courtyard with a cold glare. She raised an elegant, white-gloved hand, and swept her light violet hair from her cheek, her lips curled in a sneer of smug superiority.

In her other hand was a long, cruel-looking katana in a silver sheath. She stabbed it down on the ground with a sharp clack, folding her hands on the tip of the handle..

"Listen to me, you pigs in wigs! I, Diamond Tiara, will now speak!"

Her voice rang like a bell, echoing off the walls.

A dreadful hush fell upon the courtyard.

"Ignorance is Strength! Victory is Defeat! Freedom is Slavery! Submit to my will and obey my Celestia-granted rule! Accept the consequences of your new reality, and conform to the paradigms of this school!"

Applejack darted out in front of her. She planted her hands on her hips, stared Diamond Tiara in the face, and narrowed her eyes.

"Sounds like a load of old hay to me, Diamond Tiara!"

"Bakayarou! How dare you approach Tiara-Sama!" screamed an outraged male student. "Come on, people! Let's kick the stuffing out of her!"

A furious knot of students surged around Applejack, all bellowing, cursing, and spewing abuse at her. They made a grab for her all at once.

With a swipe of her steel case, Applejack swatted them out of the air like so many annoying flies.

She broke the case open, drawing out a short pitchfork, deftly spinning it in one hand. It extended to nearly twice her height in an instant.

The students around her gasped.

"A...a pitchfork?!"

"Ohmygewdness!" Derpy squeaked.

"Is she insane?!"

"No! That thing's sharp at the ends! It's like a Naginata!"

"Darn right!" Applejack shouted back. "This here's mah Naginata Pitchfork! Diamond Tiara! You've seen the companion to this weapon, ain'tcha? The Spoon of Destiny!"

She slid into a defensive posture, knees bent, feet spread, the razor-keen tips of the Pitchfork aimed squarely at Diamond Tiara.

Comments ( 18 )

4467547 Man I hope it's the latter.:yay::yay::yay::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Ohmigosh. What fresh hell is this?

Welcome.....to kill la kill :pinkiehappy:




>Don't lose your hay
>Pony La Kill

And later on, she gets a skimpy uniform with magical powers or something. :pinkiehappy:


It is actually several animes, mish-mashed into one setting. People seem to be enjoying the task of discerning WHICH ones, so I won't reveal my secrets just yet.

However, it is glaringly obvious that Kill La Kill is one of them. For good reason, too. I've been DYING to put the ponies in the world of KLK for a while, now. :pinkiesmile:

Ponykyo City



Wantanabe? You sure about that?

He introduced himself as Sensei Otomo Motosada

:unsuresweetie: Nnnnnn...a teacher doesn't actually introduce him or herself AS "sensei", normally. It's...obvious they're the teacher if they're in the classroom.


:facehoof: Don't. Just...don't. Sometimes, horse puns just...don't work.

So anyway...I see what you're trying for here, and it's succeeding.



Keep your eyes peeled for the Pinkie Chapter.

I promise that when I even out my drawing chops and put this into actual manga-style form, I will reconsider some of the names. You have my word.

You ever read the Mahou Sensei Negima manga? The Summer Arcs would be great fodder/inspiration for some of the stuff for this story.


Hey, I remember Negima. That was aaaaaaaages ago, though(or so it feels). I have been looking at Dirty Pair 1980's to prepare myself for Pinkie's Cybercop Arc, along with Ghost In The Shell and Code Geass, to prepare for what people are suggesting.

Keep up the suggestions. This fic ain't even got off the ground yet. FEED ME YOUR CRITIQUE AND SUGGESTIONS. I HUNGER.

This is the suggestion box.

Are you insinuating I should put Spike in Negima's school sandals to spice up his storyline a little? I can see the potential for sure. :yay:

4477725 Well, I hope you will use some inspiration from the DNAngel manga... god there was one villain that made bawl like a little schoolgirl. Cant remember his name though.:fluttercry:


That was rather fast, thank you. Well done, and splendid. I enjoyed every second of your review; I chuckled to myself as I vicariously experienced your reading of the story, it was like seeing it through fresh eyes.


Take your time. I honestly was thinking about removing them because this review is worth 10 reviews, in my opinion. You can do all of theirs and then mine, or just do mine whenever.

Why did you stop writing this story?

You need to update ASAP ASAP

That cover picture is not the Japanese flag anymore. That is no-no Japan, the one that committed war crimes so bad the Nazis told them to chill.

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