• Published 29th May 2014
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Divine Jealousy and The Voice of Reason - Jordan179

Late Season 4: When Discord discovers that Fluttershy has another love interest, will he attempt a traditional solution? Or can a Voice of Reason stay his hand?

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Chapter 15: Applejack's Regret

Applejack watched Rainbow Dash and Rarity not-really-fighting and smiled gently to herself.

She loved her friends. She especially loved Rainbow Dash, who had the spirit of a true competitor and a heart so courageous that Applejack's task was usually to more to save Dash from recklessness than it was to rally her to action. She supposed Dashie might have been killed several times over by now if she hadn't been looking out for her. AJ accepted watching out for Rainbow Dash to be one of the many jobs Fate had handed out to her, and she did so uncomplainingly. Friends should watch out for friends.

She could sense the outrageous lies in some of Dashie's boasts, and they amused her. Rainbow Dash was not lying basely, in the hope of using them to trick anypony into taking her at a false value. She was lying bald-faced and in fun; no way did she expect Rarity to believe her; not any more than Rarity was really outraged at those lies. Applejack could sense the byplay between them, and while she lacked Fluttershy's empathic talents, she didn't need empathy to sense the friendship underlying their banter.

Folk who knew she was Honesty often misunderstood the implications: Applejack had absolutely nothing against anypony else boasting in good jest, as Rainbow Dash was doing, though she avoided such statements herself. Nor was she especially horrified by the sort of puffery in which Rarity routinely engaged. Nor did she have anything against Ponies speaking well of themselves, especially if they believed it: after all, Applejack styled herself "the loyalest friend and most dependable of Ponies," and meant it.

Applejack was not at all stupid. She well understood the potential danger they were in: she'd gone up against Discord before and been bested by him at first, though thanks to Twilight Sparkle they'd won in the end. She'd also looked into the real Pool of Truth, deep below the Palace at Canterlot entirely too long for her own peace of mind. She knew just how bad things might become if Discord went mad again and won.

Nor -- though she was honorable and good -- was she at all innocent. She'd always had the talent for piercing lies with her perception, a talent that had been only amplified since she'd peered into the Pool, and when one can directly see the lies around oneself, one is no longer capable of much innocence regarding the world. She'd been shocked by what she'd seen in some Ponies, and pleasantly surprised by what she'd seen in others. The real surprise had come in how often truth and lies did not correspond with the surface presentations of good and evil. She'd always noticed this somewhat, but it was different when one could see it directly.

She tried to avoid looking too deeply into most Ponies without a good reason. She knew that in at least one reality she'd demanded constant and complete truth from everypony around her, and become Nightmare Mirror: this was a fate she feared. To fight white lies and petty prevarications was not the reason for which she had been born, or given these powers. She had another, more aggressive ability, which she very much feared to use without a very good reason. She hoped she wouldn't have to use it today. Especially not on him.

Applejack had no idea what would happen if she forced Discord to face the truth about himself. He might decide that he needed to be more the Pony for his own happiness; or he might decided that he needed to be more the Chaos God for his own integrity. Applejack was not sure what path she would choose in his position -- though she knew she'd rather choose to act as a Pony and know Friendship -- and she was acutely aware of what might happen if he decided to fully be the Chaos God.

She wondered what Princess Luna was telling Twilight in the other room. It must have been something pretty bad, and something involving Discord. Applejack had seen the lie-by-omission growing as they had discussed Discord's true nature with Luna, until Luna's own inherent Honesty could be restrained no more, not toward Twilight Sparkle, one whom Luna loved.

Twilight had of course entirely failed to keep the secret that Luna loved her: this was something that Rarity strongly suspected from purely mundane clues, and which Applejack saw almost screaming from Luna every time Luna looked at the younger Alicorn. Applejack could also tell that Twilight wasn't entirely sure how to respond to such affection. This was very obviously Twilight's first experience of being loved romantically by somepony she was capable of accepting as a mate, and Applejack could tell Twilight was both happy and a little scared regarding the situation.

Applejack was herself entirely heterosexual, but she saw nothing wrong with lesbian love, provided that it was meant honorably by both parties, which was the same moral criterion by which she would have judged any romantic love. Twilight herself was in all ways one of the most honorable Ponies Applejack had ever known -- one of the reasons Applejack had liked her so much from the start -- and Luna was similar. Once freed from the Nightmare, Luna had shown herself to be a very good Pony indeed, and Applejack thought her a fit mate for her friend. Or her brother, really, though Applejack knew Big Mac wasn't actually attracted much to Luna that way.

Some might have thought it more than a bit arrogant of Applejack to make such a judgement with regards to a Ruling Princess of Equestria. But Applejack, while reverential to authority, was neither intimidated by nor servile to it; she considered good and evil, honor and dishonor, to be qualities attaching to the choices of individuals regardless of their stations in life. The four Princesses were good because of who they were, not because of what they were. And she judged Luna as somepony she could trust with Twilight's heart.

Things would be going well for her friends -- if they could survive the next few days. Which was far from an automatic assumption, given who might be attacking them.

If he was attacking them. Applejack wasn't so sure about that. Discord was hard to read -- his mind was twisty and complicated, his motives mixed, as if he were more than one being, and that being more than a bit loco -- but as of late he hadn't seemed hostile toward them. He'd seemed more mischievous, as if he'd wanted to play with them -- and not even all that rough. Times he'd claimed to be their friend, AJ couldn't catch him lying.

That could switch fast, though, with thwarted love. Applejack didn't think that he'd hurt Fluttershy -- she was, after all, the object of his affections -- but she could definitely see him hurting Bulk. And anypony who got in his way when he was trying.

A lot depended, Applejack knew, on what Fluttershy said to Discord.

Applejack loved Fluttershy -- it was very hard not to love Fluttershy -- but she couldn't help but think of her as a bit immature, despite the fact that she was at 24 one of the oldest of her little circle of friends, with Applejack herself at 26 the only one older. In particular, Fluttershy seemed to have only the vaguest idea of how romantic love worked.

To Applejack love was simple. You picked the stallion you loved, you loved him, and you stuck by him unless he did something real bad to drive you off.

At least that was the theory. The theory had led to certain practical problems with Landscape Carrot, her fillyhood sweetheart who had six years ago gone into the Evergloom Swamps a thousand miles to the southeast to find treasure with which to win her as an equal, even though he'd already won her in every blamed way possible, and he'd never come out again and she didn't even know if he was alive or dead so she didn't know whether to keep on waiting for him to return or start mourning him -- but that didn't mean that the theory was bad. Just that its practice in life wasn't always neat and easy.

But there was no point making love more complex than it had to be. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash had done that. First Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash loved one another. Then they quarreled because Fluttershy had never told Rainbow she was half Changeling -- admittedly that was a fairly big lie of omission, but from what Fluttershy had once told her she'd tried to let Rainbow know, but Rainbow just didn't believe her, and before a year and a half ago, nopony had really known that Changelings were anything but a legend.

Then Rainbow fell for Azure Sky. Who it turned out was a Changeling pure and simple, no "half" about it. Which would have been funny if it hadn't just about broken Rainbow's heart. And then the love lives of those three became something you'd need a score card to track, with Rainbow unsure who to love, and Sky and 'Shy accepting pretty much whatever love Dashie gave either one of them, which come to think of it sort of made sense given that they were 'Lings, though Applejack didn't like to think dismissively of a whole Kind that way. Which was about half Rainbow Dash's fault, of course, she shoulda made up her mind!

And then the last year, Fluttershy had become Discord's sort of Assigned Friend, with the assignment coming straight from Princess Celestia, and being Fluttershy once she actually decided to like somepony, or in this case some-whatever-you-called-a-Draconequus, she pulled out all the stops. Applejack could have told her she was just asking for trouble, cuddling up to Discord the way she was, which couldn't help but to give him the wrong idea. Poor ole Chaos God couldn't help it, whatever else he was he was male. Wouldn't have been entirely safe for a mare to act like that even around, say, a sweet stallion like Mackie -- though at least you knew that Big Mac wasn't going to start hurting Ponies over a misunderstanding.

Applejack could actually feel some sympathy for Discord, the way 'Shy had been teasing him. If she didn't mean it that way, she shouldn't have been leading him on so. AJ never would have been that affectionate to any stallion if she wasn't meaning to say "I love you" -- which of course had meant that she hadn't been that affectionate to any stallion for the last six years. Which bothered her some, especially late at night when she got lonesome -- but that was better than trifling with them, and what was happening now was proof of that. Though, admittedly, what was happening now was worse than what normally came of foolish trifling.

Then came poor Bulk Biceps, dancing happily onto the quicksand without realizing what he was letting himself in for. Applejack liked Bulkie -- he was a good guy, and he'd deserved better than that no-account wife who had left him the moment that she realized that the consequences of matrimony might include a little Featherweight cramping her style. AJ wished she had somepony sweet like Bulk to cuddle her and love her and give her a nice smart little'un like Feather to call her own. Mare was a fool, no two ways about that.

And Fluttershy fell for Bulk Biceps, not that surprisingly -- once she saw that despite his size he was a total sweetie, that his shouting was as much an expression of fundamental shyness as 'Shy's own soft little voice. AJ wasn't sure why 'Shy drifted away from Rainbow to do this -- they hadn't seemed to have a real fight, really. Mebbe it was that time that Rainbow tried to trade Shy for a book, or mebbe 'Shy was just tired of fillyfooling -- Applejack was far more brutally honest in her own private thoughts than even she would ever have been aloud to her friends.

And it's not like any single stallion was likely to resist Fluttershy, when she gave him one of those big sun-rising smiles -- AJ herself was neither stallion nor fillyfooler, but she could see why first Dashie and then Bulkie had been drawn to 'Shy. She was almost a force of Nature in that regard, when she wanted to be. The fact that Fluttershy seemed to herself be completely unaware of her own beauty only enhanced the appeal.

Only 'Shy had obviously never realized how Discord felt, obviously never sat down and had a talk with him about all this. So she'd left it for him to discover, and he'd discovered it, the worst possible way. Thus their current situation.

Not that this excused Discord's rudeness. AJ herself would have been plumb furious if any stallion had started spying on her in her own bedroom. But then, this was Discord -- merely spying on somepony was almost good behavior, by his standards.

She wondered if she could do some good by talking to Discord. He'd never hated her, not even when they'd been foes, though he'd never specially liked her either. Still, AJ knew she was good at keeping calm in a crisis, and sometimes at calming down others. She'd had plenty of practice with Dashie, to be sure. Though it was not as if she could simply grab Discord by the tail and hold him back, as she often did with Rainbow Dash. She chuckled to herself briefly at the imagined picture.

She looked to where Featherweight was ensconced in one corner, his little brown-maned head bent over a photography book, his creamy muzle buried in the contents. Featherweight was trying to distract himself, she knew, from his fear of Discord. That fear was not baseless. Featherweight had been among those to suffer the worst on the Day of Discord, over three years ago when the Chaos God had escaped his imprisonment and the world had become madness.

Applejack knew what had happened, of course, and that discovery had been one of the moments she had most felt her gift of seeing Truth to be a curse. Twilight had said, earlier today, that Discord wouldn't force Fluttershy, because the one evil he refrained from committing was rape. Applejack had wanted to say something, but she knew that speaking of it would have horrified Fluttershy, and possibly snapped the only even slightly-reliable restraint they had on his actions.

The lie -- even of omission -- still rankled within her. She would have to tell Fluttershy the truth, later, or it would tear her apart with the restraint. Any mendacity -- especially toward a friend -- was very hard for Applejack to maintain. If she kept it up for too long, it might actually destroy her attunement to her Element. Besides, it was just plain low-down.

What Discord claimed was narrowly true. He did not directly rape anypony. But he had no scruples against mind-controlling Ponies into behavior with each other which Applejack would have had no difficulty recognizing as rape-by-proxy. He had done this to Filthy Rich's whole household on the Day of Discord, and Featherweight had been unfortunate enough to be at their doorstep and thus swept up in his spell.

Featherweight -- like everypony else in that spell save for Filthy Rich himself, had been shifted into the semblance of Golden Tiara, Filthy Rich's insane wife. And Filthy Rich, his own mental resistance obviously overcome by a combination of Discord's raw power and his own overwhelming desire to have his wife back with him, had proceeded to mate with the whole lot of them, all of them rendered incapable by the spell of questioning the surreal horror of their situation.

They'd all remembered what happened afterward, though. Including Featherweight. Who had been around eleven years old at the time.

Applejack had done her best to help Featherweight, using the healing powers of Truth to help him realize that this hadn't been his fault, that what had happened didn't mean that he was dirty or bad, that still less did it mean that he wasn't really male. That had been one of the hardest healings she'd ever done; it had come close to breaking her as well, and she was normally pretty strong.

She'd mostly succeeded -- Featherweight had certainly stopped hiding -- but there seemed to be an extra fragility about him afterward, a hint of damage yet unhealed. Applejack had no clue how to heal him any further. She'd noticed that he'd since become good friends with Snails Carrot, and wondered if Featherweight was aware of Snails' hidden personality. But she couldn't go living other Ponies' lives for them -- that way lay madness, and Nightmare.

As far as she knew, Bulk Biceps did not know exactly what had happened to his son on the Day of Discord. The lie-by-omission bothered her, but she knew that now would be the worst time to tell Bulk about it, with the possible consequences including Bulk's death or madness, all the way up to a war between Discord and Equestria if this also shattered Fluttershy's friendship with the Draconequus. She also knew that Featherweight didn't want his father to know the truth about this.

Applejack hated situations like this. Evasion upon evasion, lie piled on lie, and if she just shoved the whole mess over, rotten as a termite-raddled tree, many innocent Ponies would suffer. Ghostly in the back of her mind, Mirror stirred, demanded release. She shoved the evil impulse back down where it belonged; far from conscious thought and action.

She wished for the lost days of her youth. Ten years ago she had recked not of balancing catastrophes with lies, of Chaos Gods and Nightmares, of polices and Princesses. She'd worked the farm and on her time off roamed the hills with Landscape Carrot, laughing and playing, having their mostly-harmless teenaged adventures, teasing him with her tail, and speculating, slyly and shyly, about the day they'd pledge their troth, and she'd do more than tease him. When had her life become so sad and complicated?

She missed her innocence.

On cue, something pink bounded across her field of view, grinning at her cheerfully.

"Hey, Applejack, you have such a sad frowny face right now and I want to make you smile so I was thinking that you'd like it if I gave you an apple pie we got from your farm but I strawberry-frosted it and made cute faces all over the top so now it's kind of like a Pinkie Apple Pie and it's all cheerful and tasty and I was saving it for the big party we'll have after we win when we're all happy and maybe do a song number but do you want it now?" Pinkie emitted without, as far as Applejack could tell, taking a breath anywhere during the sentence. She produced the cake from some unknown place of storage. It was indeed, strawberry-frosted, with caricatures of all seven of them surrounding a coiled-up Discord in vanilla icing.

Well, t'aint mah innocence, but it'll do for now, thought Applejack, smiling. It was very difficult not to smile when Pinkie Pie said and did something like that. She felt the gloom lifting.

"Naw, sugarcube, we should wait until after we see how things go," Applejack answered. "But thank you for the kind thought." She smiled even more warmly at Pinkie Pie, and Pinkie returned the smile.

"Oh well," she said. "More for us on the lines where we win and this doesn't get squished!" She returned the pie to whatever odd place she had gotten it from. "Which is future-us too!"

"Ah take it you have a good feeling about the way this'll all turns out?" inquired Applejack. Pinkie Pie had some sort of ability to see the future, and it was never a good idea to ignore her predictions.

"Yeppers!" said Pinkie brightly. "We'll all be safe and happy until the next time which will be very bad and I'll really miss this place but that won't be for lots of days! And we'll prolly all live through that, too!" she squeaked. "So it's okay!"

Applejack's Pinkie Pie to Equestrian decoder was not as elaborate as was Twilight Sparkle's But she got the gist of it. They'd survive Discord now, but something bad would happen in the future, but they'd all survive this. And the bad thing would destroy some place Pinkie liked. The Golden Oaks Library? Some other place in town? The whole town? AJ wasn't sure, but she also knew it was a bad idea to press Pinkie too much on the details.

"Okay," she said slowly, considering the implications, and on which detail was worth asking about. "Um, Pinkie -- is the very bad danger from Discord?"

"Nope!" replied Pinkie. "Not mostly. He's not really a meanie anymore. He's just sad. Don't know what it is that's coming but it's not mostly Discord. And not now."

Applejack had her doubts about Pinkie's opinion of Discord -- the flip side of innocence was being too trusting, which was a quality Pinkie had in spades. But if she said that Discord wasn't going to attack them, she was probably right; and in that case she wanted to make sure that they didn't change his plans by attacking Discord. She should probably bring this up with the Moon Princess when she emerged from the library -- the weapons Luna had been packing made it obvious she was loaded for bear.

"You'll see!" Pinkie laughed. "Everything will be okay and we'll come through and we'll have lots more adventures. And parties!"

Applejack devoutly hoped that Pinkie was right.

Author's Note:

Sky is Phoenix_Dragon's creation. His original Changeling name is Azure -- I'm assuming here that eventually he becomes known by both, creating a typical Equestrian compound name. For the sake of my fanon I'm also assuming he survives the wrath of Queen Chrysalis. Rainbow Dash's romance with him was originally very much on the rebound from Fluttershy -- but this being Dashie, she's not capable of emotional detachment.

Snails' alter-ego is explained in Ask Glittershell. By Pony standards this would make his full name Snailsquirm Glittershell Carrot -- if he let others know his secret. Which I can see why he doesn't.

Even though I first encountered Glittershell through Lovecolt, I do not agree with Lovecolt that everypony would reject Snails if they knew the truth. In particular, I agree with the blog that Rarity already knows about Glittershell, and in this story I'm explicitly stating that Applejack has figured it out as well (since her vision pierces lies).

But some of his current friends might reject him. And his family be weirded out by him. Homosexuality is one thing, but transgendered sexuality is a bit weirder. Snails wouldn't really be happy without an actual transformation into a female.

And no, Applejack is not afraid that Snails will harm Apple Bloom. Aside from the facts that Snails is one of the most obviously harmless Ponies in town, and that Apple Bloom is a tough little filly who could probably beat him two falls out of three, there's nothing obviously corrupting about Apple Bloom knowing a filly-souled colt. Apple Bloom is a filly and perfectly, obviously happy with being one. And there are things around Ponyville far weirder, more confusing and even dangerous than Snails/Glittershell. Apple Bloom is even friends with some of them -- including Discord!

Applejack's main fear regarding Apple Bloom and colts involves something that Snails is entirely disinclined to do to fillies. And against which she hopes Apple Bloom's own strong will and common sense will principally protect her.

The version of Featherweight here, and his relationship to Bulk Biceps as son, comes from Featherweight Responds. Featherweight doesn't have a clue that Snails is a transgendered colt conceiving of himself as a filly named Glittershell; a concept which might have a horrible emotional resonance for him considering Featherweight's own Twisting (inspired by Alex Warlorn's series). Featherweight is despite what happened an extremely innocent Pony, who doesn't even grasp that a colt might be attracted to him sexually, and has a crush on Lace Secret's niece Twist.

For that matter Snails / Glittershell is also pretty darn innocent, and barely conceives of any sexual relationship beyond a lot of hugging and kissing at present. They're all just kids.