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Magic 18: プール

Trixie studied the row of carefully calligraphed inscriptions she had spent an entire evening tirelessly scrawling.

She had kept the mahoushoujo and Sunset Shimmer under constant surveillance since the disastrous encounter with Spike of the Emerald Flame Dragon Clan. She knew of the increasing power of the six girls, and knew that Sunset Shimmer had done the unthinkable in tampering with the oldest, most powerful, most dangerous magic known to Sun Island.

Getting paid was, Trixie knew, out of the question. Even if she carried out the mission she'd been hired for, she knew it was likely her reward would be a grisly death...

There were many things that annoyed Trixie. Few annoyed her more than being stiffed by a client and not completing a mission.

This entire ordeal with Sunset Shimmer and her enemies had been nothing but annoyance after annoyance.

"Trixie will not be denied a return on the time and energy she has invested in this futile pursuit," she said as she inked her brush once again. "Trixie will exact payment from Sunset Shimmer."

She placed brush to parchment, carefully inscribing another character.

"And Trixie will defeat Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Trixie's pride will not be satisfied otherwise..."

Magic 18: プール

Seven girls sat on the roof of Umadakara High School at lunch.

"Brittany-san, how do you like Umadakara?" Twilight asked pleasantly.

Brittany sat next to Fluttershy, her lunch uneaten. She made no sign of having heard Twilight.

"She's...still in shock," Fluttershy said sadly.

"I wouldn't doubt it," Rarity said. "I'm honestly surprised she bothered coming to school today."

"I didn't want her to be alone," Fluttershy said.

"Poor Brittany-chan," Pinkie said.

"Fluttershy?" Brittany said suddenly. "Will you like, help me dye my hair after school?"

"Of course," Fluttershy said, looking at Brittany's pure white hair. "We can dye it any color you want."

"So...what's the plan for Sunday?" Rainbow Dash asked. "We've got less than a week to get ready."

"Ah'm ready now," Applejack said. "Shoot, jes' lemme at 'er."

"It won't be that simple," Twilight said. "We may only have one shot at using the Elements of Harmony to weaken her enough to finish her off. If we fail..." She sighed. "But it's...gotten more complicated. I don't know what effect the Lunar Seal magic has had on her. All I do know is she'll be a lot stronger than she was the last time we fought her."

"We barely survived," Pinkie said worriedly.

"There weren't as many of us, though," Rainbow pointed out. "It...it balances out, right?"

"I hope so, Rainbow-san," Twilight said.

* * * * *

Fluttershy examined the end results of her dye job. "Are...are you sure about this? I mean...it looks...nice..."

Brittany examined herself in the mirror. Exactly half of her white hair had been dyed raven black. If Fluttershy looked at her from just the one side, she could have mistaken her for Whittany. "I thought, like...if I did this, I could...keep Whittany alive somehow, maybe? I feel like she's...like, with me. In my hair."

Fluttershy smiled gently and laid a hand on Brittany's shoulder. "That's sweet," she said.

* * * * *

The remaining Changelings met in an abandoned warehouse.

"Do you see the folly of challenging our enemies?" the old priest asked.

"Antleo and Lachesis were fools," Vespia said with a sneer.

"Antleo was a fool," the man in the hoodie said. "He should never have tried to avenge the princess on his own. Lachesis made a simple and unfortunate mistake."

"Moskiet speaks the truth, my children," a quiet voice rasped from the darkness.

The Changelings looked around wildly. "My Queen?" the priest asked.

Very faintly, a dim pair of green eyes faded into view. "This is all that has survived? No others?"

"We are all that remain, Your Majesty," Vespia said. "What is your command?"

"My command is to remain hidden and safe," Chrysalis said. "My connection to the human world has been weakened. Even finding my surviving children was a monumental endeavor."

"But how has this happened, my Queen?" the priest asked. "Is it...is it because of the Elements of Harmony?"

"No," Chrysalis said. "We were betrayed by Sunset Shimmer."

Vespia hissed. "That insolent little bitch! You need only say the word, My Queen, and I'll—"

"You will do as I command, and nothing further!" Chrysalis snapped. "Sunset Shimmer would destroy all of you without a second thought. She is far more dangerous than I could have possibly imagined. As much as I would love nothing more than to tear her throat out with my own jaws..." Chrysalis' eyes flashed furiously. "The safety and well-being of my children must come before all else."

"But...but My Queen!" Vespia insisted. "What of the Elements of Harmony?"

"We will avenge the murder of my beloved daughters in time," Chrysalis said. "We are surrounded on all sides by powerful enemies and weakened in strength and in numbers. I cannot send any of my children to the human world at the moment. Even if I found a way...Sunset Shimmer is a threat to my plans for this world, even moreso than the Elements of Harmony.

"No...for now, our only option is to watch and wait. Our enemies are destined to destroy each other...it will happen soon. In the meantime...a new Changeling Princess will soon be born.

"Stay safe, my children. Remain hidden. Do not reveal your true nature to the humans. I have lost too many children already. When the time is right...when the bridge between worlds can be opened again...we will invade."

* * * * *

Thursday evening, the six mahoushoujo stood on the observation deck of Kirin Tower, looking out over the city below. "Three more days," Twilight said.

"Are we really ready?" Fluttershy asked softly. "I...I'm scared..."

"We're ready," Rainbow said. "We gotta be. If...if we don't win...who knows what she'll do?"

"She'll destroy Sun Island, for starters," Twilight said. "And beyond that...who knows?"

"Then we gotta take 'er down afore any'a that happens," Applejack said.

A soft, menacing chuckle caught their attention. "You certainly are sure of yourself."

The girls turned to see a silvery, translucent image of Sunset Shimmer standing behind them, arms folded beneath her breasts. "I'm very much looking forward to our battle," she said.

"Then show yourself and we can end this right now!" Rainbow cried.

Sunset laughed. "Really...have you no sense of drama?" She smirked. "I've already arranged the time and place of our climactic showdown...you could at least do me the courtesy of being patient."

"Enough of this." Celestia faded into view; her image was as translucent as Sunset Shimmer's. "You do not know how dangerous the power you are playing with is, Sunset Shimmer."

"No, you don't, Celestia," Sunset Shimmer said. "Once I've annihilated your little soldier girls and destroyed the Elements of Harmony, I'm going to find the rest of the Seals. Oh, don't worry...I won't open all of them. I'm not stupid. Releasing the Nightbringer would be suicidally foolish. But with the power of four of the six Seals..." She smiled evilly. "I can easily bring about your destruction." She looked at the six mahoushoujo. "Three days from now. You'll know where to find me." She faded from view.

Celestia sagged. "Girls...you must stop her." She too disappeared.

The girls looked at one another glumly.

"Maybe...we should do some more training," Rainbow said. "You know...while we can."

Twilight tilted her head. "Actually...I have an idea," she said. "But you might not like it. And...we won't be able to do it until Sunday..."

* * * * *

On Sunday morning, Twilight Velvet had taken Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo to Pegasus Parade, Pony City's amusement park. Her job was to keep the girls safe and keep an eye out for any trouble that might brew during the course of the day. The mahoushoujo and Spike had gathered at Rarity's house; Twilight had told Spike they were going to have a strategy meeting.

As soon as they arrived, each of the girls clutching a small tote bag, Twilight turned to Spike. "Spike? There's something very important I need you to do for me."

"Sure, Neechan. Just name it."


Spike's eyes drifted closed; he slumped. Applejack caught him and dropped him on the sofa.

"Won't he be mad at you for that?" Fluttershy asked.

Twilight smiled. "I don't think he'll care," she said. "Let's get upstairs..." She flushed. "And get changed."

* * * * *

Mid-May in Neighpon was hardly swimming pool weather. Not that it was cold, it simply wasn't terribly warm either.

Not that it mattered at the moment.

Rarity's swimming pool was pristine and sparkling in the late morning sun. Spike, still asleep, had been moved to one of the lounge chairs at poolside. "Alright, I'm waking him up now," Twilight said. Her hand glowed, and Spike stirred.

"Huh...wha...?" Spike looked around...and his jaw dropped.

Twilight wore a plain, modest purple bikini that accentuated her humble curves without being too revealing.

Rainbow Dash wore a trim, sporty light blue one-piece swimsuit with a rainbow stripe across the chest. The tightness of the swimsuit did little to help enhance her underwhelming bustline, but the high cut of the hips and the way the suit emphasized certain other aspects of her physique made up the difference.

Pinkie Pie wore a strapless pink bikini with a frilly blue bow on the front of the skimpy bottom; her ample breasts rested firm and snug in the alarmingly low cups. In addition, she wore cute pink flip-flops.

Rarity wore a white sling swimsuit that, were she to wear it on a public beach, would certainly get her arrested for indecent exposure. Very little of her gorgeous, shapely body was covered by the skimpy white fabric. She also wore high-heeled white sandals.

Fluttershy wore a relatively modest yellow one-piece that, while not as revealing as some of the other girls' swimsuits, still showed off her body quite nicely.

Lastly, Applejack wore an orange bikini and a short, sheer sarong.

Spike's eyes bugged out. "Whoa," he said. "What...what's goin' on here?"

Twilight smiled. "We thought we'd have a little pool party to relax and unwind," she said. "Since tonight's...going to be one of the hardest, most dangerous nights of our lives...we all thought we could use a little fun before things get ugly."

"Do you like our swimsuits?" Pinkie asked, beaming.

Spike started to drool. "Like is an understatement..."

Rarity laughed daintily. "Well...you can look all you like, Spike-kun...but remember, no touching!" She held up a finger and winked.

"Who wants to play in the pool?" Rainbow asked, jumping into the water with a loud splash.

"Me! Me!" Pinkie cried, giggling as she kicked off her flip-flops and leapt into the pool, doing a somersault in midair.

"I do believe I'll simply rest by the pool," Rarity said, stretching out on the pool chair to Spike's right. "The less I move around in this, the less chance I'll wind up...ahem...completely naked."

"Why the heck did you even pick that thing, Rarity?" Rainbow asked. "I mean, that's not even a swimsuit, it's..."

"I know it's...quite revealing," Rarity said with a slight blush, "but...it does look ever so good on me. Don't you agree, Spike-kun?"

"Uh-huuuuh," Spike said.

Fluttershy, Twilight, and Applejack joined Rainbow and Pinkie in the pool. Spike alternated between watching them splash and play and ogling Rarity's overly-exposed body.

At one in the afternoon, the girls decided to order pizza; Pinkie and Rainbow Dash waited for the delivery driver out front. They all sat around the two picnic tables on the pool patio, eating pizza and talking about the upcoming battle. After lunch, Spike used his magic to summon his own swim trunks, and spent the next two hours chasing half the girls around the pool. They laughed as they swam away from him, teasing him by letting him get within arm's reach before kicking away and splashing him. At one point, he actually did manage to get a handful of Pinkie's butt; instead of being mad at him, she giggled and winked at him. With her hair wet and straight, the playful wink was more flirtatious and seductive; Spike felt all the blood in his body rushing to one particular part of his body, and decided to spend the next half hour swimming laps.

The day grew late, and the sun descended toward the horizon. The girls headed into the house to clean up and change, while Spike dealt with the mess.

Once everyone was dried off and fully dressed, they gathered at the front gate. "So...where exactly are we supposed to go to fight Sunset Shimmer?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"She said...we'd know," Twilight said.

A bright flash lit the sky. The group turned and stared as a massive fireball exploded over the heart of Pony City.

Many seconds later, a rumbling shockwave rushed over them, stirring their hair and clothes and setting off car alarms.

"What the hell?!"

Twilight's phone rang. She pulled it out, frowning at the low signal warning, and put it on speaker.

It was her mother.

//Twiley-chan...Kirin Tower just exploded.//