• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 4,800 Views, 264 Comments

Cadance: The Shining Armor Chaser - Captain-Brony

Cadance's and Shining Armor's love wasn't always a two way street. Read as Princess Cadance chases Shining Armor around in lovey dovey way.

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Day 1

Shining Armor was out on patrol, he and the other guards had a lot of preparations to make if they wanted everything ready for the Grand Galloping Gala. Buildings need to be inspected but that was only for the first week, best to get the mundane things out of way and check to see if everything was up to code.

He was currently crossing the bridge from one tower to the other when saw none other than Princess Cadance waiting for him. He was wondering when she was going to try something, he just wasn't expecting it to be the day after they made the bet. "Hello Shining Armor." she batted her eyelashes at him.

"Princess." he nodded at her.

There was a silent pause between them and Shining Armor didn't trust it one bit. "Is this where you're planning on trying your first 'attempt' against me?"

"Oh not at all." she feigned innocence. "I'm just here to have a polite conversation with you, that's all."

"Sure you are." his voice dripped with sarcasm. "Alright, fire away."

"Nice weather lately huh?"

"Yeah, the pegasus ponies have been giving us a lot of sunny weather lately. Not a cloud in the sky."

He smiled. Maybe Cadance did really just want to have a pleasant conversation; to show that they could still be adults despite the situation...

"Sooo, got any weekend plans?"

Or maybe not.

"As a matter of fact yes. I checked out one of my favorite books from back when I was in training. I'm going to sit down and enjoy it for all my worth."

"Well my weekend is wide open, maybe I can swing by and you can tell me all about it."

So that was her plan? Get some alone time and turn it in to a date, or more specifically when he was off duty. Taking an ordinary situation and turning it in to something she wanted it be, Shining Armor wasn't exactly sure how he was supposed to feel about that. She must have figured all she really needed to do was set up a time for it.

"Well Cadance, I see through your plan like cellophane. Unfortunately for you, I know exactly how to deal with it." Shining Armor thought to himself.

"I'm pretty sure the palace library has a copy of it, you can just go check yourself one out." he said with a smirk.

Cadance's eyes widened, he was on to her; but she wasn't ready to give up on her first plan just yet.

"It would also be nice to get out of the palace and hit a restaurant for a change, but all my gal pals are out of town."

"No they're not! They're right over there!" Shining Armor pointed past Cadance in to the castle behind her where two of her friends were waving at her, mouthing the words 'You got this stallion'.

Shining Armor wasn't sure what it was Cadance mouthed back to them but whatever it was must not have been pleasant because the other two mares ran off. Cadance turned back to Shining Armor offering him her best smile.

"They're leaving today."

"I'm sure. Anyways, I prefer to cook for myself."

Cadance brushed some hair out of her face. "Oh really? I'd love a private cooking lesson from Chef Shining Armor sometime."

"That won't be necessary. There are tons of cook books at the library."

Cadance gave him an angry pout for a moment but put it away and brought back her smile. "You bring up the library a lot, you know that?"

"Twilight has dragged me there on more than one occasion." he admitted.

Cadance giggled honestly. "That sounds like something she would do." Shining Armor laughed with her. "It really does."

She gave him a coy smile. "But you know, maybe libraries aren't so bad." she started to move closer to him much to his surprise. "Nice and quiet..." She had him walking backwards now as she attempted to get closer. "And cozy."

"Cozy?! I...what...you..." his mind scrambled to make sense of the situation, but with Cadance pressing forward continuously...he was grasping at straws.

Despite this Cadance giggled at his stuttering. "You're cute when you're flustered, ya know that?"

"I-I-I-I..." his ramblings was cut short when he felt himself bump in to something. He turned around to see one of his guard ponies, Shining Armor's blush almost instantly disappeared as he returned the salute given to him.

"Sir, all buildings are up to co...oh! Forgive me sir, I wasn't aware you were with the Princess."

"Yes he was!!" Cadance seethed at the guard.

"Not to worry private, me and the Princess have concluded our business."

Shining Armor bit back a laugh as Cadance's angry pout returned.

"Well Sir, I just wanted to report we have finished the inspection of the buildings, everything is up to code."

A light went on in Shining Armor head, this was perfect.

"What about the barracks? Did you remember to check those?"

"The barracks, sir?"

"Yes! Did you check the barracks, soldier?"

"Sir, the barracks aren't part of the Grand Galloping Gala."

Cadance narrowed her eyes at Shining Armor. "I see what you're doing!"

He pretended not to hear her. "So what?! The barracks is where we sleep, soldier! It's where we live!! We can't risk it not being up to code!"

"Well okay then sir, I'll just grab a couple of the other guards and..."

"No need for that, I'll go with you!"

"Well if you're sure, sir."

Shining Armor turned back to Cadance with a smirk all his own. "So sorry your 'Majesty', but I'm afraid I have to leave you now. Duty calls."

As he walked off with the guard, Cadance gritted her teeth in a very unladylike way. "You can't run forever, Shining Armor!! YOU CAN'T RUN FROM LOVE!!!"

"Sir, what is she talking about?"

"Oh don't mind her. She's just a little stressed from her royal duties."

"Sir, call me crazy...but I think she might like you."

"Are you looking for a demerit?"

Down in the barracks, everything seemed to be up to code...except for the beds, they were unacceptably messy for the royal guards. Normally Shining Armor would chew out the owner's of these beds but after his little run in with Cadance he felt it was easier to just fix them with the guard he brought in.

"Sir, I don't understand." The guard started as they placed the sheet on the bed. "You obviously like her back."

"And I'm not arguing that," Shining Armor said as he tucked the bed. "but we both have reputations to think of."

They moved on to the last bed and the guard started working with the sheets again. "But you do like her, right?"

Shining Armor once again tucked the sheets in. "Let's just say," he bounced a bit off the bed and caught it in mid air with a smile. "I have a thing for Pink Alicorns."

"Then why don't you just, I don't know, date her!"

"As I said before, we both have reputations to think of. The Captain of Guards can't be fraternizing with one of the higher ups who can sign his pay check."

Meanwhile, Cadance and her two friends were busy getting her ready for her next 'attack'. They were a green unicorn and a white pegasus.

"I can't believe you two were right behind me when I was flirting with Shining Armor!"

"Sorry Cadance, we just wanted to show you our support."

"By being right behind me where I couldn't see you?"

The green unicorn rubbed her neck in embarrassment. "Maybe we didn't think that part through."

"Oh never mind, I forgive you. But you girls have to help me pick out a dress next time."

"Don't forget the make up!" the green one chimed holding Cadance's beauty kit.

The white pegasus opened her closet and started to flip through the dresses. "I don't get it, why don't you just use your special love magic on him?"

It was true, Cadance's cutie mark was in love, her magic of using the feelings ponies already felt for one another and bringing them to the surface was truly unique.

Cadance applied some eye liner to herself. "Because then it'd be a hollow victory. Besides," she put on some lipstick. "I know he likes me back. I can see it in his eyes."

"You know what you should do." Her horned friend helped her apply some blush. "You should give him a flying tackle hug!"

"A what?"

"Oh it has just been the cutest trend! When there's somepony you're in love with you leap towards throwing your arms around them bringing bowling him over with the power of your love until you're both one big laughing love mess on the ground."

Cadance let this new information settle in to her brain, would a 'flying tackle hug' be an asset to her in this situation?

"....That does sound pretty cute!"

"And I found just the dress for it!" The white pegasus revealed a pink and blue miniskirt.

Cadance blushed. "The miniskirt?"

"Hey! I think we've established the standard flirtations aren't going to work here! It's time for the big guns!!"

Shining Armor and the guard from earlier walked in to the main hall. Everything seemed quiet...a little too quiet.

"Be on guard!" Shining Armor ordered. "We're not alone!"


"Somepony is watching us!" It was true, thanks to his royal guard training he 'feel' this mysterious pony watching them, waiting. He couldn't tell where though, this pony had hidden themselves well. The shadows were probably the best place for a pony to hide but they were a little cliche, an intruder now a days would try for something a little more original. This way their attack would be sure to remembered by all involved.

"If you're going to make a move..." Shining Armor announced. "Then I suggest you make it now while you have the chance!!"

The attacker came out of nowhere, the guard didn't have a chance to blink as it headed straight for Shining Armor. His poor Captain didn't even have the chance to put up his shield spell as the attacker collided with him in the air. The guard couldn't help but flinch at the sounds of flesh colliding with flesh, but when he opened his eyes the image before him would forever be burned in to his memory.

Shining Armor and Cadance laid in a painful heap on the floor.

"Owww!" moaned Shining Armor.

"Oww." Cadance echoed.

"Why would you do that?!" Shining Armor whined.

"I was told flying tackle hugs were romantic."

"WHO would find THAT romantic?! That was just painful!"

"I think I even hurt my wing a little bit."


Author's Note:

This chapter worked out better than I thought it would. I was so sure it wasn't going to hold up to the previous chapter, but overall I think I did a good job. However, in the end it is YOU the reader who is the judge of that. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I do apologize about Cadance's friends though, I had an OC block like you wouldn't believe so I just decided to try and wing it.