• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 21,612 Views, 111 Comments

The Little Pony Legend. - MaggiesHeartLove

Twilight Sparkle and her friends travel to a whole new world unlike anything they had ever seen and meet a surprising new friend....Avatar Korra!

  • ...

The Aftermath


1 Chronicles 16:24 ~

Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.


The Aftermath

The Arena was in ruins, surrounded by police officers all around. The glass dome was a wreck from the previous night. The Equalists did a number on the once proud standing arena, now practically crumbling at the seams. But, regardless of the depressing sight, one young Avatar was smiling as she and her pony friends came riding on Naga. Once they arrived, they all simultaneously leaped off of the saddle and walked pass the police tapes that surrounded the building and headed towards the attic where the boys lived. The ponies and Spike ran beside her, minus Pinkie Pie who as usual, was jumping.

"I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when we tell them they’re going to be staying with us at the island!" said the pink pony.

Spike agreed, "Yeah, it'll be great to finally have some boys around." the girls all narrowed their eyes at his words, making him lower his ears in fear. "N-Not that there's any problem. with you guys." he said nervously.

"Come on Spike, you're not the only guy at the island." Korra said, "What about Meelo? Or Tenzin?"

"Meelo's okay but he's kinda annoying sometimes and Tenzin's old. At least with Mako and Bolin I might get to experience a real "guys’ day out", ya know?"

Twilight rolled her eyes, "Whatever you say, Spike."


"I still can't believe they're shutting this place down." Mako said sadly as he packed away the last of his clothes into a box. After the Equalist attack from the previous night, the Arena was closing due to the repairs that needed to be made, which left the two brothers without a house and home…again.

Bolin sat on the floor packing his clothes as well and sighed sadly, "Yeah. We had some good memories here, didn't we?" compared to his older brother, the young earthbender had much fonder memories in the arena. It truly did become like home to him.

As Mako continued to pack his things, he once again spotted the flower Twilight had given him on the small vase. It only had one petal left, the others had already fallen and rested around the table. The young man reached out his hand for it, plucked the petal and placed it in his pocket. He didn't even know why he did it, but he did. He was surprised to hear footsteps and what sounded like galloping coming up the stairs. He saw Korra and her beloved pony friends running happily towards them. No matter how many times he saw it, it still amazed Mako how the creatures' sunny expositions and vivacious spirits flawlessly mirrored Korra's.

"Guys! Great news. You don't have to go back on the streets." Korra said excitedly, "I talked to Tenzin and made all the arrangements. You can live on Air Temple Island with us!"

Pinkie Pie jumped around Bolin happily as she spoke rapidly, "Isn't it exciting? We can stay up and eat chocolate cake until we throw up and then we can eat more cake and then throw up again and then we can all sit around and share funny stories!"

"Let me help you with that, darling." Rarity said as she levitated some boxes that Mako was carrying.

The firebender began to nervously scratched the back of his neck with his now free hand while looking downwards to the floor, unable to make eye contact with Korra at the moment, "Oh, well. We'd love too, but--"

"Asami already invited us to live in her dad's giant mansion!" Bolin said excitedly, interrupting his brother.

Korra's happy expression shifted to one of disappointment, Pinkie Pie stopped jumping and landed on the floor while Rarity, with her eyes wide in shock, dropped the box she was levitating…on Spike's tail….the dragon screamed.


Korra felt devastated. Here she was, happily offering them a roof over their heads so they wouldn't have to suffer like they did in the past, and then they dropped a bomb on her that someone else had beat her to it. While it was a relief they wouldn't go hungry and be out in the cold, but she still couldn't help but feel disappointed. It was hard enough they declined the offer, but they would be living with the very girl she was feeling envy towards. It was like getting hit in the face with a mallet.

Bolin wrapped his arm round his brother, grinning broadly while waving his hand, "From here on out, it's gonna be the lap of luxury for us."

Twilight's jaw was practically on the floor, sharing her human friend's reaction to the news. "You can't be serious."

"Hey, Korra."

And speak of the hydra….The heiress with the flawless complexion greeted the guests cheerfully. Korra and the ponies all shared the exact same shocked/annoyed reactions the minute they heard her voice. Luckily, they had their backs turned so Asami did not see this.

Twilight lowered her ears in disappointment, "I stand corrected."

"I was hoping you'd stop by."

Rainbow grunted and flared her nostrils at Asami, but Korra gave her the stink eye, signaling her to stop. The blue Pegasus sat on the floor and crossed her hooves. Korra forced a polite smile as she addressed Asami. Asami smiled at the Pegasus pony as she leaned forwards and placed her hands on her knees, "Hey, Rainbow Dash. Good to see you again." Rainbow didn't speak, instead she just scoffed and flicked her tail at Asami.

"I'm sorry, I guess she's still getting use to seeing you." Korra said, trying to hide the truth with a false polite smile.

"She's a feisty one, isn't she?"

Korra rolled her eyes, "You have no idea. Anyway, we were just leaving." she gave the boys a short wave, "So I guess we'll see you guys around…sometime." she said grimly as she and the ponies made their way out.

"What about tomorrow? I'd love for you to come visit the estate." Asami said kindly. She had already spent so much time with Mako and Bolin, she wanted to get to know the Avatar. She only had the chance to have small talk with her before, but she wanted to have a real friendship with her. She was her one of her boyfriend's best friends after all, why wouldn't she try to be her friend as well?

Sadly, Korra was still unsure about this woman. The feeling was shared with several of the ponies. Especially a certain blue pegasus, who just flew up and was now face to face with the heiress, narrowing her eyes at her. "Sorry, Asami but Korra has some very important Avatar stuff she's got to do."

"Rainbow Dash, where are your manners?" Rarity said seriously.

Pinkie Pie began talking really fast, "Yeah, and I didn't know Korra had stuff to do she usually tells us and I'm more than sure that she did not tell us she had stuff to do."

Asami arched an eyebrow at Pinkie's super fast talking, "Does she do that a lot?", she asked Korra while pointing at the pink pony.

"You get used to it. I appreciate the offer but, Rainbow's right I actually do have some stuff to do."

Pinkie Pie sat down on the floor all disappointed, "Aw come on! After all of this crazy stuff, we could use some fun!" she then reverted back to her happy self as she jumped in front of Asami, "Maybe she has a pool, do you have a pool Asami? Do ya? Do ya?"

Asami laughed at her silliness, "Yes, I do."

"A pool does sound nice." said Spike, but Korra was still reluctant to the idea.


Bolin held Pabu and began talking in a high pitched voice while waving Pabu in front of his face, "Come on, Korra. We all deserve a little rest and relaxation after all this craziness. We could swim in Asami's pool. It'll be fun!"

Korra couldn't help but laugh at her friend's silliness. But before she could answer, Twilight taped on her leg, "Korra, can I talk to you for a moment please? Excuse us, Asami."

Asami stood there with the ponies in a brief awkward silence. Rarity spoke first, "So…what kind of shampoo do you use?"

Meanwhile, Twilight spoke with Korra in the corner of the room, "Look, I know you have mixed feelings about Asami but maybe we should at least try to get along with her. She really doesn't seem all that bad." she said with a kind smile.

Korra bit her bottom lip. She knew her friend was right, Asami didn't really seem much like a snob, yet that didn't mean she wasn't. Looks can be deceiving. But still, maybe Korra should at least try to be nicer to Asami. She was generous enough to help the Fire Ferrets, for which she was grateful for, and Mako and Bolin sure seemed to like her…much to her dismay.

"I guess. But, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure we would get along. I mean, we seem so different."

"Well, you and I aren't exactly Siamese twins either." Twilight said somewhat jokingly, earning a chuckle from Korra. "Just try?"

Korra decided to follow the pony's advice and be nicer to the Sato heiress. The two girls both walked back and Korra smiled politely, "Alright, we'll see you tomorrow." she said a bit more cheerfully.

"What?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in shock.

"Great!" the heiress smiled happily while clapping her hands and took one step towards Korra and the others, but immediately took a step back when Rainbow Dash came in between the two, angrily flaring her nostrils and taking on a defensive stance. Asami might have fooled everyone else with her "sweet rich girl" act, but she was not fooling Rainbow Dash. What did they really know about this girl, anyway? What if she just got her rich daddy to sponsor the team just to get closer to Mako? What did they really know about her anyway?

"Rainbow Dash! Stop it!" Korra ordered in an authoritative tone, causing Rainbow Dash to stop her growling. She looked up at Korra, and once gazing into her disappointed eyes the pony stepped down. "What is the matter with you?!" Korra snapped. She knew Rainbow Dash didn't like Asami for various reasons, and admittedly Korra wasn't that big of a fan either, but seeing Rainbow behave this way made her have a revelation.

Mako glared angrily at the pony, "What's her problem?", he asked, making Rainbow Dash narrow her eyes. Seeing the angry look on Korra's face, Rainbow hung her head in shame.

Korra sighed and turned to Asami, "I guess this means we're not invited anymore, are we?"

"No you're still welcome to come and they are two. But, her…."

Rainbow sneered again at the heiress but still maintained her composure. "I'll take care of it, I promise." Korra said as she eyed at the pegasus.

Mako crossed his arms, "Maybe you should get her a mussel or something."

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes as she and the girls made their way out beside Korra. Applejack left last and glared at Mako, "If you could understand me I'd tell you to shut your pie hole before you say somethin' you'll really regret." with that she walked out along with the rest.

Mako scratched the back of his head in confusion, "What did she say?"

Bolin and Asami both just whistled and ignored the question.


Outside of the arena, Rainbow Dash tried to get Korra to talk to her…but the Avatar was silent. "Korra? Look, I'm sorry, okay. Are you really that mad?"

"I'm not mad. Just…"


"No. Well…maybe a tiny bit." she emphasized by by placing her thumb and index finger a few inches apart. Rainbow lowered her head in shame.

"I'm really sorry."

Korra sighed, she knew her friend was only trying to help, "I'm sorry too. Sorry I snapped at you back there. The truth is, I really do appreciate you being concerned about my love life. If I should even call it that. But, as I recall, I told you not to interfere anymore."

"I wasn't interfering! And I wasn't going to hurt her, I was just trying to make a point!" the pegasus pony sighed, dragging her hoof on the ground. "I was only trying to protect you."

Korra kneeled down to Rainbow's level. "I know you're just looking out for me and I love you for that. But my mixed feelings towards

Asami and the fact that she's dating the guy I like shouldn't be an excuse for you to act that way. Now that I think about It, I wasn't always on my best behavior either. I never realized that until I saw the way you acted."

"We don't really know that much about her."

"You're right, we don't." said Twilight Sparkle, "Which is why we're going to get to know her better. Maybe there's more to her than we give her credit for."

"But, what about Mako?" Rainbow asked the Avatar, "You still like him, don't you?"

"Of course I do," Korra replied, "but he is allowed to choose whoever he wants. Look, I'm not entirely sure where we stand at this point and I'm still kind of trying to figure it out, but even though it still hurts to see him with someone else, I want him to be happy. After that stupid misunderstanding between the Fire Ferrets, I realized his friendship matters more to me than some crazy love triangle. You guys showed me that friends matter more than some silly competition."

Rainbow Dash now felt even worse about how she acted towards Asami. It surprised her that her best friend, who practically had almost the exact same personality as she, was telling her her behavior was wrong. "I understand."

Korra smiled at the Pegasus, "But I really do appreciate your loyalty. It's just one of the many things that make you so great."

Pinkie Pie taped her bottom lip with her hoof as she began to think, "You know who you sound like? Let's see, who do you sound like, he's tall, pointy beard, bald"

"Tenzin?" said AppleJack.

"No, no that's not it."

Korra laughed at Pinkie's silliness.

"You're right." said Rainbow Dash, "I'm sorry Korra. I promise, I'll at least try to be nicer to Asami. And, for what it's worth, despite what's happening, I still believe you and Mako are meant for each other."

Pinkie Pie gleamed, "I got it!…No, I lost it"

Korra petted Rainbow on the head, "Thanks Rainbow. And hey, if you don't want to go to Asami's place, I won't blame you."

"Actually, I think I should. I want to apologize to her in person. Can I?"

"Of course, but promise me you won't go off and attack somebody like that. Unless it was absolutely necessary. Okay?"

Rainbow winked, "You got it A.K"

"TENZIN!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

"Finally got it?" Korra asked.

"No ,look it's Tenzin. Hey Tenzin!"

Indeed it was the Air nomad, who was approaching the girls, "I knew I'd find you here."

"What's up?" Korra asked.

"Earlier this morning, Lin and her officers discovered something quite shocking in Cabbage Corp factory. It appears they have been conspiring with the equalists. They found those electric gloves from the night the arena was attacked." This news was very surprising for the girls and dragon. "Right now I'm meeting up with Lin to ask Hiroshi Sato some questions at police headquarters. I believe you girls should come with me."

"Wait, are you serious?" Korra asked in surprise.

"Yes. I think the information he gives us could be very valuable to--"

"Well, yes I get that but, you said you girls. As in, you're including them as well?" she smiled as she pointed her thumb to the ponies behind her, who were all equally happy to hear what Tenzin was saying.

The air nomad smiled, "Yes. I may not entirely understand much of what is happening with you, with the Elements of Harmony, and their magic business, but I am certain of one thing; No matter where you go, no matter what you face…these girls will always be right behind you." Korra smiled happily at his words, "You are two halves of the same heart. Or in this case; seven halves of the same heart."


To Tenzin's surprise, they all embraced him in a group hug. The air nomad was a bit unsure about this, but he figured he should enjoy it. Hugs are always good, as Pinkie Pie says.


At police headquarters, the girls waited patiently while Tenzin and Lin spoke with Hiroshi Sato about the events at the arena. They were all shaken from their private thoughts when they heard a familiar voice beside them.

"Hey, Korra"

The girls and Spike noticed a person sitting on a bench just a couple of feet away. The person had a very familiar dark hair which was now covering half of his face. Korra could not believe who it was.


The former pro-bender looked awful. His once stylish hair was now stingy and flat, his skin was paler than usual, and there were bags under his eyes. His once confident and arrogant grin was replaced by a look of complete and utter depression.

"He doesn't look so good.", Fluttershy said sympathetically.

"I actually feel sorry for him" Spike said.

Korra had to agree. She had never seen Tahno like this. Losing one's bending must have truly been a devastating experience for him. Even after the way he had treated her, Korra couldn't just leave him alone. Out of sympathy and compassion, she took a seat next to him on the bench. "Listen, I know we're not exactly best friends, but I'm sorry Amon took your bending."

"I've been to the best healers in the city. Whatever Amon did to me is permanent."

Korra lowered her head in sadness. Suddenly, she felt guilty; she still had her bending while he had lost his. He was living her greatest fear and despite how cruel he was to her before, she still felt sorry for him. She wished she could do something…and then it struck her. "I may not be able to give back your bending, but maybe this can help with your funk."

She nodded at Pinkie Pie who immediately got the idea. Tahno arched his eyebrow in curiosity, until he saw the happy pony stand in front of him blowing up a balloon. "Alright, everybody, get ready for Pinkie Pie's Make-A-Grumpy-Person-Happy-Again Show!" She inhaled deeply and inflated the balloon into a large ball almost as big as her, if not a big bigger. Once the balloon was inflated, she began riding it like a horse, with reins and all.

The former waterbender let out a slight chuckle at the pony's antics. Pinkie then took out a strawberry cake out of nowhere and tossed it in the air, but instead of it landing on her, it landed on Applejack, who was now standing exactly where Pinkie Pie was standing, who was now gone. The orange pony had an 'how did I get here?' expression on her face as frosting dripped from her mane. Korra couldn't contain her laughter, even if she tried covering her mouth.

Then Pinkie Pie appeared from behind Tahno and placed a party hat on his head. He and Korra then bursted out laughing together. Tahno had never laughed like that in so long, "Oh, man! That was weird and funny….thank you."

Korra smiled, "Don't mention it." she said. Tahno's face suddenly became serious as he spoke to her once more.

"Korra…you gotta get Amon for me." he said. Korra nodded her head as a sign of promise. A promise she would be sure to keep.

"Guess he's not as big a jerk as we thought." Twilight said with a smile.

It was then when Tahno's eyes widened in shock, "Wait! They can talk?!"

Korra and the ponies all looked at him, surprised. "You have got to be kidding me!" Rainbow said in disbelief, "Another one?!

Tahno could not believe it: the ponies could actually talk, "Can they always do that?" he asked.

Korra was speechless for a moment, but once she looked at the ponies and then back at Tahno, somehow, the answer just came to her like a flash of lighting. The Avatar smiled at her new friend, "Yes. But they can only be heard by those who are willing to truly open their hearts….just like you did Tahno."

Tahno smiled kindly at the ponies who smiled return. Pinkie Pie gave the man a warm hug from behind. For the first time in his life he felt…truly happy. Just then, Tenzin and Lin both came out speaking with Hiroshi Sato, "Mr. Sato, if you remember anything else about what you saw during Amon's attack, be sure to let us know" said Lin.

"I'm happy to help any in way I can. I want these equalists to pay for what they have done."

He nodded to Korra as a greeting and she nodded back. But as Hiroshi walked away, Twilight noticed that the man maintained his gaze on her for a few more seconds before he walked out. This made the pony look at him very suspiciously.

Tenzin looked over at Tahno, "We're ready for you now" Tahno got up from the bench and saluted to Korra.

"See you around…Uh-vetar" he said with a smile. Instead of being annoyed, Korra chuckled.

"See you around, chump." she saluted with a wink of her own. They may have gotten to a rough start, but now it seemed like she had made a new friend. Right after he left, Korra's chest began to glow bright once again. When the light diminished a necklace of a pink gem shaped like a butterfly with a gold ring now hung elegantly around her neck.

Fluttershy eyes widened, "My Element!"

Korra realized that by showing kindness to Tahno, she had gained the very Element of Kindness. The Avatar removed the necklace and placed it around Fluttershy's neck. It glowed bright before dissolving into her skin. Rainbow Dash then gasped excitedly, "Hey, maybe this means you'll get yourself and element too! Just like me, Twilight and A.J."

Fluttershy blushed at the idea, "M-Me? Oh, I don't know. I wouldn't even know which one would I get, let alone if I'll even get one at all."

Twilight has been mentally processing all that had just happened. She shook her head to clear her thoughts, "Okay, let's recap for a second. We already know that Korra has the ability to summon the Elements of Harmony, in response to any act she does that reflects them. She gained Loyalty when she demonstrated it to Bolin and Mako after saving them from Amon. She gained Honesty when she confessed her fears to herself. And Kindness just now, obviously for helping Tahno after he lost his bending. And Rainbow Dash and Applejack were suddenly able to bend earth and fire after they got their elements back. So far, the ponies who now have their Elements of Harmony also managed to gain a bending element. Minus me who got it first."

"Maybe it has something to do with you being an alicorn." Spike said.

"Maybe. And the reason why not everyone can hear us is because of what Korra said: only those willing to truly open up their hearts can understand us. It makes perfect sense! Based on everyone we've met, only those who apparently have some internal or emotional restrain was unable to hear us."

"So, maybe me returning your Elements of Harmony might be the key to sending you back home." Korra stated.

"It could be!" The ponies all smiled excitedly at the possibility of them returning to their friends and family. But then, they realized...

"What about this place?" Fluttershy asked, "What about Korra? And Mako and Bolin? And Tenzin and his family? Will we ever see them again once we leave?"

The ponies happiness quickly faded, and Korra looked down at her reflection on the perfectly clean floor. Would she ever see the girls again? Suddenly, the very idea of not having them in her life was just too awful to even think about. And so, she took in a deep breath and put on a brave face for them.

"Well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Besides, we've got other problems to worry about."

"Yeah, one big masked problem." said Applejack.


The next day, the girls and Spike all arrived at Asami's house. As they stood before it they all couldn't believe how large the place was. The Sato estate was set up in various levels. The lowest level appeared to have an archway and a small tower, the second one had another archway which sported a clock, and the third and final level was where the mansion itself proudly stood. All three levels boasted a solid chrome color.


"Nice digs." Spike said.

Rarity's eyes sparkled, "It's as big as Canterlot's royal palace!"

The two large front doors opened and a butler walked out to greet them, "Miss Avatar Korra, right this way please."

They all followed him inside and their eyes grew wider. The interior of the place was even more breathtaking and elegant with shimmering white walls, stunning family portraits and a lovely staircase.

"Cheese, louise! Ya'll can fit an entire barn in this place" said Applejack as they all walked deeper into the gorgeous mansion.

"The decor is simply marvelous!" Rarity commented, "You must be feeling like a real princess right about now, Korra"

Korra couldn't help but laugh at the silly idea, "Yeah, right. Me a princess? Next thing you'll be telling me a giant pink elephant will fall right out of the sky and start eating ice cream with a giant shovel."

Pinkie Pie gasped!, "You have that dream too?!"


The friends followed the butler to an area of the house with a beautiful skylight and a large pool in the very center. They spotted Bolin standing on a large statue of what appeared to be a lion, with a waterfall coming out of it's mouth.

"Earthbending bomb!"

Bolin jumped and dove right into the pool, doing a belly flop, splashing Mako and Asami in the process. The heiress sat on the side of the pool while Mako stood in the water right next to her. Pinkie Pie jumped excitedly when she saw them, "Look they do have a pool!"

"Avatar Korra and the Ponies, have arrived" said the butler in a dignified voice.

"Hey Korra" Mako waved.

"Glad you made it!" said Asami.

Bolin rose from the water with his hands out, "Welcome to paradise!" he placed his hands behind his head and floated on his back with Pabu on his belly.

Pinkie Pie was already wearing some goggles, flippers and floaties, "Let's rock this pool ponies! Cannon ball!" she shouted as she jumped into the water, splashing the others. She rose from the water with her hair all flat and wet, she shook her head and it instantly became puffy and curly again, "Nice place you got here, Asami"

Asami giggled, "Thank you, Pinkie Pie", she then frowned with worry when she saw a familiar blue pony with wings, rainbow mane and tail, hovering beside the avatar, "I see you brought Rainbow Dash." she said with a somewhat worried tone.

"Don't worry, she promised she would be on her best behavior." Korra said before looking sternly at the pony, "Right RD?"

Rainbow nodded bashfully, "Right." When she didn't say anything else, Korra placed her knuckles near her mouth and cleared her throat.


"Oh, right! I'm really sorry for my behavior yesterday, Asami. It was totally uncalled for." the pegasus said sincerely with her hooves behind her back. Asami could tell that the pony was being sincere, and so she no longer felt worried. The heiress smiled graciously.

Korra sat on a bench by the pool as Mako and Asami swam in the water, "Well, looks like you guys settled right in." she said with slight sarcasm.

"Pretty much. Except, someone forgot to ask her father if we could stay here." Mako said jokingly mocking his girlfriend who caught up with him in the water.

"Yeah but I smoothed it over with him. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission."

Korra rolled her eyes as did the other ponies. Bolin came out of the water, "This is the greatest place in the world, watch this, watch this: fetch me my towel, good sir" he said in a formal voice to the butler.

"Yes, Master Bolin" said the butler, making Bolin laugh, "Master Bolin! Ha! I love this guy! Now pat me dry" Bolin stretched out his arms and the butler dried the young man off with the towel while the other ponies gave him 'really" expressions. "Don't forget Master Pabu"

"Wouldn't dream of it sir." the butler placed the towel over Pabu, who was still sitting on Bolin's head, and rubbed him dry. Making his fur very bushy in the process. As he turned around, Bolin jumped back into the water, annoying the butler. Pinkie Pie jumped out of the water and shook herself dry as Asami swam up to the girls.

"So, what do you have planned for us today?" Korra asked, not at all excited about what Asami would come up with. "Let me guess, shopping? Makeovers?"

The two brothers wrestled each other in the water, Bolin pushed Mako into the water before raising his hand excitedly, "Ooh, Ooh! I vote makeovers!" he said just as excitedly before his brother returned the favor and pushed his younger brother into the water.

"Korra, you didn't have a problem shopping with me last time" said Rarity.

"Yeah, because you don't just shop for cloths and fabric, you shop to create art."

Rarity was touched by her friend's sweet words, "Awwwww!"

"Actually, I have something a little more exciting in mind?" said Asami as she stood from the water.

"More exciting than creating cutting edge one of a kind fashions?" Rarity asked smugly.

"Maybe" Asami said with a smile.

"More exciting than pro-bending?" Spike asked, also smugly.


Pinkie Pie then started jumping around her and talking really, really fast. "More exciting than traveling to a Crystal Kingdom that was once cursed by an evil king and saving all of the crystal ponies from that evil king who came back in the form of a shadow and has the power to create dark scary crystals that can destroy an entire Crystal Empire?! (INHALE!) Is it?!"

Asami blinked, "…..uhhhhhhhh. Why don't I just show you?"


Korra couldn't stop smiling; she and the others were all watching two satomobiles race one another right before their eyes. Asami took them to the outdoor race track; the ponies and Spike marveled at the fast machines. The test course was split into multiple sections, but the portion used to test Satomobiles took up the majority of the course. A back, winding roadway, the circuit was wide and bordered by two red-and-white dividers on either side. It went around in a loop and was faced by a multi-tiered grandstand where the treats drivers were viewed and examined. The stands where the friends were sitting had a blue roof as well as seven white pillars that jut done from it at the grandstands facade. Surrounding the track were several building where automobiles were stored.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Asami asked, noticing Korra's happy expression.

"Way cooler than a makeover" said the Avatar in amazement.

"As much as I love makeovers, and you know I do, even I have to admit, this is quite remarkable" said Rarity as she watched the vehicles race.

Rainbow Dash shrugged, pretending to be unimpressed. "Eh, I guess it's okay" Korra rolled her eyes while smiling. Classic Rainbow Dash.

"This is exciting!" Pinkie Pie said, "Not as exciting about the crystal empire and about the evil king and---" Applejack covered her mouth before she could say anything else.

"We get it, Pinkie."

"This is where Future Industries test drive their satomobiles" Asami explained as the cars speeded in front of them. Twilight marveled at the machines, "The craftsmanship is amazing. It's unlike anything we have in Equestria."

"Look how fast they go!" Spike exclaimed excitedly as he pointed at the vehicles. But Rainbow Dash simply scoffed, "Ha! I bet I could totally beat those things!"

Asami looked at her with sneaky grin, "Oh? Is that a challenge?"

"You know it." Rainbow flew from her seat on the bleachers and hovered in front of the heiress smiling confidently, "What do you say, rich girl? You and me on the race track. Come on, let's go!"

"Rainbow Dash, that wouldn't be fair." Korra said, "Of course you'll win. You've got wing power."

"True" the pony said while smiling arrogantly. But Asami was not someone to turn down a challenge so easily.

"That's okay. You're on, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow did an air flip in front of them and pounded her hoof into the air, "Sweet!"

"Ever been behind a wheel?" Asami asked the avatar.

"The only thing I know how to drive is a polar bear dog"

"Want me to take you for a spin?"

Korra couldn't help but grin excitedly, "Let's do it!"


Korra placed on her goggles, Asami sat on the driver's seat while Korra sat in the back. Rainbow Dash was flying beside them, "So, you two against me?"

"Technically, her since she's the one driving." Korra said as she pointed towards Asami, "I'm just coming along for the ride."

"Whatever. I hope you're hungry Asami" said Rainbow Dash, making the heiress flash a cocky grin.

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Because you're about to eat my dust!"

Korra learned forward to the female racer, "She's not kidding, keep your mouth closed at all times."

Pinkie Pie cheered from the bleachers while jumping into place, surprising her friends beside her as they slightly backed away from the crazy pink ball of hyper, "Go Rainbow Dash! No wait, Go Asami! No wait, Go Korra!"

Asami started the car as the referee waved the flag as a signal to start. The man was practically blown away as both the pony and car speeded past him.

The Race began.

Both girls speeded ahead at the same time, leaving behind a trail of burned rubber and a rainbow trail. Rainbow had to admit, Asami's car was fast. But she was even faster. The pegasus smiled and winked at the two girls as she flew past them. "HA! That the best your pretty little machine can do? Not very impressive!"

While Korra was certain Rainbow Dash would beat them, Asami smiled confidently as she hit the gas pedal. The pony was smiling with satisfaction, she knew that there was no way Asami would catch up with her…but she was wrong. Rainbow Dash's eyes widened in shock when she saw that the she and the car were now neck and neck. Their friends cheered from the bleachers. The heiress smiled as confidently as the pegasus did when she challenged her.

"You were saying, Rainbow Dash?" Asami's car speeded up ahead, leaving Rainbow behind. The pegasus narrowed her eyes, there was no way that she was not going to be beaten by some human's fancy machine. She flapped her wings even harder and flew right in front of the car, speeding ahead. But Asami, though her car did manage to hit the sidewalls for a moment, managed to bypass Rainbow Dash once again by driving to her left. The two were once again neck in neck. The Pony smirked and flew as fast as her wings could take her. Both Rainbow Dash and Asami shared the same fierce expressions as both the car and pony reached the finish line…


Pinkie Pie took a picture with a camera, which nobody knows where she got it from, and looked at the picture that came out as the image developed. "Aaannnnnnndddddd. Rainbow Dash wins by a nose!"

Rainbow Dash landed and breathed heavily with sweat streaming down her face as Korra and Asami drove by. "That was amazing!" Korra said in amazement as she jumped off of the car. She was still giddy from the thrilling experience.

"Yeah…told ya I'd win." Rainbow wiped the sweat from her forehead, "But I gotta admit, you sure gave me a run for my money. That was some pretty fast thinking out there Asami, and trust me, I know fast when I see it."

"Well, you can't be afraid to mix it up sometimes." said the heiress as she removed her helmet and fixed her hair.

"I hear that. But, in the end, I still won."

"Honestly, I never doubted that. You've got some very impressive skills there Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow smiled at the compliment, "Thanks."

Korra smiled a the heiress as she removed her helmet. "I gotta admit, I had you pegged wrong. I thought you were kind of prissy." she quickly caught what she said, "No offense!"

Asami simply chuckled, "It's alright. People usually assume I'm daddy's helpless little girl but I can handle myself. I mean, I've been in self defense classes since I was this high." she indicated her height with her right hand by holding it near her waist, "My dad made sure I would always be able to protect myself."

"Smart guy"

Rainbow Dash had to admit, Asami was not at all what she thought she was. Even Korra was willing to admit it. The pegasus scratched the back of her head and blushed.

"Something wrong, Rainbow?" Asami asked. The pegasus looked at her with her ears lowered in shame.

"Asami, I know I wasn't exactly the nicest pony to you. I shouldn't have judged you before I really got to know you and the truth is…you're pretty awesome. I'm really, really sorry."

"Yeah me too" Korra said with her hands behind her back in a bashful manner. Asami was deeply touched by their honesty.

"Well, I already forgave you but, thanks anyway."

Korra slightly chuckled, "You'd think I'd know better than to judge someone based on how they look. I mean I'm friends with you ponies."

Rainbow Dash ruffled Korra's hair with her hoof, making the avatar laugh. Asami smiled at their antics, they sure seemed to have such a close friendship. She wished she had friends like Korra did. Sure she had her boyfriend Mako, but that was different. Even though their relationship was stable and perfect, as many would put, she still wished for true actual friends. She began to wonder if she had finally found them at last.


"Emergency! Emergency, coming through. Beep, beep!" Bolin shouted as he quickly made his way to the restroom. His bladder was about to explode.

"Uh, is there another bathroom I could use?" Korra asked Asami.

"We have a ladies powder room upstairs. First door on your right, you can freshen up in there"

"Thanks. Come on, Twi"

Mako arched an eyebrow, "She's coming with you?"

"Hey, when a pony's gotta go she's gotta go." said the alicorn who then started to gallop in place, "And, now I REALLY need to go!" She quickly flew up to the bathroom creating a small gust of wind.

"Wait up!" Korra said as she followed the alicorn.

After Twilight was done, Korra washed and dried her hands in the bathroom, when she noticed a powder sponge near the sink. She picked it up and looked at the object intensively. She wondered what woman found so appealing about this stuff. Then again, maybe there was more to it than she thought. So to find out, she smashed it onto her face...only to get covered in a huge cloud of white powder.

She walked out of the bathroom coughing and dusting her face. Twilight, who was waiting for her in front of the door, giggled at the sight, "Rarity's right, stick with the natural look, honey."

Korra looked at her annoyed while placing her hands on her hips, "What? Is it a crime to experiment now and again?"

"Did you hear what you just said?"

Realizing the truth, Korra face palmed herself in embarrassment, "I've been spending way too much time with that unicorn." Just as they were about to leave, the two girls stopped on their tracks when they heard a voice down the hallway.

"No, I assure you, everything is going exactly as planned."

Korra and Twilight knew the voice sounded familiar. They girls look at each other, thinking the exact same thing. This sounded very suspicious. They both looked around and, ever so quietly, snuck their way towards the closed doors of a room down the corridor where the voice was coming from. Korra placed her eye on the keyhole while Twilight twitched her ear to listen better. It was Hiroshi Sato talking on the phone.

"Luckily the cabbage corp investigation has bought us enough time." Korra and Twilight's eye grew wide with shock as they listened to the man, "Trust me, by the end of the weak….we'll be ready to strike." He hung up the phone and Korra and Twilight quickly backed away from the door.

Both very concerned about what they had just heard.


Bolin and Pinkie were getting sprayed with perfume by the butler when Korra and Twilight quickly ran down the stairs and made their way towards the exit.

"We gotta go!" they both said in unison as they ran past their friends.

"You're leaving?” Asami asked, rather surprised by this. "But we only--" she was interrupted by Korra, who stammered when she spoke.

"Uh, sorry! I forgot, I have to air sit--I mean baby bend--I--I mean, baby-sit the airbender kids."

Twilight tried to play along but she was just as anxious as the avatar was, "Yeah, and we promised to hear--I mean stop the--I--I mean help her out with that."

Fluttershy looked at them confused, she would have remembered if they were going to babysit, "But you didn't say we---"

"We really need to go, now!" Twilight interrupted.

"But we haven't even swam in the pool yet!" Spike whined. Twilight impatiently used her magic to levitate all seven of them.

"This was fun we should really do this again sometime, bye!" Korra and Twilight quickly ran out while the others were being levitated behind them, leaving Bolin, Mako and Asami with very confused expressions.


The girls, while riding on Naga, all made a stop at Narooks. "Care to explain why you two ran out like a pair of freaked out chickens back there." said Applejack as she jumped from the saddle along with the rest.

"Yes, that wasn't very polite of you girls." Rarity said, more so with concern.

"We're sorry Rarity but we had to." Korra said.

"We just discovered something nasty" Twilight added.

"Nasty how?" Fluttershy asked.

Korra sighed before speaking, "Twilight and I overheard Hiroshi on the phone."

"We think me might be involved with the Equalist" Twilight added.

Pinkie Pie gasped, "What?!"

"What proof do you have?" Rarity asked with worry.

Korra fiddled a bit with her hair, "Well we don't have any but I know what we heard”

"He also said something about "The cabbage corp investigation buying them more time" Twilight said while making air quotes with her hooves.

"You think he was the one who framed the cabbage corp with that Equalist tech?" asked Rainbow Dash

"That's one theory" said Twily.

Rarity scratched her head in disbelief, "I'm having trouble processing this. Hiroshi seemed like such a nice gentleman."

"I know, I wish could still believe that too," Korra said sadly, before her expression turned serious, "but I've got a gut feeling we can't trust him anymore"

Twilight nodded, "I agree. He's definitely hiding something"

"Well we've got to tell Tenzin about this" Applejack mentioned.

"Or Chief Bei-Fong" said Spike.

Fluttershy then gasped as a realization came to her, "Do you think Asami is in on it?"

Rainbow quickly narrowed her eyes and crossed her front hooves, "If she is, I just want to point out I never liked her!"

"Me neither!' Rarity said with her nose high, "She wears far too much red lipstick"

"I don't think Asami knows about this" Korra said.

Twilight agreed, “Yeah, we can't accuse Asami for something her father is doing.”

Rainbow Dash sighed in relief, "Oh, good because I was actually kind of starting to like her"

Rarity lowered her nose, "Me too"

"Me three" Pinkie Pie said while appearing to lower upside-down from above.

Korra quickly got a determined look on her face, "Either way, Applejack is right. We've got to tell Tenzin about this."


They later that night in the city, the gang of friends spoke with Tenzin and Lin. "So you think Mr. Sato manufactured those gloves for the Equalists then framed Cabbage Corp?" the air nomad asked. Even he was rather skeptical about this theory.

"That's a bold accusation," Lin said, "but what proof do you have?"

"Well, we don't exactly have proof, but I know what Twilight and I heard." Korra said surely, "Sato's up to something."

Lin pondered this information, "He does have the means. And he has a motive."

"That's right." Tenzin agreed.

"A motive?" Twilight asked, "What do you mean?"

Korra and the ponies all looked in curiosity at the air nomad as he began telling them about Hiroshi's past, "Twelve years ago, the Agni Kai Triad robbed Sato's mansion. A firebender killed Sato's wife during the break in."

The Mane Six were completely shocked and heartbroken by this. Even after hearing about Mako and Bolin's tragic past, they still could not believe that a human would be willing to actually kill another innocent human for their own selfish purposes.

"That's terrible." Korra said sadly, practically voicing what the ponies were thinking. Even Spike couldn't help but shed a tear.

"It was tragic." Tenzin said, "It's possible that he's been harboring anti-bending sentiment all this time."

"Maybe we should look at Mr. Sato a little more closely." Lin said.

At the corner of her eye, Korra saw how the ponies all looked downwards, sadness, fear and even anger were all evident in their eyes. Korra squatted down to their level. "I'm so sorry you guys had to hear that."

"I just don't understand." Twilight said, her ears lowered in sadness, tears practically threatening to fall out, "I mean, sure we have our fair share of bad ponies and evil beings in Equestria but, even we would have never, I mean, how could they even..." the alicorn just couldn't go on. Even Korra tried her best to fight back the tears.

"I know. This land isn't like Equestria, it's…more complicated. But don't worry. We'll figure something out."

The ponies smiled at Korra's encouraging words. They always felt so much safer with her around.


The next day, Korra, Tenzin, Lin and the others visited the Sato estate, surprising Mako and Asami. As the two adults made their way up the stairs, Korra and the ponies were stopped midway by the couple.

"What's going on? Why are they asking Hiroshi more questions?" Mako asked. Rainbow flew in between them and spoke to Asami.

"Hate to break it to ya, but your dad is--"

"Rainbow Dash, please." Korra interrupted before looking at Mako and Asami, "Twilight and I overheard Hiroshi talking on the phone yesterday. Asami, I don't know how to tell you this, but we think--"

"We think your father is--" Rainbow tried to continue, but Korra quickly covered her mouth and the rainbow pony struggled in her grip.

"We think your father might be involved with the equalists" said the Avatar.

Asami could not believe what she had just heard, "What?! I don't believe this!" the heiress angrily walked up the stairs to talk with her father. Mako was just as upset.

"You spied on Hiroshi? What's your problem? And Twilight, I expected better from you."

The young man followed his girlfriend up the stairs while Twilight narrowed at him and shouted, "Yeah? Well let's see how you like it when your girlfriend's dad tries to mount you on his wall!"

"Ew" said Spike with a disgusted expression.

Lin and Tenzin were speaking with Hiroshi in his office in front of his desk, until Asami barged in furry, with Korra, Mako, Spike and ponies in tow.

"My father is innocent! Just because we're not benders doesn't mean we support those awful equalists" she said defensively as she stood next to her father. Hiroshi looked at them all surprised.

"Equalists? Is that what this is about? I can assure you I have nothing to do with those radicals"

Mako narrowed his eyes at Korra, "Yeah, you don't know what you're talking about Korra."

The Avatar pointed a finger accusingly at the rich man, "Me and Twilight Sparkle overheard you on the phone. You said the Cabbage Corp. investigation bought you time and you're getting ready to strike. Explain that!"

The ponies stomped their hooves angrily at the man, but Hiroshi simply laughed at the accusation, "This is all just a misunderstanding, resulting from the young Avatar's overactive imagination." Korra and ponies glared at the man, who remained cool as a cucumber, "My number one competitor was knocked out of the game. It's providing me an opportunity to "strike" the market with a new line of satomobiles. It's just business. Nothing nefarious."

Twilight growled and stomped her hoof angrily, "He's lying!" she immediately teleported to his desk and pointed a hoof at him, "Korra and I heard him loud and clear, and judging by the tone of his voice, there was no way he could have been talking about "mere" business and if that's not enough, the other day at Police headquarters he looked at me like this!" Twilight re-enacted the same face Hiroshi made when he saw her the other say.

They all looked at her surprised while Korra and the others ponies all glared angrily at Hiroshi. The only ones who did not understand her were Mako and Hiroshi. The alicorn stared fiercely at the man….but he simply laughed and petted her head.

“And I'm certain this adorable little cone is just as mislead at her mistress. Isn't that right, little cutie?" he started scratching her chin, speaking in a cooing voice, "Who's a little cutie? You are, yes you are--" Twilight angrily bit his finger and the man yelped in pain, "OW!"

"That's enough Twilight Sparkle!" Asami yelled at her. The two girls glared at each other before the alicorn returned to Korra and the others.

"In order to put all suspicions to rest, might we have a look at you're factories and warehouses?" Tenzin said.

Asami scoffed, but Hiroshi remained calm and composed. "If you feel it's necessary, you're welcome to search all of Future Industries" he said as he rubbed his red finger with a napkin.


And they did just that: They searched all of Hiroshi's warehouses, they searched every inch, every nook and cranny and found nothing. There was no sign of any equalist tech anywhere or anything to confirm he was in cahoots with them in any way, not even a clue, for which everyone knew Twilight was extremely good at finding. Korra was already frustrated as she walked out of the last warehouse with the ponies.

"I can't believe we didn't find anything" she said to Lin and Tenzin.

"It would appear Hiroshi is innocent" said the chief.

But Twilight was not willing to believe that. "No, he's not!" she cried out, "We heard him! Maybe he has the equalist tech hidden somewhere else"

"Like where?" Tenzin asked.

"I have no idea. But we should still--" she was interrupted when the Sato heiress and Mako walked towards them.

"Okay, you did your search. Now you can all leave" Asami said angrily at the team. This was the first time they had ever seen her so angry, almost menacingly.

Applejack walked forward and looked up at the heiress with serious eyes, "Sorry Asami, but we ain't done looking yet"

She glared angrily at the ponies, her green eyes could pierce through anyone's soul, "Are you serious?!"

"I may not have heard what Twilight and Korra did, but if they are positive that what they say is true, and then I believe em."

"As do I" Rarity said.

"Me too", Fluttershy said seriously,

"Me three!". said Pinkie Pie, raising her hoof.

"And me" said Spike.

"And me!", Rainbow Dash flew up to Asami and looked at her with furious eyes.

"I can't believe you're all taking her side!" Asami exclaimed angrily, "My father is not an Equalist and that's that!" she said while poking Rainbow's chest. This angered the pony.

"Well we think he is!" Rainbow exclaimed, equally angrily.

"You better watch your mouth you arrogant blowhard!"

"Pampered princess!"

"Big mouth!"

"Clown face!"

"Short legs!"

"Daddy's girl!"

"Oh, you did not just go there!"

"ENOUGH!!!!!" Fluttershy screamed loudly with a demanding voice as she came in between the two girls, "Please, no more fighting" she said softly.

Asami and Rainbow both turned away from each other, scoffing and crossing their arms (legs in Rainbow's case). Mako turned towards Korra. "Can I talk with you for a moment?" he asked.

Korra nodded with a serious face. Before following him, she turned to Rainbow and Asami, “Please try not to kill each other."

"No promises" Rainbow said while glaring at the heiress and Asami sneered at her. Mako led Korra a few feet away from the others, far enough so they would not hear them.

"So, I hope you're convinced now."

"No, I'm not! I don't care how cooperative Hiroshi is being, I know he's lying."

"Why are you doing this? Are you that jealous of me and Asami?" Mako pointed an accusing finger at Korra, who gasped at this and shook her head in disbelief.

"What?! Don't be ridiculous, that has nothing to do with it! I'm only trying to protect you."

"I don't need protecting, I trust Asami and I trust Hiroshi."

"I never once said anything against Asami, and you were really my friend you'd trust me!"

Mako had heard just about enough of this. He refused to believe that his girlfriend's father was an evil Equalist. How could someone so kind and generous be bad? Everything was finally going good for him, he refused to believe they could go wrong. Again. He didn't want to have to do this, after all the good Korra had done for him in the past, but he figured there was only one way to get her to stop this nonsense…even if deep down he really didn't want to say what came next. Nor did he really mean it.

"Well, If you don't drop this, consider our friendship over."


His hurtful words echoed all the way in the ponies's ears. "WHAT?!"

Korra tried not to let her pain show. Mako's words stung her in more ways than she could say. And the ponies felt it too. The Avatar briefly hung her head before looking at his straight in the eye, "I'm sorry. Hiroshi is not the man you think he is."

Realizing that this method did not work, he simply walked towards Asami, placing one arm around her shoulder as they both left the scene. Rainbow Dash attempted to knock some sense into them by pounding her hooves, but Korra stopped her by tugging on her tail. Meanwhile, a worker had his eye on the young avatar and her ponies.

While the girls walked towards Naga, Korra suddenly felt something land on her hand. She looked down and saw it was a piece of paper. She and the girls looked around but saw nobody else there. The Avatar unfolded the letter and read the not. Her eyes widening in surprise, she turned to Lin and Tenzin.

"I think you guys should hear this." she said before reading the note out loud, "If you want to find the truth, meet me under the north end of the silver rope bridge at midnight".

"Do you really think this person can tell us the truth about Hiroshi?" Fluttershy asked.

"Only one way to find out."


That night, at the bridge they all awaited patiently for their mystery man. "I don't see anyone" Twilight said as she looked around. They arrived exactly around midnight, and they were the only ones there. There appeared to be no sign of anybody else.

"You sound like it's a bad thing" Spike said while fearfully hiding behind her legs.

"Pst! Over here"

They all spotted a man in a long trench coat and hat hiding behind the pillar of the bridge and walked towards him. The ponies stayed close with the Avatar, even though his note said he would help, they had to keep their guard up no matter what. Who knows if this was a setup or not.

"Listen, I joined the equalists I believed in what Amon said. I thought he could make life better for us nonbenders, but I didn't sign up for this--this war."

"What do you have on Hiroshi Sato?" Lin asked curiously, making sure this guy was legit.

"He manufactured those gloves for the equalists."

"I knew it!" Korra and Twilight said in union. That kind of became a habit for them.

"And there are rumors he's working on something even bigger." said the man as he lifted up the collar of his coat to hide his face, "Some new kind of weapon"

The ponies and Spike gasped at this, "You're kidding!" said Rainbow Dash.

"We searched all of Future Industries and found nothing" Tenzin explained.

"That's because he has a secret factory"

Korra's eyes widened, "Where?"

"It's right underneath the Sato mansion"

They all looked at the man in complete shock, "That explains why we didn't find any evidence." said Applejack, "He must have planned ahead this whole time."

Pinkie Pie narrowed her eyes, "He's a sneaky one!" she said in a dramatically disappointed voice.

"We have to find that factory and expose Hiroshi for the liar and double-crosser her really is" Twilight said determinedly and they all nodded in agreement.


The following night, Korra, Spike, the Ponies, Lin and Tenzin where hovering above Republic City on the metalbender's airship. Korra was sitting in a corner doing breathing exercises to calm her nerves. Fluttershy petted her shoulders.

"Nervous, hu?"

"Yeah. Mako and Asami already hate me, and I'm pretty sure raiding her house isn't going to get me back on either of their good sides."

"Once they see the truth about Hiroshi, they'll understand." Spike assured her.

Korra sighed, "I hope you're right, Spike"

While Korra talked with her friends, Lin and Tenzin were looking out the clear window of the ship, looking down on the city. "Raiding the Sato Mansion is a risky move with Tarlook breathing down your neck." Tenzin told the chief, "If we're wrong…"

"I know. I can kiss my job goodbye. But protecting Republic City is all I care about. We can't let Amon get his hands on this new weapon."


Inside the Mansion, Asami, Mako and Bolin were all relaxing in the living room. Bolin happily ate fruit from a bowl while Mako and Asami were chatting. Their peacefulness was interrupted when all of a sudden, the police entered the room, causing Bolin to raise his arms in fear.

"What are you doing here?" the heiress asked.

"We have reason to believe there's a factory hidden below the mansion" Lin explained.

"I think I would have noticed if there were a factory underneath my house." the heiress said, narrowing her eyes, "The lies you people come up with just to persecute my father."

"Where is your father?" Tenzin asked.

"In his workshop, behind the house"


With this info, they all went to Hiroshi's workshop. Metalbender cops guarded the area as the group of friends walked toward the place. The cops burst into the workhouse, but once inside, they found no one there. Not even Hiroshi.

"Dad? Hello?" Asami called out as her eyes searched the place. Pinkie Pie then took out a magnifying glass from her puffy mane,

"This looks like a job for: Detective Pinkie Pie!"

The pony started looking for clues. She walked all around the floor with her left eye pressed against the magnifying glass. She walked over the cops…while they were still standing. They all arched their eyebrows at the little pony, having absolutely no idea how she did that. She never took her eyes off of the magnifying glass. Everybody dropped their jaws as they watched Pinkie Pie walking up toward the ceiling as if it were the simplest thing ever, still with her eye on the magnifying glass.

"Nothing here." she said finally taking her eye off the magnifying glass…while she was still upside-down on the ceiling. The pony fell down and landed at Korra's feet.

Asami arched an eyebrow, "How does she---"

"I've been asking that since the day I met her" said Mako with a monotone expression.

An officer walked to Lin. "Chief the estate has been secured. No one has left the workshop since we arrived"

"Perhaps we just couldn't see him leaving", Lin then walked to the center of the room with her hands tied behind her back. She rose her leg and metalbended her left sole, removing it to expose her bare foot and stomped it on the ground. Using her seismic sense to detect what was underneath the workhouse.

"What's she doing?", Rainbow whispered to Korra, "Metalbending. She's sensing the vibrations underneath the metal" Korra explained.

Lin opened her eyes, "There's a tunnel beneath the workshop, running deep into the mountainside"

"What? There's no tunnel" Asami said in disbelief. The ponies hoof palmed their faces and groaned.

"Oh, open up your eyes woman!" Rarity cried out.

Lin used her metalbending to remove the metal layer on the floor…exposing the stairs and an elevator going downward. Pinkie Pie pointed her hoof toward the tunnel while shouting accusingly, "SUSPICIOUS!"

Rainbow crossed her front legs in front of her chest and eyed at the heiress, "You were saying?"

"Do you think your dad knows about this tunnel?", Bolin whispered to Asami. The young heiress was breathless, and not in a good way. There really was a tunnel, could that mean that the accusations of her father were true?

"I don't understand. There must be an explanation" she said with as much hope as she could.

Spike crossed his arms, "Yeah, the explanation is that your dad is a big fat liar!"

"Spike!" Korra looked at him angrily and the dragon lowered his ears in regret. Korra looked at Asami with sympathy, "Maybe you don't know everything about your father. I'm sorry"

Rainbow also looked at the heiress with sympathy, "Yeah…..me too"

Rarity, "Us too."

Fluttershy, "Aha."

Applejack, "Mighty sorry."

While Asami accepted their sympathy, she didn't say anything in return. She was still too stunned, and hurt, to even speak.

“Officers, into the tunnel. Be cautious." Lin ordered her metalbenders as they all made their way down the tunnel. Mako, Bolin and Asami attempted to follow as well, but were stopped by Lin, “You three stay up here. Officer Song, keep an eye on them."

The officer saluted her as the trio looked at the group upset. The ponies and Spike attempted to follow Korra, but the avatar stopped on her tracks, "You guys stay up here with them."

Twilight was surprised by this, "What? Why?"

"We can help" said Applejack.

"I know. But, we got it covered" she kneeled down and smiled at the alicorn and spoke in a much lower tone while smiling kindly, "Besides, I think somebody else could use your help right now."

Twilight followed Korra's gaze towards Asami, who still looked hurt and confused. She understood what Korra was trying to say. The alicorn nodded at the Avatar, "Please, be careful."

Korra placed her hand on her shoulder and smiled, "I will." she gave the pony a kiss on the head before following Tenzin and Lin down into the tunnel as the others watched. Korra turned her head and looked at her friends with sadness in her eyes. This was the first time she would have to most likely face an Equalist without the ponies beside her.

As he watched her go down the tunnel, Mako turned his head away in guilt. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the single red petal from Twilight's flower. How could he had been so horrible to Korra? All she was trying to do was help, and he so wrongly accused her of being jealous and selfish. What kind of a friend would do that?

Once they were gone, the ponies all looked up at Asami with pity. The poor girl was so confused. "Don't worry Asami, everything is going to be alright." Twilight said.

"How do you know?"

"Because we're here." she gestured to herself and the ponies who all smiled warmly at the heiress, "I know we haven't gone off on the right hoof before, but we hope you can give us all a second chance. Maybe even give Korra a second chance."

Applejack smiled kindly at the heiress, "Ya got seven new friends now, sugarcube. Whatever happens, we'll be here for ya."

"We all will" Bolin said.

Asami felt touched by their words, "Thank you. All of you." it was then Asami realized she had gotten her wish after all…she really did have real friends.

Then, they were all startled when they heard a loud noise coming from the tunnel. All of the sudden, the ponies felt a painful jab on their chests and cried out in agony. Spike rushed to Twilight's side, "What happened? You okay?"

"It's Korra" Pinkie Pie said while she clung to her aching chest.

"We feel she needs help", Rarity was also clinging to her chest. Mako quickly felt anxious at seeing the ponies in such pain, but he still couldn't understand them.

"What's going on?"

"They think Korra needs help" Bolin said. Mako's eyes widened and he looked down the tunnel.


Korra, Lin, Tenzin and the metalbenders had found a large room filled with large posters of Amon haggling from the ceiling, and large robotic machines on the sides of the wall. A metal wall shoot up to block the entrance.


"We need to get down there and see what's going on" Mako said determinedly.

"Absolutely not!" said the cop who was keeping a watchful eye on them, "You're staying put until the chief comes back. That goes for you ponies too"

Bolin gave his brother a look and Mako quickly realized what his brother had in mind. "Alright, we'll stay put, but could we wait outside or something? It's so dusty in this workshop" he said while rubbing his nose. While he was saying this, Fluttershy's own nose actually began to twitch as well.

"No, we're waiting right here" said the police officer. None the less, Mako played it cool.

"Okay, but don't blame me if I start to sne---if I start sne--sneez---"

While Mako was "sneezing", Fluttershy felt the dust in her nose as well, and she too began to sneeze.

"What's your problem, bub?"

"I'm about to---" but before Mako could unleash a sneeze, Fluttershy sneezed first…


From the pony's mouth came a gust of wind that caused the cop to move back and trip by Applejack's earthbend rock, causing him to land hard on the ground. Mako, Bolin and Asami looked down at Fluttershy who rubbed her nose with her hoof, "Oh, excuse me."

The ponies were all shocked at what Fluttershy had just done, especially Mako, "I wasn't planning on that, but I'll take it." said the firebender, still shocked. Bolin and Mako tied the man up to a barrel as he struggled to break free.

"Sorry pal, we know you were just doing your job." said Mako

"Yeah, just stay put until the Chief comes back." said Bolin, "That sounds very familiar doesn't it, why? Because you said it"

"Let's go guys, we can talk about Fluttershy's weird sneeze latter." said Rainbow as they all walked down the tunnel, but Mako stopped Asami from going in by putting his hands on her shoulders.

"Asami, you should stay here. We'll check it out"

"I have to find out the truth about my father" she said pleadingly.

"We understand, sweetie." Twilight said, "Which is why we're going to find out for you. Spike, you stay and keep Asami company until we get back"

The dragon saluted to her, "No problem"

Mako had no idea what they were saying, "I'm not sure what they said but, we're going down there to find out the truth for you. Please"

Asami looked down at the little dragon hugging her leg for reassurance, "Alright" she said disappointedly.

Mako turned to the alicorn, "Let's go Twilight".

"Be careful" both Asami and Spike said in unison as they watched their friends walk down the tunnel. Asami clapped her hands together tightly as she looked down with uncertainty.


Lin tried to bend the metal wall so they could escape, but to no avail. "I'm afraid you won't be able to metalbend that wall, Chief Beifong."

Korra silently gasped when she heard a familiar voice talking from the speakers. Only now it didn't sound kind, or warm, or friendly, but sinister, cruel, and evil. green lights turned on all around them, causing everyone to shield their eyes from the glances. One of the robot machines came to life and approached the group. Korra spotted who was controlling it from the circular window of the cockpit…it was Hiroshi Sato.

"It's solid platinum. My mecha tanks are platinum as well. Not even your renowned mother could bend a metal so pure."

Korra bravely stood in front of the large machine and angrily glared at the man controlling it, "Hiroshi, I knew you were a lying no good Equalist! Come out here and--"

"And do what, young Avatar? Face the wrath of your bending? No. I think I'll fight from inside here where my odds are a little more…equal."

"That source was a set-up!" Lin exclaimed, "You lured us down here!"

Hiroshi smiled smugly, "Guilty is charged."

The man didn't waste any more time as he shot out a grappler to capture the benders, but Lin, Tenzin and Korra evaded it. Another mecha tank attacked the metalbender cops but they also dodged the incoming attack, shooting out cables to wrap around the maca tank's arms, holding it down. Two more cops ran up and metalbended to hold off another mecha tank that was coming at them, being controlled by more of Hiroshi's fellow Equalists. Lin ran forward, dodging the grappler of Hiroshi's meca tank and earthbended herself up into the air. She metalbended daggers from her wrist armor and landed onto the head of the meca tank. She broke the glass of the cockpit by stabbing the front, missing the Equalists inside who dodged. Lin kept on stabbing, making the machine move backwards and fell over.

While Lin attacked the meca tank, Hiroshi Sato moved how own machine towards Korra as she firebended at the thing, but it had no effect whatsoever. Hiroshi managed to grab hold of Korra with the meca tank's claw hand and lifted her up. Korra struggled in the machined grip as Hiroshi squeezed tighter.

"Eh! Let me go!"

"Amon will be very pleased to see you." Hiroshi said with a wicked smirk. Korra stopped struggling as she looked at Hiroshi with fear in her eyes. Then, Hiroshi's sinister smile faded, replaced with a look of confusion and even shock. He noticed that Korra's eyes were shimmering with beautiful rainbow colors. He had never seen anything like this, and his expression softened, but he still felt a tug of fear as to what was happening.

While Hiroshi was distracted, his machine was pushed back by a powerful wind, courtesy of Tenzin. The impact forced Hiroshi to release Korra and she landed on her feet. She looked over her shoulder to see Tenzin airbending at the machine while metalbenders had a very difficult time holding the other mecha tanks down. Their cable spools started to spark and overheat with the effort. As they were all pulled forward by the tank, they rose the earth in an attempt to find more foothold with withstand the pull. The maca tanks wrapped the cables around their arms and conducted electricity, electrocuting the officers until they lost consciousness and released their grips.

Lin attempted to deliver another blow, but was then grabbed from behind with a grappler, knocking her forward and against a metal support beam. She was flung across the room and landed hard on the ground. Where she was knocked unconscious.

Tenzin and Korra both worked together as they used their air and firebending to push Hiroshi Sato's meca tank into a corner. But Hiroshi was becoming more and more furious by these benders. He shoot a grappler at Korra who back flipped to avoid the attack. Once she was out of harm's way, she earthbended a rock from the ground and launched it at Hiroshi. At that moment, she was grabbed and shoved forwards by another meca tank's grappling hook, knocking her unconscious by slamming her against a large metal pipe.


Tenzin quickly used his airbending to soften Korra's fall. She landed safely on the ground but grunted as she made contact with the floor. Tenzin was the only one standing. He used his aribending to create an air wheel to evade the mecha tanks attacks. He jumped up, but Hiroshi shoot bolas combined with an electric disk which ensnared Tenzin. The air nomad grunted in pain as he was electrocuted and roughly landed on the ground, unconscious.



Twilight felt more pain in her chest. Mako heard her neigh cry and knew that meant that Korra needed help. "We have to hurry!"


Hiroshi exited from his machine and climbed down. He looked down at the unconscious benders like a fierce wild animal looking down on his pray. "Well, I'd say that was a flawless test run." he said to his fellow Equalists before pointing to the unconscious people before him, "Load everyone into the transports and deliver them to Amon! Especially her."

He glared down at the avatar. Her eyes slowly opened, her vision was blurry and could only see the outline of Hiroshi, but she could hear his voice very clearly. She heard Hiroshi's footsteps as he walked away from her.

"I'm sorry."

Hiroshi turned his head to once again look down at the weak avatar before him. Even though it was faint, he heard the words loud and clear.

"About…your wife."

Hiroshi's cruel face once again softened. The avatar appeared to be showing sympathy towards him. How was that even possible. But what Korra said next, would shock even him.

"Please. Don't do this…to…Asami…" Korra's eyes closed as she once again slipped into unconsciousness. Hiroshi could have sworn he saw a bit of sparkle in her eyes. The man rapidly shook his head and reverted back to his cruel and angry self.

A hole was earthbended from the ground and Bolin popped up from underneath along with Mako and the Mane Six. They hid behind a few boxes and Bolin let out a silent gasp. "Oh, no"

They saw the equalists taking unconscious and tied up metalbenders and loading them into their trucks. Mako could not believe his eyes, “Korra was right.”

“Sure, now you believe us?” Rainbow whispered in annoyance.

“We gotta do something, quick!” said the firebender, completely ignoring Rainbow Dash's words. Fluttershy tapped Mako's shoddier and pointed to where Korra, Lin and Tenzin were laying on the ground. They all sneaked their way towards them, Mako carried Korra on his back while Bolin carried Tenzin onto his, Rainbow and FLuttershy helped him while Rarity and Twilight levitated Lin.

“Not so fast, boys”

The unicorns accidentally dropped the chief in shock. There stood Hiroshi alongside the Lieutenant. Hiroshi had one of those electric gloves on his hand as he looked at them all with fierce and evil eyes. The kind and friendly man they had once met was now long gone.

Bolin nervously talked to him while playing with Tenzin's hands, “Hello Mister Sato. Wow, what a really swell scary factory you have here under your giant mansion.”

Mako glared at the rich man, “Sponsoring our team, supporting the Avatar. It was just a big cover.”

“Yes. And the most difficult part, was watching my daughter traipse around with a firebending street-rat like you!”

Mako angrily glared at the man, silently feeling offended by his comment. But then, to his surprise, Rainbow Dash flew in between the him and Hiroshi, “Hey! Mako may be a jerk sometimes, but he's still our friend!” she exclaimed defensively.

The ponies all stood around Korra and Mako, fearlessly facing Hiroshi, “Ain't nobody calls our friend a street-rat and gets away with it!” cried Applejack.

“Yeah!” shouted Pinkie Pie.

Mako looked at the ponies in complete surprise. They were all standing there protecting both him and Korra. Fearlessly confronting the man. He honestly could not believe what he was seeing. "Girls? After what I said, you're still defending me?" To surprise him even more, they all smiled at him and nodded, signaling yes. Mako's eyes widened and slowly, he smiled in gratitude, deeply touched by their loyalty towards him, even after the horrible way he treated Korra. They were true friends. Maybe it was time he learned something from them.

Hiroshi, however, was not intimidated at all, “How adorable, you really think you ponies can defeat me?”

The ponies fiercely glared at the man as he prepared to destroy all of them, when a voice caused Hiroshi to turn around and once he did, his heart dropped.

“Dad stop!”

Standing before him was his one and only child, looking down at him with hurt in her beautiful eyes, identical to his late wife's. Asami would never believe this if she were not seeing it with her own eyes.


Spike hid behind Asami's leg, fearfully looking at the man. Hiroshi lowered his head in shame, “Sweetie, I wanted to keep you out of this for as long as I could.” Fluttershy noticed Korra regaining consciousness and flew beside her while Hiroshi continued his conversation with his daughter, “But now that you know the truth, please…forgive me. These people, these…benders…they took away your mother, the love of my life. They've ruined the world. But with Amon we can fix it and build a perfect world together. We can help people like us, everywhere!”

Asami knew that hurting people was wrong, no matter if they were a bender or not. But the very idea of going against her own father, the only family she had left, she didn't know what to do. Hiroshi took off his elective glove and handed it to his daughter.

“Join me, Asami.”

The young heiress looked down at the glove in her father's hand and unsurely, with a shaking hand, slowly approached the object before her. Her heart raced as questions if she should or shouldn't swarmed around in her head.

“Don't do it!”

Asami looked down at the little dragon, who was yanking at her skirt, getting her attention, “Don't you see? Amon's the one who's ruining the world, not benders! He's luring everyone to hate each other. That's not a perfect world that's madness!”

Asami then heard Twilight calling to her, “Asami, where we come from, we believe in something called the Magic of Friendship. And we've come to realize that is exactly what this world needs.” Asami's eyes shimmered as the alicorn's words rang in her ears. “Don't be part of the problem...” Twilight said.

“Be part of the solution," Spike concluded, "and let me tell ya, Amon ain't it.”

All Hiroshi could hear were animal noises coming from both of them, “Will you little pests be quiet! Asami, please”

After a couple of seconds of hesitation, Asami slowly walked towards her father. Spike tried desperately to hold her back by pulling onto her skirt, but to no avail. Asami reached for the glove. She didn't want to become an equalist, but she couldn't leave her father. She didn't want to. She wanted to get through to him, but it seemed his anger had gotten the better of him. Before she could touch the weapon, she looked over at Korra. All of a sudden, the Avatar's eyes appeared to be shimmering in the light. Her eyes were so tired and exhausted and scared. Suddenly, a rainbow glow manifested in Asami's eyes as clarity struck her. She now knew what she had to do…..as she placed the weapon onto her hand.

Mako could not believe what he was seeing, “No.”

Asami looked at her father, “I love you, dad.”

To everyone's surprise---Asami used her glove to electrocute her father! The man laid on the floor unconscious. The Lieutenant came at Asami but she managed to kick the electric stick from his hand and knocked him to the ground.

Mako, Korra, Spike and the ponies all dropped their jaws in astonishment. They knew Asami has combat skills but they never imagined she was THAT good. Rainbow Dash's eyes were wide open in utter disbelief, “All the mean stuff I said to you before, I take it all back.”

Lin regained consciousness as Rarity and Twilight helped her stand up. They saw the mecha tanks approach them

“Let's get out of here!” Mako commanded. They all jumped into the escape hole and Bolin covered it with his earthbending.


On board the police airship, Asami looked down at her former home in dismay. Tenzin stood by Lin who laid on a bed, she had been horribly injured by the meca tanks. Lin was lying down on a small bed with Tenzin at her side. "My metalbenders are on their way to Amon, and it's all my fault. Tarlokk's right, I've failed as chief. First thing in the morning, I'm handing in my resignation."

"No! You can't give up like this!" Tenzin said adamantly as Lin sat up while groaning in pain.

"I'm not giving up. I'm gonna find my officers and take Amon down. But I'm gonna do it my way, outside the law."

Tenzin looked at her with concern. Just how was Lin going to find her officers on her own?

Korra held Spike in her arms as they looked out the window on the left side of the ship, “That was very sweet of you back there Spike.” she said while hugging him close.

“Well, I couldn't just stand there and let her throw her life away.”

Korra looked down at all the ponies, “Thanks. To all of you.”

The ponies all smiled warmly at her. Mako then walked over to Korra with an apologetic look on his face. “I'm sorry I didn't believe you. Any of you." he said looking at the ponies, "But Asami's dad being an equalist is not an easy thing to believe. Even now.”

Korra lowered her gaze, “I know. I'm sorry this whole thing happened.”

Spike nuzzled in her chest for reassurance. Mako felt a push on his leg and noticed it was Rarity, gesturing at him with her hoof to keep talking. The firebender knew what she was trying to say and hung his head in shame. "And I'm really, really sorry for threatening our friendship like that. Honestly, I didn't even really mean what I said."

"Then why did you say it? Do you have any idea how much it hurt me? Just to be clear, I never once let my jealousy get the better of me, honest. I was only trying to protect you. All of you."

The sparkle in her eyes informed Mako that she was indeed telling the truth. She was so strong on that Hiroshi was lying and didn't give up because she didn't want anything to happen to him, Bolin or even Asami. She never once accused her of being aligned with her father, ever. How could he had been so arrogant and stupid?

"I do believe you." he finally said, "I've just been disappointed too many times in my life that I didn't want it to happen again. And I didn't want Asami to be hurt. That's why I lashed out at you and said those things, but I know it was wrong. I just didn't know what else to do." he scratched the back of his neck, "Do you think you could ever forgive me and we could keep being friends?"

Korra smiled kindly, "Of course, you jerk."

“So, does your offer to live at the Air Temple still stand?” the young man asked hopefully.

Korra smiled, “Of course it does. And Asami's welcome too.”

“Thank you so much” he said graciously.

Korra placed her hand on his shoulder, “After everything she's been through. She's going to need you, Mako.”

He nodded his head in agreement before walking towards Asami, placing a hand on her shoulder. Korra sadly watched the two hug. She knew she was doing the right thing…even though it broke her heart. Her spirits were lifted when she felt Rarity rub her head against her leg.

“That was very selfless of you.” she said proudly.

“Hey, it's what friends do. You girls taught me that.”

They smiled proudly, and then everybody in the ship gasped once they saw Korra's chest glowing again. Spike jumped out of her arms in shock and Fluttershy caught him in mid air. Once the glow dimmed down, they all saw a purple diamond shaped gem with a golden ring around Korra's neck.

“What happened?” Asami asked.

Mako recognized the object, “Another Element of Harmony!” he stated.

Asami looked at him curiously, “Element of what-now?”

“The Elements of Harmony." Korra explained. "Each time I perform an act of friendship, one of the respective elements of that act appears on me.”

“Which Element is that?” Bolin asked.

Korra smiled at the object, “Rarity's. Generosity.” she kneeled down and placed the necklace around Rarity. Like all the others, it glowed before dissolving into her skin.

“Like I said; You are a gem.” said the unicorn as she and Korra embrace in a warm hug.

Asami was still a bit confused, “Uhhhh, yeah I'm still a little lost.”

Korra giggled, “Don't worry, we'll explain everything. Once you get settled into your new place.”

The two girls smiled at each other. "Thank you, Korra."

"You don't have to thank me."

"No, I think I do." Korra looked curiously at the heiress, "I wasn't really sure what to do when my dad gave me the glove but, then…I heard what Twilight and Spike said and, looking at all of you, being hurt and betrayed, I realized I never want to be a part of that. You and your friends opened up to me when I was confused and you never once doubted me even when I thought you did. So...thank you." to Korra's surprise, Asami hugged her. The Avatar hesitantly returned the gesture. The heiress released her and returned to Mako. Korra looked out the window of the ship.

Korra smiled as the now four elements of harmony shimmered around the ponies necks. Suddenly, Fluttershy's nose began to twitch, "Ahhh….ahhhh….ACHO!!"

The ship nearly tipped to the side before getting back on course. A huge blast of wind literally blew everyone up against the walls of the ship. They all groaned in pain. Fluttershy was blushing like mad covering her mouth.

"Looks like we just discovered your bending, Fluttershy." Korra said as she groaned while standing up. The pony pegasus could not believe it.

She could airbend!


The mysterious mare's pink eyes were practically glued to the crystal tree before her. She heard the sound of wings flapping and the sound of hooves landing beside her. "Have you any news?" the mare asked.

"The girls are alright." said Princess Celestia, "They had some close calls, but I knew they would make it out alright."

The mare chuckled lightly, "You're always so hopeful…just like he was." her voice shifted to one of sadness. Both Luna and Celestia approached the mare and stood beside her.

"We think about him every day." said Luna.

"As do I, my dear. As do I."


Author's Note:

WOW!! Korra now has four Elements of Harmony, and who is that stranger? You'll see soon enough!