• Published 14th Jun 2014
  • 1,082 Views, 4 Comments

Set in Stone - Shock__Wave

What happens when you are turned into stone by the two most powerful beings in the universe? You listen of course.

  • ...

Just because I'm encased in stone, doesn't mean i can't hear.

I sat back in my floating chair, among my beautiful chaos, and watched the ponies around me. Some were crying, others were rioting. It was absolutely marvelous! Fish were floating in the air. Pony homes where inside out.

I heard the sound of hooves walking behind me. I turned my chair around, laughing. "Oh this is so much fun!how about a game of pin the tail on the pony?" I held up Celestia's tail that had appeared, amused at her confused look.

The two princesses stepped forward. "Playtime is over for you, Discord!"
I made a bag of seeds appear in my hand, throwing them 'accidentally' this way and that. "Oh i doubt that." I mused, shoving a handful into my mouth, shivering as i chewed. i held out the bad, a few bouncing off of Celestia and Lunas muzzles. "Hungry?" I asked.
I looked at them for a moment. when they didn't respond, i shoved another handful into my mouth. "Suit yourself."

I heard the sound of magic from Celestia. I looked up from my bag, seeing six crystals floating in front of the Alicorn Princess's.
I dropped my bag on the ground, eyes going wide. "Oh... what have you got there?" I said, bemused, stroking my beard and taking a closer look.
Celestia and Luna looked determined as the gems began to spin around them. "The Elements of Harmony!" a Sphere-like ball surrounded them.
"With them we shall defeat you!" Luna exclaimed as the sphere brightened in color.
i fell back into my chair, laughing. "You should see yourselves right now!" I sat up. "The expressions on your faces, so intense!so sure of yourselves!" I was grinning from ear to ear at their futile attempt to defeat me. i continued to laugh. "Hilarious!"

Close my eyes for a moment only, and now I’m blind for eternity.

I raised one arm above my head to say something else, but was cut off! i couldn't move, couldn't talk, couldn't breath! but then again breathing didn't matter. What did matter was the fact that i couldn't see! my eyes were permanently shut!
'What is going on?!' i thought. 'Wait a moment. What did those annoying pony princesses do to me?'
I could hear their slightly muffled voices.
"Finally, dear sister, we have defeated Discord!" It was princess Lunas slightly deeper voice.
"Indeed we have, younger sister."
'defeated me? feh! i will escape from this prison, you'll see!'
"This stone imprisonment should keep him in check." Celestia said. "Guards! Come grab the statue and bring it to the castle!"
'A statue? They turned me into a STATUE?! Those imbeciles!' i fumed in my stone prison, furious that these ponies had gotten the better of me.
I had the sensation of moving, but i couldn't tell for sure.
"We shall move him to the main hall, so that i may keep a close eye on him." Celestia again.
Her voice annoyed me so much. My biggest question was how long i would have to listen to that obnoxious princess before i escaped.
"Yes your Majesty." A gruff voice said nearby.
The sensation of movement continued, but it was quiet. This continued for quite awhile. I got to the point i drifted to what seemed like sleep, but i could have very well just been suspended unconsciousness. I awoke to a dull thud and i was completely still.
"There is just right. now we can keep a close eye on him, sister." It was princess Luna.

How can I be alive when my hearts not beating?

Oh the joys of being immortal. I'm stuck alive like this until i can escape or i am smashed to pieces. depending on how much this annoying drivel goes on, i may wish for the latter. Its been a few months since i was encased in stone, and i'm bored to death, figuratively speaking. Princess Celestia mostly talked to herself about how peaceful it was. Though more often than not she talked about how lonely she was, how she didn't have anypony to truely talk to unbiased. Gag me. Princess Luna didn't talk very often. From what i could tell, she just watched over the night. She was a very quiet pony.
"What am I to do?" It must have been night, since Celestia had been out of hearing range for an hour or so.
'Oh? What has Luna bothered?'
"Nopony embraces my beautiful night." I could hear the clopping of her pacing back and fourth. "Everypony sleeps through it. I feel like nopony likes the night. Everypony revels and plays in my dear sisters daytime." I could hear the distaste in her voice. "Well no more!"
'oh-ho-ho. this could get interesting.' I listened with every fiber of my being. I could hear more hoof steps.
"Not another step!" Luna said. More hoof steps. "Did you really think i'd sit idly by while they all basked in your precious light?"
'It sounds as though Luna has had enough of Celestia.... Oh i do love some good chaos! I only wish i could see this.
"There can only be one Princess in Equestria. And that Princess will be ME!" Luna shouted. A loud resounding thunder that i could feel in my consciousness sounded. I could hear the cracking of foundation and rubble falling. I heard the shatter of glass and a loud wind, along with a low distant rumble.
'Oh I hate missing the best parts!'
There was maniacal laughing from, i assumed, Princess Luna. Suddenly i could hear sounds of destruction all around.
'please don't hit me. I do love disharmony, even if i cant see it, but i do not wish to turn to dust.'
I heard more destruction as Princess Luna destroyed what i assumed was the ceiling, from where i heard it. Finally Celestia spoke after a long silence.
"Luna! I will not fight you! You must lower the moon! It is your duty!"
'Blast those confounded ponies! I want to watch the chaos unfold.'
"Luna?" Luna asked. "I am Nightmare Moon! I have only one duty now. To destroy you!"
'Ooooooh this is sounding good.'
I heard more destruction.
"And where do you think you're going?" I heard the princess flap away.
I grumbled inwardly. Why did i have to be encased in stone? I'm missing all the good parts. I could still hear the faint sounds of a battle just barely in my hearing range. Things were being destroyed and i couldn't see it. This was getting annoying. Suddenly i heard a scream, a dull thud, and laughter in the distance. There was silence for awhile, and then the sound of movement.
"Oh dear sister," So it was Celestia who fared not so well. "I am sorry, you have given me no choice but to use these."
I heard and felt a rumbling sound. 'Whatever could that be?' I heard the sound of magic, but could only guess as to what "these" were. Again the sounds moved away. 'RRRRGH!' i growled. 'Why do i miss all of the good parts?'
"Noooooooo!" Somepony screamed outside. Was it Celestia or Luna?
I heard somepony land near me. Who had won?
"I'm... so sorry Luna.." I could hear the tears in Celestias voice.
So Celestia had vanquished her sister. harsh.
I almost felt bad. ALMOST. but still, i smiled inwardly. That was a very good sounding battle. I only wish i could have seen it.
I heard hoofsteps. "Your majesty." a guard.
"Princess Luna has been" Her voice caught. "banished to the moon with the Elements." So thats what "these" were. I think i would have preferred banishment over stoning. at least i would be able to see.
"What will you do princess?" The guard asked.
Celestia sighed. "I will take over her duties."
"Yes your highness."
"The castle is destroyed. We will live here and build a new castle."
"And what of him?" I assumed they were talking about me.
"He will be moved with us."
Oh joy.

Set me free from the bonds, from the blackness, Break me from the stillness of this stone sarcophagus.

I don't know how much time passed but i was moved from the princess' castle to what i assumed was the new castle.
"This place shall be named Canterlot." Celestia decreed. "And we shall live in peace and harmony!"
'I hate harmony...'
I heard cheering.
After what seemed like an eternity, Celestia began to speak.
"I am so sorry Luna." I could hear the tears in her voice. "I couldn't save you. I wish there was more I could do. My spell will only last 1000 years. I have no doubt your anger will blaze stronger than ever. Maybe there will be somepony other than me who will help you. Maybe you will see reason."
Only 1000 years? Ugh. i had to wait 1000 years for something interesting. Maybe i can sleep? It'll save me from total boredom.

I would have shown you mercy, did you think you could change me?

For a long time, all Celestia spoke of was Luna. frankly i would have rather been deaf than listen to the drivel of Celestia. I imagined all of the things i would do if i ever escaped. I would restore my beautiful chaotic world. It would be so much better than before. Then i remembered something. My seeds should have sprouted by now! Why haven't they captured Celestia yet? I thought for what felt like centuries brooding, hoping the seeds would grow. Hoping my chaotic plant would seize Equestria and set me free. eventually i gave up. Celestia was still on the subject of Princess Luna. You would think she would have gotten annoyed with herself by now. I have. Though after many years, something interesting began to happen. It seemed Celestias droning was more upbeat. She spoke of a unicorn named Twilight sparkle who would be her star pupil. Huh. It was still boring, however. Eventually i was moved from the castle and someplace nearby. I heard from many ponies passing by that I was in the Canterlot castles garden. Interesting. Many ponies spoke of me but none knew who i really was. How disappointing. For years, it seemed nothing interesting happened. One day i overheard somepony speaking of Nightmare Moons return. I can't believed i wasn't near to witness it! I heard she had return during the summer sun celebration, and six ponies named Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack and Rarity had returned her to her former state, as Princess Luna. Well that's boring. I heard they used the Elements of Harmony to succeed. So it seemed that Celestia and Luna are no longer connected to the elements. This would make my escape easier, if i could figure out how. I spent a long time thinking of how i could set myself free, when one day my get out of jail card stood right in front of me.

Can’t they see, that they live in captivity, Bound by the laws of their false reality.

"This is a Draconniquis. The head of a pony and a body made up of all sorts of things!" I heard somepony say.
yeah. yeah. yeah. Nothing new. I began to tune the ponies out, when suddenly i heard a fight break out.
"It's not chaos, you dodo!"
"Don't call me things i don't know the meaning of! and it is to chaos!"
"Is not!"
Oh this sounded fun! Just what i love to hear!
"You're both wrong!"
I heard a loud scuffle as the three arguers began to fight. I felt something I hadn't felt in a millennium, my heartbeat.
I heard the ponies voices grow faint, as the stone around me began to crumble. Yes! I laughed evilly. The stone fell away and i finally opened my eyes to the bright world around me. I stretched my body, getting out my thousand year old cramps. I looked around me.
"This will be fun." I spoke aloud for the first time in forever. Wow it was good to be free!
I cracked my knuckles and set to work.

I will remain just the same.

Author's Note:

So this was kind of a rushed job for a friend. Constructive criticism is welcomed! I hope everypony enjoys!

Comments ( 4 )

The concept is good, but the amount of grammar errors is.....:applejackconfused:
But other than that, it's pretty good!

4545498 Would you consider going over and fixing any errors i have? like i said it was a rushed job and i would appreciate help :)

I would if I could, but I don't know how.....

4547851 okay :) no worries

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