• Published 6th Jun 2014
  • 2,654 Views, 57 Comments

New Reign - Dream Seeker

Celestia has finally left this world, and Twilight has to step up to her place as Princess beside Luna, becoming Regent of the Sun.

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Divine Intervention:Arc 1, Chapter 6

Twilight stood in her chariot, fully decked in her armor. She had decided that it was time to take this into her own hooves. After forty ponies had died for her sake, she could not let anypony else die for her. Barely restraining her Nightmare, she rode to the warehouse, war on her mind and going over the spells she had learned specifically for this mission, including spells for attacking ghosts and not entirely "there" beings, like the suspected Shadow. She was prepared for everything, from anti-teleport wards and anti-magic rings to knife-and-dagger fights. She had a mobile Beacon on her armor, which would allow her to release pre-casted teleports to various locations. She had tools that fit on a pony's hooves and let them break anti-magic rings, and even a sword built into her armor that could be removed with her hooves or magic, and was enchanted so only her magic could grip it, including the inherent telekinesis fields in hooves that allowed them to grip objects. Nothing could stop her from protecting the ponies she loved. Or could something?


"She's coming here, fully equipped! We'll never be able to stop her!" cried a voice from the dark table.
"I have a plan. There is only one thing she didn't prepare for, we must use it against her." whispered the Shadow.
"And what would that be?" asked the other voice.
"Hostages." whispered the Shadow, ominously.


Twilight bust through the door of the warehouse. "Come out and FACE ME!" she roared.
"You came prepared for everything... but the one thing we have." whispered a shadowy voice.
"Who are you?" asked Twilight angrily.
"A piece of a pony you once knew. A shadow, reforming slowly. An evil you thought destroyed. I am... King Sombra's shadow."

Everypony in the room gasped. Twilight saw her mother and father in the corner, tied up but without gags gasping at this revelation as well. What surprised her the most was that the ponies that had been Sombra's shadow's allies had gasped as well.

"But... We thought you agreed with us." one called out. "You said... you said that the Princesses were selfish and we needed a good strong democracy, and that the Princesses would destroy us all on a whim..."
"Ha! Foals! I only needed you for the money. Now, I have all I could ever need. The Princess's armor is priceless!" he turned to face his former allies.
"No!" the other shouted. He charged up his horn and fired a beam... only for it to fly right through Sombra's shadowy body!
"Muhahaha... Nothing can stop me now!" Sombra roared in triumph. "I have hostages for the Princess, and you foals can't even hurt me!"
"You don't have hostages anymore!" cried Twilight from the other side of the room. Sombra turned to find that during his monologue, Twilight had freed the hostages and sent them back to Canterlot with the teleport from her armor.
"No matter. I can beat you myself!" he roared, his shadowy body forming a semi-solid shape, enough to charge a spell.

Twilight was trapped in a shield with little air inside! Luckily, Twilight knew a spell to recycle the air safely. But could she keep up her spell longer than Sombra could keep up his? It didn't look like it. Twilight's spell required extreme concentration to keep active, but whenever Twilight put her full concentration into the spell, Sombra dropped the shield and hit her with a quick spell that disrupted her concentration. In a few minutes, Twilight could barely breathe. Suddenly, the shield dropped for a longer period of time. Moments before Twilight fainted from hyperventilating in the sudden surge of oxygen, she could hear and see what was going on.

"Stop!" Sombra cried. "You don't know what you are doing!"

Strife Shade knew exactally what he was doing. He stuck one black hoof inside Sombra, disrupting the shadow's spells. He called out to his companion, "Now! Remember your crystals?"

Crystal Shade knew what his brother was referring to. In an instant, he cast his spell, the one he earned his cutie mark for. Sombra's body began crystalizing.

"You haven't heard the last of m-" Sombra was cut off by dark crystals envoloping his mouth. Within a few more seconds, he stopped struggling, fully encased. Strife and Crystal looked at Twilight's limp body nervously.

"I don't think we could stop a Princess on our own. If we trap Twilight, Luna and Cadence will come after us. Sombra was our only hope. Maybe... we should try to convert Equestria to a democracy peacefully?" Strife asked.
"It's all we can do. If Twilight really stopped a Sombra at full strength, not merely a shadow of him, maybe having them as protectors isn't such a bad idea." replied Crystal.
"Now, let's find a way to get Twilight and Sombra back to canterlot without getting caught..." Strife gulped. Suddenly, Twilight's armor beeped.
"That's probably a locator backup system." Crystal said happily. "She'll be fine. Let's get going, before reinforcements come!"


Shining armor was worried when the backup locator system went on. This meant that Twilight hadn't moved at all for about 20 seconds, meaning she had probably just been knocked out. His chariot was pulled by the Wonderbolts themselves, and made it to the beacon in 12.5 seconds. When he got there, he found Twilight out cold and Sombra crystalized. He didn't really understand what had happened, so he put both of them on the chariot and took them back. When Twilight woke up, she explained what she knew. When she saw the crystalized Sombra, she just smiled.

"We did need a replacement statue for Discord." she said. "And don't try to find his partners. I don't think they'll try to strike again. They didn't know it, but when they touched my armor it released tiny tracking devices."

a few months later----------a few months later----------a few months later----------

Strife gazed nervously at Twilight. They were in the throne room, and he had asked for an audience. He was disguised, so she couldn't possibly know-

"Hello, Strife." Twilight greeted warmly. "I am listening to your petition, not capturing you right now. I always knew where you were."
"I...I wanted to ask about having a democracy." Strife said. "How could I make it happen?"
Twilight smiled. "If you poll Equestria, and more than half wish for a democracy, I will step down. If the majority of the ponies I rule don't want me to rule, what is the point? By the way, you might find it hard to petition while some still believe you to be evil. I grant you and Crystal a Royal Pardon."

Strife gaped in astonishment. Not only had he learned that it was possible to change Equestria to a democracy, but he received a Royal Pardon? He left and said his thank-yous, before discarding his cloak. He smiled triumphantly as he walked down the halls. The guards who saw him quickly stopped when they saw the Royal Pardon he held. The next morning, Twilight announced the Royal Pardon to everypony. Twilight smiled, because the dark was over. She could rule Equestria with ease now.

Author's Note:

End Of Arc 1!

If any of you have a good picture of Alicorn Twilight in armor, I'd like to see it. I couldn't find one to link here, and if I find one I like I'll add a link in the chapter somewhere. What do you think about indenting on the dialogue paragraphs? If you like it, I'll change the whole story, if you don't, I'll change this chapter back. No comment, and I'll assume that you like it better the way it was, but please give your opinion regardless, otherwise if one voice calls out one way I'll follow that voice. By the way, even I had no idea that the Shadow would be Sombra until now. That's why I'm only just adding that tag... Also it tries to autocorrect King Sombra to King Sombrero, and I almost spelled beacon bacon.

For all you math geniuses, if Rainbow could arrive 20% sooner than the Wonderbolts, how many seconds would it take her to reach the beacon? (It took the Wonderbolts 12.5 seconds)

One last thing: I won't be able to update for a little over a week because of Boyscout camp.