• Published 19th Sep 2015
  • 2,380 Views, 12 Comments

Demon of the Everfree - Shatter Steel

What happens when a young male human finds himself in a world of talking ponies and many other strange things? This is my first fanfiction I've ever written and been along while since I've written any stories. I hope you enjoy.

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Strange Introductions

Looking around the room I saw my backpack laying by a small dresser. Grabbing my bag I pulled out my spare clothes and dressed myself into proper clothes. Realizing I was really hungry, I reached into my bag only to feel something metal. Then it dawned on me, I had my pistol in my bag the whole time yet I fought with a knife and a hatchet. I really hated my life right now. Now I was to depressed to even eat despite my hunger.

Five minutes later Dr. Flatline came back in with a smile on his face. "Ah I see your able to dress yourself so that's good. Your guests our outside the door so if you are ready I'll send them in." I nodded to him. "Excellent, I'll send them in then." With that he walked out of the room and three mare's and a familiar yellow filly. As soon as the filly saw me, she darted right towards me. I flinched as she tackled into me. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou...." she kept saying over and over as she hugged my chest.

"Applebloom!!" One of the mares, an orange mare with blond mane wearing a stetson, rushed over and grabbed the filly by the tail and yanked her off of me and pulled her away a safe distance. I could tell she didn't trust me as much as the filly by the way she looked at me. "Don't be gettin to close to that thing."

The filly, Applebloom, struggled in the orange mares grip. "But sis he saved from the manticore, he can't be bad if he saved me right?"

The older pony didn't look like she would have any of it. "We can't be sure of that just yet, sugarcube. Twilight, Fluttershy ya'll mind stop starin and help me out here?" The two other mares were staring at me the whole time and finally snapped out of it.

"Uh...yes..ahem. Allow me to introduce ourselves." This one was a purple mare with matching mane with a pink and purple highlights, with also wings and a horn. She gestured her hoof to herself. "My name is Twilight Sparkle," She then gestured a hoof to the orange mare, "This is Applejack," then to the filly, "And you've met Applebloom," then finally to the last mare a yellow mare with a pink mane and wings. "And last but not least Fluttershy." They all said their hellos, well two of them, all I got from Applejack was a grunt and I barely heard anything from Fluttershy. I'm gonna take a swing in the dark and guess she's shy.

I waved at them. "My names Luceo."

Twilight smiled at that. "Nice to meet you Luceo. We all want to thank you for saving Applebloom from that manticore... and apologize for your arm." The mares ears drooped a bit at the last point, personally I don't blame her.

Applebloom jumped up with childish energy. "You where so cool fighting off that manticore all by yourself!" She kept on talking until her sister finally put a hoof on her to calm her down.

Applejack cleared her throat and looked at me. "I do have to thank you for savin my lil sister from that monster, and sorry for my behavior earlier I'm just ta bit protective of her is all." I understood and nodded to her and she seemed to smile a bit.

Twilight clapped her front hooves together and smiled. "Great, now that we all get along, the doctor told me you should be in shape to leave and the princesses would like to see you as well so you and I should get going before the trains stop for the night."

That caught my attention, some princesses wanted to see me. This can either go really well or really badly, given my recent track record, I was really hoping for something good to happen soon. "Wait, back up a minute, who are these princesses? Also i just woke up do we really have to go now?"

Twilight looked at me with a sad smile. " Sorry Luceo, but the princesses wanted me to bring you to them as soon as you woke up. So please get ready, and as for who they are I'll explain on the way. You can go ahead and get ready I'll wait for you outside." With that she and her friends walked out leaving me in hospital room.

Thinking I got no other choice in the matter I grabbed my bag putting it on my back the best I could with my missing left arm. Thinking about it i strapped my pistol to my belt just in case. They may have saved my life but I've never been one to trust someone for just acts of kindness. I hope to God that I would not need to use this ever again, for their sake and mine.

Walking to the sink I cleaned my face up my face a bit and fixed my hair to what I thought was presentable, noting that I needed to get a haircut and a shave when I get the opportunity. Feeling I've let Twilight wait on me long enough I headed out the door. Twilight was waiting just outside the door by herself a book covered in a purple light floating in front of her face. She didn't seem to notice me as I walked up to her.

"Ok I've got to ask, how the hell are you doing that?" I asked.

She jumped a bit hearing my voice and gave me a look like she was studying me. "Doing what?"

"The thing with the book." I deadpanned.

"Oh, just a simple telekinesis spell. It makes it easier to read on the go than using just your hooves." She said plainly. Levitating her book into her bags she motioned for me to follow. "Come on we should hurry to catch the last train."

I quickly followed behind her trying to keep up, for a little mare she sure walks fast. "Wait a minute, by telekinesis you mean controlling physical objects with your mind, right?"

She shook her head and kept walking. "Not exactly, I'm channeling magic to through my horn to lift the book. There have been stories that have told of others who could levitate objects with just their minds, but I'm pretty sure it's just folklore."

"Wait magic is a real thing here?" Why am I feeling like a misplaced adult in a children's story.

We finally exited out of the hospital and I got a first glimpse of where I was. Everything seemed like an old time village, but instead the buildings were painted in bright colors and brightly colored ponies were everywhere. "Ok, lets say I follow, the ponies with horns can use magic, ponies with wings I'm betting can fly, but what about the ponies without either," I looked at Twilight. "and what about the ponies with both?"

She giggled, I didn't know i said a joke, and smiled at me."Yes, you are correct, they are unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies. As for the magic we all have it and use it in different ways. Unicorns manifest their magic to a sort of physical form, while pegasi use theirs to fly and control the weather, as for earth ponies their magic helps grow and farm while also give them stronger and sturdier bodies. As Ponies like me and the princesses who have all of these traits, we are a symbol of unity between all three races. Our magic is also naturally more stronger than the other ponies."

All this magic talk is hurting my head, but I was slowly getting the idea. "Wait you said you and the princesses? Does that make you a princess too?"

Twilight blushed at my question, looking away from me. "Yes, but please don't treat me differently, I'm still getting used to this whole royalty business and really don't care for the attention that comes with it." Ah, so she's at least modest about her rank, that gives me hope on the other princesses.

"So how many princesses are there exactly?" We were now walking into what looked like a farmer's market. Ponies were closing up their stalls for the night it seemed.

"There are four princesses, well technically five but you don't have to worry about her. Princess Celestia and Luna are the one's we are going to see. Princess Celestia Is the ruler of the sun, as Princess Luna is the ruler of the moon."

"Wait are you telli..." Twilight stopped in front of me before i could finish my question and I practically had to leap over her to stop from falling over her.

"Sorry Luceo, I need you to hold on a sec I need to talk to somepony real quick," I wanted to finish my question but I relented and stood my ground. Twilight smiled and walked towards another pony. The pony was a mare with a light purple coat and two toned pink mane carrying a bag of what looked like books across her back. "Excuse me Cheerilee?" The mare looked and towards Twilight giving her a smile.

"Oh, hello Twilight how are you this evening?" She started walking towards Twilight but froze in her tracks when she saw me. Oh boy.

Twilight didn't seem to catch the change in her reaction though. "I'm doing good. I was just wanting to ask if you still needed those books for tomorrow?" The other mare didn't seem to respond. "Um... Mrs. Cheerilee, are you ok?"

This seemed to snap the mare to snap the mare out of her trance but her eyes stayed glued on me, her pupils shrinking like toothpicks. I waved my hand at her trying to seem as little threatening as possible. That just seemed to jolt her fully as she screamed bloody murder. Both me and Twilight covered our ears from her scream. The mare then ran off screaming "MONSTER MONSTER!!!" before Twilight could stop her.

I walked next to Twilight as she just stared off at the screaming mare. "Well that was pleasant. This isn't gonna become a thing is it?"

Twilight frowned at the mare. "No...probably not....maybe, I can never tell with this town. Don't get me wrong I love this place but I still swear this town is crazy." She continued walking towards the direction of the train station.

I followed suit right behind her. "Shouldn't we go after her, you to prevent a misunderstanding?"I didn't exactly want a bunch of angry villager's to be chasing me around with pitch forks and such.

Twilight shook her head again. "No trust me, by tomorrow she'll forget all about it. I swear that's this whole towns special talent."

"If you say so, I don't fell like fighting an agr...." I didn't finish as something hard bashed into my back and knocking me to the ground and onto my back. On top of me was another mare this one a pegasus. Her coat was as blue as the sky with a rainbow mane. She jabbed a hoof at my face, but missed as I punched in the gut. She gasped for breath and I punched her again in the face knocking her off of me. Getting to my feet I backed away pulling out my gun and turning the safety off.

It took less than a second for the crazy mare to get back on her feet. The mare glared and me with a bloody nose. "OH, it is SO ON!!" I aimed my gun at her, not caring at the time where on her I hit. Before she could take off again she was surrounded by a familiar purple light.

"Rainbow stop!! He's a friend!" Twilight came running towards us her horn glowing as she lifted Rainbow up.

I sighed in relief putting the safety back on but not holstering my gun. No risks.

"Friend?! I thought he was supposed to be a monster?!" Rainbow kept glaring at me trying to break free from Twilights magical grip. "I saw him sneaking behind you, for bucks sake!"

"I was leading him to the train station, he was just following me." Twilight looked towards me. "Are you ok? Your not hurt are you?"

I decided it was fine to holster my gun since twilight seemed to have things under control. "Well I'm not paralyzed from the waist down so I'd say I'm alright."

Twilight nodded and turned Rainbow to face her. "Rainbow I'm fine and I can handle myself if need be. I'll explain later but I need to get Luceo to Canterlot quickly, so I'll see you tomorrow." With that she let Rainbow down. The crazy pegasis gave me one last look before pointing a hoof towards her eyes then at me, friendly lass ain't she, before flying off into the distance.

"Ok let's hurry before something else happens." Twilight turned and proceeded towards the train station at a faster pace.

"Hate to tell you I told you so." I whispered to myself as I followed once again.

Comments ( 5 )

Nice story

That's Rainbow Dash for ya! Attacking random creatures, making enemys, and screwing up lives! :moustache:

7224159 well thank you I like stabbing thing(I actually don't stab things)

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