• Published 3rd Jun 2014
  • 502 Views, 3 Comments

Stripe's Beginning - Fluttershy Phoenix

After suffering a terrible loss, a zebra warrior makes an incredible journey to find himself.

  • ...

A New Beginning

The following morning has him helping the girls load their things onto the train bound for Ponyville. “YAY!! I can show you all of the town!! You just have to come to Sugar Cube Corner!” “Right, sweets,” Stripe half mumbled. Artemisia had loved sweets but he wasn't a fan. He liked fruit pies, but that was about it. “Don't worry about Pinkie, she's always that way around new beings. Tell me, what ultimately made you decide to come to Ponyville with us?” Twilight asked. “It's not permanent. I'll just be there for a few weeks. It'll help me get used to this place and allow me to visit someone I haven't seen since I was young.”

Twilight gave him a glance as if trying to think about who it could be when her eyes seemed to light up. “Zecora! You know Zecora. Is she like.....” Twilight was about to ask when she remembered that he had said it was somepony he lost. But then she remembered that he hadn't known where she was. “She's not my wife, if that's what you're asking. She's my mother.”

The audible sound of six clangs were heard. “Wait a minute, ya mean ta tell me that she's yer mom?” “Yes Applejack. And I apparently now know what my mother's name is.” “You never knew what it was before?” Twilight asked. “No. Aside from her till she decided to explore the world, I had nobody else. A few months before she left, I had started training in the military.”

“So, you are Zecora's son?” “Yes, Rainbow. How many times do I have to repeat the same answer?” “Just.....um....” “Rainbow dear, give him some space. So, if Zecora was not your wife, then who was? I'm sure everypony here is mentally asking that same question while Rainbow is trying to say it without much success.” “After what happened, your opinion may change, Rarity. In fact, all of you may have different opinions, particularly Twilight.” “Oh, I doubt it. You helped defeat Chrysalis. You helped me and my friends and I could never think less of you.” “Twilight, Artemisia was a changeling. These pendants have changeling magic. One was a gift from her to me, and the other was hers. My kind could not understand such a thing because of the war, so she had to keep disguised all the time. But her size and a lack of re-energizing magic left her magic weak, and she was eventually found out. I tried and failed to get her to safety. The most important thing to me in Zebrafrica was the only thing I failed to keep safe. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go lie down now.”

Naturally, this had all six absolutely stunned. Neither knew how to properly respond to that and it was obvious that most did seem to be having second thoughts.

As the train began to get underway, Stripe got the distinct feeling he wasn't alone. “Look, Ah can understand why you were hesitant ta talk about somethin' like that. But haven't ya learned that honesty is the best policy?” “Not always Applejack. Even you ought to know that there are times when telling the truth is not exactly helpful to the situation. Surprise parties are a perfect example. Although, those only really work for those who like that sort of thing.” “Do you like surprise parties!?” “No, Pinkie, I don't. I don't mind parties, but I prefer the type that doesn't involve beings jumping out at me. No offense.” Pinkie nodded and then proceeded to slink away just as easily as she had appeared out of nowhere.

For most of the trip, Stripe tried to stay to himself. With most of the group, it was actually relatively easy. Pinkie made it impossible though as she was always springing up out of random places and spouting off random things. He would have never guessed how right Soarin could be about the pink pony, but he was. On the upside, most of the ponies he had met and gotten to know so far were not so stuck up that they might drown in a sudden rainstorm.

When the train finally began to pull into Ponyville Station, Stripe was mentally preparing himself for when he would meet his mother again. He didn't remember much about her aside from the fact that she rhymed all the time. He also remembered what she looked like, but not much about her personality or how she did things. He just hoped she could accept him for who he was and that he was not into the older ways and that she could hopefully give him some much needed support for getting over his biggest failure.

“All those for Ponyville, this is your stop.” Stripe wondered why the conductor even bothered. He guessed it was for those that fell asleep, though every single one of the occupants he could see was clearly awake.

Exiting the train, he watched as most of the six were greeted by friends and family. Applejack had 3 family members greeting her while Rarity was seen giving a small filly of similar color albeit with a slightly different hairstyle a hug. Looking around, he sees Rainbow heading for her home as Twilight heads off down the street.

“HEY!!!” Stripe practically fell over face first at being shocked out of his fur and armor by the pink furred menace. “Don't you have a family to go to?” “No! They're on a rock farm.” “Rock.....never mind. Where's Zecora at?” “Ooh, she's probably at her hut just inside Everfree.” “Could somepony show me the way?” “I can. My home isn't far from Everfree.” “Thank you Fluttershy.”

Keeping pace with the yellow pegasus wasn't hard. Stripe had some sense of understanding as to why she was shy and unsure of a great many things. He himself felt out of place as he could literally feel the eyes burning into him. He looked around at all the buildings he passed. They were simplistic, yet warm and inviting in appearance. They also lacked the general elegance that the buildings and homes in Canterlot had.

As they neared the edge of town, Stripe saw Fluttershy point to a path leading into the forest. “Just down that way. But be careful, there are all sorts of nasty animals and creatures in there. There's also Poison Joke.” Stripe recalled the mention of that in one of the letters he had gotten as he rubbed his chin and then thanked her again as he continued on.

The path itself really didn't seem to go anywhere as the trees seemed to get thicker and more dense. The assortment of blue flowers was not hard to spot with his keen eye, so he was easily able to bypass it without much issue.

A loud sound attracts his attention as he glances towards his left. Realizing it was nothing but a wild animal, he returns his gaze to the path and begins walking once again when he stops. He could clearly see a hut built into a tree. The look and appearance told him just all he needed to know as he picked up the pace. Reaching the door, he looked inside the window when he caught a whiff of a thick vegetable stew that he and Artemisia would frequently make back in Zebrafrica.

“Stripe, my dear one, what troubles my only son?” She had known he was there before he had even knocked. So, with the surprise of sorts gone, he entered her hut and gave her a big hug. Zecora returned the hug her son gave her and smiled. “Why the gloom? You helped prevent certain doom.” “Only here. Only here. Why can't you ever speak plainly?' “Stripe, I did not always rhyme. But you were too young at the time. I am not like I once was. But I did not leave you without just cause. I felt there was someplace I needed to be. That someplace is Everfree. You would not have been happy, so you stayed with extended family.” Stripe simply shook his head with an audible sigh. “Equestria is my home now.”

The silence that followed that statement lasted for quite awhile. “How have you been hurt that you can't return to the desert?” “It was who I decided to marry.” Zecora's eyes lit up for just a moment when she saw her son's face. “What happened to your wife? Can you tell me who took her life?” “Some responsible are dead. My wife was not a zebra. When I started dating her, I thought she was but learned she wasn't. I lead her along while still having feelings and wondered if a changeling could return those same feelings. She did. For two years it worked. Then, her magic began to fail her because of her size and of my frequent absences into the desert.” “When you were sent to scout, they found her out?” “Yes. Then another found something more. I watched them kill her in front of me. The train was right there and we couldn't make it!! I couldn't save her!!” Tears were flowing freely as Stripe was literally forced to his knees and to the ground. Zecora simply remained silent and hugged him. She may not have had much like for changelings, but she knew what her son was feeling. The love had been real, and it had been returned. There was no other way that it could hurt him this badly.

As Stripe uses his time in Ponyville to spend time with his mother and try to heal some more over Artemisia's death, he gets a rude awakening (literally) when Applejack awakens him from a midday nap by barging into Zecora's hut. “Wake up Stripe! We need yer help!” “What? How?” “No time ta explain, but meet us at the train station.” Watching her bolt out the door, he shook his head.

He'd only been here a couple of days when a new emergency made itself known. Maybe this job wouldn't be so boring after all. Giving his mother a hug and kiss goodbye, he apologizes for not being able to spend more time with her. She simply nods and wishes him luck in her own way as he darts out the door.

At the train station, he sees all six waiting. “What?” “I've got a test coming up!” Stripe looked towards Twilight and then towards the others as if asking, 'Really?' Applejack rolled her eyes. “Look, we were just gonna be there ta support her an' all bein' her friends.” “Of course. But why am I needed? I thought I had a few weeks.” “Well, part of the message mentioned a test and the other part mentioned you. Apparently, you'll have yer own test of sorts,” Applejack replied. “Yes indeed,” Rarity adds. Stripe simply rolled his eyes and wondered just how many times he would be riding in a stupid train before getting to spend an extended period of time someplace.

Once back in Canterlot, Stripe heads to the tower as Twilight goes to visit with Celestia. “Twilight has her test and I've got........something,” he muttered and found Luna at the top of the stairs in the room where he had battled Sharp Steel. “Come in, please. I wish to discuss a few things before I give you your first official assignment.” “Great,” Stripe muttered as he sat down in a nearby chair. “I must say that your time with your mother has helped you dream better. Though I must admit, a few are rather....odd. The ones of the changeling that I do not recognize are a little odd as well, but they make sense. You had loved her, she loved you and in turn, was taken from you. I am referring to some of your recent dreams about myself. I am flattered, but also.....uncertain.” “I am sorry. I had no idea you could know about dreams.” “Do not apologize. You needn't apologize as you have done nothing wrong. Your dreams are your own and I am happy that they are once again pleasant for you. I must ask why you are dreaming of me and why I am.....fat?”

A sound echoed out and Stripe hoped to avoid answering the question, but Luna's look suggested he'd better come up with an answer fast. “Well, I would have figured the second one should be obvious.” Luna seemed to take this into consideration with a look that seemed to suggest she should have caught that but didn't, leaving her with a somewhat funny expression. “The other, well....I am not sure. I see a lot of her personality in you. You're kind of out of your element because you were gone for so long and you are trying to adapt. For her, she was out of her element because of just how different changelings are from everypony else. She seemed to be an exception to their rule. And she just made me happy. Everypony here has worked damn hard to try and help me. Soarin, Shining Armor, Celestia, Sharp despite him being a changeling, Star Light, you, the girls. Even my mother has offered help. But, of course, that much was obvious. However, you, Celestia and Shining Armor did more for me than any of the zebras I served with. You know precisely what changelings are now and you don't hold it against me. As to why I lean towards you over Celestia, I don't know. As I said, you remind me a lot of Artemisia.”

Luna sat where she had for the past several moments as she contemplated this. “What is it you want?” “I want a place to call home. But more importantly, I want a family.” “You have your mother,” Luna stated even though she knew that's not what he meant. “I want a family of my own. Had I managed to get out with Artemisia and made it here with her, I might have been able to really start one. Now, I just don't see it happening outside of my dreams.” “What if I offered to help?” “I'm sorry, I'm not sure I follow.” “My sister has been nagging me to find a nice stallion to help me get out of the past. I am also struggling to get over some beings I lost. A few close friends that grew old and perished while I was trapped on the moon in my rage. Too late did I realize just how much what I did cost me. If you are willing to help me, I'll help you.” “If this is flirt, then we're both rusty even though I shouldn't be. Course, I wasn't flirting.” “No.”

Both sat for a long while when Luna glanced out the balcony before clearing her throat. “Your first assignment here. You are to protect the Elements of Harmony, specifically, Twilight Sparkle. The test she is about to be put through is very dangerous and I want you to be there to protect her.” “I understand. Is that all?” “Yes.” Stripe nodded and bowed before turning to leave. “Oh, one more question. Do you wish for me to put on any weight?” Stripe had to smile at that. “You know, Mia asked me that question once. Though she didn't quite word it that way. And as I said, if you want. But since that isn't a real answer, I'll answer honestly. Yes, I would like that. But I still want to get to know you.” “Maybe you can when you return. However, you'll need to train a replacement for the daytime duties.” “I haven't even gotten started there yet. Maybe we can work something out for evenings and mornings when we'll both be up.” With that, he left to head back towards the train station. Artemisia had barely been dead a week and it seemed somepony was interested in him. He'd be lying if he said the feeling wasn't mutual though, so he simply decided to focus on the task at hoof and then he'd work on his personal life once this was finished.

Once aboard the train, Stripe began to mentally prepare himself like he had every single time before he entered into an area that was unfriendly. Watching the door, he watches as each of the girls pile in before the train gets moving.

The trip itself is uneventful, but the arrival is anything but. A fierce blizzard is blowing strongly as the group exits the train. Stripe finds the temperature to be intolerable but deals with it as he sees Shining Armor approach. “Where are we going!?” “Follow me!!” Stripe nods and waits till all the girls have taken off after Shining before taking up the rear when he notices a thick cloud of black smoke barreling towards them. “RUN!!”

As the girls run, Stripe turns and puts his shield over his left hoof. Hobbling along, he sees Shining fire a blast of magic as he and the former captain of the guard hurry everypony along to try and reach safety. Using his shield, Stripe easily deflects a surge of power before running again as Shining steps up to make a last stand of sorts as the girls jump through what looks like a portal. “SHINING!!” Stripe is forced to put the shield up as he is literally knocked back through the shield and crashes into Twilight as she waits for her brother. Regaining himself, Stripe sees Twilight is back on her feet as he stands back up when Shining jumps through with black crystals covering his horn. After a failure at an attempt to cast a spell, the white unicorn shakes his head and sighs.

In the castle, Stripe stands off next to Twilight before she rushes over to greet Cadance. As talks begin, it is plainly obvious to all present that Cadance is wore out and needs some serious help. Stripe sees her horn is alight in blue signifying she is constantly holding up the spell and that she cannot do it forever. Shining Armor even mentions this.

Excusing himself, Stripe heads outside and looks around the city. He can see how it looks picturesque, but knows it will not last unless something is done. He turns around and sees the six mares walking and talking. As they split up to try and gather information, Stripe sticks close to Twilight to protect her as best as he can. Though, doing so from the locals isn't really needed as they all seem downcast and sunk, offering up little if any information before retreating into their homes.

Stripe eventually taps Twilight's shoulder and shakes his head, “We need a new game plan.” Heading back to the base of the castle, they meet up with the others. “Look, all the ponies seem ta have some sort of collective amnesia.” “I know Applejack,” Twilight replies. “Any ideas on how to fix the problem?” Rarity asked. “Ah don't know, but one pony did mention a library,” Applejack replied as the lights seemed to flicker in Twilight's head.

Upon arriving in the library, Stripe is amazed by the sheer size of the three floor facility that seems to stretch on forever. There is a local librarian, but just like the locals outside, she seems as listless and not present as the rest.

Sighing, the group once again splits up, though Stripe doesn't follow Twilight this time. Scouring the library for a book that could be of use, Stripe simply shakes his head as he searches. All of a sudden, he overhears Twilight shout, “EUREKA!!!”

Following Twilight back, Stripe and the others wait outside as Twilight talks with Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. Soon, she returns and they all head inside for a meeting. As the explanation about what needs to be done turns to song, Stripe offers his help as the girls start to put together the Crystal Faire.

Stripe helps Applejack put together the booths and a few rides while the others do what they can to cover the rest. Lifting some wood, Stripe watches as Applejack hammers them together and simply gives her a hoof bump when finished. He even allows Rainbow a chance to charge him in a joust which he deflects with his shield.

As Stripe does what he can to help the crystal ponies enjoy the fair once it is started, he happens to glance over and spies Rainbow hurriedly covering the hastily made crystal heart that Twilight had made earlier. Having been watching all the locals regain their colors, he was ecstatic until this.

“Hey Stripe, we got a problem.” “I gathered Applejack. Why'd Rainbow cover that?” “It ain't the real one. Somepony has got ta find it.” “Shoot. Try and keep them busy. I guess I'm Twilight's new best friend, again.”

Following the purple unicorn into the castle, Stripe glances back and really hopes the others can keep everything from going south while they try to fix the problem. “So, what's the plan?” “We find the crystal heart before Cadance fails to keep the shield up.” “Any idea on where to look?” “Yeah. It's got to be here in the castle since nopony would have been willing to step foot in here while Sombra was in charge.” Stripe nods as he, Twilight and Spike look around to try and find some sort of clue.

As the trio searches, Stripe hears Twilight talking to herself and sees her looking towards the throne. When she lets loose a blast of dark magic, he nearly falls into a newly opened hole in the floor with a stairwell leading down. “How about a little warning next time you decide to open a secret passageway that leads........that far down.” “I will, now come on, we have to hurry up and find that crystal.” “Alright, but......let me take lead. Don't know what traps are down here.”

As they descended the stairs, both look up as Spike is heard yelling. “Damn!” Hurrying faster, they reach the bottom of the stairs only to find nothing. As Stripe looks around, he looks towards Twilight. “Hey, do what you did before.” “Right.” Using the dark magic, they manage to find a door. Stripe watches her walk but she stops for some reason. “Twilight?” She then sits down and starts crying as Stripe tries unsuccessfully to get her attention. Hearing something coming down the stairs, he draws his mace till he sees Spike. “Hey buddy, how bout some help here?” The little dragon nods and runs up to Twilight.

With his help, Stripe manages to get Twilight to snap out of it as her eyes return to normal from their now green color. When Stripe returns his gaze towards the door, he feels temporarily blinded by something as he looks out across Everfree forest. The forest is burning and there seems to be nothing to put it out. “No!!” Rushing forwards, he is stopped by a wall of flame and hears Sombra laugh as his mother screams in agony. “NO!!!!”

Feeling something, he blinks and sees Twilight and Spike before him again. Looking around, he just growled as he sees another door. “While you were distracted, I managed to find the other door before helping you.” “Nice to see where I fall in line.” “Sorry.” “Don't fret it Twi, now let's go.”

As they march up the steps, Stripe looks down towards the ground as it grows ever more distant. “Why can't you guys ever build stuff that stays flat instead of going really high into the air?” “Oh come on, there is at least a view up here.” “Yeah, I got a view........of trouble.” “Uh, what do you mean.” “Exactly what I said Spike. Our friend outside is breaking through. Let's pick up the pace.” Twilight responds by casting an anti-gravity spell so they can slide down the bottom of the staircase.

As they reach the top, Stripe turns to Twilight when he hears screaming down below. “Let's hurry. Look, there it is!” Twilight, Stripe and Spike see the crystal heart as it floats above a disk. As they approach, Stripe pulls out his mace as he slides his shield onto his left forehoof. Nodding to Twilight, he turns towards where they came from as she walks over to the crystal heart.

All of a sudden, Stripe is startled by an alarm as another sound penetrates his ears. Turning, he sees nothing but black crystals when the heart is sent up and over the crystals. “Spike, grab it and let's go!” The dragon hesitates and tries to help Twilight. “Spike, she is trapped! If we don't get it and get down there, we'll be trapped too! Now let's move!!” As he grabs it, Stripe follows before scooping him up onto his back as black crystals start to pierce the floor.

Hearing more screams, Stripe continues to carry Spike when he takes a hit and topples down the stairs. Seeing Spike is okay, Stripe turns as he sees Sombra make a personal appearance. “RUN!!” Stripe turns and charges Sombra only to be blasted off the side by a powerful force of magic. As he plummets, he closes his eyes when he stops. Opening his eyes, he sees he is held aloft by Rarity as Spike tries to make it to the bottom of the steps. Tripping, he drops the crystal heart and it falls from the tower.

Stripe is unable to do much from where he stands and watches as Cadance is launched from the balcony. Spreading her wings, she uses her magic to catch both Spike and the crystal heart and lands, smashing the fake one with her hooves.

Stripe hears her tell the crystal ponies to use their hearts and their love to drive Sombra away. With the real heart put back in place, a blue light is seen and it begins to grow as it starts to overtake what Sombra had sought to brought back. The first blast radiates over all in the Crystal Kingdom and makes Cadance, Shining Armor, Spike, Twilight, her friends and Stripe all become colored like the crystal ponies as if they had some crystal within themselves.

“Well, this is different,” Stripe comments as he looks around. A second blast is sent out in a magical wave that drives Sombra off for good. Turning around, Stripe watches as the black crystals are either destroyed or sink back into the ground from whence they came.

Stripe watches as everything is sent away while the city returns to it's once beautiful nature. Everything is so shiny and amazing. It's much more bewildering than what he had seen in Canterlot. Not to mention he still hadn't quite gotten over how artistic that particular city seemed to be. Hearing a gasp from his friends, he looks up and sees an amazing sparkling sensation of glorious lights radiating in the sky. He can also see how the top of the tower shines, almost as if it is the sole reason for causing such a beautiful spectacle.

As Stripe helps Shining and Cadance escort the girls back to the station, he gets the feeling that he could have done better as a protector or a defender. In the end, it had been Cadance that helped save the crystal. He'd tried but had failed and he hadn't even been able to do anything to that nasty unicorn. “Zebra against magic....I have now lost three times. Well, maybe a few other times.” Sighing, he looked towards Rarity and nodded. He'd already thanked her several times for saving him. Too bad he hadn't really done the same for Spike or Twilight, though both were indeed safe.

As Twilight takes an extra moment to talk with her brother and Princess Cadance, Stripe boards the train after the others, feeling that such things are personal and best left as such. Sitting down at the far end, he eventually sees Twilight make her way onto the train and get seated.

Once in motion, Stripe can see that she is nervous. “Come on, don't be nervous. You did all you could. You managed to get the crystal heart out.” “But I didn't get it to Cadance.” “You're right, you didn't. Spike did. I got a question. Have you ever heard of self sacrifice?” Twilight simply looked at him with an expression that was hard to place. “Was that the test?” “I'm not sure. It wouldn't surprise me. I'm just not sure that I myself succeeded. I was instructed to keep you safe, and I failed. You were captured and I had to think in the moment to get the heart down to the bottom. Spike wasn't fast enough, so I tried to give him a little extra boost only to be knocked aside and then off the ledge.”

Twilight bites her tongue and realizes that Stripe was trying to cheer her up because she had tried her best, just like he had tried his best. “Look, you did the best that you could. I'm still here. Celestia still has her most faithful student.” “Any closer, and she wouldn't have her student.” “Any closer and none of us would be returning,” Twilight responded.

As the train finally begins to slow after several long hours, Stripe casts a glance outside and spots Canterlot. Of course, the massive artistic looking city that he had quoted as being a museum was quite hard to miss. Taking a deep breath, he leads Twilight off the train and towards Canterlot castle. He knew her friends were following, but that only she and he would enter the castle.

With the castle gates soon looming overhead, Stripe takes a deep breath and continues inside. He can hear Twilight's nervousness and hoped she realized he was in the same boat as she was. A test could be retaken, Failing to protect somepony was much more serious than simply failing or passing some test. Of course, try telling that to an especially studious pony like Twilight.

Celestia was there to greet them while Luna was, unsurprisingly, absent. “Welcome back to Canterlot my most faithful student. Twilight, I am so glad to see you. It appears you did your first assignment quite well Stripe. I thank you and welcome you back. You have proven in your short time here just how strong and diligent you can be. You're never one to back down and you'll do anything to try and help save others, even at the cost of your own life.”

Stripe was flabbergasted. How could she have possibly known that? Seeing the look on his face, she smiled. “Cadance sent me a letter explaining what happened. You made a decision to sacrifice one as opposed to the many. It could not have been an easy decision, especially since your main assignment was to protect Twilight specifically. You were able to buy Spike enough time to get the heart to Cadance. Granted, I would have preferred that it had been under different circumstances, but we cannot always choose those.” Returning her gaze to Twilight, she smiled and confirmed what Stripe had mentioned on the train. “You needn't worry about your test. You have passed it with flying colors. You were not alone in saving the city, that much is certain. Nopony can ever really accomplish such a task by themselves. However, you were willing to sacrifice your own life to save the city. I would rather have a student that understands the meaning of self sacrifice as opposed to self interest.” Twilight nodded as Celestia smiled, “I am very proud of you both. Stripe, I am making you the head of the guard. You are to take over the duties Shining Armor once had. Hopefully, you can one day add some magic to your repertoire of skills.” The last comment was stated as she pointed towards the two pendants he still wore.

Outside, Twilight greets her friends and announces her success as Stripe watches the doors close. “Stripe, there are a few other things I need to discuss with you before I send you to Luna.” “We haven't really started anything yet.” “No, but you could both use some personal time together.” Stripe simply sighed in response. “Before you start your duties, I want you to escort Twilight and her friends home. I want you to make sure they are safe and I want you to meet their families. Spend a day with each for 2 weeks to learn the principles of friendship yourself. The seventh day will be reserved for time with your mother.” Stripe nodded and simply stood silent, since he knew she wasn't finished. “When you return, I'd like you to bring your mother with you so that we may meet her.” “Mom isn't really a fan of big cities. The fact that she lives in a forest at the edge of a small country town should be evidence of that.” “I do not wish her to stay here if she doesn't want to. But I'd like to meet her and for her to see just what her son will be doing. Maybe even learn that he may be getting over his grief and moving on, something that would no doubt benefit you.”

Both Celestia and Stripe turn their heads when a sound is heard outside, but Celestia waves her hoof as it turns out to just be Pinkie. “I still don't understand her.” “Understanding her isn't difficult. Understanding how she does the things she does......well, that's another story.” Stripe simply nodded as that much was true, though he himself still couldn't understand the pink menace. Though perhaps one had to live around her and spend time with her to even begin to remotely understand her reasoning. “Look, you do not have to start your assignment of learning about friendship today. You've have a tough and trying couple of days helping Twilight save the crystal ponies. Like Twilight and Spike, you had your place right there beside them. You never faltered or wavered in your duty. That is why I want you in charge of my guards. The reason I want you to learn about friendship is so that you can better understand the Elements of Harmony and how they work. Plus, I think you could use some friends yourself. Not that you haven't made any, but this would give you more reasons to visit Ponyville other than just visiting your mother. But of course, family is also important. And on that note, I believe Luna has something to say to you.”

Stripe looked around when Celestia indicated the tower. Nodding, Stripe exited the throne room to go and find Luna. He couldn't even imagine doing what she did. Raising the moon, helping with dreams and staying up all night. Maybe one day he would also stay up all night. For now, he didn't have enough reason to. He did have some interest in Luna but knew not if it would go anywhere because it was too early to tell. With his musings keeping his mind otherwise occupied, he failed to notice he had walked across the courtyard and the city and was now walking up the steps of the tower. He had always found it fascinating to see everything from up there. With keen eyes, everything could see unbelievably close while being hundreds of yards away or more.

“Please, do hurry. I do not wish to be awake for much longer.” He could hear her voice up in that same room. She seemed impatient, and for obvious reasons. But what seemed odd was a hint in her tone. As if she were trying to tease him. Artemisia had rarely teased him as he was not a fan of such things. She had said she didn't mind if he teased her playfully. He had done some, but not as frequently as she would have liked. Still, she had understood that that wasn't his type of thing and simply let him be who he was.

Once at the top, he looked around and saw that there was now a rather comfortable looking bed. But, it was alone in that there was nothing else here. “You moving back into Canterlot?” “No, not for awhile. I just didn't feel like moving all the way back since I knew you were expecting to speak with me. I am very tired, so I opted to sleep here today.” Stripe nodded as he glanced over to where she was. He'd seen her several times before. Her radiant dark blue fur coat, that wispy flowing dark blue mane that seemed to shimmer with the stars, and of course that dark blue patch over her flanks with the crescent moon. Like her sister, Luna was slim and trim and very able bodied. Well, she used to be.

As Luna remained silent, Stripe stepped closer to take a better look. Something was certainly different. Luna was a little heavier. Not by much though, but enough. She was nowhere near Artemisia's size, but she was of course a good deal heavier than she had been. Her stomach was much more rounded and probably bounced and jiggled when she walked. Of course, he couldn't see this when she was standing still and he probably wouldn't see it for awhile due to his other duties, so all he had was theory and assumption. He saw that her flanks were a little bigger with her cutie marks stretched out (he still had yet to figure out the meaning behind a cutie mark). All in all, she was maybe one hundred to a hundred and fifty pounds overweight. It looked good, at least as far as Stripe was concerned. Even her neck and muzzle were thicker with a cute double chin. “I wish I could experience this, but it is too early.” “Yes. But I must say it is not........uncomfortable. If anything, it is rather nice. Keep in mind, about half of it is magic and will be gone in a day or two. I just wanted to judge your reactions. I figured that if I gave you a little eye candy, it might help your resolve.” “That could be taken the wrong way,” Stripe indicated. “Perhaps, but I only gained a little and what I could for you. I don't know if we will actually be together at this same time in a year's time, so I would rather take it slow.”

“What was that?” “That's the train. We haven't much time, so I will say what I intended to say so that you can leave. I know you are still uncertain about starting anew with anypony. You are still troubling yourself over what you lost. I will be here for you to help whenever you need it just like my sister. Twilight and her friends can also help you when you make your soon to be required weekly visits to Ponyville to learn about friendship. And of course, we cannot forget your mother. She can offer more help than any of us ever could. But the reason why I put on a little weight, as I said, was for you and to gauge your reactions. I know you have some feelings for me that you are unsure about. You are unsure about starting a new relationship just as I am unsure about starting a relationship. I am an alicorn. And because of that, I will live far longer than you unless those pendants changes some things. So, hopefully my gaining weight for you is the first step and maybe you can take the next step. Because if we do start a relationship, both of us must be willing and we must be ready to accept a loss if it ever comes.” “I understand. Maybe you and I could go to a restaurant and see a show in two weeks?” Luna simply smiled, “We'll see. Now you best run along or you'll miss your train. Then you'll have to walk to Ponyville.”

Leaving Luna to get some rest, Stripe headed for the train station with a renewed vigor and vitality. For the first time since Artemisia's death, he actually felt good. He didn't feel depressed, he didn't feel like he wanted to end it all. Most beings could take a lifetime to get over it. He'd managed it in around a week or so. But he'd had lots of help. Almost every single pony he met had been friendly. They'd all spoken to him like and equal and some had even offered to help as they could see he was hurting. Soarin had helped him to be more open. Shining Armor had given him a place to stay and offered him a job. Celestia had insured his career and even offered to help whenever she could. She'd even insisted he wear the pendants he really didn't want to remove because of the significance they had emotionally. Luna had been there to help and was even willing to give an extra bit of comfort if he was willing. Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Each one of those six had done what they could to help him. They each offered friendship in their own unique way and had even been willing to keep that friendship very much alive after discovering just what his wife had been. And the news had been learned after the changeling attack on Canterlot. And given what happened between Twilight and Chrysalis, he had doubted that she'd be willing to keep a friendship alive. She'd not only been willing, but had understood that Artemisia had been nothing like Chrysalis. Luna and Celestia had both shared a similar sentiment in earlier conversations that took place after the failed invasion.

With the whistles blowing, the final call for passengers to board the train was issued. Picking up the pace a little bit, Stripe was thankful for having gotten saddlebags since they were much easier. That and having just returned from a trip, he hadn't needed to pack anything. With his shield and weapons in place on his back and sides, he had everything that wasn't in his saddlebags. Looking at the train, he shook his head. He'd started his journey to a new life aboard a train. Now, fully settled into his new life and looking forward with confidence, he feels good. So, with some interesting irony, his journey to his new life also ends on a train. Chuckling a bit at it, he simply let loose a sigh, “I bucking hate trains,” before boarding to join the others.

Comments ( 2 )

Looks promising!:pinkiehappy:

4756430 I understand it. Trust me, this is just my first story and is my first attempt at writing for a crowd. I normally only write for myself, so I am not my best critic.

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